So, Republicans Are Violent Huh?

I'm a Southern-born, right-wing, gun-owning, Trump-supporting Republican redneck and even I know that.

Regardless of what the Yankees did, the Democrats fired the first shot at Ft. Sumter. They were the ones who violated the US Constitution and seceded from the Union.
Nothing but facts. As a South Carolina native, I learned that in school.
By treating the first Twin Trade Towers bombing in 1993 as a police matter instead of the opening shot of a war, Clinton emboldened Al-Qaeda.

So, yes, Democrats are indeed responsible for the entire War on Terror.
I would say it is both Democrats and Establishment Republicans. President Trump has exposed them for being the same, swamp creatures.
Name me one war in US history that was caused because of something that the Republicans did. Or for that matter, world history. I'll wait.

I thought I should bring this up too: Every US presidential or congressional assassin or attempted assassin was a violent liberal, progressive, or a socialist, even the last two. The liberal media's trope about one of the Trump attempted-assassin's being a "registered Republican" is pure bullshit.

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