So sick of the double standard of the left.

What is this like the 6th thread just today whining about the internet?

Well, we know what was in the latest talking points email.
Tell us again for the millionth time how a tweet hurt you.

I am not the one making a half a dozen threads whining like 12 year old girls because the government wont come to your rescue.
Why am I not surprised that me exercising my first amendment right offends you?

Little triggered bitch
They had an absolute fit over talk radio for near two damn decades. Even though they had their own radio programs but no one wanted to hear them and they went belly up. So they DEMANDED free and equal air time on every program including TV programs.
Thing is NO ONE WAS SILENCING THEM. They had their own shows but no one tuned in and they went under. Yet the left screamed bloody murder for 2 fucking decades.

Now the internet has become the main source fought over and the conservative voice is wanted and in demand but silenced under the masquerade of "computer algorithms"

Now we see the left laughing and pretending it isn't an issue despite 20 years of endless whining about equal time for opposing opinions.

A SERIOUS lack of integrity and the very "fairness" (docterine) they demanded.

So, the left could have their own radio shows and it was all good.

But when we they tell you to get your own search engines and social media sites they are being unfair.

Fuck dude, is your picture listed under hypocrite?
The FCC did not discriminate ya moron. Can you say the same about the arbiters of an unregulated social media?

The FCC is a government agency, Google and FB are not.

Quit whining and keep your big government statist hands out of life.

I cant wait till Trump pushes single payer and all you sheep decided it is the greatest thing ever like you have now decided censorship by the government is.
I have been posting about this issue well before Trump found his current public position. It has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with the intolerant left who runs social media.

And fuck single payer the same as you.

Then start your own social media company, just like you said the left should do with the radio.

Or use one of these 14 alternatives to Google..

Say goodbye to Google: 14 alternative search engines | Search Engine Watch

Here is an alternative to FB...SocialCross - Connecting Christians across the World
What is this like the 6th thread just today whining about the internet?

Well, we know what was in the latest talking points email.
Tell us again for the millionth time how a tweet hurt you.

I am not the one making a half a dozen threads whining like 12 year old girls because the government wont come to your rescue.
Why am I not surprised that me exercising my first amendment right offends you?

Little triggered bitch

I am offend that you want the government to take away the first amendment right so your wittle feelings will not be hurt anymore.

Fucking statist.
What is this like the 6th thread just today whining about the internet?

Well, we know what was in the latest talking points email.
Tell us again for the millionth time how a tweet hurt you.

I am not the one making a half a dozen threads whining like 12 year old girls because the government wont come to your rescue.
Why am I not surprised that me exercising my first amendment right offends you?

Little triggered bitch

I am offend that you want the government to take away the first amendment right so your wittle feelings will not be hurt anymore.

Fucking statist.
I am offend that you want the government to take away the first amendment right so your wittle feelings will not be hurt anymore.

Except for when someone is fired for calling a guy in a dress a guy, you’re all for slamming speech.
They had an absolute fit over talk radio for near two damn decades. Even though they had their own radio programs but no one wanted to hear them and they went belly up. So they DEMANDED free and equal air time on every program including TV programs.
Thing is NO ONE WAS SILENCING THEM. They had their own shows but no one tuned in and they went under. Yet the left screamed bloody murder for 2 fucking decades.

Now the internet has become the main source fought over and the conservative voice is wanted and in demand but silenced under the masquerade of "computer algorithms"

Now we see the left laughing and pretending it isn't an issue despite 20 years of endless whining about equal time for opposing opinions.

A SERIOUS lack of integrity and the very "fairness" (docterine) they demanded.

So, the left could have their own radio shows and it was all good.

But when we they tell you to get your own search engines and social media sites they are being unfair.

Fuck dude, is your picture listed under hypocrite?

"Trump can't block Twitter followers, federal judge says"

Trump can't block Twitter followers, federal judge says

As usual you're clueless fucking twit.

Oh look, the whiny little statist is putting up strawman to knock down.

Where the fuck did I say anything about Trump blocking people on twitter?

Is there anything you will not lie about?
They had an absolute fit over talk radio for near two damn decades. Even though they had their own radio programs but no one wanted to hear them and they went belly up. So they DEMANDED free and equal air time on every program including TV programs.
Thing is NO ONE WAS SILENCING THEM. They had their own shows but no one tuned in and they went under. Yet the left screamed bloody murder for 2 fucking decades.

Now the internet has become the main source fought over and the conservative voice is wanted and in demand but silenced under the masquerade of "computer algorithms"

Now we see the left laughing and pretending it isn't an issue despite 20 years of endless whining about equal time for opposing opinions.

A SERIOUS lack of integrity and the very "fairness" (docterine) they demanded.

So, the left could have their own radio shows and it was all good.

But when we they tell you to get your own search engines and social media sites they are being unfair.

Fuck dude, is your picture listed under hypocrite?
The FCC did not discriminate ya moron. Can you say the same about the arbiters of an unregulated social media?

The FCC is a government agency, Google and FB are not.

Quit whining and keep your big government statist hands out of life.

I cant wait till Trump pushes single payer and all you sheep decided it is the greatest thing ever like you have now decided censorship by the government is.
I have been posting about this issue well before Trump found his current public position. It has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with the intolerant left who runs social media.

And fuck single payer the same as you.

Then start your own social media company, just like you said the left should do with the radio.

Or use one of these 14 alternatives to Google..

Say goodbye to Google: 14 alternative search engines | Search Engine Watch

Here is an alternative to FB...SocialCross - Connecting Christians across the World
You are too stupid to get it. It isn't about the alternative it is about "influencing elections"
You know the same damn thing you asshats have whined about for near 2 years.

The influence is right under your nose but you are too much of a hack to notice it or even care.

Russia isn't the problem, unrefuted liberal bullshit is.
What is this like the 6th thread just today whining about the internet?

Well, we know what was in the latest talking points email.
Tell us again for the millionth time how a tweet hurt you.

I am not the one making a half a dozen threads whining like 12 year old girls because the government wont come to your rescue.
Why am I not surprised that me exercising my first amendment right offends you?

Little triggered bitch

I am offend that you want the government to take away the first amendment right so your wittle feelings will not be hurt anymore.

Fucking statist.
I am offend that you want the government to take away the first amendment right so your wittle feelings will not be hurt anymore.

Except for when someone is fired for calling a guy in a dress a guy, you’re all for slamming speech.

What the fuck are you talking about?
So, the left could have their own radio shows and it was all good.

But when we they tell you to get your own search engines and social media sites they are being unfair.

Fuck dude, is your picture listed under hypocrite?
The FCC did not discriminate ya moron. Can you say the same about the arbiters of an unregulated social media?

The FCC is a government agency, Google and FB are not.

Quit whining and keep your big government statist hands out of life.

I cant wait till Trump pushes single payer and all you sheep decided it is the greatest thing ever like you have now decided censorship by the government is.
I have been posting about this issue well before Trump found his current public position. It has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with the intolerant left who runs social media.

And fuck single payer the same as you.

Then start your own social media company, just like you said the left should do with the radio.

Or use one of these 14 alternatives to Google..

Say goodbye to Google: 14 alternative search engines | Search Engine Watch

Here is an alternative to FB...SocialCross - Connecting Christians across the World
You are too stupid to get it. It isn't about the alternative it is about "influencing elections"
You know the same damn thing you asshats have whined about for near 2 years.

The influence is right under your nose but you are too much of a hack to notice it or even care.

Russia isn't the problem, unrefuted liberal bullshit is.

And you want big government to come in and save the day, just like you do for everything else.

Fucking statist
What is this like the 6th thread just today whining about the internet?

Well, we know what was in the latest talking points email.
Tell us again for the millionth time how a tweet hurt you.

I am not the one making a half a dozen threads whining like 12 year old girls because the government wont come to your rescue.
Why am I not surprised that me exercising my first amendment right offends you?

Little triggered bitch

I am offend that you want the government to take away the first amendment right so your wittle feelings will not be hurt anymore.

Fucking statist.
This isn't about feelings. It is about honesty and integrity. Look at the kings of social medias mission statements.

Notice the change and hypocrisy from their stated goals vs their actual actions?

You want to influence elections and politics this is how you do it.

Just like the scotus ruling that treats corporations like people is a danger to all of us.
When will we wake the fuck up and realize we are willingly allowing the big wigs to trample our voices be it through their wallets or ability to influence others via censorship?

Don't be a fool
That article is total bullshit.

I googled Trump is an American hero and got more than 155,000 hits...this article says you get none.

Damn you sheep are gullible.
Good Brown Shirter.

What a good little statist you are, attack everyone not willing to accept more government interference in our lives.
I’d like to order a salty 32 oz soda please. With a straw.

Oh wait, you freaks outlawed it.

I didnt outlaw shit you moron. I am against even seatbelt laws and smoking bans.

You statist are so predictable.
Sure you are. You just vote for freaks who outlaw the stupidest things.
Remember, he pretends to be a conservative. Don't blow his fucking cover bruh
Good Brown Shirter.

What a good little statist you are, attack everyone not willing to accept more government interference in our lives.
I’d like to order a salty 32 oz soda please. With a straw.

Oh wait, you freaks outlawed it.

I didnt outlaw shit you moron. I am against even seatbelt laws and smoking bans.

You statist are so predictable.
Sure you are. You just vote for freaks who outlaw the stupidest things.
Remember, he pretends to be a conservative. Don't blow his fucking cover bruh
If he’s a conservative I’m Han Solo.
What a good little statist you are, attack everyone not willing to accept more government interference in our lives.
I’d like to order a salty 32 oz soda please. With a straw.

Oh wait, you freaks outlawed it.

I didnt outlaw shit you moron. I am against even seatbelt laws and smoking bans.

You statist are so predictable.
Sure you are. You just vote for freaks who outlaw the stupidest things.
Remember, he pretends to be a conservative. Don't blow his fucking cover bruh
If he’s a conservative I’m Han Solo.
Good Brown Shirter.

What a good little statist you are, attack everyone not willing to accept more government interference in our lives.
I’d like to order a salty 32 oz soda please. With a straw.

Oh wait, you freaks outlawed it.

I didnt outlaw shit you moron. I am against even seatbelt laws and smoking bans.

You statist are so predictable.
Sure you are. You just vote for freaks who outlaw the stupidest things.
Remember, he pretends to be a conservative. Don't blow his fucking cover bruh

Fuck that, I am no conservative. In this country it is the conservatives fighting to have the government save them from big bad mean companies.

conservatives in this country are far too the left of me, as this thread proves
They had an absolute fit over talk radio for near two damn decades. Even though they had their own radio programs but no one wanted to hear them and they went belly up. So they DEMANDED free and equal air time on every program including TV programs.
Thing is NO ONE WAS SILENCING THEM. They had their own shows but no one tuned in and they went under. Yet the left screamed bloody murder for 2 fucking decades.

Now the internet has become the main source fought over and the conservative voice is wanted and in demand but silenced under the masquerade of "computer algorithms"

Now we see the left laughing and pretending it isn't an issue despite 20 years of endless whining about equal time for opposing opinions.

A SERIOUS lack of integrity and the very "fairness" (docterine) they demanded.

So, the left could have their own radio shows and it was all good.

But when we they tell you to get your own search engines and social media sites they are being unfair.

Fuck dude, is your picture listed under hypocrite?

"Trump can't block Twitter followers, federal judge says"

Trump can't block Twitter followers, federal judge says

As usual you're clueless fucking twit.

Oh look, the whiny little statist is putting up strawman to knock down.

Where the fuck did I say anything about Trump blocking people on twitter?

Is there anything you will not lie about?

Your opinion of yourself is wholly unwarranted. The point is that you can't see the irony of the President being blocked from blocking people while defending these platforms censorship "right" to block and censor whomever they want. You're just another punk.
They had an absolute fit over talk radio for near two damn decades. Even though they had their own radio programs but no one wanted to hear them and they went belly up. So they DEMANDED free and equal air time on every program including TV programs.
Thing is NO ONE WAS SILENCING THEM. They had their own shows but no one tuned in and they went under. Yet the left screamed bloody murder for 2 fucking decades.

Now the internet has become the main source fought over and the conservative voice is wanted and in demand but silenced under the masquerade of "computer algorithms"

Now we see the left laughing and pretending it isn't an issue despite 20 years of endless whining about equal time for opposing opinions.

A SERIOUS lack of integrity and the very "fairness" (docterine) they demanded.

So, the left could have their own radio shows and it was all good.

But when we they tell you to get your own search engines and social media sites they are being unfair.

Fuck dude, is your picture listed under hypocrite?

"Trump can't block Twitter followers, federal judge says"

Trump can't block Twitter followers, federal judge says

As usual you're clueless fucking twit.

Oh look, the whiny little statist is putting up strawman to knock down.

Where the fuck did I say anything about Trump blocking people on twitter?

Is there anything you will not lie about?

Your opinion of yourself is wholly unwarranted. The point is that you can't see the irony of the President being blocked from blocking people while defending these platforms censorship "right" to block and censor whomever they want. You're just another punk.

There is no irony. According to both the Press Secretary and the DOJ, Trump's tweets are official government statements. The government does not have the right to block people from reading its official statements.

So, yes, the government is block from certain actions while private companies are not, and to most of us that is a good thing...

To you big government statist it is a bad thing.
They had an absolute fit over talk radio for near two damn decades. Even though they had their own radio programs but no one wanted to hear them and they went belly up. So they DEMANDED free and equal air time on every program including TV programs.
Thing is NO ONE WAS SILENCING THEM. They had their own shows but no one tuned in and they went under. Yet the left screamed bloody murder for 2 fucking decades.

Now the internet has become the main source fought over and the conservative voice is wanted and in demand but silenced under the masquerade of "computer algorithms"

Now we see the left laughing and pretending it isn't an issue despite 20 years of endless whining about equal time for opposing opinions.

A SERIOUS lack of integrity and the very "fairness" (docterine) they demanded.

So, the left could have their own radio shows and it was all good.

But when we they tell you to get your own search engines and social media sites they are being unfair.

Fuck dude, is your picture listed under hypocrite?

"Trump can't block Twitter followers, federal judge says"

Trump can't block Twitter followers, federal judge says

As usual you're clueless fucking twit.

Oh look, the whiny little statist is putting up strawman to knock down.

Where the fuck did I say anything about Trump blocking people on twitter?

Is there anything you will not lie about?

Your opinion of yourself is wholly unwarranted. The point is that you can't see the irony of the President being blocked from blocking people while defending these platforms censorship "right" to block and censor whomever they want. You're just another punk.

There is no irony. According to both the Press Secretary and the DOJ, Trump's tweets are official government statements. The government does not have the right to block people from reading its official statements.

So, yes, the government is block from certain actions while private companies are not, and to most of us that is a good thing...

To you big government statist it is a bad thing.

LOL, as I said your high opinion of yourself is wholly unwarranted. You're a punk AND a hypocrite. Do you really think throwing epithets like "statist" around makes you look smart? You're just another run of the mill libertarian anarchist who pretends to be "superior" because he "hates" Gov.
If you’re a Libertarian I’m Captain Kirk.

Ok, then, other than abortion which I oppose and the border which I want troops on...tell me what positions I hold that are not libertarian
Pull your head out of Obummers ass, I can’t hear you.

oh, good come back. I will take that as your surrender as you cannot even name one.

Thanks for playing, now get back to your big government statist friends and start see what freedoms you can take from me next
Dude, I don’t spend time with pathetic liars like you. You’ve never taken anything but Leftist positions on USMB.

You’re a liar and a troll.

Name one shit head...just one. I fucking dare you.

Tsk tsk tsk son....remember the "rules"....

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