So, Tell me Libs, which Government Agency do I call to get my new Business?


VIP Member
Jul 26, 2011
Obama says people who build businesses don't do so on their own so that must mean HE is going to help us, right?

So...who do I call?

I'm thinking I want to open a McDonalds...oops, scratch that.....too many food police around....lets see, maybe a fitness gym? No....lots of lawyers waiting to sue me if someone gets hurt....

Oh but WAIT! I can open the gym....after all, when I get sued it won't be me they are will be "all of us"...after all, I didn't do it on my own!

Happy Days!

So..what business does everyone want Obama to build for them? Lets all get in line with our hands out...yeah, this is gonna work out beautifully!
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Obama says people who build businesses don't do so on their own so that must mean HE is going to help us, right?

So...who do I call?

I'm thinking I want to open a McDonalds...oops, scratch that.....too many food police around....lets see, maybe a fitness gym? No....lots of lawyers waiting to sue me if someone gets hurt....

Oh but WAIT! I can open the gym....after all, when I get sued it won't be me they are will "all of us"...after all, I didn't do it on my own!

Happy Days!

So..what business does everyone want Obama to build for them? Lets all get in line with our hands out...yeah, this is gonna work out beautifully!

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:
Obama says people who build businesses don't do so on their own so that must mean HE is going to help us, right?

So...who do I call?

I'm thinking I want to open a McDonalds...oops, scratch that.....too many food police around....lets see, maybe a fitness gym? No....lots of lawyers waiting to sue me if someone gets hurt....

Oh but WAIT! I can open the gym....after all, when I get sued it won't be me they are will be "all of us"...after all, I didn't do it on my own!

Happy Days!

So..what business does everyone want Obama to build for them? Lets all get in line with our hands out...yeah, this is gonna work out beautifully!

Great highlighted point above!:clap2:

Well, I just disagree with the whole premise here.

Now that I know how irrelevant the business owner is to the success of the business, I think I'd rather just be an employee.

Think I'll open a jewelry store. Do I call Obama for my gems? He knows I can't do it on my own. :eusa_whistle:
Obama says people who build businesses don't do so on their own so that must mean HE is going to help us, right?

So...who do I call?

I thought the Bush tax cuts were supposed to take care of that. Why don't you tell us where all the promised jobs are? :eusa_eh:
Dear Mr. President,

I heard your speech on how Small business owners don’t make their businesses a success on their own and I was so inspired! What a wonderful man you are to understand! I’ve always wanted to open a jewelry shop and think this is my chance.

I have enough money for the rental of the business location and have everything I need but the product. If you could help me out with necklaces, earing rings ( pierced and clips), watches, rings, bridal and everyday, men’s and womens, cuff links, broaches, charms, nose and toe rings… tell you what,, I'll just send you my order and if you can fill it by September, I’ll be eternally gratefull.

Remember , no business ever does it alone! I love big government!

Hope to be hearing from you soon,

Sandi Jackson
Obama says people who build businesses don't do so on their own so that must mean HE is going to help us, right?

So...who do I call?

I'm thinking I want to open a McDonalds...oops, scratch that.....too many food police around....lets see, maybe a fitness gym? No....lots of lawyers waiting to sue me if someone gets hurt....

Oh but WAIT! I can open the gym....after all, when I get sued it won't be me they are will be "all of us"...after all, I didn't do it on my own!

Happy Days!

So..what business does everyone want Obama to build for them? Lets all get in line with our hands out...yeah, this is gonna work out beautifully!

Typical business owner wants all the credit. :thup:

*pats on the head*
Do any of you rethug weirdos actually own or operate a business?

If so. How's your business do when you don't have any customers buying your goods or service?
You do all right with no customers?

Hell who needs customers right? You all are Rethgus and you can make it on your own. Buy your own product or service, just to make yourself successful. LMAO. You all are a joke.

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