So, tell us again why Trump supporters voted for Trump

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Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?

We voted for Trump because you race baiting commies on the left

are hell bent on destroying this great Nation…..

We voted for our magnificent President because he is MAGA…..

There will be more of us that vote for him in 20 since you tards have taken your mask off...:fu:
Racism is not MAGA, it's the KKK. Try again.

I agree with you 100% MAGA is not Racism…

The democrats need to rein their KKK in……
Sorry, but the KKK vote for Republicans. Just like the Aryan nation and the American Nazi party and the alt white. Over the decades many people have changed parties because the party reflects their values. The Republican Party has become a racist party and so they reflect the values of the KKK and that’s why the KKK now votes Republican.

Sorry, but you are full of Shit…..

All of the Real Meaningful Racist That Have An Impact Are On The Left….

Name a Republican President that wrote a book outlining his distain

For another Race like Obama did…..

Name me an equivalent Racist to louis Farrakhan on the Right…

Name me an equivalent Jew Hater to omar on the Right.

We both know you can’t and You will come back with some deflecting bull Shit

because you and yours are the true Racist..

We all know you leftards are all Full of Shit.
Crooked Hillary was the worst candidate imaginable. Nobody with an IQ of over 50 or not an Illegal or not on welfare would vote for her.

Hateful, dumb, corrupt, dishonest, unlikable, married to a scumbag and she supposedly had a degree in law but didn't even know that it was the Electoral College that picked the President.

Trump won because he was the better candidate. Thank god that Crooked Hillary didn't win.
When your claim is, that "Trump was the better candidate", while being a proven criminal, stealing money from taxpayers, using the office for his own personal benefit, paying off porn stars to get there, while using the help of Russians also, to say you have low expectations for a presidential candidate, is an understatement.

You are confused Moon Bat. Must be your TDS mental illness that is causing you to be so confused.

Trump hasn't been proven of anything. Only in the demented minds of you TDS afflicted sickos.

Crooked Hillary's crimes were enormous.

Crooked Hillary stole from the American people when she was selling government influence to foreign countries so she could become filthy rich. She covered up her crimes by destroying evidence. Even James Comey said she was corrupt but he let her off the hook because she was the Moon Bat Party Presidential candidate.

Trump has been a great President. The best in my lifetime and I was born when Harry Truman was President. He is even better than Reagan and that is a pretty high bar.

It is great for the country that the asshole Crooked Hillary was not elected. She would have been a continuation of that filthy ass disastrous Obama failure. This country would be in the toilet now if she had won. Only idiots voted for her. I think we would all agree on that. Idiots, welfare queens and Illegals. Which one are you?
We need documented evidence. Your opinion is worth shit. Try again. Where are the links?

Trumps crimes have already been proven. We have the checks proving campaign finance violations. Prove it wrong.
Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?

We voted for Trump because you race baiting commies on the left

are hell bent on destroying this great Nation…..

We voted for our magnificent President because he is MAGA…..

There will be more of us that vote for him in 20 since you tards have taken your mask off...:fu:
Racism is not MAGA, it's the KKK. Try again.

I agree with you 100% MAGA is not Racism…

The democrats need to rein their KKK in……
That was lame and stupid. Try again.

It's you that's lame and Stupid.....

You can't deal with the Facts...…...
Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?

We voted for Trump because you race baiting commies on the left

are hell bent on destroying this great Nation…..

We voted for our magnificent President because he is MAGA…..

There will be more of us that vote for him in 20 since you tards have taken your mask off...:fu:
Racism is not MAGA, it's the KKK. Try again.

I agree with you 100% MAGA is not Racism…

The democrats need to rein their KKK in……
That was lame and stupid. Try again.

It's you that's lame and Stupid.....

You can't deal with the Facts...…...
And you can't answer questions.
Democrats are way ahead of you bud. Their focus is on the rule of law, the Constitution, and defending the country against the traitors who are trying to bring it down by cow tailing to dictators with criminal activity through RICO.
WTF are you talking about?

Democrats just declared they are for letting illegal foreigners vote in our election, they operate Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities tbat protect illegal rapists / human traffickers / cop killers, they protected a proven felon criminal who compromised our national security and who prostituted herself out to Putin for $100+ million, left 4 Americans to needlessly die, and helped the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 Americans take over Libya...

Demo rats have actively stood with illegals to keep the borders open ... now prove they want to kill babies AFTER they are born, have illegally spied on Americans, reporters, the media, the US Senate, & USSC Justuces ... Have used the IRS to target Americans who legally opposed Obama's re-election...

And 2 years of liberal witch hunting has exposed the evidence of the criminal directors of the Obama agencies that committed treasonous seditious conspiracy to attempt a coup d'etat against the current President and US government...

The Democratic Party -- due to its continuous ASSAULT on the Constitution and our Laws, their continuous dodo g with and aiding this nation's enemies, their oppressive violations of our Constitutional Rights, their illegal activity to include attempting to alter / undo a democratic election and to stage a coup -- SHOULD BE DECLARED A THREAT TO THE UNITED STATES!
Nothing you said here is true, or can be proven. You are a liar with accusations. Prove anything you said here. You can't, therefore you are a liar. Next!
Trumps crimes have already been proven. We have the checks proving campaign finance violations. Prove it wrong.

Obama violated campaign finance laws, he was issued a fine and you people said jack shit about it so :anj_stfu:
Thats because Obama's campaign just failed to file the paperwork within the 48 hour requirement. The campaign filed the paperwork and paid the fine. It was a civil violation, Trump's was a criminal violation.
Trumps crimes have already been proven. We have the checks proving campaign finance violations. Prove it wrong.

Obama violated campaign finance laws, he was issued a fine and you people said jack shit about it so :anj_stfu:
Negative! It wasn't the same thing. Not even close. Obama didn't hide campaign finance money like Trump did. That is the difference. It also wasn't hidden through second, third, and fourth parties with reimbursement checks. Obama also reported the money on campaign finance disclosures. Trump did not. Trump committed a felony to cheat the American public out of a free and fair election. That is a fact, and has nothing to do with Obama.
What specifically is dangerous about Mueller?

Mueller personally, not much.

It's what he represents, the deep state openly saboting the agenda of an elected president because the annointed princess didn't get her rightful crown.
With 37 indictments, guilty pleas, immunity pleas, and more indictments coming, I view that as law enforcement and the Constitution working for me.

You might not have noticed it but the crimes that the heroic Mueller exposes have got nothing to do with evil Russians installing the orange Manchurian candidate which is supposed to be the excuse for the inquisition in the first place
How exactly is that not working for you?

Oh, the comedy is working great for me, I've got no complaints about that

But if you see it as 'law enforcement' working I wonder why that same law enforcement declared the psycho princess to be completely innocent with her illegal server and emails

Trumps crimes have already been proven. We have the checks proving campaign finance violations. Prove it wrong.

Obama violated campaign finance laws, he was issued a fine and you people said jack shit about it so :anj_stfu:
Thats because Obama's campaign just failed to file the paperwork within the 48 hour requirement. The campaign filed the paperwork and paid the fine. It was a civil violation, Trump's was a criminal violation.
We'll be waiting for Blue's Legends rebuttal. Lol!
What specifically is dangerous about Mueller?

Mueller personally, not much.

It's what he represents, the deep state openly saboting the agenda of an elected president because the annointed princess didn't get her rightful crown.
That is an opinion of yours that is absent of factual documentation. So you're a liar.
With 37 indictments, guilty pleas, immunity pleas, and more indictments coming, I view that as law enforcement and the Constitution working for me.

You might not have noticed it but the crimes that the heroic Mueller exposes have got nothing to do with evil Russians installing the orange Manchurian candidate which is supposed to be the excuse for the inquisition in the first place
Because of Russia, those indictments exist. Try again.
How exactly is that not working for you?

Oh, the comedy is working great for me, I've got no complaints about that

But if you see it as 'law enforcement' working I wonder why that same law enforcement declared the psycho princess to be completely innocent with her illegal server and emails

So your answer is to ask a question that is not related to law enforcement or answer my question. Got it. You are a fake and a fraud disguised as a debater. You gave no answers backed by documentation, and you answered others with questions. You are a proven fake.
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Trumps crimes have already been proven. We have the checks proving campaign finance violations. Prove it wrong.

Obama violated campaign finance laws, he was issued a fine and you people said jack shit about it so :anj_stfu:
Negative! It wasn't the same thing. Not even close. Obama didn't hide campaign finance money like Trump did. That is the difference. It also wasn't hidden through second, third, and fourth parties with reimbursement checks. Obama also reported the money on campaign finance disclosures. Trump did not. Trump committed a felony to cheat the American public out of a free and fair election. That is a fact, and has nothing to do with Obama.

Here's you :aargh::206:
If you don't mind being ripped off, and have no use for the rule of law, the Constitution, or your country by letting foreigners dictate policy, then you need not answer. That's on you, not me.

You wanted to know why you have an insane orange clown in the oval office and I gave you the answer

And you can't blame me for it, I suggest you blame the psycho princess and her corrupt DNC minions for screwing Bernie out of the nomination instead.

I've been asking for years what is the corruption, and the Right has failed miserably to prove it with Clinton. I do however find it interesting that in just a few short years, we have 37 indictments, guilty pleas, immunity pleas, and Trumps own criminal liability under scrutiny. And all these folks are connected to Trump. And also, more indictments to come. Can we say RICO now? Lol! The truth and the rule of law is a powerful anecdote to reality. Too bad you aren't on that team.
Do you fervently believe in your politics? Why do your own speak of the rich why stealing from the peons? You won't answer this I know. Why the hell do youi think we have constant minimum wage increases?
We haven't had constant minimum wage increases. And what does any of this have to do with my statements?
Trumps crimes have already been proven. We have the checks proving campaign finance violations. Prove it wrong.

Obama violated campaign finance laws, he was issued a fine and you people said jack shit about it so :anj_stfu:
Thats because Obama's campaign just failed to file the paperwork within the 48 hour requirement. The campaign filed the paperwork and paid the fine. It was a civil violation, Trump's was a criminal violation.
We'll be waiting for Blue's Legends rebuttal. Lol!

Lib please, Obama doing an end run around campaign finance laws taking donations from China and other foreign countries? There I bitch slapped you. :itsok: Its amazing how little YOU PEOPLE know about Obama's crimes.
Trumps crimes have already been proven. We have the checks proving campaign finance violations. Prove it wrong.

Obama violated campaign finance laws, he was issued a fine and you people said jack shit about it so :anj_stfu:
Negative! It wasn't the same thing. Not even close. Obama didn't hide campaign finance money like Trump did. That is the difference. It also wasn't hidden through second, third, and fourth parties with reimbursement checks. Obama also reported the money on campaign finance disclosures. Trump did not. Trump committed a felony to cheat the American public out of a free and fair election. That is a fact, and has nothing to do with Obama.

Here's you :aargh::206:
I love it when the retarded show up. They show us and tell us nothing.
Trumps crimes have already been proven. We have the checks proving campaign finance violations. Prove it wrong.

Obama violated campaign finance laws, he was issued a fine and you people said jack shit about it so :anj_stfu:
Negative! It wasn't the same thing. Not even close. Obama didn't hide campaign finance money like Trump did. That is the difference. It also wasn't hidden through second, third, and fourth parties with reimbursement checks. Obama also reported the money on campaign finance disclosures. Trump did not. Trump committed a felony to cheat the American public out of a free and fair election. That is a fact, and has nothing to do with Obama.

Here's you :aargh::206:
I love it when the retarded show up. They show us and tell us nothing.

You are a post behind imbecile. :auiqs.jpg:
Trumps crimes have already been proven. We have the checks proving campaign finance violations. Prove it wrong.

Obama violated campaign finance laws, he was issued a fine and you people said jack shit about it so :anj_stfu:
Thats because Obama's campaign just failed to file the paperwork within the 48 hour requirement. The campaign filed the paperwork and paid the fine. It was a civil violation, Trump's was a criminal violation.
We'll be waiting for Blue's Legends rebuttal. Lol!

Lib please, Obama doing an end run around campaign finance laws taking donations from China and other foreign countries? There I bitch slapped you. :itsok: Its amazing how little YOU PEOPLE know about Obama's crimes.
And you even more. If all that were true, you would have documented it with links. You didn't. You're a liar. Liars like this folks are always liars. They aren't good for anything else, because they chose the wrong side.
That is an opinion of yours that is absent of factual documentation. So you're a liar.

Not really, Trump wanted to be friends with Russia, the Mueller inquisition was set up to make sure that won't happen... all 17 intelligence agencies agree with me
So your answer is to ask a question that is not related to law enforcement or answer my question. Got it.

Obviously you don't get it if you think a SOS using a private server to hide shady deals for the Clinton Foundation isn't a law enforcement matter
You are a proven fake.

And you're a proven traumatized #resistance member who simply can't accept that the most qualified psycho princess in history sucked so much that an insane orange clown managed to defeat her

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