So, tell us again why Trump supporters voted for Trump

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So your new reason is "diversity bad"? Isn't that thoughtful.

I love diversity!

Republicans have no souls.
Naw we just like Country Music.... and Keep LibPhuckistan outta The Heartland.
Ignorant rednecks living off the budgets of blue states while paying off their farm bill socialism, pretending country music and guns are going to feed them and pay their bills. Lol! What a bunch of dumb asses.

Hey, Man. I live just outside of Chicago in a duplex.
When was white supremacy a privilege to begin with? When they knew they could take advantage of the "others", to satisfy their evil demands on the world? Short answer, "YES."

Adolph Hitler's estate should sue you for theft of intellectual property.
So your new reason is "diversity bad"? Isn't that thoughtful.

I love diversity!

Republicans have no souls.
Naw we just like Country Music.... and Keep LibPhuckistan outta The Heartland.
Ignorant rednecks living off the budgets of blue states while paying off their farm bill socialism, pretending country music and guns are going to feed them and pay their bills. Lol! What a bunch of dumb asses.

Hey, Man. I live just outside of Chicago in a duplex.
Good for you. Now you know who's paying for all that mid west farm socialism.
Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?

Great post..........and if some of Trump's "followers" have some semblance of self-worth, they should access the following articles and hold a mirror to their faces.

10 Psychological Reasons Why People Join Cults ...
If You Exhibit These 9 Personality Traits, You're More Likely To Join A Cult ...
Obviously that didn't matter, since there was a bunch of sexual assaults thanks to Trump's HS. Where are the parents?

Ah, it does matter. It's against the law to house juveniles with adult offenders. Take your propaganda and slide down the road...and take the pictures of Mexican jails with you.
Sexual assault is against the law too. Take your HS thugs and walk them through a patch of South Texas cactus.

I'm sorry, little Naziboi, but while I have a lot of sympathy for the children who have been abused, I can't stand that you want to USE them in your propaganda. You obviously don't care about them, as you didn't make a peep about it prior to 2017, so forgive me for laughing at your pathetic attempt to play on our heartstrings.
Pre-2017, didn't hear about them being permanently taken away from their parents so they could be sexually abused. Did you?

Ah, so ignorance is your excuse? Sad for you, Adolph.
A cowards way of not answering. That figures.
Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?

Great post..........and if some of Trump's "followers" have some semblance of self-worth, they should access the following articles and hold a mirror to their faces.

10 Psychological Reasons Why People Join Cults ...
If You Exhibit These 9 Personality Traits, You're More Likely To Join A Cult ...
So you did some research on as to why you can't help to be a DemNazi Libtard living in the land of Libphuckistan, and regurgitating leftist vomit, only to lap it up again in one nauseating continual cycle? Good for you little devil. Good for you.
It probably seems like a lifetime to angry low information lefties but Trump has only been in office for a little over two years. Barry Hussein couldn't make it to 3% on a yearly GDP average but Trump made 4.1% in his first year. Unemployment was high and the economy was stagnant for eight long Obama years. Today the DOW is around 25,000 and unemployment is the lowest in recent history.
So, tell us again why Trump supporters voted for Trump
I believe it had something to do with this:
It had more to do with being stupid, and voting for a three time adulterer who steals money off of you and me.
A common refrain from dipshits who cannot reconcile themselves to the widespread rejection of their Goddess Cthulhu in flyover country.
You would risk the rule of law in a fit of pique?

I think the status quo is our enemy, so I generally am favorable towards anybody that disrupts it.
That's ridiculous.

There's no justification for reckless and irresponsible governance and contempt for sound public policy as pursued by Trump.

The idea that eight years of disdain for immigration enforcement by the Obama Administration, and the promise of more from the candidate Hillary, would be considered 'sound public policy' sounds like an ideal reason to vote for President Trump.
Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?


Sheer fucking awesomeness
Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?


Sheer fucking awesomeness
RICO is awesome? Lol!
You would risk the rule of law in a fit of pique?

I think the status quo is our enemy, so I generally am favorable towards anybody that disrupts it.
That's ridiculous.

There's no justification for reckless and irresponsible governance and contempt for sound public policy as pursued by Trump.

The idea that eight years of disdain for immigration enforcement by the Obama Administration, and the promise of more from the candidate Hillary, would be considered 'sound public policy' sounds like an ideal reason to vote for President Trump.
"Disdain for immigration?" You do know that in the Obama administration there was a record drop in illegal immigration right? What the hell are you smoking?
Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?


Sheer fucking awesomeness
RICO is awesome? Lol!
you are a very good parrot. I bet you eat crackers all day long.
Trump’s key campaign issues coming back to bite
With Trump exploding the national debt, breaking promises to stop the exploding trade deficit, locking up children in cages, while some will never see their parents again, a failed border wall policy that is going nowhere, being humiliated in foreign policy by Kim Jong Un while he continues building rockets, seventeen criminal investigations into Trump, some of them being proven for legal scrutiny, why in the world would you vote for a self serving clown like this, who could give two shits about you? It makes no sense. And that doesn't include his racism and misogyny. This guy is an evil, horrible, human being. Why?
View attachment 249152
False dichotomy.

Actually, we would have been better off with any of the other Republican candidates. All of them would have nominated pro-life justices, and Kasich knows how to balance a budget.
Because he had a message about border security better trade deals jobs and higher wages where as Hillary’s message was vote for me because I’m a woman it’s my turn and Trumps a jerk. Trumps Presidency has not been perfect nor has it been the disaster many predicted and I feel better today than I would if Obama’s third term AKA Hillary had been elected. Let me add another reason for the Trump vote that empty Supreme Court seat in one term Trump has nominated and had confirmed two judges to the Supreme Court that will impact the nation well after he leaves office.
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Because he had a message about border security better trade deals jobs and higher wages where as Hillary’s message was vote for me because I’m a woman it’s my turn and Trumps a jerk. Trumps Presidency has not been perfect nor has it been the disaster many predicted and I feel better today than I would if Obama’s third term AKA Hillary had been elected.
See post 77.
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