So the CPI report came out today 14-Mar-2023

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Mainstream reports that oh good, everything is great, the ''core'' inflation rate ain't so bad, it's only up 6%, precisely as we predicted, they say. Looks like interest rates won't have to go up any more. Yay for us! The stock market is skyrocketing!

Heh heh. Core rate....

Of course food is up around 50%. Then you have the rising cost of energy.

But wouldn't you know it? Snaps...they removed food and energy costs from their core rate calculation.

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They should do a report on only the things they excluded and see how the data actually pans out in a meaningful way instead of manipulating data the way they do.

But I doubt that'll be happening. They've been manipulating the CPI data for some time. Today's report, like so many others historically, measures CP in a way which purposefuly understates inflation's effect on the standard of living

For example...

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Mainstream reports that oh good, everything is great, the core inflation ain't so bad, it's around 6%, ( core rate'')precisely as we predicted, they say. Looks like interest rates won't have to go up any more. Yay for us! The stock market is skyrocketing!

Heh heh. Core rate....

Of course food is up around 50%. Then you have the rising cost of energy.

But wouldn't you know it? Snaps...they removed food and energy costs from their core rate calculation.

Of course food is up around 50%.

It is?

But wouldn't you know it? Snaps...they removed food and energy costs from their core rate calculation.

What's inflation with food and energy included?
Of course food is up around 50%.

It is?

In many instances, yes. 35-50 percent range, depending on what it is. Don't act dumb, Toddster.

What's inflation with food and energy included?

A lot more than 6%, gare awn teed.

Why do you think they removed food and energy from their calculation, Toddster?

What is to be had by doing that?

Who benefits from that strategic omission?
In many instances, yes. 35-50 percent range, depending on what it is. Don't act dumb, Toddster.

A lot more than 6%, gare awn teed.

Why do you think they removed food and energy from their calculation, Toddster?

What is to be had by doing that?

Who benefits from that strategic omission?

In many instances, yes. 35-50 percent range,

Which ones?

A lot more than 6%, gare awn teed.

So post it.

Why do you think they removed food and energy from their calculation, Toddster?

From one. Because they're volatile.

Who benefits from that strategic omission?

You think they're hiding the number with food and fuel in it?
In many instances, yes. 35-50 percent range,

Which ones?

A lot more than 6%, gare awn teed.

So post it.

Why do you think they removed food and energy from their calculation, Toddster?

From one. Because they're volatile.

Who benefits from that strategic omission?

You think they're hiding the number with food and fuel in it?

I'm not your bitch, Toddster, look up your own data.

The fact of the matter is that they're purposefully misrepresenting the CPI, as they historically do.
I'm sorry that the truth makes you cry.

Oh, please.

You so-called ''industry professionals'' can't keep fooling the people doing the shopping and paying the energy bills with purposefully malfeasant data, Toddster.

They know the truth. They live in the real world.

Get real.
Oh, please.

You so-called ''industry professionals'' can't keep fooling the people doing the shopping and paying their energy bills with purposefully malfeasant data, Toddster.

They know the truth. They live in the real world.

Get real.


All items? Wait, how is that possible?
View attachment 765863

All items? Wait, how is that possible?

They didn't calculate them into their so-called 6% core increase, Toddster.

The 6% increase in inflation they're bragging about is clearly illustrated by the ''All items less food and energy'' bar.

So while they have the data, as your bar graph clearly illustrates, they chose to omit that data from their core calculation. Which your bar graph also clearly illustrates.

All you've accomplished is to prove my point.

Thanks, Toddster. You're swell!

The only reason to do that is to purposefully misrepresent the scope of the reality of the effect of inflation on the standard of living. What's to be had by doing that, Toddster?

You're not slick, Toddster. That crap won't work on me. You may get other folks to fall for that weasel type trickery but not me. I dunno why you always try. You never win. Like...ever.

And you never did tell us who benefits from that strategic misrepresentation, predictably.

Of course, we all know who benefits from the malfeasant misrepresentation of the data.

So-called industry professionals like yourself jump on that malfeasant reporting and manipulate and misrepresent reality by saying, sas I said i nthe OP, see, the inflation rate ain't so bad, it's only up 6%, precisely as we predicted. Looks like interest rates won't have to go up any more. Yay for us! The stock market is skyrocketing!

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They didn't calculate them into their so-called 6% core increase, Toddster.

The 6% increase in inflation they're bragging about is clearly illustrated by the ''All items less food and energy.

So while they have the data, they chose to omit it from their core calculation. The only reason to do that is to purposefully misrepresent the reality of the effect of onflation on the standard of living.

And you never did tell us who benefits from that misrepresentation, predictably.

Of course, we all know who benefits fro mthe malfeasant misrepresentation of the data.

So-called industry professionals like yourself jump on that malfeasant reporting and manipulate and misrepresent reality by saying, see, As I said in the OP, the ''core'' inflation rate ain't so bad, it's only up 6%, precisely as we predicted. Looks like interest rates won't have to go up any more. Yay for us! The stock market is skyrocketing!

You're not slick, Toddster. That crap won't work on me. I dunno why you always try. You never win. Like...ever.

They didn't calculate them into their so-called 6% core increase, Toddster.

But they did calculate them into the all items increase.

So while they have the data, they chose to omit it from their core calculation. The only reason to do that is to purposefully misrepresent the reality of the effect of onflation on the standard of living.

Did you even read the press release in your OP?


The Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U) rose 0.4 percent in February on a seasonally adjusted basis, after increasing 0.5 percent in January, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 6.0 percent before seasonal adjustment.

The index for shelter was the largest contributor to the monthly all items increase, accounting for over 70 percent of the increase, with the indexes for food, recreation, and household furnishings and
operations also contributing. The food index increased 0.4 percent over the month with the food at home
index rising 0.3 percent. The energy index decreased 0.6 percent over the month as the natural gas and fuel oil indexes both declined.

Weird. All items mentioned in the first paragraph. Food and energy, both mentioned in the second paragraph. Were they hiding them from you?

The index for all items less food and energy rose 0.5 percent in February,

You see that in the third paragraph? When they took out food and energy, the
number was higher!!!! 0.5% instead of 0.4%.

You're not slick, Toddster. That crap won't work on me. I dunno why you always try. You never win. Like...ever.

Yeah, you sure got me this time, slick.
They should do a report on only the things they excluded and see how the data actually pans out in a meaningful way instead of manipulating data the way they do.

But I doubt that'll be happening. They've been manipulating the CPI data for some time. Today's report, like so many others historically, measures CP in a way which purposefuly understates inflation's effect on the standard of living

For example...

But they did calculate them into the all items increase.
Eh beh deh, eh beh deh, eh beh deh, eh beh deh, nothing.

They didn't calculate food or energy into the so-called core increase.


This was purposeful.

It was done solely so they could misrepresent the true effect of inflation on the standard of living in realistic scope and to claim there was only a 6% core increase and to artifically manipulate a stock market rise on the hopes of pausing interest rate increase.

Who do you think you're fooling, Toddster? Come on, man. lolol....

Again...the people doing the shopping and paying their energy bills know the truth, Toddster. You can try to run interference for the manipulators and spin reality all you want. It doesn't change reality.
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Eh beh deh, eh beh deh, eh beh deh, eh beh deh, nothing.

They didn't calculate food or energy into the so-called core increase.


This was purposeful.

It was done solely so they could misrepresent the true effect of inflation on the standard of living in realistic scope and to claim there was only a 6% core increase and to artifically manipulate a stock market rise on the hopes of pausing interest rate increase.

Who do you think you're fooling, Toddster? Come on, man. lolol....

They didn't calculate food or energy into the so-called core increase.

Because core means "without food and energy".

It was done solely so they could misrepresent the true effect of inflation on the standard of living in realistic scope and to claim there was only a 6% core increase

Can I ask again, did you even read the press release in your OP?

Over the last 12 months, the all items index increased 6.0 percent before seasonal adjustment.

^1st paragraph

The all items less food and energy index rose
5.5 percent
over the last 12 months, its smallest 12-month increase since December 2021.

^4th paragraph

They hid food and fuel so well that you didn't even notice that core was 5.5%.

Who do you think you're fooling, Toddster? Come on, man. lolol....

Come on man, learn how to read your own fucking source.
You look like a moron.

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