So the fact that conservatives are voting for Trump and the morons are voting for Billary proves....

Proves beyond the shadow of all doubt that the left are nothing but a bunch of hypocritical gasbags who stand for nothing and are all so easily manipulated by the long tired victim narrative and propaganda run by our beloved main stream media.

In other words it proves the left stand FOR NOTHING.

They are the ones that are supposedly against corrupt government officials bought by special interests. Unless (they could not possibly be this stupid could they?) they think Billary has no links to any sort of special interests and she is not a Washington establishment politician.

What am I talking about? You know they are that stupid. At least most of them are. So, it is either they are so fucking stupid that they believe EVERYTHING Billary says, or they are unreal bloviated moronic hypocrites who stand for nothing.

That is what is being revealed during these primaries. That is it in a nutshell.
The unscrupulous Clinton Foundation alone along with its clandestine deals with foreign agents is enough to dismiss this woman as poison. But her legacy and that of her inner circle goes far beyond that. Website Exposes This Gigantic List Of Clinton Scandals

Still the left and their voters will defend her.

Still they will point out what a clown or threat Trump is, yet never acknowledge the King Kong of clowns and traitors they have been fawning over the last seven years currently in the Oval office.
I'm not fawning. just saying. but trump is a conservative and so by earlier definition " and his actions " an ass hole . not much left to anyone who cares about more than himself.
No, you are implying much more than that.
You are implying that if we have any intelligence we should be voting against Trump no matter who the criminal is on the Left. You are implying that Barack Obama is far better for this nation than Trump could ever be even though that scoundrel has proven a hundred times over what a coward he is. And what a lying phony and traitor he is.
At least Trump is wise enough to surround himself with experts in their fields and will make intelligent decisions based on their recommendations. I have seen NOTHING of the sort from the criminal Barack or from Hillary. How dare she even run the colossal liar? It's all about her ego, she brings NOTHING to the table.
perhaps if you dig deep you can get past the baser part of your intilect and actually discus the issues without the insu
Proves beyond the shadow of all doubt that the left are nothing but a bunch of hypocritical gasbags who stand for nothing and are all so easily manipulated by the long tired victim narrative and propaganda run by our beloved main stream media.

In other words it proves the left stand FOR NOTHING.

They are the ones that are supposedly against corrupt government officials bought by special interests. Unless (they could not possibly be this stupid could they?) they think Billary has no links to any sort of special interests and she is not a Washington establishment politician.

What am I talking about? You know they are that stupid. At least most of them are. So, it is either they are so fucking stupid that they believe EVERYTHING Billary says, or they are unreal bloviated moronic hypocrites who stand for nothing.

That is what is being revealed during these primaries. That is it in a nutshell.
The unscrupulous Clinton Foundation alone along with its clandestine deals with foreign agents is enough to dismiss this woman as poison. But her legacy and that of her inner circle goes far beyond that. Website Exposes This Gigantic List Of Clinton Scandals

Still the left and their voters will defend her.

Still they will point out what a clown or threat Trump is, yet never acknowledge the King Kong of clowns and traitors they have been fawning over the last seven years currently in the Oval office.
I'm not fawning. just saying. but trump is a conservative and so by earlier definition " and his actions " an ass hole . not much left to anyone who cares about more than himself.
No, you are implying much more than that.
You are implying that if we have any intelligence we should be voting against Trump no matter who the criminal is on the Left. You are implying that Barack Obama is far better for this nation than Trump could ever be even though that scoundrel has proven a hundred times over what a coward he is. And what a lying phony and traitor he is.
At least Trump is wise enough to surround himself with experts in their fields and will make intelligent decisions based on their recommendations. I have seen NOTHING of the sort from the criminal Barack or from Hillary. How dare she even run the colossal liar? It's all about her ego, she brings NOTHING to the table.
I think sanders would be a much better choice I would like to see bill as first lady but not enough to vote Hillary you assume too much
perhaps if you dig deep you can get past the baser part of your intilect and actually discus the issues without the insu
Proves beyond the shadow of all doubt that the left are nothing but a bunch of hypocritical gasbags who stand for nothing and are all so easily manipulated by the long tired victim narrative and propaganda run by our beloved main stream media.

In other words it proves the left stand FOR NOTHING.

They are the ones that are supposedly against corrupt government officials bought by special interests. Unless (they could not possibly be this stupid could they?) they think Billary has no links to any sort of special interests and she is not a Washington establishment politician.

What am I talking about? You know they are that stupid. At least most of them are. So, it is either they are so fucking stupid that they believe EVERYTHING Billary says, or they are unreal bloviated moronic hypocrites who stand for nothing.

That is what is being revealed during these primaries. That is it in a nutshell.
The unscrupulous Clinton Foundation alone along with its clandestine deals with foreign agents is enough to dismiss this woman as poison. But her legacy and that of her inner circle goes far beyond that. Website Exposes This Gigantic List Of Clinton Scandals

Still the left and their voters will defend her.

Still they will point out what a clown or threat Trump is, yet never acknowledge the King Kong of clowns and traitors they have been fawning over the last seven years currently in the Oval office.
I'm not fawning. just saying. but trump is a conservative and so by earlier definition " and his actions " an ass hole . not much left to anyone who cares about more than himself.
No, you are implying much more than that.
You are implying that if we have any intelligence we should be voting against Trump no matter who the criminal is on the Left. You are implying that Barack Obama is far better for this nation than Trump could ever be even though that scoundrel has proven a hundred times over what a coward he is. And what a lying phony and traitor he is.
At least Trump is wise enough to surround himself with experts in their fields and will make intelligent decisions based on their recommendations. I have seen NOTHING of the sort from the criminal Barack or from Hillary. How dare she even run the colossal liar? It's all about her ego, she brings NOTHING to the table.
I think sanders would be a much better choice I would like to see bill as first lady but not enough to vote Hillary you assume too much
I apologies for the partial statement I'm new to this
perhaps if you dig deep you can get past the baser part of your intilect and actually discus the issues without the insu
Proves beyond the shadow of all doubt that the left are nothing but a bunch of hypocritical gasbags who stand for nothing and are all so easily manipulated by the long tired victim narrative and propaganda run by our beloved main stream media.

In other words it proves the left stand FOR NOTHING.

They are the ones that are supposedly against corrupt government officials bought by special interests. Unless (they could not possibly be this stupid could they?) they think Billary has no links to any sort of special interests and she is not a Washington establishment politician.

What am I talking about? You know they are that stupid. At least most of them are. So, it is either they are so fucking stupid that they believe EVERYTHING Billary says, or they are unreal bloviated moronic hypocrites who stand for nothing.

That is what is being revealed during these primaries. That is it in a nutshell.
The unscrupulous Clinton Foundation alone along with its clandestine deals with foreign agents is enough to dismiss this woman as poison. But her legacy and that of her inner circle goes far beyond that. Website Exposes This Gigantic List Of Clinton Scandals

Still the left and their voters will defend her.

Still they will point out what a clown or threat Trump is, yet never acknowledge the King Kong of clowns and traitors they have been fawning over the last seven years currently in the Oval office.
I'm not fawning. just saying. but trump is a conservative and so by earlier definition " and his actions " an ass hole . not much left to anyone who cares about more than himself.
No, you are implying much more than that.
You are implying that if we have any intelligence we should be voting against Trump no matter who the criminal is on the Left. You are implying that Barack Obama is far better for this nation than Trump could ever be even though that scoundrel has proven a hundred times over what a coward he is. And what a lying phony and traitor he is.
At least Trump is wise enough to surround himself with experts in their fields and will make intelligent decisions based on their recommendations. I have seen NOTHING of the sort from the criminal Barack or from Hillary. How dare she even run the colossal liar? It's all about her ego, she brings NOTHING to the table.
I think sanders would be a much better choice I would like to see bill as first lady but not enough to vote Hillary you assume too much

The fact that you think Bernie is a socialist ( and not a full blown marxist) makes you more of an idiot than I was implying in the first place. The fact you even think socialism is some magical utopia makes you even dumber than that. The fact that you are an unappreciative moron who cannot see all of the GOOD THINGS the free market has given you makes you an asshole.

All of the above is true. Keep believing socialism is better than the free market. Please, keep on thinking how intelligent you are believing that.

That makes us who have an ability to think for ourselves laugh.

Stupid unappreciative hypocritical pawn.
perhaps if you dig deep you can get past the baser part of your intilect and actually discus the issues without the insu
Proves beyond the shadow of all doubt that the left are nothing but a bunch of hypocritical gasbags who stand for nothing and are all so easily manipulated by the long tired victim narrative and propaganda run by our beloved main stream media.

In other words it proves the left stand FOR NOTHING.

They are the ones that are supposedly against corrupt government officials bought by special interests. Unless (they could not possibly be this stupid could they?) they think Billary has no links to any sort of special interests and she is not a Washington establishment politician.

What am I talking about? You know they are that stupid. At least most of them are. So, it is either they are so fucking stupid that they believe EVERYTHING Billary says, or they are unreal bloviated moronic hypocrites who stand for nothing.

That is what is being revealed during these primaries. That is it in a nutshell.
The unscrupulous Clinton Foundation alone along with its clandestine deals with foreign agents is enough to dismiss this woman as poison. But her legacy and that of her inner circle goes far beyond that. Website Exposes This Gigantic List Of Clinton Scandals

Still the left and their voters will defend her.

Still they will point out what a clown or threat Trump is, yet never acknowledge the King Kong of clowns and traitors they have been fawning over the last seven years currently in the Oval office.
I'm not fawning. just saying. but trump is a conservative and so by earlier definition " and his actions " an ass hole . not much left to anyone who cares about more than himself.
No, you are implying much more than that.
You are implying that if we have any intelligence we should be voting against Trump no matter who the criminal is on the Left. You are implying that Barack Obama is far better for this nation than Trump could ever be even though that scoundrel has proven a hundred times over what a coward he is. And what a lying phony and traitor he is.
At least Trump is wise enough to surround himself with experts in their fields and will make intelligent decisions based on their recommendations. I have seen NOTHING of the sort from the criminal Barack or from Hillary. How dare she even run the colossal liar? It's all about her ego, she brings NOTHING to the table.
I think sanders would be a much better choice I would like to see bill as first lady but not enough to vote Hillary you assume too much
I am not fooled by the legacy the mainstream media loves to give us about Bill Clinton --- allegedly a great guy, a nice guy who was so good for our country. Ha! I am not not impressed that our economy ran so well while he was there. That almost always has nothing to do with the president. In fact, the first year the market lost value was Clinton's last year in office so the slide began as Bush took office. Shall we blame Bush for Clinton's final year and the economy?

Other than that Clinton was a coward who avoided conflict at all costs and he was, from many disturbing accounts, behind some very suspicious events that look like murder to me. THE CLINTON BODY-COUNT | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Bernie Sanders? Oh, because he is kinder in his delivery we should ignore all he stands for or where he has been in his past and select him over the republican candidate? His ideas strike me as insane.

I do not love Trump. But I see no alternative at this point.
Proves beyond the shadow of all doubt that the left are nothing but a bunch of hypocritical gasbags who stand for nothing and are all so easily manipulated by the long tired victim narrative and propaganda run by our beloved main stream media.

In other words it proves the left stand FOR NOTHING.

They are the ones that are supposedly against corrupt government officials bought by special interests. Unless (they could not possibly be this stupid could they?) they think Billary has no links to any sort of special interests and she is not a Washington establishment politician.

What am I talking about? You know they are that stupid. At least most of them are. So, it is either they are so fucking stupid that they believe EVERYTHING Billary says, or they are unreal bloviated moronic hypocrites who stand for nothing.

That is what is being revealed during these primaries. That is it in a nutshell.

The left is voting for Bernie.
"So the fact that conservatives are voting for Trump"

The fact is that many conservatives aren't voting for Trump, that they're trying to keep the nomination away from him, where many conservatives advocate for a third party candidate.
I did not say ALL conservatives and I think it is typical and equally pathetic that a fucking moronic pawn like you think that republicans means the same thing as conservatives.

You really are fucking stupid.

When it comes to the only way that counts, how they vote, exactly how do republicans and conservatives differ?
conservatives are just another part of the problem. the tail side of a coin youll never get to play with.
Awww, whats the matter? America mean to you? Fucking moronic pawn.
no I'm just not a tool trump can stick in his pants and I'm smart enough to see that all conservative stands for is ass whole in politer language. jerk

No, you will just satisfy being Billary's personal tampon (oh wait, she is well past menopause).

So, are you one of the morons who believe she has never told a lie and believe everything she says, or are you one of those who just want to vote for only a Washington establishment politician who is totally bought by special interests?

Cause you are one or the other. In your case, you are probably both. Either way you are typical left wing pawn of the democrat socialists. You are nothing more than a bloviated gasbag at best. A useful idiot at least.

Just an overall dipshit.
and your a dick who only cares about his own verbal masturbation
Proves beyond the shadow of all doubt that the left are nothing but a bunch of hypocritical gasbags who stand for nothing and are all so easily manipulated by the long tired victim narrative and propaganda run by our beloved main stream media.

In other words it proves the left stand FOR NOTHING.

They are the ones that are supposedly against corrupt government officials bought by special interests. Unless (they could not possibly be this stupid could they?) they think Billary has no links to any sort of special interests and she is not a Washington establishment politician.

What am I talking about? You know they are that stupid. At least most of them are. So, it is either they are so fucking stupid that they believe EVERYTHING Billary says, or they are unreal bloviated moronic hypocrites who stand for nothing.

That is what is being revealed during these primaries. That is it in a nutshell.

The left is voting for Bernie.

Which is actually dumber.
"So the fact that conservatives are voting for Trump"

The fact is that many conservatives aren't voting for Trump, that they're trying to keep the nomination away from him, where many conservatives advocate for a third party candidate.
I did not say ALL conservatives and I think it is typical and equally pathetic that a fucking moronic pawn like you think that republicans means the same thing as conservatives.

You really are fucking stupid.

When it comes to the only way that counts, how they vote, exactly how do republicans and conservatives differ?
Holy shit.
Proves beyond the shadow of all doubt that the left are nothing but a bunch of hypocritical gasbags who stand for nothing and are all so easily manipulated by the long tired victim narrative and propaganda run by our beloved main stream media.

In other words it proves the left stand FOR NOTHING.

They are the ones that are supposedly against corrupt government officials bought by special interests. Unless (they could not possibly be this stupid could they?) they think Billary has no links to any sort of special interests and she is not a Washington establishment politician.

What am I talking about? You know they are that stupid. At least most of them are. So, it is either they are so fucking stupid that they believe EVERYTHING Billary says, or they are unreal bloviated moronic hypocrites who stand for nothing.

That is what is being revealed during these primaries. That is it in a nutshell.

The left is voting for Bernie.

Many are, but in the end, they will all vote for whoever wins the nomination. I don't see any democrat going for what the right is offering.
"So the fact that conservatives are voting for Trump"

The fact is that many conservatives aren't voting for Trump, that they're trying to keep the nomination away from him, where many conservatives advocate for a third party candidate.
I did not say ALL conservatives and I think it is typical and equally pathetic that a fucking moronic pawn like you think that republicans means the same thing as conservatives.

You really are fucking stupid.

When it comes to the only way that counts, how they vote, exactly how do republicans and conservatives differ?
Holy shit.

Care to elaborate?
Proves beyond the shadow of all doubt that the left are nothing but a bunch of hypocritical gasbags who stand for nothing and are all so easily manipulated by the long tired victim narrative and propaganda run by our beloved main stream media.

In other words it proves the left stand FOR NOTHING.

They are the ones that are supposedly against corrupt government officials bought by special interests. Unless (they could not possibly be this stupid could they?) they think Billary has no links to any sort of special interests and she is not a Washington establishment politician.

What am I talking about? You know they are that stupid. At least most of them are. So, it is either they are so fucking stupid that they believe EVERYTHING Billary says, or they are unreal bloviated moronic hypocrites who stand for nothing.

That is what is being revealed during these primaries. That is it in a nutshell.
The only thing proven is the idiocy of the thread premise.

I agree! Only about half of those voting for Billary are morons.
Proves beyond the shadow of all doubt that the left are nothing but a bunch of hypocritical gasbags who stand for nothing and are all so easily manipulated by the long tired victim narrative and propaganda run by our beloved main stream media.

In other words it proves the left stand FOR NOTHING.

They are the ones that are supposedly against corrupt government officials bought by special interests. Unless (they could not possibly be this stupid could they?) they think Billary has no links to any sort of special interests and she is not a Washington establishment politician.

What am I talking about? You know they are that stupid. At least most of them are. So, it is either they are so fucking stupid that they believe EVERYTHING Billary says, or they are unreal bloviated moronic hypocrites who stand for nothing.

That is what is being revealed during these primaries. That is it in a nutshell.

The left is voting for Bernie.

Many are, but in the end, they will all vote for whoever wins the nomination. I don't see any democrat going for what the right is offering.

Only because you are blind to who is voting for Trump.
perhaps if you dig deep you can get past the baser part of your intilect and actually discus the issues without the insu
Proves beyond the shadow of all doubt that the left are nothing but a bunch of hypocritical gasbags who stand for nothing and are all so easily manipulated by the long tired victim narrative and propaganda run by our beloved main stream media.

In other words it proves the left stand FOR NOTHING.

They are the ones that are supposedly against corrupt government officials bought by special interests. Unless (they could not possibly be this stupid could they?) they think Billary has no links to any sort of special interests and she is not a Washington establishment politician.

What am I talking about? You know they are that stupid. At least most of them are. So, it is either they are so fucking stupid that they believe EVERYTHING Billary says, or they are unreal bloviated moronic hypocrites who stand for nothing.

That is what is being revealed during these primaries. That is it in a nutshell.
The unscrupulous Clinton Foundation alone along with its clandestine deals with foreign agents is enough to dismiss this woman as poison. But her legacy and that of her inner circle goes far beyond that. Website Exposes This Gigantic List Of Clinton Scandals

Still the left and their voters will defend her.

Still they will point out what a clown or threat Trump is, yet never acknowledge the King Kong of clowns and traitors they have been fawning over the last seven years currently in the Oval office.
I'm not fawning. just saying. but trump is a conservative and so by earlier definition " and his actions " an ass hole . not much left to anyone who cares about more than himself.
No, you are implying much more than that.
You are implying that if we have any intelligence we should be voting against Trump no matter who the criminal is on the Left. You are implying that Barack Obama is far better for this nation than Trump could ever be even though that scoundrel has proven a hundred times over what a coward he is. And what a lying phony and traitor he is.
At least Trump is wise enough to surround himself with experts in their fields and will make intelligent decisions based on their recommendations. I have seen NOTHING of the sort from the criminal Barack or from Hillary. How dare she even run the colossal liar? It's all about her ego, she brings NOTHING to the table.
I think sanders would be a much better choice I would like to see bill as first lady but not enough to vote Hillary you assume too much
I am not fooled by the legacy the mainstream media loves to give us about Bill Clinton --- allegedly a great guy, a nice guy who was so good for our country. Ha! I am not not impressed that our economy ran so well while he was there. That almost always has nothing to do with the president. In fact, the first year the market lost value was Clinton's last year in office so the slide began as Bush took office. Shall we blame Bush for Clinton's final year and the economy?

Other than that Clinton was a coward who avoided conflict at all costs and he was, from many disturbing accounts, behind some very suspicious events that look like murder to me. THE CLINTON BODY-COUNT | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Bernie Sanders? Oh, because he is kinder in his delivery we should ignore all he stands for or where he has been in his past and select him over the republican candidate? His ideas strike me as insane.

I do not love Trump. But I see no alternative at this point.[
perhaps if you dig deep you can get past the baser part of your intilect and actually discus the issues without the insu
Proves beyond the shadow of all doubt that the left are nothing but a bunch of hypocritical gasbags who stand for nothing and are all so easily manipulated by the long tired victim narrative and propaganda run by our beloved main stream media.

In other words it proves the left stand FOR NOTHING.

They are the ones that are supposedly against corrupt government officials bought by special interests. Unless (they could not possibly be this stupid could they?) they think Billary has no links to any sort of special interests and she is not a Washington establishment politician.

What am I talking about? You know they are that stupid. At least most of them are. So, it is either they are so fucking stupid that they believe EVERYTHING Billary says, or they are unreal bloviated moronic hypocrites who stand for nothing.

That is what is being revealed during these primaries. That is it in a nutshell.
The unscrupulous Clinton Foundation alone along with its clandestine deals with foreign agents is enough to dismiss this woman as poison. But her legacy and that of her inner circle goes far beyond that. Website Exposes This Gigantic List Of Clinton Scandals

Still the left and their voters will defend her.

Still they will point out what a clown or threat Trump is, yet never acknowledge the King Kong of clowns and traitors they have been fawning over the last seven years currently in the Oval office.
I'm not fawning. just saying. but trump is a conservative and so by earlier definition " and his actions " an ass hole . not much left to anyone who cares about more than himself.
No, you are implying much more than that.
You are implying that if we have any intelligence we should be voting against Trump no matter who the criminal is on the Left. You are implying that Barack Obama is far better for this nation than Trump could ever be even though that scoundrel has proven a hundred times over what a coward he is. And what a lying phony and traitor he is.
At least Trump is wise enough to surround himself with experts in their fields and will make intelligent decisions based on their recommendations. I have seen NOTHING of the sort from the criminal Barack or from Hillary. How dare she even run the colossal liar? It's all about her ego, she brings NOTHING to the table.
I think sanders would be a much better choice I would like to see bill as first lady but not enough to vote Hillary you assume too much
I am not fooled by the legacy the mainstream media loves to give us about Bill Clinton --- allegedly a great guy, a nice guy who was so good for our country. Ha! I am not not impressed that our economy ran so well while he was there. That almost always has nothing to do with the president. In fact, the first year the market lost value was Clinton's last year in office so the slide began as Bush took office. Shall we blame Bush for Clinton's final year and the economy?

Other than that Clinton was a coward who avoided conflict at all costs and he was, from many disturbing accounts, behind some very suspicious events that look like murder to me. THE CLINTON BODY-COUNT | WHAT REALLY HAPPENED

Bernie Sanders? Oh, because he is kinder in his delivery we should ignore all he stands for or where he has been in his past and select him over the republican candidate? His ideas strike me as insane.

I do not love Trump. But I see no alternative at this point.
Good points all but I think differ on the definition or at least function insainity
perhaps if you dig deep you can get past the baser part of your intilect and actually discus the issues without the insu
Proves beyond the shadow of all doubt that the left are nothing but a bunch of hypocritical gasbags who stand for nothing and are all so easily manipulated by the long tired victim narrative and propaganda run by our beloved main stream media.

In other words it proves the left stand FOR NOTHING.

They are the ones that are supposedly against corrupt government officials bought by special interests. Unless (they could not possibly be this stupid could they?) they think Billary has no links to any sort of special interests and she is not a Washington establishment politician.

What am I talking about? You know they are that stupid. At least most of them are. So, it is either they are so fucking stupid that they believe EVERYTHING Billary says, or they are unreal bloviated moronic hypocrites who stand for nothing.

That is what is being revealed during these primaries. That is it in a nutshell.
The unscrupulous Clinton Foundation alone along with its clandestine deals with foreign agents is enough to dismiss this woman as poison. But her legacy and that of her inner circle goes far beyond that. Website Exposes This Gigantic List Of Clinton Scandals

Still the left and their voters will defend her.

Still they will point out what a clown or threat Trump is, yet never acknowledge the King Kong of clowns and traitors they have been fawning over the last seven years currently in the Oval office.
I'm not fawning. just saying. but trump is a conservative and so by earlier definition " and his actions " an ass hole . not much left to anyone who cares about more than himself.
No, you are implying much more than that.
You are implying that if we have any intelligence we should be voting against Trump no matter who the criminal is on the Left. You are implying that Barack Obama is far better for this nation than Trump could ever be even though that scoundrel has proven a hundred times over what a coward he is. And what a lying phony and traitor he is.
At least Trump is wise enough to surround himself with experts in their fields and will make intelligent decisions based on their recommendations. I have seen NOTHING of the sort from the criminal Barack or from Hillary. How dare she even run the colossal liar? It's all about her ego, she brings NOTHING to the table.
I think sanders would be a much better choice I would like to see bill as first lady but not enough to vote Hillary you assume too much
So if Hillary gets the nominee, you won't vote for her?

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