So the left dont consider raising 5 boys a full time job?

Perhaps if Mitt would stop saying things like "My wife says", or "My wife thinks", or "My wife tells me" in response to questions about the plight of women while he is out on the stump, this wouldn't be an issue? It is obvious Mitt has a disconnect with women. He proves it every single time he uses one of these preambles. And to be 100% honest, what part of Rosen's statement, taken in the context of speaking to her every having been EMPLOYED, is false?

Got it. So now Mitt can't include his wife in his life and must get his stump speeches approved by the DNC.

You all are a bit full of yourselves.

IF she was going to be his VP choice, it would make sense in my head. Mitt's disconnect with the plight of the average American woman is only further illustrated by Ann's abilityto CHOOSE not to work. She never had to because Mitt was making enough money to cover the costs of 5 children. How many average American women can relate to THAT scenario?

Oh please, our President is as out of touch with the average American as one can get...
the point is ann romney tries relate and act like she knows about the work force and unemployment. When she has never work in work force and had a 9 to 5. They are high schools kids with more work experience.

Nothing was said about a "9 to 5 job"....he said she never worked a day in her life. Raising 5 boys is a much harder job that most of the 9 to 5 jobs out there. I think it's great if someone can stay home and raise their family....but most can't anymore.

They can't find anything else to bash her about so they go after this?

what do you think work means?

if she wanted to talk about her raising kids should would have said he was not raising her kids

tell anny romeny stop trying to relate to the work force because she has never been in the work force. High school kids have more work experience than ann romney

Work is work....even if you don't get paid for it, you're doing a "job". Her job was raising 5boys, and my comment was that raising 5 boys is a much harder job that an actual 9 to 5 office job.

So what if she's never had to go out and work for someone else....she could have done that, and people like you would be complaining that she took a job away from someone that needed it more! This is really stupid!
Got it. So now Mitt can't include his wife in his life and must get his stump speeches approved by the DNC.

You all are a bit full of yourselves.

IF she was going to be his VP choice, it would make sense in my head. Mitt's disconnect with the plight of the average American woman is only further illustrated by Ann's abilityto CHOOSE not to work. She never had to because Mitt was making enough money to cover the costs of 5 children. How many average American women can relate to THAT scenario?

Any mother ( or father) can relate to raising five children with the headaches and worry. Not one of them got into trouble. That says a lot. Each is a contributing member of society.

Please tell me you purposely missed my point?
Got it. So now Mitt can't include his wife in his life and must get his stump speeches approved by the DNC.

You all are a bit full of yourselves.

IF she was going to be his VP choice, it would make sense in my head. Mitt's disconnect with the plight of the average American woman is only further illustrated by Ann's abilityto CHOOSE not to work. She never had to because Mitt was making enough money to cover the costs of 5 children. How many average American women can relate to THAT scenario?

My ex wife stayed home to raise our girls for some time. And I'm far from rich. It is you that is disconnected from reality.

So, you had 5 girls?
Got it. So now Mitt can't include his wife in his life and must get his stump speeches approved by the DNC.

You all are a bit full of yourselves.

IF she was going to be his VP choice, it would make sense in my head. Mitt's disconnect with the plight of the average American woman is only further illustrated by Ann's abilityto CHOOSE not to work. She never had to because Mitt was making enough money to cover the costs of 5 children. How many average American women can relate to THAT scenario?

Youi don't get it... Being a stay-at-home-mom IS work... Even Rosen understood that when she apologized...

Your defense of her comment is noted, though... certainly not a surprise...
But Rosen didn't apologize, did she?
Apparently the left thinks that stay at home mothers are shut ins and incapable of communicating with other women.
What are you lying about now, and why?

I have NEVER lied on this forum, ever. I am often accused of it by lefties because its the only way they can justify their ridiculous positions.

Negs like yours let's me know I'm being effective.

You lie in your titles all the time.

It is not a position of the left that raising children is not hard work. Obviously Rosen was talking about a paying job. Frankly I don't care if she did or didn't. Anyone left or right who has raised children know how hard it is. It's a lie to say that this is a position of the left.
im still trying figure out what work force ann romney work in. she tries to compare self to average american he she never work a 9 to 5

What makes the working person such the golden egg? You do know the hardest unprepared job on earth if being a good parent.

Are you a parent? Do you have five children? How are they doing? Doing well in school and contributing members of society?
IF she was going to be his VP choice, it would make sense in my head. Mitt's disconnect with the plight of the average American woman is only further illustrated by Ann's abilityto CHOOSE not to work. She never had to because Mitt was making enough money to cover the costs of 5 children. How many average American women can relate to THAT scenario?

Youi don't get it... Being a stay-at-home-mom IS work... Even Rosen understood that when she apologized...

Your defense of her comment is noted, though... certainly not a surprise...
But Rosen didn't apologize, did she?

She did in a round about way.
What are you lying about now, and why?

I have NEVER lied on this forum, ever. I am often accused of it by lefties because its the only way they can justify their ridiculous positions.

Negs like yours let's me know I'm being effective.

You lie in your titles all the time.

It is not a position of the left that raising children is not hard work. Obviously Rosen was talking about a paying job. Frankly I don't care if she did or didn't. Anyone left or right who has raised children know how hard it is. It's a lie to say that this is a position of the left.

Oh palease.. just more in the Left's war on stay at home mothers in America...
Perhaps if Mitt would stop saying things like "My wife says", or "My wife thinks", or "My wife tells me" in response to questions about the plight of women while he is out on the stump, this wouldn't be an issue? It is obvious Mitt has a disconnect with women. He proves it every single time he uses one of these preambles. And to be 100% honest, what part of Rosen's statement, taken in the context of speaking to her every having been EMPLOYED, is false?

His wife was the first lady of Mass and a very active woman as it pertains to breast cancer and MS well as "high risk" children causes.

She sees a lot; hears alot; and listens a lot.

There is nothing wrong with referring to her observations when speaking.

Somehow, the left sees that as one of his downfalls. I see it as him showing a great deal of respect for his wife's opinion.

When I was working (retirement is great by the way), many times i referenced my wife when discussing ideas with my clients. As a buiness owner, I was at a disadvantage when it came to understanding how an employee felt about certain I would turn to my wife and ask her how SHE would feel regarding an initiative of mine if she were employed by me.

Heck...maybe if Mr. Obama was willing to look at his wife for advice, he would be doing a better job?

Or does he get her advice, but take credit as if it came from himself?

Is that the way you are suggesting Romney should present it? "I see and hear" and not give the credit to his wife?

Is that being genuine and honest?
What are you lying about now, and why?

I have NEVER lied on this forum, ever. I am often accused of it by lefties because its the only way they can justify their ridiculous positions.

Negs like yours let's me know I'm being effective.

You lie in your titles all the time.

It is not a position of the left that raising children is not hard work. Obviously Rosen was talking about a paying job. Frankly I don't care if she did or didn't. Anyone left or right who has raised children know how hard it is. It's a lie to say that this is a position of the left.

The RNC represents the democratic party with a national platform. This statement came from that platform. The title is correct and you are a douche.
So the left dont consider raising 5 boys a full time job? I beg to differ.
I am raising 11 chickens, and as a matter of fact I killed one 2 days ago because it figured a way to get out of the fence. they are all right leaning btw. one year old. you like poultry? because you remind me of it
I doubt in her case it was even close to a job.

For a short time it could be yes, but when you're rich and school starts the answer is no, most of your day is free. I'd have to have information proving SHE drove the kids to and from school. That they never had a babysitter and so on. It's sad to see so many people put so much stock in a talking point when they don't know any of the facts.

My mom had a job while my dad worked and I have 2 brothers, we are all around the same age. How was that possible!!!!?!?!?!?! Lol.
Youi don't get it... Being a stay-at-home-mom IS work... Even Rosen understood that when she apologized...

Your defense of her comment is noted, though... certainly not a surprise...
But Rosen didn't apologize, did she?

She did in a round about way.
I prefer to call it in a "wtf, do you think everyone is stupid" way.

1. She says Ronmey "never worked a day in her life".

2 She says she won't back down from that statement, either.

3. Then she says she loves stay at home mothers.

4. Then she says being a mom is the hardest job in the world.

So, which is the lie?

She's a fucking moron and a hack.
I doubt in her case it was even close to a job.

For a short time it could be yes, but when you're rich and school starts the answer is no, most of your day is free. I'd have to have information proving SHE drove the kids to and from school. That they never had a babysitter and so on. It's sad to see so many people put so much stock in a talking point when they don't know any of the facts.

My mom had a job while my dad worked and I have 2 brothers, we are all around the same age. How was that possible!!!!?!?!?!?! Lol.

Don't forget her work as first lady. Honestly I dunno why any of this matters. Romney loves and respects his wife and the left is attacking him for it. Of all the shit to latch onto and they go for this?
I have NEVER lied on this forum, ever. I am often accused of it by lefties because its the only way they can justify their ridiculous positions.

Negs like yours let's me know I'm being effective.

You lie in your titles all the time.

It is not a position of the left that raising children is not hard work. Obviously Rosen was talking about a paying job. Frankly I don't care if she did or didn't. Anyone left or right who has raised children know how hard it is. It's a lie to say that this is a position of the left.

The RNC represents the democratic party with a national platform. This statement came from that platform. The title is correct and you are a douche.

And the work she referred to, liar, was a paying job, not the various tasks involved in raising children. It is a lie to say the she was saying raising five children is not a demanding full-time task.
Oh, I started working (first pay check job) at 14... Did she start popping out kids at 14? Going an entire lifetime without a job takes talent in my opinion.

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