So the NFL players will be able to tackle each other for 3 hours in two weeks and I can't go inside

chili's and eat dinner? Does that make sense to anyone? LOL
All those players are tested frequently

How often are you tested?

How often are the people who would be working at Chilis and the other guests tested?

Indeed,this fake virus has Been planned against us for decades now,all part of the new world order plan that Clinton,Bush and Obama have all spoken of,Much more people have died from the flu virus this year and years past yet the government doesn’t shut down businesses and give out face masks for that.

If you're going to quote numbers at least look them up first.

CDC estimates that the burden of illness during the 2018–2019 season included an estimated 35.5 million people getting sick with influenza, 16.5 million people going to a health care provider for their illness, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths from influenza
Wow are you ever dense the fact you are not aware the CDC is a lying evil organization that’s everybit as much evil as the CIA,FBI and NSA. Comedy gold. They tell the truth as much as the corporate controlled media does. Lol Going to them for facts is the same as Asking bill Clinton if he ever had sex with a woman in the White House,Lol hee hee.

So you have better numbers that can be scientifically verified?

You spend too much time making tin foil hats
chili's and eat dinner? Does that make sense to anyone? LOL
All those players are tested frequently

How often are you tested?

How often are the people who would be working at Chilis and the other guests tested?

Indeed,this fake virus has Been planned against us for decades now,all part of the new world order plan that Clinton,Bush and Obama have all spoken of,Much more people have died from the flu virus this year and years past yet the government doesn’t shut down businesses and give out face masks for that.

If you're going to quote numbers at least look them up first.

CDC estimates that the burden of illness during the 2018–2019 season included an estimated 35.5 million people getting sick with influenza, 16.5 million people going to a health care provider for their illness, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths from influenza
Wow are you ever dense the fact you are not aware the CDC is a lying evil organization that’s everybit as much evil as the CIA,FBI and NSA. Comedy gold. They tell the truth as much as the corporate controlled media does. Lol Going to them for facts is the same as Asking bill Clinton if he ever had sex with a woman in the White House,Lol hee hee.

So you have better numbers that can be scientifically verified?

You spend too much time making tin foil hats
Hey Einstein,if you would stop listening to the Idiot box in the living room,the CIA controlled media and that evil institution CDC,instead reading alternative news sources you would know the real numbers,several credible doctors have come out and exposed this.matter of fact there’s a group of over a 1000 Germany doctors that are siding with the doctors in the us on this.unlike you,these doctors have done the research and know these numbers of the DNC are inflated.Lol apparently your also dense to the fact that people that have been killed by being shot in the head or killed in a car accident,these hospitals Are ruling their deaths as deaths caused by a virus so they can inflate the numbers.

you going to tell me all these doctors in their research liedto the whole world about this and went on a limb risking their careers to do so? Yeah right,I don’t think unlike you,they go by FACTS. Now what some corrupt evil institution tells
chili's and eat dinner? Does that make sense to anyone? LOL
All those players are tested frequently

How often are you tested?

How often are the people who would be working at Chilis and the other guests tested?

Indeed,this fake virus has Been planned against us for decades now,all part of the new world order plan that Clinton,Bush and Obama have all spoken of,Much more people have died from the flu virus this year and years past yet the government doesn’t shut down businesses and give out face masks for that.

If you're going to quote numbers at least look them up first.

CDC estimates that the burden of illness during the 2018–2019 season included an estimated 35.5 million people getting sick with influenza, 16.5 million people going to a health care provider for their illness, 490,600 hospitalizations, and 34,200 deaths from influenza
Wow are you ever dense the fact you are not aware the CDC is a lying evil organization that’s everybit as much evil as the CIA,FBI and NSA. Comedy gold. They tell the truth as much as the corporate controlled media does. Lol Going to them for facts is the same as Asking bill Clinton if he ever had sex with a woman in the White House,Lol hee hee.

So you have better numbers that can be scientifically verified?

You spend too much time making tin foil hats
Hey Einstein,if you would stop listening to the Idiot box in the living room,the CIA controlled media and that evil institution CDC,instead reading alternative news sources you would know the real numbers,several credible doctors have come out and exposed this.matter of fact there’s a group of over a 1000 Germany doctors that are siding with the doctors in the us on this.unlike you,these doctors have done the research and know these numbers of the DNC are inflated.Lol apparently your also dense to the fact that people that have been killed by being shot in the head or killed in a car accident,these hospitals Are ruling their deaths as deaths caused by a virus so they can inflate the numbers.

you going to tell me all these doctors in their research liedto the whole world about this and went on a limb risking their careers to do so? Yeah right,I don’t think unlike you,they go by FACTS. Now what some corrupt evil institution tells
FYI I rarely watch TV but you are certainly an avid listener of Alex Jones.

And please give me the "real" numbers and the research that backs them up. Do not give me conspiracy theories.

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