So the Oceans are rising are they?

Experts: Much bigger sea level rise likely...
Sea levels could rise by 2-3 feet more, Arctic experts say
5/3/2011 - Report on melting ice, warmer sea temps issued for U.S., other Arctic Council nations
The Arctic is melting faster than expected and could contribute 2-3 feet more in global sea levels by 2100 than earlier thought, experts state in a report being presented to international officials on Wednesday. The report shatters predictions made four years ago by the authoritative U.N. climate change panel. "The observed changes in sea ice on the Arctic Ocean, in the mass of the Greenland ice sheet and Arctic ice caps and glaciers over the past 10 years are dramatic and represent an obvious departure from the long-term patterns," the international Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program says in its report. The report compiles the latest science on how climate change has impacted the Arctic in the past six years.

Melting Arctic glaciers and ice caps are projected to help raise global sea levels by 35 to 63 inches by 2100, the program's scientists stated. While the program noted the estimate was highly uncertain, the range was a sharp jump from a 2007 projection of 7 to 23 inches by the U.N.'s scientific panel on climate change. Those numbers did not include a possible acceleration of a thaw in polar regions. A leading ice specialist, Richard Alley of Pennsylvania State University, who did not take part in the assessment, agreed that recent scientific estimates generally support its central finding. A sea level rise of more than 3 feet this century "fits well within these estimates, and a somewhat higher value cannot be excluded," Alley said.

Such a rise — above most past scientific estimates — would add to threats to coasts from Bangladesh to Florida, low-lying Pacific islands and cities from London to Shanghai. It would also, for instance, raise costs of building tsunami barriers in Japan. A summary of the key findings shows Arctic temperatures during that period were the highest since measurements began in 1880. "The past six years have been the warmest period ever recorded in the Arctic," the report stated. The program is backed by the United States and seven other nations that make up the Arctic Council.

"In the future, global sea level is projected to rise by 0.9 meters (35 inches) to 1.6 meters (63 inches) by 2100 and the loss of ice from Arctic glaciers, ice caps and the Greenland ice sheet will make a substantial contribution," it said. The rises were projected from 1990 levels. "Arctic glaciers, ice caps and the Greenland ice sheet contributed over 40 percent of the global sea level rise of around 3 mm per year observed between 2003 and 2008," it said.

More Experts: Much bigger sea level rise likely - US news - Environment - Climate Change -
Experts: Much bigger sea level rise likely...
Sea levels could rise by 2-3 feet more, Arctic experts say
5/3/2011 - Report on melting ice, warmer sea temps issued for U.S., other Arctic Council nations
The Arctic is melting faster than expected and could contribute 2-3 feet more in global sea levels by 2100 than earlier thought, experts state in a report being presented to international officials on Wednesday. The report shatters predictions made four years ago by the authoritative U.N. climate change panel. "The observed changes in sea ice on the Arctic Ocean, in the mass of the Greenland ice sheet and Arctic ice caps and glaciers over the past 10 years are dramatic and represent an obvious departure from the long-term patterns," the international Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program says in its report. The report compiles the latest science on how climate change has impacted the Arctic in the past six years.

Melting Arctic glaciers and ice caps are projected to help raise global sea levels by 35 to 63 inches by 2100, the program's scientists stated. While the program noted the estimate was highly uncertain, the range was a sharp jump from a 2007 projection of 7 to 23 inches by the U.N.'s scientific panel on climate change. Those numbers did not include a possible acceleration of a thaw in polar regions. A leading ice specialist, Richard Alley of Pennsylvania State University, who did not take part in the assessment, agreed that recent scientific estimates generally support its central finding. A sea level rise of more than 3 feet this century "fits well within these estimates, and a somewhat higher value cannot be excluded," Alley said.

Such a rise — above most past scientific estimates — would add to threats to coasts from Bangladesh to Florida, low-lying Pacific islands and cities from London to Shanghai. It would also, for instance, raise costs of building tsunami barriers in Japan. A summary of the key findings shows Arctic temperatures during that period were the highest since measurements began in 1880. "The past six years have been the warmest period ever recorded in the Arctic," the report stated. The program is backed by the United States and seven other nations that make up the Arctic Council.

"In the future, global sea level is projected to rise by 0.9 meters (35 inches) to 1.6 meters (63 inches) by 2100 and the loss of ice from Arctic glaciers, ice caps and the Greenland ice sheet will make a substantial contribution," it said. The rises were projected from 1990 levels. "Arctic glaciers, ice caps and the Greenland ice sheet contributed over 40 percent of the global sea level rise of around 3 mm per year observed between 2003 and 2008," it said.

More Experts: Much bigger sea level rise likely - US news - Environment - Climate Change -

yup.........just like the forcasts of snow disappearing and Cat 5 hurricane's coming in packs of 12................

Some folks are just naturally drawn to the hysterical. These are the same people who sit their asses in front of the TV for days when a bizzard is forecast and it ends up being about 3 inches of snow. The same suckers will be right there in front of the boob watching the 15 mintues updates on the next storm!!!:funnyface:
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Experts: Much bigger sea level rise likely...
Sea levels could rise by 2-3 feet more, Arctic experts say
5/3/2011 - Report on melting ice, warmer sea temps issued for U.S., other Arctic Council nations
The Arctic is melting faster than expected and could contribute 2-3 feet more in global sea levels by 2100 than earlier thought, experts state in a report being presented to international officials on Wednesday. The report shatters predictions made four years ago by the authoritative U.N. climate change panel. "The observed changes in sea ice on the Arctic Ocean, in the mass of the Greenland ice sheet and Arctic ice caps and glaciers over the past 10 years are dramatic and represent an obvious departure from the long-term patterns," the international Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program says in its report. The report compiles the latest science on how climate change has impacted the Arctic in the past six years.

Melting Arctic glaciers and ice caps are projected to help raise global sea levels by 35 to 63 inches by 2100, the program's scientists stated. While the program noted the estimate was highly uncertain, the range was a sharp jump from a 2007 projection of 7 to 23 inches by the U.N.'s scientific panel on climate change. Those numbers did not include a possible acceleration of a thaw in polar regions. A leading ice specialist, Richard Alley of Pennsylvania State University, who did not take part in the assessment, agreed that recent scientific estimates generally support its central finding. A sea level rise of more than 3 feet this century "fits well within these estimates, and a somewhat higher value cannot be excluded," Alley said.

Such a rise — above most past scientific estimates — would add to threats to coasts from Bangladesh to Florida, low-lying Pacific islands and cities from London to Shanghai. It would also, for instance, raise costs of building tsunami barriers in Japan. A summary of the key findings shows Arctic temperatures during that period were the highest since measurements began in 1880. "The past six years have been the warmest period ever recorded in the Arctic," the report stated. The program is backed by the United States and seven other nations that make up the Arctic Council.

"In the future, global sea level is projected to rise by 0.9 meters (35 inches) to 1.6 meters (63 inches) by 2100 and the loss of ice from Arctic glaciers, ice caps and the Greenland ice sheet will make a substantial contribution," it said. The rises were projected from 1990 levels. "Arctic glaciers, ice caps and the Greenland ice sheet contributed over 40 percent of the global sea level rise of around 3 mm per year observed between 2003 and 2008," it said.

More Experts: Much bigger sea level rise likely - US news - Environment - Climate Change -

yup.........just like the forcasts of snow disappearing and Cat 5 hurricane's coming in packs of 12................

Some folks are just naturally drawn to the hysterical. These are the same people who sit their asses in front of the TV for days when a bizzard is forecast and it ends up being about 3 inches of snow. The same suckers will be right there in front of the boob watching the 15 mintues updates on the next storm!!!
Some folks, like you and the other denier cult dingleberries, are just naturally complete morons who reject science and evidence in favor of their political ideologies.

How about F5 tornadoes in packs of a hundred? Sound familiar? As of May 3, there have been 1,197 tornadoes reported in the US in 2011.
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Where do these k00ks get it that tornoado's started touching down in the US starting in 2011?? WTF..........


What happens to people in their life that they go hysterical with every weather event that comes along? Is this the drop the baby on its head thing?? Plate in the head? we have an uptick in tornado activity this year? So the fcukk what? Fat ass chance of us doing anything about it..............assholes. :2up:Meteorologist officials have already stated that its directly associated with a fading LaNina and NOT anything to do with warming.
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28 April 2011 - 22H45

Tornadoes whipped up by wind, not climate: officials

In the aftermath of a severe tornado, owner Frank Evans stands on the rubble that was the Quik Pawn Shop in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. US meteorologists warned Thursday it would be a mistake to blame climate change for a seeming increase in tornadoes in the wake of deadly storms that have ripped through the US south. AFP - US meteorologists warned Thursday it would be a mistake to blame climate change for a seeming increase in tornadoes in the wake of deadly storms that have ripped through the US south.

"If you look at the past 60 years of data, the number of tornadoes is increasing significantly, but it's agreed upon by the tornado community that it's not a real increase," said Grady Dixon, assistant professor of meteorology and climatology at Mississippi State University.

"It's having to do with better (weather tracking) technology, more population, the fact that the population is better educated and more aware. So we're seeing them more often," Dixon said.

Tornadoes whipped up by wind, not climate: officials - FRANCE 24

+1 for the denier cult dingleberries:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
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Experts: Much bigger sea level rise likely...
Sea levels could rise by 2-3 feet more, Arctic experts say
5/3/2011 - Report on melting ice, warmer sea temps issued for U.S., other Arctic Council nations

yup.........just like the forcasts of snow disappearing and Cat 5 hurricane's coming in packs of 12................

Some folks are just naturally drawn to the hysterical. These are the same people who sit their asses in front of the TV for days when a bizzard is forecast and it ends up being about 3 inches of snow. The same suckers will be right there in front of the boob watching the 15 mintues updates on the next storm!!!
Some folks, like you and the other denier cult dingleberries, are just naturally complete morons who reject science and evidence in favor of their political ideologies.

How about F5 tornadoes in packs of a hundred? Sound familiar? As of May 3, there have been 1,197 tornadoes reported in the US in 2011.

And how many of those were F5's? Oh, none of them. That's what I thought. Given to yet another flight of hyperbole are we? I just have to inform you, movies like 2012 aren't science, no matter how much you wish them to be.
The Warmers response, "Oh yes the oceans really are rising! Just close your eyes and believe it!!"
And how many of those were F5's? Oh, none of them.
I was watching the tornado coverage and I remember some meteorologists saying that a number of these tornadoes were F5's. But since you don't think there were any at all, let's reacquaint you with reality.

Monster Alabama Tornado Spawned by Rare "Perfect Storm"
Clash of warm, cold air encouraged "history making" tornadoes.

Willie Drye
for National Geographic News
Published April 28, 2011

The mile-wide (1.6-kilometer-wide) Tuscaloosa tornado may have had winds exceeding 260 miles an hour (418 kilometers an hour), which would make it an F5 storm on the Fujita scale. The scale ranks tornadoes from F1 to F5 based on wind speeds and destructive potential.

Investigators are trying to determine how long the tornado, which originated just southwest of Tuscaloosa, stayed on the ground.

Tornadoes usually touch the ground for only a few miles before they dissipate. But favorable meteorological conditions may have sustained the Tuscaloosa twister for a record-breaking trek of 300 miles (482 kilometers) across Alabama and Georgia.

As far as that claim that global warming has nothing to do with tornadoes, that's a position that some meteorologists hold but top climate scientists have a different view.

“Given that global warming is unequivocal,” climate scientist Kevin Trenberth cautioned the American Meteorological Society in January of this year, “the null hypothesis should be that all weather events are affected by global warming rather than the inane statements along the lines of ‘of course we cannot attribute any particular weather event to global warming.’”
Present-day sea level change: Observations and causes

Christ. I found some papers which seem to indicate sea level is rising. Seems pretty slow to me mind you, but I dont live on a pacific island.

How can we decide which scientists are correct or even on the up and up?

(Ey, and what is up with them silly brain melt posts? Do we get rep points per post or is there no age limit or something else going on?)

The best way to decide which scientists are correct is to become one.

Of course, that takes years of study and hard work. Then there's the mocking derision from the right wing of anyone with an education. You could become an "expert". Like the other two Republican scientists.
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And how many of those were F5's? Oh, none of them.
I was watching the tornado coverage and I remember some meteorologists saying that a number of these tornadoes were F5's. But since you don't think there were any at all, let's reacquaint you with reality.

Monster Alabama Tornado Spawned by Rare "Perfect Storm"
Clash of warm, cold air encouraged "history making" tornadoes.

Willie Drye
for National Geographic News
Published April 28, 2011

The mile-wide (1.6-kilometer-wide) Tuscaloosa tornado may have had winds exceeding 260 miles an hour (418 kilometers an hour), which would make it an F5 storm on the Fujita scale. The scale ranks tornadoes from F1 to F5 based on wind speeds and destructive potential.

Investigators are trying to determine how long the tornado, which originated just southwest of Tuscaloosa, stayed on the ground.

Tornadoes usually touch the ground for only a few miles before they dissipate. But favorable meteorological conditions may have sustained the Tuscaloosa twister for a record-breaking trek of 300 miles (482 kilometers) across Alabama and Georgia.

As far as that claim that global warming has nothing to do with tornadoes, that's a position that some meteorologists hold but top climate scientists have a different view.

“Given that global warming is unequivocal,” climate scientist Kevin Trenberth cautioned the American Meteorological Society in January of this year, “the null hypothesis should be that all weather events are affected by global warming rather than the inane statements along the lines of ‘of course we cannot attribute any particular weather event to global warming.’”

shit happens s0n.............its called nature. Happened in northern Japan two months ago.....perhaps you missed it?

The top climate scientists? Of course they have a different view. They better, or their asses will be shit-canned right out of the university!!:slap:
And how many of those were F5's? Oh, none of them.
I was watching the tornado coverage and I remember some meteorologists saying that a number of these tornadoes were F5's. But since you don't think there were any at all, let's reacquaint you with reality.

Monster Alabama Tornado Spawned by Rare "Perfect Storm"
Clash of warm, cold air encouraged "history making" tornadoes.

Willie Drye
for National Geographic News
Published April 28, 2011

The mile-wide (1.6-kilometer-wide) Tuscaloosa tornado may have had winds exceeding 260 miles an hour (418 kilometers an hour), which would make it an F5 storm on the Fujita scale. The scale ranks tornadoes from F1 to F5 based on wind speeds and destructive potential.

Investigators are trying to determine how long the tornado, which originated just southwest of Tuscaloosa, stayed on the ground.

Tornadoes usually touch the ground for only a few miles before they dissipate. But favorable meteorological conditions may have sustained the Tuscaloosa twister for a record-breaking trek of 300 miles (482 kilometers) across Alabama and Georgia.

As far as that claim that global warming has nothing to do with tornadoes, that's a position that some meteorologists hold but top climate scientists have a different view.

“Given that global warming is unequivocal,” climate scientist Kevin Trenberth cautioned the American Meteorological Society in January of this year, “the null hypothesis should be that all weather events are affected by global warming rather than the inane statements along the lines of ‘of course we cannot attribute any particular weather event to global warming.’”

Yes ONE MAY HAVE BEEN AN EF5....ONE. You equate ONE tornado into hundreds at once....and you wonder why people laugh at you now.
Present-day sea level change: Observations and causes

Christ. I found some papers which seem to indicate sea level is rising. Seems pretty slow to me mind you, but I dont live on a pacific island.

How can we decide which scientists are correct or even on the up and up?

(Ey, and what is up with them silly brain melt posts? Do we get rep points per post or is there no age limit or something else going on?)

The best way to decide which scientists are correct is to become one.

Of course, that takes years of study and hard work. Then there's the mocking derision from the right wing of anyone with an education. You could become an "expert". Like the other two Republican scientists.
So how's a food service goombah like you qualified to determine what a scientist is? Contact high from the professors as they get fries from you?
And how many of those were F5's? Oh, none of them.
I was watching the tornado coverage and I remember some meteorologists saying that a number of these tornadoes were F5's. But since you don't think there were any at all, let's reacquaint you with reality.

Monster Alabama Tornado Spawned by Rare "Perfect Storm"
Clash of warm, cold air encouraged "history making" tornadoes.

Willie Drye
for National Geographic News
Published April 28, 2011

The mile-wide (1.6-kilometer-wide) Tuscaloosa tornado may have had winds exceeding 260 miles an hour (418 kilometers an hour), which would make it an F5 storm on the Fujita scale. The scale ranks tornadoes from F1 to F5 based on wind speeds and destructive potential.

Investigators are trying to determine how long the tornado, which originated just southwest of Tuscaloosa, stayed on the ground.

Tornadoes usually touch the ground for only a few miles before they dissipate. But favorable meteorological conditions may have sustained the Tuscaloosa twister for a record-breaking trek of 300 miles (482 kilometers) across Alabama and Georgia.

As far as that claim that global warming has nothing to do with tornadoes, that's a position that some meteorologists hold but top climate scientists have a different view.

“Given that global warming is unequivocal,” climate scientist Kevin Trenberth cautioned the American Meteorological Society in January of this year, “the null hypothesis should be that all weather events are affected by global warming rather than the inane statements along the lines of ‘of course we cannot attribute any particular weather event to global warming.’”

Yes ONE MAY HAVE BEEN AN EF5....ONE. You equate ONE tornado into hundreds at once....and you wonder why people laugh at you now.
Never forget that the US is geographically 'designed' to produce tornadoes more than any other place in the world. They don't call it Tornado Alley for nothing. The equivalent of calling a floodplain a floodplain. Hmmmm maybe there are floods there? noooooooo... that couldn't be.
Real science is done in Laboratories, ManMade Global Warming studies isn't.
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yup.........just like the forcasts of snow disappearing and Cat 5 hurricane's coming in packs of 12................

Some folks are just naturally drawn to the hysterical. These are the same people who sit their asses in front of the TV for days when a bizzard is forecast and it ends up being about 3 inches of snow. The same suckers will be right there in front of the boob watching the 15 mintues updates on the next storm!!!
Some folks, like you and the other denier cult dingleberries, are just naturally complete morons who reject science and evidence in favor of their political ideologies.

How about F5 tornadoes in packs of a hundred? Sound familiar? As of May 3, there have been 1,197 tornadoes reported in the US in 2011.

And how many of those were F5's? Oh, none of them. That's what I thought. Given to yet another flight of hyperbole are we? I just have to inform you, movies like 2012 aren't science, no matter how much you wish them to be.

Where You looking for hard data?
I got a good index library where to find the actually recorded official data, no matter if it`s temps`, precips`, storms, ice sheet & glacier data,tidal gauge readings...whatever
but I guess there is a world wide right wing conspiracy amongst all the technicians who do the actual measurements, because these sure as shit don`t conform to what these silly IPCC models had been forecasting


Geophysical Research Letters, 1996 – by Christopher W. Landsea 1 and Neville Nicholls (Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre, Melbourne, Victoria Australia), William M. Gray, Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State Universit)y and Lixion A. Avila (National Hurricane Center, Miami) [] – states “contrary to many expectations that globally tropical cyclones may be becoming more frequent and/or more intense due to increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases, regionally the Atlantic basin has in recent decades seen a significant trend of fewer intense hurricanes and weaker cyclones overall. In addition, the maximum intensity reached in each year has shown no appreciable change.”



+ some more re.: So the Ocean levels are rising...?

The following figure shows sea level history at Tuvalu (an island that according to Al Gore is rapidly disappearing due to sea level rise).


And as far as the rest of the Ocean is concerned..:


The following figure shows the fluctuating rate of change in sea level – positive rates indicate rising sea level, while negative rates indicate falling sea level

On the decadal rates of sea level change during the twentieth century”, by S. J. Holgate, Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Liverpool, UK –GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, VOL. 34, L01602, doi:10.1029/2006GL028492, 2007)

Greenland ice sheet ,the reconstructed runoff from the ice sheet from 1860 – 2004


The runoff figure shows that the melting is similar to the 1930s.


Since the IPCC says that anthropogenic CO2-based warming has only had an effect since the 1970s (see:, the recession of glaciers cannot be due to anthropogenic CO2-based global warming. In fact many non-alps glaciers have either been increasing, or have had a decrease in the rate of retreat in recent decades (as indicated in the figures below).

The following figure shows the Nisqually Glacier on Mount Rainier in Washington State, USA. The left-hand figure shows the reduction of the glacier from the early 1800s to 1997 (corresponding to the graph in the lower-right). The upper right graph shows the temperature trend from 1910 to 2007 for the closest temperature station at Longmire.


See also the regional summary on western Montana at Montana State (West), USA for information on Glacier National Park (while temperatures have not been warming, the glaciers have been receding since the 1800s).

Of course none of the real observed facts on the ground are visible to liberals who are blind in the right eye and therefore have no depth perception and to boot their right brain cavity is devoid of any grey matter.

All Reality is "right-wing-biased", so they rather go by Hansen`s Grand Daddy "Global Warming Computer Model"...the source for all these fucked up simple minded "computation" where Lambert-Beer`s laws don`t exist and a "AlGoreRithm" replaced the log function alogorithm and does these milk maid math line Graphs for morons...
Here is a copy of page # 9347 of Hansen`s Book:
Hansen et al. 1988

Hansen, J., I. Fung, A. Lacis, D. Rind, Lebedeff, R. Ruedy, G. Russell, and P. Stone, 1988: Global climate changes as forecast by Goddard Institute for Space Studies three-dimensional model. J. Geophys. Res., 93, 9341-9364, doi:10.1029/88JD00231.


And the red line which was drawn in over Hansen`s moron math were the actual observed temperatures since he published this...

Did You know that there are lawsuits starting up, and in some countries "Climate Scientists" are following the advice of lawyers...?
The Australian Government adds this disclaimer for a while now, any time their Dept. of Environment goes public and uses "Climate Model Data" instead of the real thing...:

CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research Ramasamy Suppiah, Kevin Hennessy, Tony Hirst, Roger Jones, Jack Katzfey, Barrie Pittock, Kevin Walsh, Peter Whetton and Steve Wilson

January 1998
Important Disclaimer

This report relates to climate simulations based on computer modelling. Models involve simplifications of real physical processes that are not fully understood. Accordingly, no responsibility will be accepted by CSIRO or the clients (the Northern Territory Department of Lands, Planning and Environment; Queensland Department of Primary Industries; Department of Natural Resources; and the Western Australian Department of Environmental Protection) for the accuracy of forecasts or predictions inferred from this report or for any person's interpretations, deductions, conclusions or actions in reliance of this report.

CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research
PMB 1 Aspendale, VIC 3195

Telephone: (03) 9239 4400
Fax: (03) 9239 4444
e-mail: [email protected]
Experts: Much bigger sea level rise likely...
Sea levels could rise by 2-3 feet more, Arctic experts say
5/3/2011 - Report on melting ice, warmer sea temps issued for U.S., other Arctic Council nations

My first question is whether or not that is a peer reviewed paper or a politically motivated paper by and for politically motivated people. Which is it? Second, the authors lose a great deal of whatever credibility they might have had from the beginning when they name the un climate change panel as "highly authorative" Like all u n panels and organizations, it has become clear and undeniable that the climate council is corrupt, inept, and politically motivated.

The article states quite clearly that the sea level rise predicted is "highly uncertain".

While the program noted the estimate was highly uncertain, the range was a sharp jump from a 2007 projection of 7 to 23 inches by the U.N.'s scientific panel on climate change.

I suggest that you look up what the term "highly uncertain" means in u n climate speak and if you are a rational person, you will understand that the prediction is no more than hysterical hand wringing and blatant unbased alarmism.

One might reasonably wonder why the figures were based on measurements that cut of in 1990 as well when sea level records go back hundreds of years. Might one reasonably suspect that if one uses records that are hundreds of years old, the sea level rise that is being claimed would seem just silly?

If this is the sort of tripe that motivates alarmists, when the article itself acknowledged that the figures stated are "highly" uncertain, then one can't avoid questioning the intelligence and mental state of those who promote this sort of hysteria.
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Geee........looks like those graphs up there display frequencies that are UP AND DOWN over many decades!!!!

What a shock!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:


Climate change computer model reliability = laughable. Go back and google weather related forecasts over the last 10 years...........hurricanes, snow, temperature, tornado' pick. Put up a dart board and fire away for equivilent accuracy.
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