"So, The Russians will pay a price for this."

Intervention is often in your own best interest.
Wanna explain that?

Easy. Russia is intervening for their own best interests against our intervening for our own best interests.

Question is - as always - who's the big boy on the block?
What is our interest in toppling the Venezuelan government?
1) They invited the Russian military into our hemisphere. Spy satellite photos showed two Blackjacks in a Venezuelan airport.

2) Maduro is trying to make Venezuela a socialist country. History shows that socialism always causes mass starvation and the USA does not want their starving masses.
Oil, it’s always about who controls it
This country was founded on the liberal ideal that governments derived their power from the consent of the governed.

Venezuela is a sovereign nation. Why does this country not respect that?

Is control of oil, which I'm told we have plenty of, a good enough reason to turn our backs on the fundamental principle that built our country?

Russia has more respect for American values than do Americans.
This country’s leadership has, from the beginning, been more than willing to hold those principles in abeyance when it suits them and those who pony up the funds to keep them in offic
Okay, but the leadership derives it's power from the consent of the governed. We have already heard from one neocon in this thread. This board is full of closet neocons who consent to the policies put in place by our leadership, by simply remaining silent.
I suppose that is right however the leadership really is only concerned with obtaining consent from the wealthy, who provide them with lots of cash. They pay lip service to the masses, which somehow the masses accept.

Too many Americans are easily persuaded by the Ruling Class media into going against their best interests, and for supporting the best interests of the wealthy Ruling Class.

Many Americans think Obama was a good president yet he enriched the rich and powerful, while doing almost nothing for the masses. This is proof of the power of the Ruling Class media. Yet Dipshit W who was no different from BO, though he saw to it that thousands died in his illegal war, is now having his image rejuvenated by the Ruling Class media. In my view, ALL Americans should find these two men pariahs.
I suppose that is right however the leadership really is only concerned with obtaining consent from the wealthy, who provide them with lots of cash. They pay lip service to the masses, which somehow the masses accept.
I guess I would just say that the leadership gets its marching orders from the ruling class and then, in combination with the media, has to persuade the population to go along.
Agreed. I find it amazing that they continue to get away with this BS, when their track record of failure is so evident.
Oil, it’s always about who controls it
This country was founded on the liberal ideal that governments derived their power from the consent of the governed.

Venezuela is a sovereign nation. Why does this country not respect that?

Is control of oil, which I'm told we have plenty of, a good enough reason to turn our backs on the fundamental principle that built our country?

Russia has more respect for American values than do Americans.
This country’s leadership has, from the beginning, been more than willing to hold those principles in abeyance when it suits them and those who pony up the funds to keep them in offic
Okay, but the leadership derives it's power from the consent of the governed. We have already heard from one neocon in this thread. This board is full of closet neocons who consent to the policies put in place by our leadership, by simply remaining silent.
I suppose that is right however the leadership really is only concerned with obtaining consent from the wealthy, who provide them with lots of cash. They pay lip service to the masses, which somehow the masses accept.

Too many Americans are easily persuaded by the Ruling Class media into going against their best interests, and for supporting the best interests of the wealthy Ruling Class.

Many Americans think Obama was a good president yet he enriched the rich and powerful, while doing almost nothing for the masses. This is proof of the power of the Ruling Class media. Yet Dipshit W who was no different from BO, though he saw to it that thousands died in his illegal war, is now having his image rejuvenated by the Ruling Class media. In my view, ALL Americans should find these two men pariahs.

What do you call the ACA and expanded Medicaid. Nothing!!
Oil, it’s always about who controls it
This country was founded on the liberal ideal that governments derived their power from the consent of the governed.

Venezuela is a sovereign nation. Why does this country not respect that?

Is control of oil, which I'm told we have plenty of, a good enough reason to turn our backs on the fundamental principle that built our country?

Russia has more respect for American values than do Americans.
This country’s leadership has, from the beginning, been more than willing to hold those principles in abeyance when it suits them and those who pony up the funds to keep them in offic
Okay, but the leadership derives it's power from the consent of the governed. We have already heard from one neocon in this thread. This board is full of closet neocons who consent to the policies put in place by our leadership, by simply remaining silent.
I suppose that is right however the leadership really is only concerned with obtaining consent from the wealthy, who provide them with lots of cash. They pay lip service to the masses, which somehow the masses accept.

Too many Americans are easily persuaded by the Ruling Class media into going against their best interests, and for supporting the best interests of the wealthy Ruling Class.

Many Americans think Obama was a good president yet he enriched the rich and powerful, while doing almost nothing for the masses. This is proof of the power of the Ruling Class media. Yet Dipshit W who was no different from BO, though he saw to it that thousands died in his illegal war, is now having his image rejuvenated by the Ruling Class media. In my view, ALL Americans should find these two men pariahs.

What do you call the ACA and expanded Medicaid. Nothing!!
See? An American who refuses to accept the truth.

Let's see....trillions of dollars spent and peanuts goes to the masses, but the wealthy .01% gain HUGH.

This apparently satisfies some of those in the masses.
Intervention is often in your own best interest.
Wanna explain that?

Easy. Russia is intervening for their own best interests against our intervening for our own best interests.

Question is - as always - who's the big boy on the block?
What is our interest in toppling the Venezuelan government?
beats the shit out of me. dunno why we think we gotta save everyone. sen humatarian aide if needed/requested n let them deal with their own problems
The thing is our criminal government is NOT saving anyone. The people of Venezuela elected the government they have, but the Empire must rule the world.

It is all about gaining control of Venezuela's oil for the benefit of the multinational oil companies, who own the politicians who control power in the Imperial Capital on the Potomac.

A d they apparently own the nonpolitition that ewe admire so much because he wasn't a politician and could not be owned. How did that happen? Oh let me guess THE DEEP STATE or THE SWAMP!!!!:21:
Oil, it’s always about who controls it
This country was founded on the liberal ideal that governments derived their power from the consent of the governed.

Venezuela is a sovereign nation. Why does this country not respect that?

Is control of oil, which I'm told we have plenty of, a good enough reason to turn our backs on the fundamental principle that built our country?

Russia has more respect for American values than do Americans.
This country’s leadership has, from the beginning, been more than willing to hold those principles in abeyance when it suits them and those who pony up the funds to keep them in offic
Okay, but the leadership derives it's power from the consent of the governed. We have already heard from one neocon in this thread. This board is full of closet neocons who consent to the policies put in place by our leadership, by simply remaining silent.
In general the governed only know what they get from a 15 second snippet from the evening news.

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