So, the "their attempt" to minimize Billary in the public,they schedule the debate on Saturday Night


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Yes, just more proof how in the bag everyone is for Billary and pathetic pants suits. The only thing that can stop that wig wearing shriveled cackling laugh lying disgrace is her.

So, they do not want to have ANY DEBATES at all, but they have to. So, unlike what the media does with the republicans, they put on a weekend night and competing with the NFL. Cowboys and Jets to be specific.

They always stick the republicans (and of course the dunder heads always go along with the socialist puppets) on prime time nights when there is very little going on on television.

Any big sporting events on Tuesday? What? Were the Cavs playing? That could have been something. Were they playing?

Remember in the last debate when the socialist assface Sanders said we should all stop it with the emails already? The one major thing that helped his campaign, and the fact that the FBI was still investigating.

Forget the emails? Oh yeah, when the lying kuuunt said what difference does it make, she was only conveying what every pathetic disgusting lying left winger was thinking.

We are all dupes folks. The fix is in and we are all stupid.
Why is "their attempt" in parenthesis? What grammatical point are you making there?

Hey old school ass hat, those are quotation marks, not parenthesis.

The republicans are far more entertaining than the dems so they put them on during weekday prime time knowing that people will tune in for a good laugh.
The republicans are far more entertaining than the dems so they put them on during weekday prime time knowing that people will tune in for a good laugh.
Ahhh, it is for entertainment value. Got it.

Has anyone seen anything more amazing in their lives at how fucking dumb the left wing lambs ALLOW themselves to get?

They do not know this is about power.

They think it is a TV show.

Holy shit, we deserve what we are getting.
People are interested in the Republican debates. No one is interested in the democrats, not even the democrats.
If only there was a way for one to save the debate and watch it at a later time. If only...

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