So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

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Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis

I believe in being tough on Illegal immigration but in this case I don't believe Trump is right as well. The kids are already here, so a better move would be to give them the care they need, then bill their country of origin for the cost of treatment. Or deduct it from the financial aid we are already sending.
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis

I believe in being tough on Illegal immigration but in this case I don't believe Trump is right as well. The kids are already here, so a better move would be to give them the care they need, then bill their country of origin for the cost of treatment. Or deduct it from the financial aid we are already sending.

So it seems there are probably not many kids going to be deported; at least not the serious cases, but I think it will stop new ones from coming in.
You're right, we should kick out the healthy illegal aliens first, to help pay for the sick ones.

Can you help a brother out?

We should certainly concentrate on the criminals first, and leave the sick kids and families alone.

How can we concentrate on the criminals first when Democrats give them warnings when ICE is coming to get them?
Most of the people caught up in workplace raids aren’t criminals other than being in the country illegally. So claim about warnings has no bearing on the ability to concentrate on the serious criminals. Republicans just don’t want to.

Actually we do. So what you're saying is when these Democrat Mayors and Governors issue these warnings, the criminal aliens don't hear them too?

When a crime is committed, law handles it. Not ICE. Warnings make no difference in that regard.

They handle the crime, but have nothing to do with deportation. After X amount of time in jail, they set these criminal illegals back out into the population and some places restrict their officers or commanders from contacting ICE while in custody.

On one had you on the left say ICE should go after criminals first, and on the other hand you say that crime by illegals is handled by local municipalities. Which one is it?
That's not the only sick kids he is kicking out. Are you happy with cancer kids being kicked out to die just so Trump can feel like a tough guy?

You're right, we should kick out the healthy illegal aliens first, to help pay for the sick ones.

Can you help a brother out?

We should certainly concentrate on the criminals first, and leave the sick kids and families alone.

How can we concentrate on the criminals first when Democrats give them warnings when ICE is coming to get them?
Most of the people caught up in workplace raids aren’t criminals other than being in the country illegally. So claim about warnings has no bearing on the ability to concentrate on the serious criminals. Republicans just don’t want to.
Just how serious do you need, illegal have committed, Murder, Rape, Armed Robbery s, theft, Breaking and Entering, Auto Theft, Assault on Police officers, Killing Police, child Molestation, please pick out the ones you think should be given attention.

We invited young Marie Isabel Bueso to come to America because she has a rare disease. She agreed to come and take part in an experimental treatment program. She is the reason there now is a treatment program that is only approved in the U.S. If she is deported, she will die.

'Advocating for My Own Life:' Bay Area Woman Getting Lifesaving Care Faces Deportation

This is cruelty for cruelty sake.
I truly don’t get why this administration is doing this. It seems petty and needlessly cruel. This isn’t a huge group of people, so why?

Trump administration ends relief program for immigrants with medical issues

I read a few different articles on this this morning. I am sort of back and forth on this. I guess if someone has a cancer kid, sure let them stay. Some of this people are staying are not critical patients. Like the woman lamenting her child will die if he has to go back to Haiti as he has sickle cell anemia and has to go to the doctor like once every six months, Hardly comparable to life and death.

The cases are now under ICE and no one is denying anyone anything, it is a case by case basis just as it was before, the department handling the cases has changed, that is what Coyote’s link says.

Except ICE said "uh,no, thanks"

Feds Can't Agree On Which Agency — If Any — Handles Medical Deportation DeferralsFeds Can't Agree On Which Agency — If Any — Handles Medical Deportation Deferrals

That ICE was going to take over was the EXCUSE the administration gave when they got caught being inhumane and cruel.
I truly don’t get why this administration is doing this. It seems petty and needlessly cruel. This isn’t a huge group of people, so why?

Trump administration ends relief program for immigrants with medical issues

I read a few different articles on this this morning. I am sort of back and forth on this. I guess if someone has a cancer kid, sure let them stay. Some of this people are staying are not critical patients. Like the woman lamenting her child will die if he has to go back to Haiti as he has sickle cell anemia and has to go to the doctor like once every six months, Hardly comparable to life and death.

The cases are now under ICE and no one is denying anyone anything, it is a case by case basis just as it was before, the department handling the cases has changed, that is what Coyote’s link says.

Except ICE said "uh,no, thanks"

Feds Can't Agree On Which Agency — If Any — Handles Medical Deportation DeferralsFeds Can't Agree On Which Agency — If Any — Handles Medical Deportation Deferrals

That ICE was going to take over was the EXCUSE the administration gave when they got caught being inhumane and cruel.
That is so typical of this administration. They make a policy change. Don’t tell the affected agencies or work it out with them, and leave them scrambling on very short notice.
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis

I believe in being tough on Illegal immigration but in this case I don't believe Trump is right as well. The kids are already here, so a better move would be to give them the care they need, then bill their country of origin for the cost of treatment. Or deduct it from the financial aid we are already sending.
Or be humanitarian. If a tiny country like Israel can do it. Why can’t we?
You're right, we should kick out the healthy illegal aliens first, to help pay for the sick ones.

Can you help a brother out?

We should certainly concentrate on the criminals first, and leave the sick kids and families alone.

How can we concentrate on the criminals first when Democrats give them warnings when ICE is coming to get them?
Most of the people caught up in workplace raids aren’t criminals other than being in the country illegally. So claim about warnings has no bearing on the ability to concentrate on the serious criminals. Republicans just don’t want to.
Just how serious do you need, illegal have committed, Murder, Rape, Armed Robbery s, theft, Breaking and Entering, Auto Theft, Assault on Police officers, Killing Police, child Molestation, please pick out the ones you think should be given attention.

We invited young Marie Isabel Bueso to come to America because she has a rare disease. She agreed to come and take part in an experimental treatment program. She is the reason there now is a treatment program that is only approved in the U.S. If she is deported, she will die.

'Advocating for My Own Life:' Bay Area Woman Getting Lifesaving Care Faces Deportation

This is cruelty for cruelty sake.
Participating in medical trials is not an adoption. I participated in medical trials to get approval for medication that I cannot now afford to buy. Send her back we didn't take her to raise.
...Dying children represent 1,000,000 born and unborn babies...
One last try...

I am on your phukking side, when it comes to flushing Illegal Beaners out of our country...

It's just that the optics on this one look sssooooooo goddamned bad that your (our) agenda is going to take a hit from which it may not recover...

The lives of little children ALREADY amongst us are vastly more important...

It does no good to (attempt, and fail to) deflect and distract... this one is going to give The Adversary tons of fresh ammo... unnecessarily.

You are shooting us in the foot and giving aid-and-comfort to The Adversary...

What part about that do you NOT get?

These are NOT difficult questions.

trump loves the poorly educated...............
Trump loves every american
Can you really not see the difference between helping sick children and giving his already wealthy buddies a windfall?

Of course, because it's always one or the other, isn't it? It's always tax cuts responsible for not funding every liberal desire and program in the country.

You people could give a shit less about these kids or anything else. Just as long as you can promote your hatred of the rich is all that counts; use stories to promote your personal political agenda, just like with mass murders to advance your desire to disarm Americans.

So let's turn that around. Couldn't we have used some of that Obama Care money to take care of these kids? How about that Planned Parenthood money? What about that Cash for Clunkers money? How about that PBS or NPR money? What about that money you want to use for free College for All? Or perhaps green energy money? How can you dream of giving reparations to people who were never slaves in our country instead of these kids???

If you want to use that argument, let's have at it.
Complete load of BULLSHIT. Stop trying to convince yourself what he's doing is right. You know as well as I do what he's doing is wrong.

Everything he does is wrong to you people. We could reduce illegal immigration by at least 80% if not for you leftists. Democrats are the real problem here. You put out this welcome mat on our border with your anchor babies, sanctuary cities, drivers licenses, free schooling, welfare and medical care for the kids, and then can't figure out why we have a huge immigration problem.

Then when we on the right try to correct your mistakes, your activist judges stop us, your congress people stop us, your Mayors and Governors put out warnings to alert the illegals we're coming to take them away. You want to lock up American business people for hiring them instead of locking up the illegals which are causing the problem.

So it seems, this is Trump's effort to remove one of the many perks of coming here in the first place. So blame yourselves here as well, because all the other perks he tried to remove, you stopped Trump instead.
More bullshit and distraction, excuse making even. Stop. Nobody is buying it.

Withholding life savings medical treatments from children you could save is wrong no matter what color or nationality they are. It you cannot see that you are morally stunted.

So that's what we are now, the worlds headquarters to send sick children to?

What about the 28 million Americans that can't get medical care in their own country? I guess they don't matter. We have people sleeping in the streets, and the city hands out poop maps to visitors to stay away from those rat infested areas, and you're worried about foreigners who shouldn't be here in the first place.
Well the left are killing all of our children
google it dummy.

I don't have to, I already have it in my folder.

Democratic lawmakers claim the president’s proposed 2020 budget would “ransack” or “slash” Medicare and Medicaid, likening it to an “assault on Medicare” and “the health care of seniors and families across America.” Experts agree the proposed cuts to Medicaid are significant, but many of the Medicare proposals echo those of Barack Obama and wouldn’t directly affect beneficiaries.

President Donald Trump’s proposed 2020 budget includes a net $777 billion reduction in Medicaid spending and funding for the Affordable Care Act marketplace subsidies over 10 years, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a left-leaning think tank. Those cuts would come from repealing the ACA, including the Medicaid expansion, and turning Medicaid into a block grant program. Several Democrats have misleadingly used a higher gross figure of $1.5 trillion in cuts.

As for Medicare — a program politicians of both parties often highlight in lines of attack (see “A Campaign Full of Mediscare,” 2012) — those proposed spending reductions total a net $515 billion to $575 billion over 10 years, depending on how they’re measured, says the budget watchdog group the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. That’s 5 to 5.6 percent of projected Medicare spending over the next decade. Several Democrats have used a higher figure of $845 billion, but that includes two programs that the Trump administration proposes moving to other parts of the budget.

Notably, several of the Medicare proposals in Trump’s budget are similar to cost-cutting measures Obama had espoused when he was president

To educate yourself more.

Democratic Medicare Spin -

ray ray ray............... i am talking about the already done deal tax cut for the top 1%... 880 BILLION dollars cut from medicare & medicaid over 10 years to pay for it. 720 of that went di-rectly to the top & most of it was used for stock by backs, whilst a mere 70 million went out to appease the worker bees in the form of one time bonus' that happened just before the health ins cos jacked up premiums cause of the instability of the ACA which is now in jeopardy. & them that piddly tax cut you think you got? they are temporary but big corp's are permanent.

If this isn't what you're talking about then I don't know what is. Find me a bill or something where I can research it. But so far, I found nothing about Trump cutting anything in regards to Medicare or Medicaid except for what I posted. Give me a date or something, because nothing comes up in the search engine.

WTF does this have to do with what we were talking about?

the bipartisan CBO is stating that tax cut is going to be pd for by the social programs by X amt of dollars over 10 years because only a certain amt of cuts in any given year is allowed. you didn't follow that bouncing ball, raymond. i'm disappointed in you.... do you think 880 billion dollars magically gets paid for without cuts from somewhere else?
the (D)s were ready to give donny $25 billion dollars for his immigration hard on in exchange for a clean DACA bill & he was ready to do it until another rat fucker mccarthy threw a hissy fit.... now all donny has is $5 billion & he hasta steal from the military & FEMA to help fund a refurbishment of the existing wall. AND he's facing more articles of impeachment by dangling pardons to his swamp if they break the law & steal american citizens' homes & property.

what a deal maker!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! so much winning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what a deal maker

Your bullshit lies are dismissed.

You guys did this, by shutting down all attempts to even discuss the problem, for decades by screaming racism, when ever the subject was touched on.

Now, it is too late. We are done, in so many ways.

Take you sob stories and shove them.


i don't bullshit & i don't lie & i certainly don't bend over & grab my ankles like basket dwellers do for their dear leader.

Paul Ryan Says the House Won't Take Up Immigration Reform. Does That Help or Hurt Marco Rubio?

USCIS chief Cuccinelli blames Paul Ryan for immigration inaction

Trump randomly agrees to a “clean DACA” bill

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?


Anything less, and you are talking bullshit.

ya, them thar pesky facts are for the edumacated types....

guess you ain't got time for dat... no wonder trump loves you long time, skeeter!


& y'all say ' WE ' have TDS....................]

Throwing some money at the issue is not "Facts".

Throwing money at the problem, without any real idea on how to seriously tackle the problem, is just focusing on process instead of results.


& it was a done deal back when ryan was speaker. lol...........can't you read & understand english, gringo?

tell me how you don't have a problem with donny stealing peoples' homes & property whilst cavalierly destroying the environment while he does it... you autocratic loving traitor....
Last edited:
Your bullshit lies are dismissed.

You guys did this, by shutting down all attempts to even discuss the problem, for decades by screaming racism, when ever the subject was touched on.

Now, it is too late. We are done, in so many ways.

Take you sob stories and shove them.


i don't bullshit & i don't lie & i certainly don't bend over & grab my ankles like basket dwellers do for their dear leader.

Paul Ryan Says the House Won't Take Up Immigration Reform. Does That Help or Hurt Marco Rubio?

USCIS chief Cuccinelli blames Paul Ryan for immigration inaction

Trump randomly agrees to a “clean DACA” bill

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?


Anything less, and you are talking bullshit.

ya, them thar pesky facts are for the edumacated types....

guess you ain't got time for dat... no wonder trump loves you long time, skeeter!


& y'all say ' WE ' have TDS....................]

Throwing some money at the issue is not "Facts".

Throwing money at the problem, without any real idea on how to seriously tackle the problem, is just focusing on process instead of results.





Anything less, and you are talking bullshit.

ya, them thar pesky facts are for the edumacated types....

guess you ain't got time for dat... no wonder trump loves you long time, skeeter!


& y'all say ' WE ' have TDS....................]

Throwing some money at the issue is not "Facts".

Throwing money at the problem, without any real idea on how to seriously tackle the problem, is just focusing on process instead of results.



If you really believed that the Wall would not work, you would be happy to see us blow a lot of money on it, and then you could go "I told you so" going into Trump's reelection campaign.

Your hysterical resistance, proves that you know in your heart, that it will work great and be of great benefit to the American voters.

And it terrifies you, that you might have voters, who can see you for what you really are.

you are soooooooooooo cray cray........................ it's great- spin outa control s'more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ya, them thar pesky facts are for the edumacated types....

guess you ain't got time for dat... no wonder trump loves you long time, skeeter!


& y'all say ' WE ' have TDS....................]

Throwing some money at the issue is not "Facts".

Throwing money at the problem, without any real idea on how to seriously tackle the problem, is just focusing on process instead of results.



If you really believed that the Wall would not work, you would be happy to see us blow a lot of money on it, and then you could go "I told you so" going into Trump's reelection campaign.

Your hysterical resistance, proves that you know in your heart, that it will work great and be of great benefit to the American voters.

And it terrifies you, that you might have voters, who can see you for what you really are.

Blowing a lot of money on a wall that doesn't work is nothing to be happy about, dumb ass.

It would be worth it to you, if you could show that Trump and his supporters fucked up big time.

Your ever action, shows that you are convinced it would work.

LOL! you're projecting, cartoon boy.... you learned well from your dear leader. it's like when some idiots who spent a stupid amt of cash for their nikes & then destroyed them just to show the libs that they' owned them' after kaepernick got their dander up....
...Dying children represent 1,000,000 born and unborn babies...
One last try...

I am on your phukking side, when it comes to flushing Illegal Beaners out of our country...

It's just that the optics on this one look sssooooooo goddamned bad that your (our) agenda is going to take a hit from which it may not recover...

The lives of little children ALREADY amongst us are vastly more important...

It does no good to (attempt, and fail to) deflect and distract... this one is going to give The Adversary tons of fresh ammo... unnecessarily.

You are shooting us in the foot and giving aid-and-comfort to The Adversary...

What part about that do you NOT get?

These are NOT difficult questions.

trump loves the poorly educated...............
Trump loves every american

unless he CONsiders you 'the enemy'... which os pretty much anybody who criticizes the poor little snowflake.
...Dying children represent 1,000,000 born and unborn babies...
One last try...

I am on your phukking side, when it comes to flushing Illegal Beaners out of our country...

It's just that the optics on this one look sssooooooo goddamned bad that your (our) agenda is going to take a hit from which it may not recover...

The lives of little children ALREADY amongst us are vastly more important...

It does no good to (attempt, and fail to) deflect and distract... this one is going to give The Adversary tons of fresh ammo... unnecessarily.

You are shooting us in the foot and giving aid-and-comfort to The Adversary...

What part about that do you NOT get?

These are NOT difficult questions.

trump loves the poorly educated...............
Trump loves every american

unless he CONsiders you 'the enemy'... which os pretty much anybody who criticizes the poor little snowflake.
Name someone he hates
...Dying children represent 1,000,000 born and unborn babies...
One last try...

I am on your phukking side, when it comes to flushing Illegal Beaners out of our country...

It's just that the optics on this one look sssooooooo goddamned bad that your (our) agenda is going to take a hit from which it may not recover...

The lives of little children ALREADY amongst us are vastly more important...

It does no good to (attempt, and fail to) deflect and distract... this one is going to give The Adversary tons of fresh ammo... unnecessarily.

You are shooting us in the foot and giving aid-and-comfort to The Adversary...

What part about that do you NOT get?

These are NOT difficult questions.

trump loves the poorly educated...............
Trump loves every american

unless he CONsiders you 'the enemy'... which os pretty much anybody who criticizes the poor little snowflake.
Name someone he hates

i'll name 3.

john mccain
the free press.
One last try...

I am on your phukking side, when it comes to flushing Illegal Beaners out of our country...

It's just that the optics on this one look sssooooooo goddamned bad that your (our) agenda is going to take a hit from which it may not recover...

The lives of little children ALREADY amongst us are vastly more important...

It does no good to (attempt, and fail to) deflect and distract... this one is going to give The Adversary tons of fresh ammo... unnecessarily.

You are shooting us in the foot and giving aid-and-comfort to The Adversary...

What part about that do you NOT get?

These are NOT difficult questions.

trump loves the poorly educated...............
Trump loves every american

unless he CONsiders you 'the enemy'... which os pretty much anybody who criticizes the poor little snowflake.
Name someone he hates

i'll name 3.

john mccain
the free press.
McCain the only American, and he’s dead

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