So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

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I truly don’t get why this administration is doing this. It seems petty and needlessly cruel. This isn’t a huge group of people, so why?

Trump administration ends relief program for immigrants with medical issues

I read a few different articles on this this morning. I am sort of back and forth on this. I guess if someone has a cancer kid, sure let them stay. Some of this people are staying are not critical patients. Like the woman lamenting her child will die if he has to go back to Haiti as he has sickle cell anemia and has to go to the doctor like once every six months, Hardly comparable to life and death.

That's not the only sick kids he is kicking out. Are you happy with cancer kids being kicked out to die just so Trump can feel like a tough guy?

You're right, we should kick out the healthy illegal aliens first, to help pay for the sick ones.

Can you help a brother out?

We should certainly concentrate on the criminals first, and leave the sick kids and families alone.

Excellent idea!

For every million illegals we deport, we should let the sick kids stay another month.

Now let's help those kids together. Boot some illegals.
st judes.

so fuck off ray ray........... & you don't get to preach about any 'debt' when donny stole almost a trillion from medicare & medicaid to give to his uber rich elite.


That's because he never did that. You must be mistaking him with Hussein.

google it dummy.

I don't have to, I already have it in my folder.

Democratic lawmakers claim the president’s proposed 2020 budget would “ransack” or “slash” Medicare and Medicaid, likening it to an “assault on Medicare” and “the health care of seniors and families across America.” Experts agree the proposed cuts to Medicaid are significant, but many of the Medicare proposals echo those of Barack Obama and wouldn’t directly affect beneficiaries.

President Donald Trump’s proposed 2020 budget includes a net $777 billion reduction in Medicaid spending and funding for the Affordable Care Act marketplace subsidies over 10 years, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a left-leaning think tank. Those cuts would come from repealing the ACA, including the Medicaid expansion, and turning Medicaid into a block grant program. Several Democrats have misleadingly used a higher gross figure of $1.5 trillion in cuts.

As for Medicare — a program politicians of both parties often highlight in lines of attack (see “A Campaign Full of Mediscare,” 2012) — those proposed spending reductions total a net $515 billion to $575 billion over 10 years, depending on how they’re measured, says the budget watchdog group the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. That’s 5 to 5.6 percent of projected Medicare spending over the next decade. Several Democrats have used a higher figure of $845 billion, but that includes two programs that the Trump administration proposes moving to other parts of the budget.

Notably, several of the Medicare proposals in Trump’s budget are similar to cost-cutting measures Obama had espoused when he was president

To educate yourself more.

Democratic Medicare Spin -

ray ray ray............... i am talking about the already done deal tax cut for the top 1%... 880 BILLION dollars cut from medicare & medicaid over 10 years to pay for it. 720 of that went di-rectly to the top & most of it was used for stock by backs, whilst a mere 70 million went out to appease the worker bees in the form of one time bonus' that happened just before the health ins cos jacked up premiums cause of the instability of the ACA which is now in jeopardy. & them that piddly tax cut you think you got? they are temporary but big corp's are permanent.

If this isn't what you're talking about then I don't know what is. Find me a bill or something where I can research it. But so far, I found nothing about Trump cutting anything in regards to Medicare or Medicaid except for what I posted. Give me a date or something, because nothing comes up in the search engine.
st judes.

so fuck off ray ray........... & you don't get to preach about any 'debt' when donny stole almost a trillion from medicare & medicaid to give to his uber rich elite.


That's because he never did that. You must be mistaking him with Hussein.

google it dummy.

I don't have to, I already have it in my folder.

Democratic lawmakers claim the president’s proposed 2020 budget would “ransack” or “slash” Medicare and Medicaid, likening it to an “assault on Medicare” and “the health care of seniors and families across America.” Experts agree the proposed cuts to Medicaid are significant, but many of the Medicare proposals echo those of Barack Obama and wouldn’t directly affect beneficiaries.

President Donald Trump’s proposed 2020 budget includes a net $777 billion reduction in Medicaid spending and funding for the Affordable Care Act marketplace subsidies over 10 years, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a left-leaning think tank. Those cuts would come from repealing the ACA, including the Medicaid expansion, and turning Medicaid into a block grant program. Several Democrats have misleadingly used a higher gross figure of $1.5 trillion in cuts.

As for Medicare — a program politicians of both parties often highlight in lines of attack (see “A Campaign Full of Mediscare,” 2012) — those proposed spending reductions total a net $515 billion to $575 billion over 10 years, depending on how they’re measured, says the budget watchdog group the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. That’s 5 to 5.6 percent of projected Medicare spending over the next decade. Several Democrats have used a higher figure of $845 billion, but that includes two programs that the Trump administration proposes moving to other parts of the budget.

Notably, several of the Medicare proposals in Trump’s budget are similar to cost-cutting measures Obama had espoused when he was president

To educate yourself more.

Democratic Medicare Spin -

ray ray ray............... i am talking about the already done deal tax cut for the top 1%... 880 BILLION dollars cut from medicare & medicaid over 10 years to pay for it. 720 of that went di-rectly to the top & most of it was used for stock by backs, whilst a mere 70 million went out to appease the worker bees in the form of one time bonus' that happened just before the health ins cos jacked up premiums cause of the instability of the ACA which is now in jeopardy. & them that piddly tax cut you think you got? they are temporary but big corp's are permanent.
When I was growing up, charity was given to the poor. All they had to do was knock on a church door, and they went home with a full tummy, a meal, and a place to sleep until they were on their feet if they had no home.

The liberals in Congress saw all that money being set aside out of people's paychecks until retirement, and they tapped it whenever they wanted to after years of a hands-off-other-people's-retirement-and-social-security. They decided the people who paid into it 7.5 cents on the payroll dollar, should not get their money back in retirement, so the accellerated the decimation of this initial hands-off-other-people's-savings that social security laws.

Now, the funds are low in social security, and some who paid into it for a lifetime will not benefit from their savings plan forced on them by a rabid Congress who at one time were Constitutionally forbidden to take people's income away from them in taxes. The trouble with Congress' sin of using other people's money is that we should have gone to Washington, guns in hand, to show Congress they made a mistake. Our fathers didn't for the common good, they thought, but now, it's not about the common good any more. It's a cheesey take away everything from those whose hard work gave them a savings account to draw on in old age along with the social security they were forced to pay into that Congress almost decimated, starting with Lyndon B. Johnson's strong encouragement to take away money and "invest" it in pet rock projects so he could get more votes. And it caught on big time in the leftist ranks.

This nation was not founded on taking away people's prizes. It was founded on give-and-take, on brotherhood, and on love for neighbors and friends.

I wish the left would stop pillaging the national old-age fund that has helped seniors for generations, but it was what was put there by workers, including workers who saved money and did without to establish a small nest egg for retirement, investing in the American stock market.

The government was not intended to be the God that the leftists are trying to turn into their idea of heaven--destroying people who worked hard for a lifetime and did well, by calling them the most humiliating of names (unless they are liberals and wealthy).

I hope wrongful disbursement of funds removed from people who worked hard for that money and now handed out freely to people who will vote in the party that makes bad things happen to good people, and good things happen for people who just got here and want to live off this treasury set aside by force from American taxpayers and American voters.

I'm sorry that Democrats are making enemies out of hard workers and using their influence to give this stolen purse away to whoever votes for them. Don't be surprised when you see these hard workers willing to stop you from screwing them over and stealing their hard-earned dollars they were forced to pay.

On the other hand, if you win, you will lose workers since it's easier to just have your politicians print money for you and not worry about tomorrow. Right before the nuclear blast levels us from enemies who perceive us as a weak sister country so easy to exploit.

uh-huh. & who do you think even got social security to be a reality 'eh? yaaaaaaaaaaa that would be one of them thar liberals named roosevelt, sweety. & guess who wanted to ensure that medicare was all locked up nice 'n tidy so no greedy politician whore can spend it? that would be that greenie, al gore. guess that didn't work out thanx to some pregnant & hanging chads & the SC...

Gore to Propose Medicare 'Lockbox'

By Dan Balz; Ceci Connolly
June 8, 2000

"The temptation has always been to treat Medicare the way Social Security used to be treated--as a source of money for spending or tax cuts," he said during a half-hour interview aboard his campaign plane. "And now that we have succeeded in taking Social Security off budget and using it to pay down the debt, we need to do the same thing with Medicare and put it in a lockbox."

comprehensive BIPARTISAN immigration reform was ready for the house to sign off on back when republican & rat fucker, paul ryan was speaker & he refused to bring it to the floor for a vote.


You guys did this, by shutting down all attempts to even discuss the problem, for decades by screaming racism, when ever the subject was touched on.

Now, it is too late. We are done, in so many ways.

Take you sob stories and shove them.


the (D)s were ready to give donny $25 billion dollars for his immigration hard on in exchange for a clean DACA bill & he was ready to do it until another rat fucker mccarthy threw a hissy fit.... now all donny has is $5 billion & he hasta steal from the military & FEMA to help fund a refurbishment of the existing wall. AND he's facing more articles of impeachment by dangling pardons to his swamp if they break the law & steal american citizens' homes & property.

what a deal maker!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! so much winning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what a deal maker

Your bullshit lies are dismissed.

You guys did this, by shutting down all attempts to even discuss the problem, for decades by screaming racism, when ever the subject was touched on.

Now, it is too late. We are done, in so many ways.

Take you sob stories and shove them.


i don't bullshit & i don't lie & i certainly don't bend over & grab my ankles like basket dwellers do for their dear leader.

Paul Ryan Says the House Won't Take Up Immigration Reform. Does That Help or Hurt Marco Rubio?

USCIS chief Cuccinelli blames Paul Ryan for immigration inaction

Trump randomly agrees to a “clean DACA” bill

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?


Anything less, and you are talking bullshit.

ya, them thar pesky facts are for the edumacated types....

guess you ain't got time for dat... no wonder trump loves you long time, skeeter!


& y'all say ' WE ' have TDS....................

Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis

Is this supposed to tug on our heartstrings when the left champions killing babies by the millions? Do not care.

so how many post born breathing autonomous babies have you adopted?

You quickly deferred.

hell no i didn't - the argument from you rat fuckers is 'to pay for their medical care ourselves' if we wanna 'save' them.

sooooooooooooooo............................. you wanna bitch about 'abortion' - then why can't *YOU* take in some of them babies you wanna force to be born.

see? that was easy.
Come on, "were a Christian nation" guy. Is denying sick children life saving medical care what Jesus would do?

One thing is for sure; if we go with the Democrats plan of Socialized medicine, not only will we suffer with less quality care and access, but these poor kids will have to find some other country that will offer them good healthcare. Maybe it is the dimwit Democrats who are really going to harm children with their lack of insight.

Non sequitur that didn't answer the question. You're the one who insisted we were founded as a "Christian nation". Is sending kids with cancer away to die something Jesus would do?

By the way, universal healthcare works just fine in other developed nations. Why do you have such little faith in America that we can't do as well or better at universally covering all OUR citizens than other first world countries do? Where's your faith in American exceptionalism?

Would Jesus be okay with killing millions of babies in the womb?

priests in the OT certainly were.

No they weren't. False priests were.

so the big dude in the sky who would smite thee if thou ate shellfish, or mix meat & dairy, or sleeping with thy wife when thoust is unclean'.... but would neverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr give license to a representative of his to CONcoct a drink to force her to swallow, bringing on a miscarraige even if her husband SUSPECTS his wife of infidelity? lol !!!! that's a good one!:lmao:
Last edited:
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis
There's no cure for any form of muscular dystrophy. Nor is there any cure for cystic fibrosis.

There are trials in various locations in South America where the parents with Leukemia may want to try and find help. You may want to donate some of your own bone marrow to the cause.

International Resources | Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

So let ‘em die quick instead of prolonging their lives?

But obviously they can receive better health care in countries that have socialized medicine.

Come on, "were a Christian nation" guy. Is denying sick children life saving medical care what Jesus would do?
Oh so we play that same old tired bullshit "what would Jesus" do when you start losing the fucking argument. Then two weeks from now, it is "There is no God". Fuck you liberals and your bullshit double standards. This is why everyone in the US hates your fucking guts.
That's because he never did that. You must be mistaking him with Hussein.

google it dummy.

I don't have to, I already have it in my folder.

Democratic lawmakers claim the president’s proposed 2020 budget would “ransack” or “slash” Medicare and Medicaid, likening it to an “assault on Medicare” and “the health care of seniors and families across America.” Experts agree the proposed cuts to Medicaid are significant, but many of the Medicare proposals echo those of Barack Obama and wouldn’t directly affect beneficiaries.

President Donald Trump’s proposed 2020 budget includes a net $777 billion reduction in Medicaid spending and funding for the Affordable Care Act marketplace subsidies over 10 years, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a left-leaning think tank. Those cuts would come from repealing the ACA, including the Medicaid expansion, and turning Medicaid into a block grant program. Several Democrats have misleadingly used a higher gross figure of $1.5 trillion in cuts.

As for Medicare — a program politicians of both parties often highlight in lines of attack (see “A Campaign Full of Mediscare,” 2012) — those proposed spending reductions total a net $515 billion to $575 billion over 10 years, depending on how they’re measured, says the budget watchdog group the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. That’s 5 to 5.6 percent of projected Medicare spending over the next decade. Several Democrats have used a higher figure of $845 billion, but that includes two programs that the Trump administration proposes moving to other parts of the budget.

Notably, several of the Medicare proposals in Trump’s budget are similar to cost-cutting measures Obama had espoused when he was president

To educate yourself more.

Democratic Medicare Spin -

ray ray ray............... i am talking about the already done deal tax cut for the top 1%... 880 BILLION dollars cut from medicare & medicaid over 10 years to pay for it. 720 of that went di-rectly to the top & most of it was used for stock by backs, whilst a mere 70 million went out to appease the worker bees in the form of one time bonus' that happened just before the health ins cos jacked up premiums cause of the instability of the ACA which is now in jeopardy. & them that piddly tax cut you think you got? they are temporary but big corp's are permanent.

If this isn't what you're talking about then I don't know what is. Find me a bill or something where I can research it. But so far, I found nothing about Trump cutting anything in regards to Medicare or Medicaid except for what I posted. Give me a date or something, because nothing comes up in the search engine.

WTF does this have to do with what we were talking about?
I truly don’t get why this administration is doing this. It seems petty and needlessly cruel. This isn’t a huge group of people, so why?

Trump administration ends relief program for immigrants with medical issues

I read a few different articles on this this morning. I am sort of back and forth on this. I guess if someone has a cancer kid, sure let them stay. Some of this people are staying are not critical patients. Like the woman lamenting her child will die if he has to go back to Haiti as he has sickle cell anemia and has to go to the doctor like once every six months, Hardly comparable to life and death.

That's not the only sick kids he is kicking out. Are you happy with cancer kids being kicked out to die just so Trump can feel like a tough guy?

You're right, we should kick out the healthy illegal aliens first, to help pay for the sick ones.

Can you help a brother out?

We should certainly concentrate on the criminals first, and leave the sick kids and families alone.

How can we concentrate on the criminals first when Democrats give them warnings when ICE is coming to get them?
Israel, a tiny, a tiny country, nowhere near as wealthy as we are, yet they seem able to build a significant humanitarian medical program that treated severely ill Palestinians, Syrian refugees, etc. what do they have that we don’t?

So what thanks does Israel get for doing that?
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis
There's no cure for any form of muscular dystrophy. Nor is there any cure for cystic fibrosis.

There are trials in various locations in South America where the parents with Leukemia may want to try and find help. You may want to donate some of your own bone marrow to the cause.

International Resources | Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

So let ‘em die quick instead of prolonging their lives?

But obviously they can receive better health care in countries that have socialized medicine.

Come on, "were a Christian nation" guy. Is denying sick children life saving medical care what Jesus would do?
Oh so we play that same old tired bullshit "what would Jesus" do when you start losing the fucking argument. Then two weeks from now, it is "There is no God". Fuck you liberals and your bullshit double standards. This is why everyone in the US hates your fucking guts.

If ou are going to claim greater Christian morality, that comes as part of the package ass hole.
comprehensive BIPARTISAN immigration reform was ready for the house to sign off on back when republican & rat fucker, paul ryan was speaker & he refused to bring it to the floor for a vote.


You guys did this, by shutting down all attempts to even discuss the problem, for decades by screaming racism, when ever the subject was touched on.

Now, it is too late. We are done, in so many ways.

Take you sob stories and shove them.


the (D)s were ready to give donny $25 billion dollars for his immigration hard on in exchange for a clean DACA bill & he was ready to do it until another rat fucker mccarthy threw a hissy fit.... now all donny has is $5 billion & he hasta steal from the military & FEMA to help fund a refurbishment of the existing wall. AND he's facing more articles of impeachment by dangling pardons to his swamp if they break the law & steal american citizens' homes & property.

what a deal maker!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! so much winning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what a deal maker

Your bullshit lies are dismissed.

You guys did this, by shutting down all attempts to even discuss the problem, for decades by screaming racism, when ever the subject was touched on.

Now, it is too late. We are done, in so many ways.

Take you sob stories and shove them.


i don't bullshit & i don't lie & i certainly don't bend over & grab my ankles like basket dwellers do for their dear leader.

Paul Ryan Says the House Won't Take Up Immigration Reform. Does That Help or Hurt Marco Rubio?

USCIS chief Cuccinelli blames Paul Ryan for immigration inaction

Trump randomly agrees to a “clean DACA” bill

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?


Anything less, and you are talking bullshit.
Big government, wow.
the nanny state is sure in style these days.

You guys did this, by shutting down all attempts to even discuss the problem, for decades by screaming racism, when ever the subject was touched on.

Now, it is too late. We are done, in so many ways.

Take you sob stories and shove them.


the (D)s were ready to give donny $25 billion dollars for his immigration hard on in exchange for a clean DACA bill & he was ready to do it until another rat fucker mccarthy threw a hissy fit.... now all donny has is $5 billion & he hasta steal from the military & FEMA to help fund a refurbishment of the existing wall. AND he's facing more articles of impeachment by dangling pardons to his swamp if they break the law & steal american citizens' homes & property.

what a deal maker!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! so much winning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what a deal maker

Your bullshit lies are dismissed.

You guys did this, by shutting down all attempts to even discuss the problem, for decades by screaming racism, when ever the subject was touched on.

Now, it is too late. We are done, in so many ways.

Take you sob stories and shove them.


i don't bullshit & i don't lie & i certainly don't bend over & grab my ankles like basket dwellers do for their dear leader.

Paul Ryan Says the House Won't Take Up Immigration Reform. Does That Help or Hurt Marco Rubio?

USCIS chief Cuccinelli blames Paul Ryan for immigration inaction

Trump randomly agrees to a “clean DACA” bill

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?


Anything less, and you are talking bullshit.

ya, them thar pesky facts are for the edumacated types....

guess you ain't got time for dat... no wonder trump loves you long time, skeeter!


& y'all say ' WE ' have TDS....................]

Throwing some money at the issue is not "Facts".

Throwing money at the problem, without any real idea on how to seriously tackle the problem, is just focusing on process instead of results.

the (D)s were ready to give donny $25 billion dollars for his immigration hard on in exchange for a clean DACA bill & he was ready to do it until another rat fucker mccarthy threw a hissy fit.... now all donny has is $5 billion & he hasta steal from the military & FEMA to help fund a refurbishment of the existing wall. AND he's facing more articles of impeachment by dangling pardons to his swamp if they break the law & steal american citizens' homes & property.

what a deal maker!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! so much winning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what a deal maker

Your bullshit lies are dismissed.

You guys did this, by shutting down all attempts to even discuss the problem, for decades by screaming racism, when ever the subject was touched on.

Now, it is too late. We are done, in so many ways.

Take you sob stories and shove them.


i don't bullshit & i don't lie & i certainly don't bend over & grab my ankles like basket dwellers do for their dear leader.

Paul Ryan Says the House Won't Take Up Immigration Reform. Does That Help or Hurt Marco Rubio?

USCIS chief Cuccinelli blames Paul Ryan for immigration inaction

Trump randomly agrees to a “clean DACA” bill

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?


Anything less, and you are talking bullshit.

ya, them thar pesky facts are for the edumacated types....

guess you ain't got time for dat... no wonder trump loves you long time, skeeter!


& y'all say ' WE ' have TDS....................]

Throwing some money at the issue is not "Facts".

Throwing money at the problem, without any real idea on how to seriously tackle the problem, is just focusing on process instead of results.



Sick Migrants Undergoing Lifesaving Care Can Now Be Deported

Trump has passed evil. He's now in Satan territory.

The picture you have of that woman is someone from Guatemala who had such a rare disease that the doctors couldn't get a large enough sample group to work with, so the found her, invited her to the US to be a guinea pig to find the cure for what she has. And, guess what? She provided enough crucial research that doctors were able to figure out a treatment that would keep her alive. Most people with her disease die before they are 20, and she is a few years past that. Because she volunteered to be a guinea pig, they allowed her in on a special kind of permit for research.

Now that they have figured out the treatment? They have been able to save thousands of people all over the globe. Only problem is, if she is sent back to Guatemala, their medical system doesn't have what it takes to treat her, so deporting this woman is basically a death sentence for her.

Are we no longer a compassionate nation? I'm guessing not.

You guys did this, by shutting down all attempts to even discuss the problem, for decades by screaming racism, when ever the subject was touched on.

Now, it is too late. We are done, in so many ways.

Take you sob stories and shove them.


the (D)s were ready to give donny $25 billion dollars for his immigration hard on in exchange for a clean DACA bill & he was ready to do it until another rat fucker mccarthy threw a hissy fit.... now all donny has is $5 billion & he hasta steal from the military & FEMA to help fund a refurbishment of the existing wall. AND he's facing more articles of impeachment by dangling pardons to his swamp if they break the law & steal american citizens' homes & property.

what a deal maker!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! so much winning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what a deal maker

Your bullshit lies are dismissed.

You guys did this, by shutting down all attempts to even discuss the problem, for decades by screaming racism, when ever the subject was touched on.

Now, it is too late. We are done, in so many ways.

Take you sob stories and shove them.


i don't bullshit & i don't lie & i certainly don't bend over & grab my ankles like basket dwellers do for their dear leader.

Paul Ryan Says the House Won't Take Up Immigration Reform. Does That Help or Hurt Marco Rubio?

USCIS chief Cuccinelli blames Paul Ryan for immigration inaction

Trump randomly agrees to a “clean DACA” bill

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?


Anything less, and you are talking bullshit.
Big government, wow.
the nanny state is sure in style these days.

1. Fuck you, you race card playing asshole.

2. Border security is a core function of government, not government overreach, you race card playing fucktard asshole.

3. Fuck you some more, you race baiting piece of shit coward cocksucker.
Your bullshit lies are dismissed.

You guys did this, by shutting down all attempts to even discuss the problem, for decades by screaming racism, when ever the subject was touched on.

Now, it is too late. We are done, in so many ways.

Take you sob stories and shove them.


i don't bullshit & i don't lie & i certainly don't bend over & grab my ankles like basket dwellers do for their dear leader.

Paul Ryan Says the House Won't Take Up Immigration Reform. Does That Help or Hurt Marco Rubio?

USCIS chief Cuccinelli blames Paul Ryan for immigration inaction

Trump randomly agrees to a “clean DACA” bill

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?


Anything less, and you are talking bullshit.

ya, them thar pesky facts are for the edumacated types....

guess you ain't got time for dat... no wonder trump loves you long time, skeeter!


& y'all say ' WE ' have TDS....................]

Throwing some money at the issue is not "Facts".

Throwing money at the problem, without any real idea on how to seriously tackle the problem, is just focusing on process instead of results.



If you really believed that the Wall would not work, you would be happy to see us blow a lot of money on it, and then you could go "I told you so" going into Trump's reelection campaign.

Your hysterical resistance, proves that you know in your heart, that it will work great and be of great benefit to the American voters.

And it terrifies you, that you might have voters, who can see you for what you really are.

Sick Migrants Undergoing Lifesaving Care Can Now Be Deported

Trump has passed evil. He's now in Satan territory.

The picture you have of that woman is someone from Guatemala who had such a rare disease that the doctors couldn't get a large enough sample group to work with, so the found her, invited her to the US to be a guinea pig to find the cure for what she has. And, guess what? She provided enough crucial research that doctors were able to figure out a treatment that would keep her alive. Most people with her disease die before they are 20, and she is a few years past that. Because she volunteered to be a guinea pig, they allowed her in on a special kind of permit for research.

Now that they have figured out the treatment? They have been able to save thousands of people all over the globe. Only problem is, if she is sent back to Guatemala, their medical system doesn't have what it takes to treat her, so deporting this woman is basically a death sentence for her.

Are we no longer a compassionate nation? I'm guessing not.

You should have thought of that, before you allowed tens of millions of immigrants, legal and illegal to flood this country, completely overwhelming our capacity to absorb them.

Sick Migrants Undergoing Lifesaving Care Can Now Be Deported

Trump has passed evil. He's now in Satan territory.

The picture you have of that woman is someone from Guatemala who had such a rare disease that the doctors couldn't get a large enough sample group to work with, so the found her, invited her to the US to be a guinea pig to find the cure for what she has. And, guess what? She provided enough crucial research that doctors were able to figure out a treatment that would keep her alive. Most people with her disease die before they are 20, and she is a few years past that. Because she volunteered to be a guinea pig, they allowed her in on a special kind of permit for research.

Now that they have figured out the treatment? They have been able to save thousands of people all over the globe. Only problem is, if she is sent back to Guatemala, their medical system doesn't have what it takes to treat her, so deporting this woman is basically a death sentence for her.

Are we no longer a compassionate nation? I'm guessing not.
She invited for a purpose. The purpose is over. Send her back. No one took her as a dependent for life.

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