So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

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Anything less, and you are talking bullshit.

ya, them thar pesky facts are for the edumacated types....

guess you ain't got time for dat... no wonder trump loves you long time, skeeter!


& y'all say ' WE ' have TDS....................]

Throwing some money at the issue is not "Facts".

Throwing money at the problem, without any real idea on how to seriously tackle the problem, is just focusing on process instead of results.



If you really believed that the Wall would not work, you would be happy to see us blow a lot of money on it, and then you could go "I told you so" going into Trump's reelection campaign.

Your hysterical resistance, proves that you know in your heart, that it will work great and be of great benefit to the American voters.

And it terrifies you, that you might have voters, who can see you for what you really are.

Blowing a lot of money on a wall that doesn't work is nothing to be happy about, dumb ass.

Sick Migrants Undergoing Lifesaving Care Can Now Be Deported

Trump has passed evil. He's now in Satan territory.

The picture you have of that woman is someone from Guatemala who had such a rare disease that the doctors couldn't get a large enough sample group to work with, so the found her, invited her to the US to be a guinea pig to find the cure for what she has. And, guess what? She provided enough crucial research that doctors were able to figure out a treatment that would keep her alive. Most people with her disease die before they are 20, and she is a few years past that. Because she volunteered to be a guinea pig, they allowed her in on a special kind of permit for research.

Now that they have figured out the treatment? They have been able to save thousands of people all over the globe. Only problem is, if she is sent back to Guatemala, their medical system doesn't have what it takes to treat her, so deporting this woman is basically a death sentence for her.

Are we no longer a compassionate nation? I'm guessing not.

You should have thought of that, before you allowed tens of millions of immigrants, legal and illegal to flood this country, completely overwhelming our capacity to absorb them.

She came here over 20 years ago to help with medical research, which was way before the border crisis caused by Trump.

Anything less, and you are talking bullshit.

ya, them thar pesky facts are for the edumacated types....

guess you ain't got time for dat... no wonder trump loves you long time, skeeter!


& y'all say ' WE ' have TDS....................]

Throwing some money at the issue is not "Facts".

Throwing money at the problem, without any real idea on how to seriously tackle the problem, is just focusing on process instead of results.



If you really believed that the Wall would not work, you would be happy to see us blow a lot of money on it, and then you could go "I told you so" going into Trump's reelection campaign.

Your hysterical resistance, proves that you know in your heart, that it will work great and be of great benefit to the American voters.

And it terrifies you, that you might have voters, who can see you for what you really are.

Blowing a lot of money on a wall that doesn't work is nothing to be happy about, dumb ass.

It would be worth it to you, if you could show that Trump and his supporters fucked up big time.

Your ever action, shows that you are convinced it would work.

Sick Migrants Undergoing Lifesaving Care Can Now Be Deported

Trump has passed evil. He's now in Satan territory.

The picture you have of that woman is someone from Guatemala who had such a rare disease that the doctors couldn't get a large enough sample group to work with, so the found her, invited her to the US to be a guinea pig to find the cure for what she has. And, guess what? She provided enough crucial research that doctors were able to figure out a treatment that would keep her alive. Most people with her disease die before they are 20, and she is a few years past that. Because she volunteered to be a guinea pig, they allowed her in on a special kind of permit for research.

Now that they have figured out the treatment? They have been able to save thousands of people all over the globe. Only problem is, if she is sent back to Guatemala, their medical system doesn't have what it takes to treat her, so deporting this woman is basically a death sentence for her.

Are we no longer a compassionate nation? I'm guessing not.
She invited for a purpose. The purpose is over. Send her back. No one took her as a dependent for life.

Even if sending her back means she will no longer have access to the treatment she helped to get developed and will die shortly after leaving? Some compassionate conservative you are.

Me personally? I think she should be allowed to stay. Why? She has already given quite a bit in helping doctors to find the cure for her disease which has benefited thousands across this country and the world. She also has a college education and is working on her masters.

She has contributed quite a bit of good to this country. She should be allowed to stay.

Sick Migrants Undergoing Lifesaving Care Can Now Be Deported

Trump has passed evil. He's now in Satan territory.

The picture you have of that woman is someone from Guatemala who had such a rare disease that the doctors couldn't get a large enough sample group to work with, so the found her, invited her to the US to be a guinea pig to find the cure for what she has. And, guess what? She provided enough crucial research that doctors were able to figure out a treatment that would keep her alive. Most people with her disease die before they are 20, and she is a few years past that. Because she volunteered to be a guinea pig, they allowed her in on a special kind of permit for research.

Now that they have figured out the treatment? They have been able to save thousands of people all over the globe. Only problem is, if she is sent back to Guatemala, their medical system doesn't have what it takes to treat her, so deporting this woman is basically a death sentence for her.

Are we no longer a compassionate nation? I'm guessing not.

You should have thought of that, before you allowed tens of millions of immigrants, legal and illegal to flood this country, completely overwhelming our capacity to absorb them.

She came here over 20 years ago to help with medical research, which was way before the border crisis caused by Trump.

Your pretense that you thought that was what I was referring to, is laughed at and dismissed.

Sick Migrants Undergoing Lifesaving Care Can Now Be Deported

Trump has passed evil. He's now in Satan territory.

The picture you have of that woman is someone from Guatemala who had such a rare disease that the doctors couldn't get a large enough sample group to work with, so the found her, invited her to the US to be a guinea pig to find the cure for what she has. And, guess what? She provided enough crucial research that doctors were able to figure out a treatment that would keep her alive. Most people with her disease die before they are 20, and she is a few years past that. Because she volunteered to be a guinea pig, they allowed her in on a special kind of permit for research.

Now that they have figured out the treatment? They have been able to save thousands of people all over the globe. Only problem is, if she is sent back to Guatemala, their medical system doesn't have what it takes to treat her, so deporting this woman is basically a death sentence for her.

Are we no longer a compassionate nation? I'm guessing not.
She invited for a purpose. The purpose is over. Send her back. No one took her as a dependent for life.

Even if sending her back means she will no longer have access to the treatment she helped to get developed and will die shortly after leaving? Some compassionate conservative you are.

Me personally? I think she should be allowed to stay. Why? She has already given quite a bit in helping doctors to find the cure for her disease which has benefited thousands across this country and the world. She also has a college education and is working on her masters.

She has contributed quite a bit of good to this country. She should be allowed to stay.

I'll make you a deal. Deport one million illegals, in a year, and I will support her staying.
Thousands of people participate in medical trials. I have participated in a few. When it's over it's over. You haven't been adopted even if you managed to suck out a college education. Send her back
Do not ever call me compassionate. It will only confuse you.

Sick Migrants Undergoing Lifesaving Care Can Now Be Deported

Trump has passed evil. He's now in Satan territory.

The picture you have of that woman is someone from Guatemala who had such a rare disease that the doctors couldn't get a large enough sample group to work with, so the found her, invited her to the US to be a guinea pig to find the cure for what she has. And, guess what? She provided enough crucial research that doctors were able to figure out a treatment that would keep her alive. Most people with her disease die before they are 20, and she is a few years past that. Because she volunteered to be a guinea pig, they allowed her in on a special kind of permit for research.

Now that they have figured out the treatment? They have been able to save thousands of people all over the globe. Only problem is, if she is sent back to Guatemala, their medical system doesn't have what it takes to treat her, so deporting this woman is basically a death sentence for her.

Are we no longer a compassionate nation? I'm guessing not.
She invited for a purpose. The purpose is over. Send her back. No one took her as a dependent for life.

Even if sending her back means she will no longer have access to the treatment she helped to get developed and will die shortly after leaving? Some compassionate conservative you are.

Me personally? I think she should be allowed to stay. Why? She has already given quite a bit in helping doctors to find the cure for her disease which has benefited thousands across this country and the world. She also has a college education and is working on her masters.

She has contributed quite a bit of good to this country. She should be allowed to stay.

That's not how it works. You don't get to stay if you sneak in and learn, or sneak in and do hard work, or sneak in and stay out of trouble, or sneak in and be a model neighbor or citizen. The problem is you snuck in, not what you did once you got here.

Anything less, and you are talking bullshit.

ya, them thar pesky facts are for the edumacated types....

guess you ain't got time for dat... no wonder trump loves you long time, skeeter!


& y'all say ' WE ' have TDS....................]

Throwing some money at the issue is not "Facts".

Throwing money at the problem, without any real idea on how to seriously tackle the problem, is just focusing on process instead of results.



If you really believed that the Wall would not work, you would be happy to see us blow a lot of money on it, and then you could go "I told you so" going into Trump's reelection campaign.

Your hysterical resistance, proves that you know in your heart, that it will work great and be of great benefit to the American voters.

And it terrifies you, that you might have voters, who can see you for what you really are.

Blowing a lot of money on a wall that doesn't work is nothing to be happy about, dumb ass.

Why would a wall not work here when it's worked everywhere else it's tried, including here?
Can Any Doctor Ethically Work In A U.S. Immigration Detention Facility?

Given recent news, this question is particularly relevant. First, CBP recently confirmed the agency will not administer flu vaccines to migrants held in detention, despite the looming flu season and an outcry from physicians who called the policy “cruel” and “dangerous.” As Bruce Y. Lee wrote for Forbes, “Holding a number of unvaccinated people in a crowded space could be like maintaining an amusement park for flu viruses,” potentially fueling the fire of an epidemic.

Then, federal agencies extended their cruelty to severely ill undocumented immigrants by suggesting that those receiving treatment for serious medical conditions will no longer receive deferrals for deportation—essentially a death sentence for those with life-threatening conditions. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has now partially walked back that decree by clarifying that jurisdiction over these deferrals will be transferred to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), but that’s hardly reassuring for those who don’t know whether ICE will let them continue receiving treatment.

...Multiple medical organizations, including the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA), expressed concern in a joint statement about withholding flu vaccinations, “an indispensable component of routine healthcare.” They called the decision “a violation of the most basic principles of public health and human rights” that “runs directly counter to the imperative that no individual should be harmed as a result of being detained.”

The statement notes that last flu season resulted in more than 57,000 deaths, including 129 children.

“For any population, if you do not vaccinate, there’s a higher risk of outbreaks, and there will be more severe illnesses,” said Matthew M. Zahn, MD, a pediatric infectious disease physician at the Children’s Hospital of California and chair of the IDSA’s Public Health Committee. “We particularly recommend flu vaccine in congregant settings because we know immunization prevents outbreaks, and we know that population is particularly at risk for outbreaks.”

Like Spiegel and his colleagues, the IDSA and other medical organizations noted previous reports of overcrowding and poor sanitation, and they called for “a comprehensive investigation of the agency’s protocol for providing health care at its facilities.”

So far, however, CBP, HHS, DHS, ICE and other federal immigration agencies have given no indication of changing course or commissioning such an investigation. Until they provide well-reasoned rationales for these failures, there’s little left to conclude except the refrain that has been employed to explain so many other decisions by the administration: the cruelty is the point.
I truly don’t get why this administration is doing this. It seems petty and needlessly cruel. This isn’t a huge group of people, so why?

Trump administration ends relief program for immigrants with medical issues

I read a few different articles on this this morning. I am sort of back and forth on this. I guess if someone has a cancer kid, sure let them stay. Some of this people are staying are not critical patients. Like the woman lamenting her child will die if he has to go back to Haiti as he has sickle cell anemia and has to go to the doctor like once every six months, Hardly comparable to life and death.

That's not the only sick kids he is kicking out. Are you happy with cancer kids being kicked out to die just so Trump can feel like a tough guy?

You're right, we should kick out the healthy illegal aliens first, to help pay for the sick ones.

Can you help a brother out?

We should certainly concentrate on the criminals first, and leave the sick kids and families alone.

How can we concentrate on the criminals first when Democrats give them warnings when ICE is coming to get them?
Most of the people caught up in workplace raids aren’t criminals other than being in the country illegally. So claim about warnings has no bearing on the ability to concentrate on the serious criminals. Republicans just don’t want to.
Trumpybear is the Chosen One.

His will supplants that of the former, or fallen, Chosen one.

We must check the childs country of origin and/or their parents ability to pay before we offer our charity. (um I mean services)

His will be done.
There are many Doctors who travel South Doctors without borders and others. They need Doctors then they Government needs to increase education it would only take one generation to make the need go away
I read a few different articles on this this morning. I am sort of back and forth on this. I guess if someone has a cancer kid, sure let them stay. Some of this people are staying are not critical patients. Like the woman lamenting her child will die if he has to go back to Haiti as he has sickle cell anemia and has to go to the doctor like once every six months, Hardly comparable to life and death.

That's not the only sick kids he is kicking out. Are you happy with cancer kids being kicked out to die just so Trump can feel like a tough guy?

You're right, we should kick out the healthy illegal aliens first, to help pay for the sick ones.

Can you help a brother out?

We should certainly concentrate on the criminals first, and leave the sick kids and families alone.

How can we concentrate on the criminals first when Democrats give them warnings when ICE is coming to get them?
Most of the people caught up in workplace raids aren’t criminals other than being in the country illegally. So claim about warnings has no bearing on the ability to concentrate on the serious criminals. Republicans just don’t want to.
Just how serious do you need, illegal have committed, Murder, Rape, Armed Robbery s, theft, Breaking and Entering, Auto Theft, Assault on Police officers, Killing Police, child Molestation, please pick out the ones you think should be given attention.
I read a few different articles on this this morning. I am sort of back and forth on this. I guess if someone has a cancer kid, sure let them stay. Some of this people are staying are not critical patients. Like the woman lamenting her child will die if he has to go back to Haiti as he has sickle cell anemia and has to go to the doctor like once every six months, Hardly comparable to life and death.

That's not the only sick kids he is kicking out. Are you happy with cancer kids being kicked out to die just so Trump can feel like a tough guy?

You're right, we should kick out the healthy illegal aliens first, to help pay for the sick ones.

Can you help a brother out?

We should certainly concentrate on the criminals first, and leave the sick kids and families alone.

How can we concentrate on the criminals first when Democrats give them warnings when ICE is coming to get them?
Most of the people caught up in workplace raids aren’t criminals other than being in the country illegally. So claim about warnings has no bearing on the ability to concentrate on the serious criminals. Republicans just don’t want to.

Actually we do. So what you're saying is when these Democrat Mayors and Governors issue these warnings, the criminal aliens don't hear them too?
That's not the only sick kids he is kicking out. Are you happy with cancer kids being kicked out to die just so Trump can feel like a tough guy?

You're right, we should kick out the healthy illegal aliens first, to help pay for the sick ones.

Can you help a brother out?

We should certainly concentrate on the criminals first, and leave the sick kids and families alone.

How can we concentrate on the criminals first when Democrats give them warnings when ICE is coming to get them?
Most of the people caught up in workplace raids aren’t criminals other than being in the country illegally. So claim about warnings has no bearing on the ability to concentrate on the serious criminals. Republicans just don’t want to.
Just how serious do you need, illegal have committed, Murder, Rape, Armed Robbery s, theft, Breaking and Entering, Auto Theft, Assault on Police officers, Killing Police, child Molestation, please pick out the ones you think should be given attention.
All of the above. Which was my point. Prioritize those ones first.
That's not the only sick kids he is kicking out. Are you happy with cancer kids being kicked out to die just so Trump can feel like a tough guy?

You're right, we should kick out the healthy illegal aliens first, to help pay for the sick ones.

Can you help a brother out?

We should certainly concentrate on the criminals first, and leave the sick kids and families alone.

How can we concentrate on the criminals first when Democrats give them warnings when ICE is coming to get them?
Most of the people caught up in workplace raids aren’t criminals other than being in the country illegally. So claim about warnings has no bearing on the ability to concentrate on the serious criminals. Republicans just don’t want to.

Actually we do. So what you're saying is when these Democrat Mayors and Governors issue these warnings, the criminal aliens don't hear them too?

When a crime is committed, law handles it. Not ICE. Warnings make no difference in that regard.
That's not the only sick kids he is kicking out. Are you happy with cancer kids being kicked out to die just so Trump can feel like a tough guy?

You're right, we should kick out the healthy illegal aliens first, to help pay for the sick ones.

Can you help a brother out?

We should certainly concentrate on the criminals first, and leave the sick kids and families alone.

How can we concentrate on the criminals first when Democrats give them warnings when ICE is coming to get them?
Most of the people caught up in workplace raids aren’t criminals other than being in the country illegally. So claim about warnings has no bearing on the ability to concentrate on the serious criminals. Republicans just don’t want to.
Just how serious do you need, illegal have committed, Murder, Rape, Armed Robbery s, theft, Breaking and Entering, Auto Theft, Assault on Police officers, Killing Police, child Molestation, please pick out the ones you think should be given attention.

Good list. Start with the ones who have done that.
Can Any Doctor Ethically Work In A U.S. Immigration Detention Facility?

Given recent news, this question is particularly relevant. First, CBP recently confirmed the agency will not administer flu vaccines to migrants held in detention, despite the looming flu season and an outcry from physicians who called the policy “cruel” and “dangerous.” As Bruce Y. Lee wrote for Forbes, “Holding a number of unvaccinated people in a crowded space could be like maintaining an amusement park for flu viruses,” potentially fueling the fire of an epidemic.

Then, federal agencies extended their cruelty to severely ill undocumented immigrants by suggesting that those receiving treatment for serious medical conditions will no longer receive deferrals for deportation—essentially a death sentence for those with life-threatening conditions. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has now partially walked back that decree by clarifying that jurisdiction over these deferrals will be transferred to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), but that’s hardly reassuring for those who don’t know whether ICE will let them continue receiving treatment.

...Multiple medical organizations, including the Infectious Disease Society of America (IDSA), expressed concern in a joint statement about withholding flu vaccinations, “an indispensable component of routine healthcare.” They called the decision “a violation of the most basic principles of public health and human rights” that “runs directly counter to the imperative that no individual should be harmed as a result of being detained.”

The statement notes that last flu season resulted in more than 57,000 deaths, including 129 children.

“For any population, if you do not vaccinate, there’s a higher risk of outbreaks, and there will be more severe illnesses,” said Matthew M. Zahn, MD, a pediatric infectious disease physician at the Children’s Hospital of California and chair of the IDSA’s Public Health Committee. “We particularly recommend flu vaccine in congregant settings because we know immunization prevents outbreaks, and we know that population is particularly at risk for outbreaks.”

Like Spiegel and his colleagues, the IDSA and other medical organizations noted previous reports of overcrowding and poor sanitation, and they called for “a comprehensive investigation of the agency’s protocol for providing health care at its facilities.”

So far, however, CBP, HHS, DHS, ICE and other federal immigration agencies have given no indication of changing course or commissioning such an investigation. Until they provide well-reasoned rationales for these failures, there’s little left to conclude except the refrain that has been employed to explain so many other decisions by the administration: the cruelty is the point.

Holding a number of unvaccinated people in a crowded space could be like maintaining an amusement park for flu viruses,” potentially fueling the fire of an epidemic.

I agree. We need to speed up deportations, for their own good.

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