So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

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So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

I appreciate where your heart is - but your thread title really SUCKS. Is that the best you could come up with on such a big important story?
I truly don’t get why this administration is doing this. It seems petty and needlessly cruel. This isn’t a huge group of people, so why?

Trump administration ends relief program for immigrants with medical issues

I read a few different articles on this this morning. I am sort of back and forth on this. I guess if someone has a cancer kid, sure let them stay. Some of this people are staying are not critical patients. Like the woman lamenting her child will die if he has to go back to Haiti as he has sickle cell anemia and has to go to the doctor like once every six months, Hardly comparable to life and death.

The cases are now under ICE and no one is denying anyone anything, it is a case by case basis just as it was before, the department handling the cases has changed, that is what Coyote’s link says.

ICE said they didn't know anything about it, and they have no intention of dealing with that.

Political News | WIMS AM 1420
USCIS, the agency in charge of legal immigration and processing visas, told ABC News that “this does not mean the end of deferred action” but rather that any requests must be submitted to a different agency, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which is the department in charge of deportations.
But the enforcement agency wasn’t aware of the policy change until reports surfaced in the press, according to an ICE official. The agency doesn’t have a process to accept the medical deferment applications that were previously reviewed by USCIS, the official said.
I truly don’t get why this administration is doing this. It seems petty and needlessly cruel. This isn’t a huge group of people, so why?

Trump administration ends relief program for immigrants with medical issues

I read a few different articles on this this morning. I am sort of back and forth on this. I guess if someone has a cancer kid, sure let them stay. Some of this people are staying are not critical patients. Like the woman lamenting her child will die if he has to go back to Haiti as he has sickle cell anemia and has to go to the doctor like once every six months, Hardly comparable to life and death.

The cases are now under ICE and no one is denying anyone anything, it is a case by case basis just as it was before, the department handling the cases has changed, that is what Coyote’s link says.

ICE said they didn't know anything about it, and they have no intention of dealing with that.

Political News | WIMS AM 1420
USCIS, the agency in charge of legal immigration and processing visas, told ABC News that “this does not mean the end of deferred action” but rather that any requests must be submitted to a different agency, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which is the department in charge of deportations.
But the enforcement agency wasn’t aware of the policy change until reports surfaced in the press, according to an ICE official. The agency doesn’t have a process to accept the medical deferment applications that were previously reviewed by USCIS, the official said.

It doesn’t say that they don’t have intention of dealing with it, it says they have no process, doesn’t mean they won’t in the future. I hope that no one that is in need is being sent back.
You did this. YOu libs, with your open border policies.

The generosity of America has been exhausted.


comprehensive BIPARTISAN immigration reform was ready for the house to sign off on back when republican & rat fucker, paul ryan was speaker & he refused to bring it to the floor for a vote.


You guys did this, by shutting down all attempts to even discuss the problem, for decades by screaming racism, when ever the subject was touched on.

Now, it is too late. We are done, in so many ways.

Take you sob stories and shove them.


the (D)s were ready to give donny $25 billion dollars for his immigration hard on in exchange for a clean DACA bill & he was ready to do it until another rat fucker mccarthy threw a hissy fit.... now all donny has is $5 billion & he hasta steal from the military & FEMA to help fund a refurbishment of the existing wall. AND he's facing more articles of impeachment by dangling pardons to his swamp if they break the law & steal american citizens' homes & property.

what a deal maker!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! so much winning !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

what a deal maker

Your bullshit lies are dismissed.

You guys did this, by shutting down all attempts to even discuss the problem, for decades by screaming racism, when ever the subject was touched on.

Now, it is too late. We are done, in so many ways.

Take you sob stories and shove them.


i don't bullshit & i don't lie & i certainly don't bend over & grab my ankles like basket dwellers do for their dear leader.

Paul Ryan Says the House Won't Take Up Immigration Reform. Does That Help or Hurt Marco Rubio?

USCIS chief Cuccinelli blames Paul Ryan for immigration inaction

Trump randomly agrees to a “clean DACA” bill

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?


Anything less, and you are talking bullshit.
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis
So why can't they get treatment in their country of origin ?

Because they have socialized medicine, and socialized medicine is the best in the world. Just ask any Democrat.

Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis

Is this supposed to tug on our heartstrings when the left champions killing babies by the millions? Do not care.

so how many post born breathing autonomous babies have you adopted?

You quickly deferred.
I truly don’t get why this administration is doing this. It seems petty and needlessly cruel. This isn’t a huge group of people, so why?

Trump administration ends relief program for immigrants with medical issues

I read a few different articles on this this morning. I am sort of back and forth on this. I guess if someone has a cancer kid, sure let them stay. Some of this people are staying are not critical patients. Like the woman lamenting her child will die if he has to go back to Haiti as he has sickle cell anemia and has to go to the doctor like once every six months, Hardly comparable to life and death.

That's not the only sick kids he is kicking out. Are you happy with cancer kids being kicked out to die just so Trump can feel like a tough guy?

You're right, we should kick out the healthy illegal aliens first, to help pay for the sick ones.

Can you help a brother out?
But obviously they can receive better health care in countries that have socialized medicine.

Come on, "were a Christian nation" guy. Is denying sick children life saving medical care what Jesus would do?

One thing is for sure; if we go with the Democrats plan of Socialized medicine, not only will we suffer with less quality care and access, but these poor kids will have to find some other country that will offer them good healthcare. Maybe it is the dimwit Democrats who are really going to harm children with their lack of insight.

Non sequitur that didn't answer the question. You're the one who insisted we were founded as a "Christian nation". Is sending kids with cancer away to die something Jesus would do?

By the way, universal healthcare works just fine in other developed nations. Why do you have such little faith in America that we can't do as well or better at universally covering all OUR citizens than other first world countries do? Where's your faith in American exceptionalism?

Would Jesus be okay with killing millions of babies in the womb?

priests in the OT certainly were.

No they weren't. False priests were.
I truly don’t get why this administration is doing this. It seems petty and needlessly cruel. This isn’t a huge group of people, so why?

Trump administration ends relief program for immigrants with medical issues

This is all part of the Make America American Again movement...Why does that suck?
Why do you believe Americans OWE the world?
Honest question, do you consider yourself a Christian?

I’m a terrible Christian...completely unwilling to be suckered and taken advantage of.

“We really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run a muck, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries, anything goes shithole we seek.”
So, is that a yes, a no, or a maybe?

Does “I’m a terrible Christian” really have you confused?
No, I'm just giving you a chance to clarify before I make my own conclusions.

For some reason you conservitards cannot answer "yes" or "no".
I truly don’t get why this administration is doing this. It seems petty and needlessly cruel. This isn’t a huge group of people, so why?

Trump administration ends relief program for immigrants with medical issues

I read a few different articles on this this morning. I am sort of back and forth on this. I guess if someone has a cancer kid, sure let them stay. Some of this people are staying are not critical patients. Like the woman lamenting her child will die if he has to go back to Haiti as he has sickle cell anemia and has to go to the doctor like once every six months, Hardly comparable to life and death.

The cases are now under ICE and no one is denying anyone anything, it is a case by case basis just as it was before, the department handling the cases has changed, that is what Coyote’s link says.

Then why are they getting letters telling them they have to get out?

I seriously do not understand. And let’s be real, when it comes to enforcement, everywhere, it tends to be prioritized. Resources are limited, efforts focus on the crimes that are worst or most detrimental to a community first. You don’t put the same effort in prosecuting as you do rape.

In the case of immigration I totally agree with rapid deportation of violent offenders. I agree with good border control. I wish we would hire more immigration judges and use electronic means of monitoring illegal immigrant families and children rather than incarceration. But I don’t understand why this particular group is being threatened. These are seriously ill kids. Surely there are violent offenders out there that merit our attention.

I feel the same way with Trump’s going after immigrants legally here, on protected status, because their countries are too dangerous to return to and despite government claims, tbe situation has not significantly changed.

The claim by Trump supporters is always seems to be “we are only against illegal immigration” but that doesn’t seem to be the case. There seems be an overall anti-immigrant sentiment growing that is disturbing to me.

Israel, a tiny, a tiny country, nowhere near as wealthy as we are, yet they seem able to build a significant humanitarian medical program that treated severely ill Palestinians, Syrian refugees, etc. what do they have that we don’t? :dunno:
I truly don’t get why this administration is doing this. It seems petty and needlessly cruel. This isn’t a huge group of people, so why?

Trump administration ends relief program for immigrants with medical issues

I read a few different articles on this this morning. I am sort of back and forth on this. I guess if someone has a cancer kid, sure let them stay. Some of this people are staying are not critical patients. Like the woman lamenting her child will die if he has to go back to Haiti as he has sickle cell anemia and has to go to the doctor like once every six months, Hardly comparable to life and death.

The cases are now under ICE and no one is denying anyone anything, it is a case by case basis just as it was before, the department handling the cases has changed, that is what Coyote’s link says.

Then why are they getting letters telling them they have to get out?

I seriously do not understand. And let’s be real, when it comes to enforcement, everywhere, it tends to be prioritized. Resources are limited, efforts focus on the crimes that are worst or most detrimental to a community first. You don’t put the same effort in prosecuting as you do rape.

In the case of immigration I totally agree with rapid deportation of violent offenders. I agree with good border control. I wish we would hire more immigration judges and use electronic means of monitoring illegal immigrant families and children rather than incarceration. But I don’t understand why this particular group is being threatened. These are seriously ill kids. Surely there are violent offenders out there that merit our attention.

I feel the same way with Trump’s going after immigrants legally here, on protected status, because their countries are too dangerous to return to and despite government claims, tbe situation has not significantly changed.

The claim by Trump supporters is always seems to be “we are only against illegal immigration” but that doesn’t seem to be the case. There seems be an overall anti-immigrant sentiment growing that is disturbing to me.

Israel, a tiny, a tiny country, nowhere near as wealthy as we are, yet they seem able to build a significant humanitarian medical program that treated severely ill Palestinians, Syrian refugees, etc. what do they have that we don’t? :dunno:

It tells them they need to renew or leave. When I get car tabs I get a letter that says I need to renew my tags or I can’t drive my vehicle. The electric company’s sends letter that say pay your bill do we will shut off power to your home. According to your article, it says each case is considered on an individual basis. What does that suggest to you?
I truly don’t get why this administration is doing this. It seems petty and needlessly cruel. This isn’t a huge group of people, so why?

Trump administration ends relief program for immigrants with medical issues

I read a few different articles on this this morning. I am sort of back and forth on this. I guess if someone has a cancer kid, sure let them stay. Some of this people are staying are not critical patients. Like the woman lamenting her child will die if he has to go back to Haiti as he has sickle cell anemia and has to go to the doctor like once every six months, Hardly comparable to life and death.

The cases are now under ICE and no one is denying anyone anything, it is a case by case basis just as it was before, the department handling the cases has changed, that is what Coyote’s link says.

ICE said they didn't know anything about it, and they have no intention of dealing with that.

Political News | WIMS AM 1420
USCIS, the agency in charge of legal immigration and processing visas, told ABC News that “this does not mean the end of deferred action” but rather that any requests must be submitted to a different agency, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which is the department in charge of deportations.
But the enforcement agency wasn’t aware of the policy change until reports surfaced in the press, according to an ICE official. The agency doesn’t have a process to accept the medical deferment applications that were previously reviewed by USCIS, the official said.

It doesn’t say that they don’t have intention of dealing with it, it says they have no process, doesn’t mean they won’t in the future. I hope that no one that is in need is being sent back.

They have no process, yet the first group will no longer do it, so they are kicking people out. You didn't hear about the letters telling them they had 30 days to self deport?
I truly don’t get why this administration is doing this. It seems petty and needlessly cruel. This isn’t a huge group of people, so why?

Trump administration ends relief program for immigrants with medical issues

I read a few different articles on this this morning. I am sort of back and forth on this. I guess if someone has a cancer kid, sure let them stay. Some of this people are staying are not critical patients. Like the woman lamenting her child will die if he has to go back to Haiti as he has sickle cell anemia and has to go to the doctor like once every six months, Hardly comparable to life and death.

That's not the only sick kids he is kicking out. Are you happy with cancer kids being kicked out to die just so Trump can feel like a tough guy?

You're right, we should kick out the healthy illegal aliens first, to help pay for the sick ones.

Can you help a brother out?

We should certainly concentrate on the criminals first, and leave the sick kids and families alone.
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis

Trump told people working in the government that if they get arrested for building the wall then he’ll pardon them

Yeah that’s about as fake as buying Greenland and nuking hurricanes.
But don’t worry about the nuking hurricanes. Because you don’t have to worry about the radiation. The wind will blow it all away.

Besides, Trump already said if you attacked somebody he’ll pay your court costs and your legal fees.

Good riddance to them. Let their parents take care of them.
I truly don’t get why this administration is doing this. It seems petty and needlessly cruel. This isn’t a huge group of people, so why?

Trump administration ends relief program for immigrants with medical issues

I read a few different articles on this this morning. I am sort of back and forth on this. I guess if someone has a cancer kid, sure let them stay. Some of this people are staying are not critical patients. Like the woman lamenting her child will die if he has to go back to Haiti as he has sickle cell anemia and has to go to the doctor like once every six months, Hardly comparable to life and death.

The cases are now under ICE and no one is denying anyone anything, it is a case by case basis just as it was before, the department handling the cases has changed, that is what Coyote’s link says.

Then why are they getting letters telling them they have to get out?

I seriously do not understand. And let’s be real, when it comes to enforcement, everywhere, it tends to be prioritized. Resources are limited, efforts focus on the crimes that are worst or most detrimental to a community first. You don’t put the same effort in prosecuting as you do rape.

In the case of immigration I totally agree with rapid deportation of violent offenders. I agree with good border control. I wish we would hire more immigration judges and use electronic means of monitoring illegal immigrant families and children rather than incarceration. But I don’t understand why this particular group is being threatened. These are seriously ill kids. Surely there are violent offenders out there that merit our attention.

I feel the same way with Trump’s going after immigrants legally here, on protected status, because their countries are too dangerous to return to and despite government claims, tbe situation has not significantly changed.

The claim by Trump supporters is always seems to be “we are only against illegal immigration” but that doesn’t seem to be the case. There seems be an overall anti-immigrant sentiment growing that is disturbing to me.

Israel, a tiny, a tiny country, nowhere near as wealthy as we are, yet they seem able to build a significant humanitarian medical program that treated severely ill Palestinians, Syrian refugees, etc. what do they have that we don’t? :dunno:
-------------------------------------------- i'm against ALL importation of All I mported people , third worlder especially . Just saying and for the USMB Record Coyote .
I truly don’t get why this administration is doing this. It seems petty and needlessly cruel. This isn’t a huge group of people, so why?

Trump administration ends relief program for immigrants with medical issues

I read a few different articles on this this morning. I am sort of back and forth on this. I guess if someone has a cancer kid, sure let them stay. Some of this people are staying are not critical patients. Like the woman lamenting her child will die if he has to go back to Haiti as he has sickle cell anemia and has to go to the doctor like once every six months, Hardly comparable to life and death.

The cases are now under ICE and no one is denying anyone anything, it is a case by case basis just as it was before, the department handling the cases has changed, that is what Coyote’s link says.

ICE said they didn't know anything about it, and they have no intention of dealing with that.

Political News | WIMS AM 1420
USCIS, the agency in charge of legal immigration and processing visas, told ABC News that “this does not mean the end of deferred action” but rather that any requests must be submitted to a different agency, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which is the department in charge of deportations.
But the enforcement agency wasn’t aware of the policy change until reports surfaced in the press, according to an ICE official. The agency doesn’t have a process to accept the medical deferment applications that were previously reviewed by USCIS, the official said.

It doesn’t say that they don’t have intention of dealing with it, it says they have no process, doesn’t mean they won’t in the future. I hope that no one that is in need is being sent back.

They have no process, yet the first group will no longer do it, so they are kicking people out. You didn't hear about the letters telling them they had 30 days to self deport?

I read the article, they will be given time to request a hearing
I truly don’t get why this administration is doing this. It seems petty and needlessly cruel. This isn’t a huge group of people, so why?

Trump administration ends relief program for immigrants with medical issues

I read a few different articles on this this morning. I am sort of back and forth on this. I guess if someone has a cancer kid, sure let them stay. Some of this people are staying are not critical patients. Like the woman lamenting her child will die if he has to go back to Haiti as he has sickle cell anemia and has to go to the doctor like once every six months, Hardly comparable to life and death.

The cases are now under ICE and no one is denying anyone anything, it is a case by case basis just as it was before, the department handling the cases has changed, that is what Coyote’s link says.

ICE said they didn't know anything about it, and they have no intention of dealing with that.

Political News | WIMS AM 1420
USCIS, the agency in charge of legal immigration and processing visas, told ABC News that “this does not mean the end of deferred action” but rather that any requests must be submitted to a different agency, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which is the department in charge of deportations.
But the enforcement agency wasn’t aware of the policy change until reports surfaced in the press, according to an ICE official. The agency doesn’t have a process to accept the medical deferment applications that were previously reviewed by USCIS, the official said.

It doesn’t say that they don’t have intention of dealing with it, it says they have no process, doesn’t mean they won’t in the future. I hope that no one that is in need is being sent back.

They have no process, yet the first group will no longer do it, so they are kicking people out. You didn't hear about the letters telling them they had 30 days to self deport?

FTA: “ICE reviews each case on its own merits and exercises appropriate discretion after reviewing all the facts of each case,” an ICE spokesperson said in a statement.
I read a few different articles on this this morning. I am sort of back and forth on this. I guess if someone has a cancer kid, sure let them stay. Some of this people are staying are not critical patients. Like the woman lamenting her child will die if he has to go back to Haiti as he has sickle cell anemia and has to go to the doctor like once every six months, Hardly comparable to life and death.

The cases are now under ICE and no one is denying anyone anything, it is a case by case basis just as it was before, the department handling the cases has changed, that is what Coyote’s link says.

ICE said they didn't know anything about it, and they have no intention of dealing with that.

Political News | WIMS AM 1420
USCIS, the agency in charge of legal immigration and processing visas, told ABC News that “this does not mean the end of deferred action” but rather that any requests must be submitted to a different agency, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which is the department in charge of deportations.
But the enforcement agency wasn’t aware of the policy change until reports surfaced in the press, according to an ICE official. The agency doesn’t have a process to accept the medical deferment applications that were previously reviewed by USCIS, the official said.

It doesn’t say that they don’t have intention of dealing with it, it says they have no process, doesn’t mean they won’t in the future. I hope that no one that is in need is being sent back.

They have no process, yet the first group will no longer do it, so they are kicking people out. You didn't hear about the letters telling them they had 30 days to self deport?

I read the article, they will be given time to request a hearing
I read a few different articles on this this morning. I am sort of back and forth on this. I guess if someone has a cancer kid, sure let them stay. Some of this people are staying are not critical patients. Like the woman lamenting her child will die if he has to go back to Haiti as he has sickle cell anemia and has to go to the doctor like once every six months, Hardly comparable to life and death.

The cases are now under ICE and no one is denying anyone anything, it is a case by case basis just as it was before, the department handling the cases has changed, that is what Coyote’s link says.

ICE said they didn't know anything about it, and they have no intention of dealing with that.

Political News | WIMS AM 1420
USCIS, the agency in charge of legal immigration and processing visas, told ABC News that “this does not mean the end of deferred action” but rather that any requests must be submitted to a different agency, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which is the department in charge of deportations.
But the enforcement agency wasn’t aware of the policy change until reports surfaced in the press, according to an ICE official. The agency doesn’t have a process to accept the medical deferment applications that were previously reviewed by USCIS, the official said.

It doesn’t say that they don’t have intention of dealing with it, it says they have no process, doesn’t mean they won’t in the future. I hope that no one that is in need is being sent back.

They have no process, yet the first group will no longer do it, so they are kicking people out. You didn't hear about the letters telling them they had 30 days to self deport?

FTA: “ICE reviews each case on its own merits and exercises appropriate discretion after reviewing all the facts of each case,” an ICE spokesperson said in a statement.

Why does this particular category need to go to ICE? ICE’s position has been far more aggressive, even abusive, under this Administration, why the move?
The cases are now under ICE and no one is denying anyone anything, it is a case by case basis just as it was before, the department handling the cases has changed, that is what Coyote’s link says.

ICE said they didn't know anything about it, and they have no intention of dealing with that.

Political News | WIMS AM 1420
USCIS, the agency in charge of legal immigration and processing visas, told ABC News that “this does not mean the end of deferred action” but rather that any requests must be submitted to a different agency, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which is the department in charge of deportations.
But the enforcement agency wasn’t aware of the policy change until reports surfaced in the press, according to an ICE official. The agency doesn’t have a process to accept the medical deferment applications that were previously reviewed by USCIS, the official said.

It doesn’t say that they don’t have intention of dealing with it, it says they have no process, doesn’t mean they won’t in the future. I hope that no one that is in need is being sent back.

They have no process, yet the first group will no longer do it, so they are kicking people out. You didn't hear about the letters telling them they had 30 days to self deport?

I read the article, they will be given time to request a hearing
The cases are now under ICE and no one is denying anyone anything, it is a case by case basis just as it was before, the department handling the cases has changed, that is what Coyote’s link says.

ICE said they didn't know anything about it, and they have no intention of dealing with that.

Political News | WIMS AM 1420
USCIS, the agency in charge of legal immigration and processing visas, told ABC News that “this does not mean the end of deferred action” but rather that any requests must be submitted to a different agency, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which is the department in charge of deportations.
But the enforcement agency wasn’t aware of the policy change until reports surfaced in the press, according to an ICE official. The agency doesn’t have a process to accept the medical deferment applications that were previously reviewed by USCIS, the official said.

It doesn’t say that they don’t have intention of dealing with it, it says they have no process, doesn’t mean they won’t in the future. I hope that no one that is in need is being sent back.

They have no process, yet the first group will no longer do it, so they are kicking people out. You didn't hear about the letters telling them they had 30 days to self deport?

FTA: “ICE reviews each case on its own merits and exercises appropriate discretion after reviewing all the facts of each case,” an ICE spokesperson said in a statement.

Why does this particular category need to go to ICE? ICE’s position has been far more aggressive, even abusive, under this Administration, why the move?
------------------------------------------------- maybe to show Americans that they are doing their jobs Coyote .
The cases are now under ICE and no one is denying anyone anything, it is a case by case basis just as it was before, the department handling the cases has changed, that is what Coyote’s link says.

ICE said they didn't know anything about it, and they have no intention of dealing with that.

Political News | WIMS AM 1420
USCIS, the agency in charge of legal immigration and processing visas, told ABC News that “this does not mean the end of deferred action” but rather that any requests must be submitted to a different agency, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which is the department in charge of deportations.
But the enforcement agency wasn’t aware of the policy change until reports surfaced in the press, according to an ICE official. The agency doesn’t have a process to accept the medical deferment applications that were previously reviewed by USCIS, the official said.

It doesn’t say that they don’t have intention of dealing with it, it says they have no process, doesn’t mean they won’t in the future. I hope that no one that is in need is being sent back.

They have no process, yet the first group will no longer do it, so they are kicking people out. You didn't hear about the letters telling them they had 30 days to self deport?

I read the article, they will be given time to request a hearing
The cases are now under ICE and no one is denying anyone anything, it is a case by case basis just as it was before, the department handling the cases has changed, that is what Coyote’s link says.

ICE said they didn't know anything about it, and they have no intention of dealing with that.

Political News | WIMS AM 1420
USCIS, the agency in charge of legal immigration and processing visas, told ABC News that “this does not mean the end of deferred action” but rather that any requests must be submitted to a different agency, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which is the department in charge of deportations.
But the enforcement agency wasn’t aware of the policy change until reports surfaced in the press, according to an ICE official. The agency doesn’t have a process to accept the medical deferment applications that were previously reviewed by USCIS, the official said.

It doesn’t say that they don’t have intention of dealing with it, it says they have no process, doesn’t mean they won’t in the future. I hope that no one that is in need is being sent back.

They have no process, yet the first group will no longer do it, so they are kicking people out. You didn't hear about the letters telling them they had 30 days to self deport?

FTA: “ICE reviews each case on its own merits and exercises appropriate discretion after reviewing all the facts of each case,” an ICE spokesperson said in a statement.

Why does this particular category need to go to ICE? ICE’s position has been far more aggressive, even abusive, under this Administration, why the move?

I have no clue, I hope ICE allows them to stay and I am sure they will. Maybe ICE should handle it since it is immigration.
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis
There's no cure for any form of muscular dystrophy. Nor is there any cure for cystic fibrosis.

There are trials in various locations in South America where the parents with Leukemia may want to try and find help. You may want to donate some of your own bone marrow to the cause.

International Resources | Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

So let ‘em die quick instead of prolonging their lives?
thats what they do to many of us....why should they be any different?...
You Lie! I got the bends scuba diving in Mexico & their doctors took care of me for free.
i lied? they do what i was commenting on or not?..

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