So These the "Bad Hombres" Trump Wants to Get Rid Of?

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She lost and never conceded

trump hates her with every orange blood cell he has in his fat laden body.

More than Hillary hates Don? I don’t think Trumps hates her at all he annihilated her and doesn’t consider her a threat, so he doesn’t really care about her anymore. I do believe Hillary hates him for taking away her presumed Presidency.
he seems to hate ALL smart women, unless they are F-able, big boobs, tall, thin, long legs.... wanted by other men.... :rolleyes:

Really? He seems to like all those that agree with him, men or women. If they go after him, he attacks back, the sex of the person doesn’t matter. Swift is attractive and smart, she made a negative comment about Trump and he attacked back. So I don’t buy into your theory at all.
And if I am not mistaken, weren't you assholes all complaining that President Trump was increasing the debt?
So, treating them costs a lot more than holding them for a long time and deporting them?

Oops, never even crossed your mind.

I thought that the person that came here for treatment usually has paid. Am I wrong on that?

Yes. We invited this girl here because her disease was so incredibly rare. She helped us develop a treatment. Now Trump want to send her to another country to die. She has PRIVATE insurance, BTW.

'Advocating for My Own Life:' Bay Area Woman Getting Lifesaving Care Faces Deportation'Advocating for My Own Life:' Bay Area Woman Getting Lifesaving Care Faces Deportation

So, she also has private insured. Okay, that is what I was asking.
And if I am not mistaken, weren't you assholes all complaining that President Trump was increasing the debt?
So, treating them costs a lot more than holding them for a long time and deporting them?

Oops, never even crossed your mind.

I thought that the person that came here for treatment usually has paid. Am I wrong on that?

Yes. We invited this girl here because her disease was so incredibly rare. She helped us develop a treatment. Now Trump want to send her to another country to die. She has PRIVATE insurance, BTW.

'Advocating for My Own Life:' Bay Area Woman Getting Lifesaving Care Faces Deportation'Advocating for My Own Life:' Bay Area Woman Getting Lifesaving Care Faces Deportation

So, she also has private insured. Okay, that is what I was asking.
Because of course it's only cool to kill kids with cancer if they don't have private insurance.
And if I am not mistaken, weren't you assholes all complaining that President Trump was increasing the debt?
So, treating them costs a lot more than holding them for a long time and deporting them?

Oops, never even crossed your mind.

I thought that the person that came here for treatment usually has paid. Am I wrong on that?

Yes. We invited this girl here because her disease was so incredibly rare. She helped us develop a treatment. Now Trump want to send her to another country to die. She has PRIVATE insurance, BTW.

'Advocating for My Own Life:' Bay Area Woman Getting Lifesaving Care Faces Deportation'Advocating for My Own Life:' Bay Area Woman Getting Lifesaving Care Faces Deportation

So, she also has private insured. Okay, that is what I was asking.
Because of course it's only cool to kill kids with cancer if they don't have private insurance.
Who killed a kid with cancer? A name will do. TIA...
McCain the only American, and he’s dead

^101: How to prove someone else's point without even trying.
I’m still waiting for your answer from another thread. You’re a loser

Oh, sorry, I get flooded with alerts. I either missed your request or your post was lame...or both.
That’s what losers say

I'm sure you know all about it. Why not stay on topic?
Why aren’t you?
And if I am not mistaken, weren't you assholes all complaining that President Trump was increasing the debt?
So, treating them costs a lot more than holding them for a long time and deporting them?

Oops, never even crossed your mind.

I thought that the person that came here for treatment usually has paid. Am I wrong on that?

Yes. We invited this girl here because her disease was so incredibly rare. She helped us develop a treatment. Now Trump want to send her to another country to die. She has PRIVATE insurance, BTW.

'Advocating for My Own Life:' Bay Area Woman Getting Lifesaving Care Faces Deportation'Advocating for My Own Life:' Bay Area Woman Getting Lifesaving Care Faces Deportation

So, she also has private insured. Okay, that is what I was asking.
Because of course it's only cool to kill kids with cancer if they don't have private insurance.
Post a name
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis
Yes, I will. Trump is following the law-something these sick people should check out before depending on us. Today's illegal children are tomorrow's MS13 and Cartel member.
they are legally here, with documentation.... they followed the rules, reported to homeland security for acceptance in the program that has been available to the sick, since 1976....

Trump is ending this 45 year old program.
ray ray ray............... i am talking about the already done deal tax cut for the top 1%... 880 BILLION dollars cut from medicare & medicaid over 10 years to pay for it. 720 of that went di-rectly to the top & most of it was used for stock by backs, whilst a mere 70 million went out to appease the worker bees in the form of one time bonus' that happened just before the health ins cos jacked up premiums cause of the instability of the ACA which is now in jeopardy. & them that piddly tax cut you think you got? they are temporary but big corp's are permanent.

If this isn't what you're talking about then I don't know what is. Find me a bill or something where I can research it. But so far, I found nothing about Trump cutting anything in regards to Medicare or Medicaid except for what I posted. Give me a date or something, because nothing comes up in the search engine.

WTF does this have to do with what we were talking about?

the bipartisan CBO is stating that tax cut is going to be pd for by the social programs by X amt of dollars over 10 years because only a certain amt of cuts in any given year is allowed. you didn't follow that bouncing ball, raymond. i'm disappointed in you.... do you think 880 billion dollars magically gets paid for without cuts from somewhere else?

I can't follow the bouncing ball? We WERE talking about cuts to Medicaid and Medicare stating that my earlier link was about different cuts in these programs and not the ones you were talking about.
They bounce like rubber
And if I am not mistaken, weren't you assholes all complaining that President Trump was increasing the debt?
So, treating them costs a lot more than holding them for a long time and deporting them?

Oops, never even crossed your mind.

I thought that the person that came here for treatment usually has paid. Am I wrong on that?

Yes. We invited this girl here because her disease was so incredibly rare. She helped us develop a treatment. Now Trump want to send her to another country to die. She has PRIVATE insurance, BTW.

'Advocating for My Own Life:' Bay Area Woman Getting Lifesaving Care Faces Deportation'Advocating for My Own Life:' Bay Area Woman Getting Lifesaving Care Faces Deportation

So, she also has private insured. Okay, that is what I was asking.
Because of course it's only cool to kill kids with cancer if they don't have private insurance.

I never said that, someone made a comment that indicated we paid for the doctor care. I was asking if they had private insurance, so cost would not be an issue with them staying. Care4all went way off on a tangent. I apologize for you misunderstanding my answer to another person.

Has the child and her parents been deported? Has she died? All that has happened is a letter has been sent. The article mentioned that every case would be reviewed and handled on a case by case review.
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis
And if I am not mistaken, weren't you assholes all complaining that President Trump was increasing the debt? Yeah, I think you morons were, so now instead of having the US foot the bill for these people who shouldn't be, let their own countries deal with it? Or are you now going to allow President Trump to increase the debt?

You ever heard of Karma? You have none, callous conservatives (if Dante is correct) like you will find yourself in the 9th circle of hell for eternity.

Dante's Inferno Ninth Circle of Hell: Punishments & Description - Video & Lesson Transcript |
I truly don’t get why this administration is doing this. It seems petty and needlessly cruel. This isn’t a huge group of people, so why?

Trump administration ends relief program for immigrants with medical issues

I read a few different articles on this this morning. I am sort of back and forth on this. I guess if someone has a cancer kid, sure let them stay. Some of this people are staying are not critical patients. Like the woman lamenting her child will die if he has to go back to Haiti as he has sickle cell anemia and has to go to the doctor like once every six months, Hardly comparable to life and death.

The cases are now under ICE and no one is denying anyone anything, it is a case by case basis just as it was before, the department handling the cases has changed, that is what Coyote’s link says.

Except ICE said "uh,no, thanks"

Feds Can't Agree On Which Agency — If Any — Handles Medical Deportation DeferralsFeds Can't Agree On Which Agency — If Any — Handles Medical Deportation Deferrals

That ICE was going to take over was the EXCUSE the administration gave when they got caught being inhumane and cruel.
That is so typical of this administration. They make a policy change. Don’t tell the affected agencies or work it out with them, and leave them scrambling on very short notice.
Sorta like you have to vote for the bill, before you find out what is in the bill?
...Dying children represent 1,000,000 born and unborn babies...
One last try...

I am on your phukking side, when it comes to flushing Illegal Beaners out of our country...

It's just that the optics on this one look sssooooooo goddamned bad that your (our) agenda is going to take a hit from which it may not recover...

The lives of little children ALREADY amongst us are vastly more important...

It does no good to (attempt, and fail to) deflect and distract... this one is going to give The Adversary tons of fresh ammo... unnecessarily.

You are shooting us in the foot and giving aid-and-comfort to The Adversary...

What part about that do you NOT get?

These are NOT difficult questions.

trump loves the poorly educated...............
Trump loves every american

unless he CONsiders you 'the enemy'... which os pretty much anybody who criticizes the poor little snowflake.
Name someone he hates

He doesn't love Randy Rainbow..
One last try...

I am on your phukking side, when it comes to flushing Illegal Beaners out of our country...

It's just that the optics on this one look sssooooooo goddamned bad that your (our) agenda is going to take a hit from which it may not recover...

The lives of little children ALREADY amongst us are vastly more important...

It does no good to (attempt, and fail to) deflect and distract... this one is going to give The Adversary tons of fresh ammo... unnecessarily.

You are shooting us in the foot and giving aid-and-comfort to The Adversary...

What part about that do you NOT get?

These are NOT difficult questions.

trump loves the poorly educated...............
Trump loves every american

unless he CONsiders you 'the enemy'... which os pretty much anybody who criticizes the poor little snowflake.
Name someone he hates

He doesn't love Randy Rainbow..

It seems he hates Cheeto Christ. The fking irony is amazing
Last edited:
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis
And if I am not mistaken, weren't you assholes all complaining that President Trump was increasing the debt? Yeah, I think you morons were, so now instead of having the US foot the bill for these people who shouldn't be, let their own countries deal with it? Or are you now going to allow President Trump to increase the debt?

You ever heard of Karma? You have none, callous conservatives (if Dante is correct) like you will find yourself in the 9th circle of hell for eternity.

Dante's Inferno Ninth Circle of Hell: Punishments & Description - Video & Lesson Transcript |
How would you know if you actually knew what karma was
Is anyone going to try to argue that cruelty isn't the point of this?

Trump Moves To Deport Sick Migrant Children From The US

Step by malicious step, the Trump administration is turning the American immigration system into an apparatus of appalling, intentional cruelty.

The latest case in point is a relatively small program known as “medical deferred action,” in which immigrants without legal status who are suffering from serious medical conditions are granted a reprieve from deportation so that they can have access to much-needed medical treatment in the United States.

Trump halted the program this month, threatening to deport these patients, including children with leukemia, muscular dystrophy, or cystic fibrosis
And if I am not mistaken, weren't you assholes all complaining that President Trump was increasing the debt? Yeah, I think you morons were, so now instead of having the US foot the bill for these people who shouldn't be, let their own countries deal with it? Or are you now going to allow President Trump to increase the debt?

You ever heard of Karma? You have none, callous conservatives (if Dante is correct) like you will find yourself in the 9th circle of hell for eternity.

Dante's Inferno Ninth Circle of Hell: Punishments & Description - Video & Lesson Transcript |
Didnt you know that the 9th circle of hell is for people who put their dick in another man's ass. Some people on this board need to worry about that.
For the Record:

Trump administration seeks to deport children with life-threatening illnesses

  • The Trump administration quietly told families who were granted permission to stay for this medical care that their permission to stay has been rescinded and they have 33 days to leave the country. The policy is being applied retroactively to any requests filed on or before Aug. 7.
  • Each year, the U.S. gets about 1,000 applications from immigrant families in the U.S. seeking permission to stay in the country and not face deportation so family members can continue lifesaving medical care that is not available in their home countries.
  • The change was not made public and members of the public were not given a chance to provide comment before it went into effect. Families simply received letters telling them they had 33 days to leave.
There is doubt that Trump is despicable, callous and morally corrupt. I was opposed to his impeachment until now, I had wanted to see him lose on Nov 3, 2020 in a landslide.

Now I wonder how much damage and how many people will be harmed if this sociopathic narcissist is allowed to have the power of the presidency for 81 days after his humiliation and rejection by millions of our citizens on election day year next.

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