So Trump supporters get that if Trump is the 2024 nominee he is sure to lose?

I don’t believe DeSantis is any more viable than Trump. Those of us on the Right who don’t want Trump really don’t want DeSantis either. We want a new, ideological/lifestyle Conservative.
What part of DeSantis's ideology/lifestyle do you disapprove of?
The traditional ideals and values that were the backbone of Western Civilization for hundreds if not thousands of years before the 1960s.
For most of that time, Western Civilization was a collection of monarchies and feudal states in which life for peasants/serfs like you was "nasty, brutish and short".

And if the King didn't get along with his wife, he had her beheaded.
Don't project. Leftists are the cult and are complacent with and/or adopt all of the left's tales and doings. Conservatives are far more independent.
How do you possibly justify that batshit crazy pic? Like don’t now say “it’s just humor!” No. You meant that shit. You worship him like he’s super human. He’s like a deity to you.
How do you possibly justify that batshit crazy pic? Like don’t now say “it’s just humor!” No. You meant that shit. You worship him like he’s super human. He’s like a deity to you.
Those pictures always crack me up. They remind me of communist propaganda when Dear Leader can barely lift a bottle of water and walks down gentle ramps like his shoelaces are tied together.

The more feeble Dear Leader becomes, the more hilarious the propaganda gets.
How do you possibly justify that batshit crazy pic? Like don’t now say “it’s just humor!” No. You meant that shit. You worship him like he’s super human. He’s like a deity to you.
Like sexual perversion is a deity to you?
It’s obvious you mentally ill Liberals are convinced Trump will win or you would be thrilled he’s running.
He’s never been popular with voters who are not republican. He BARELY won in 2016 and it was very telling he lost the popular vote.

Since then everyone else just finds him awful in more ways than one. Biden isn’t popular either currently, but you better believe he would beat Trump easily.

DeSantis would definitely give Biden a run for his money. If Biden’s poll numbers do not get better, DeSantis has a shot. It’s a painful thought but let’s be objective shall we?

It all depends on whether Merrick Garland wakes up in time.
For most of that time, Western Civilization was a collection of monarchies and feudal states in which life for peasants/serfs like you was "nasty, brutish and short".
As an Authoritarian and a medieval history aficionado thst works for me. Even thought I’d have been dead at birth.
And if the King didn't get along with his wife, he had her beheaded
There’s an idea there.

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