so ufo's only appear to government entities, fbi, and Howard Hawks movies.


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2012
Burley, Idaho
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As I just explained here:

I've seen a UFO first hand that could not possibly be anything terrestrial, man-made, and certainly not some reflection or weather phenomena. And as that was about 55 years ago, it cannot even be explained by some secret military technology. The stuff is real and the government has been covering it up. The only question is why?
ya ok.
Till one lands here i burley and wants to play the back 9 with me; Im a non believer

Hey don't diss Howard Hawks. That was the first serious take on sci fi in film.

According to a 2017 paper in Current Issues in Psychological Science by psychologist Karen Douglas of England’s University of Kent and her colleagues, nearly all conspiracy theories satisfy three basic needs: they provide understanding and certainty, they create a sense of control and security, and they improve a believer’s self-image.

So maybe the US military has found a reason to fulfill the need?
ya ok.
Till one lands here i burley and wants to play the back 9 with me; Im a non believer

How can you see democrats ruin the country every day with the craziest of ideas as they create their own language and not just assume they are aliens sent to destroy earth?
As I just explained here:

I've seen a UFO first hand that could not possibly be anything terrestrial, man-made, and certainly not some reflection or weather phenomena. And as that was about 55 years ago, it cannot even be explained by some secret military technology. The stuff is real and the government has been covering it up. The only question is why?
Good! Tell us what you saw?
I think they should change the name. AA for alien aircraft, or something.

UFO just stands for unidentified flying object which could be anything from an aircraft to a withered balloon.
I think they should change the name. AA for alien aircraft, or something.

UFO just stands for unidentified flying object which could be anything from an aircraft to a withered balloon.
It could also be a sperm whale and a small potted plant that is thinking "not again" as it falls to earth*

*internet points if you get the reference.
Good! Tell us what you saw?

I've explained it in detail here several times already, if you use the search or look in Sci and Tech, you should find some of them, even once or twice showing photos I took through a telescope, but briefly, the instance in question in around 1968 involved sighting a formation of three high altitude vehicles flying in formation one summer night in a telescope at about 25X and as I followed them, I saw them make several instantaneous speed and right-angle direction changes, temporarily breaking formation then catching up and regrouping, a physical impossibility by all known laws of physics.
It could also be a sperm whale and a small potted plant that is thinking "not again" as it falls to earth*

*internet points if you get the reference.

I don't get the reference. :(
I've explained it in detail here several times already, if you use the search or look in Sci and Tech, you should find some of them, even once or twice showing photos I took through a telescope, but briefly, the instance in question in around 1968 involved sighting a formation of three high altitude vehicles flying in formation one summer night in a telescope at about 25X and as I followed them, I saw them make several instantaneous speed and right-angle direction changes, temporarily breaking formation then catching up and regrouping, a physical impossibility by all known laws of physics.

The feds are saying "HEY!! LOOK OVER HERE!!! LOOK AT ALL THESE BRIGHT AND SHINY OBJECTS!! THEM THANGS ARE SPACE ALIENS!!!! YEEHAWW!!!!!" Meanwhile, Biden is caught red handed peddling influence and compromising national security, the FBI and IRS have taken on the role of American Stasi, the left is dismantling the constitution and sewing seeds of social discontent, and now chicks have dicks. Wise up!! There may be space aliens visiting us. I don't know. But that is not the point. The point is that the feds are using this to distract.

``A former intelligence officer today suggested people have been murdered by the US government as part of the conspiracy to keep UFOs a secret in a bombshell hearing held by Congress.
David Grusch - a former high-ranking intelligence official - is one of three military whistleblowers who testified under oath that they had firsthand encounters or knowledge about secret government programs involving technology that is 'non-human.'
He claimed that the US has been in possession of UFOs since 'the 1930s' and has been secretly back-engineering them and carrying out a public disinformation campaign to prevent the details from leaking publicly.``

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