So very sorry Republicans Putin gambled and lost

I have never said anything resembling that remark. What you’re doing is you’re generalizing against a peaceful protest movement based on the fact that it has the words Black Lives Matter as the name of their organization. You are part of the anti - Black Lives Matter political right wing that condemns the entire organization for violence the organization has absolutely nothing to do with. For some reason it’s to your political advantage to claim that black lives do not matter. It’s some sort of white grievance for you people to suffer so badly when you hear the words Black Lives Matter.
Damn right, I’m against violence based on color , blm did just that. To see a white guy holding a sign we matter, not sure how to call that except, racist
All anyone had to do in order to prevent the Russian invasion, was to stop murdering ethnic Russians, liberate the Donetsk, abide by treaties, not try to join NATO, pay back the $20 billion the Ukraine owed for stolen oil, and not break off negotiations.
None of which is hard to do.
All they require is to not deliberately try to start a war with acts of war.
Have you told Biden how easy it is?
I'm sure his people would love to have you on their side.
What the rumps did and got away with is a total disgrace.
Puede ser una imagen de 2 personas y texto que dice Jared Kushner used the White House to find debt loaners for himself, Ivanka Trump gained 41 trademarks in China including coffins and voting machines, and both made $640 MILLION while 'working' in daddy Trump's administration. THAT is what corruption looks ike NOT SOME LAPTOP. @STRANDJUNKER OCCUPY DEMOCRATS
That really is false.
Throughout all of history, the greedy, wealthy, elite are always the most authoritarian, and are always far right.
The only exception may Libertarians, who may actually be confused Anarchists?
The far left is liberals and progressives, who put individual liberties and rights above all else.

Two good examples are the French Revolution and the American Revolution, where the right wing monarchs were defeated by the liberal and progressive revolutionaries.

The only exception was the Russian Revolution, because Lenin and Stalin murdered all the idealists and took over, but even then, the USSR has more personal rights and freedoms than the Tzar's Russia.
Communists are stupid.
Bolton says Putin expected Trump to get out of NATO his second term, super dupe.
Bolton will say or do just about anything to further his cause and his cause seems to be attempting to find some way to remain relevant after being shown the door.
Bolton will say or do just about anything to further his cause and his cause seems to be attempting to find some way to remain relevant after being shown the door.
So many whackos, maybe right. I love gambling with our country and democracy....
why not take all agenda driven activists out of DC. Local government?
Yes let's just give ALL the money to the greedy idiot lying GOP megarich...Thanks for 40 years of GOP theft and corruption and dereg bubble and bust, the stupidest wars and covert action ever, and the worst inequality, upward mobility, homelessness and poverty anywhere in the modern world by far. And a quarter of the country technically insane by brainwash like you....
Yes let's just give ALL the money to the greedy idiot lying GOP megarich...Thanks for 40 years of GOP theft and corruption and dereg bubble and bust, the stupidest wars and covert action ever, and the worst inequality, upward mobility, homelessness and poverty anywhere in the modern world by far. And a quarter of the country technically insane by brainwash like you....
you posted that like I said to do that. Why?

Try reality, super dupe troll of the greedy idiot lying GOP megarich...
when was Soros a GOPer? Bill Gates? Or any of the other billionaire demofks? you really suck the demofk tit. wow. You truly are all in. I feel sorry for you. Fk dude, let's talk about 80% of fking mega rich hollywood elites? you think they are GOPers? can't make up the investment you've made into Jim Jonesing.
In reality, Dem are useless twats.
Ever consider which party's policies ae best for the people and the country, super dupe? I doubt you know anything about it lol. Life is tough for democracy, civilization and the people when lying RW scum megarich liars are obstructing EVERYTHING. Go Tiger...
Ever consider which party's policies ae best for the people and the country, super dupe?

You said things are awful because of the Republicans.
But Dems have also been in power over the last 40 years.
So why haven't the Dems fixed the problems?
If it's not because the Dems are useless twats, then what is the reason?

Be as specific as your little brain can manage.
You said things are awful because of the Republicans.
But Dems have also been in power over the last 40 years.
So why haven't the Dems fixed the problems?
If it's not because the Dems are useless twats, then what is the reason?

Be as specific as your little brain can manage.
I got money on the crickets.
Due tell.. . what "basic individual rights" would those be?

Since you missed it the first time.
Here is the "basic individual rights" repeated again.
Striking and unions are about protection of basic individual rights.
These principles include labor laws like against child labor, trust busting, anti-monopolies, etc.
These principles are what makes Marxism unnecessary and obsolete.
It is labor laws and collective bargaining that solve the problem of economic dictatorships.
To then try to legislate against collective bargaining, is to return to the dictatorships Marx was correct to abhor.

You can't have it both ways.
Either you believe in individual rights, (which essentially is collective bargaining), or you believe in dictatorships.

When factories started to make cloth and other things for a forth was cottage industries could, there at first was horrific unemployment, starvation, monopolies, unsafe working conditions, forced labor, child labor, etc. It took over 70 years to get enough of the problems fixed so that capitalism was no longer such an oppressive threat.

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