So Vester was gay

Slain TV reporter's boyfriend, father ask for dialogue over gun violence

“We need to have a substantive conversation on what is going on in America that is allowing evil to continue to crop up over love? Is it because we are in the media? And the attacker knew this was going to get a lot of play, and here we are again, another mushroom cloud of coverage over gun violence?”
Hurst works at the station as an anchor and had been dating Parker for nine months. They were already talking about marriage. He was saving for an engagement ring, he said.

“I think the media can have an even stronger effect to be positive if we can use this as a conversation in figuring out why we are allowing hate to creep into people’s hearts instead of fostering love,” he said at memorial for the victims.

“We need to ask why this is happening, and we need to keep the conversation going. We don’t want to keep it going because it’s tiresome and then, we just wait for another one to happen, and we say, ‘This is a huge issue,’ and then forget about it until another one happens… If we don’t forget, I think the incidents will lessen. I believe that.”
ok that monster was gay ....

but he had a big chip on his shoulder ...fucking criminal loser that he was..burn in hell! ugly fucking pig that he was...

not all gays are like that...c'mon people


lets be fair here
We need more thorough background checks on gay.
You can do the deep probing...
Next+stop+cavity+search+_ec77a0b72837330775eeed3f7a54f10d.jpg be gay does not mean always to be an idiot criminal scum....

c'mon here people
In all honesty...sometimes I have more understanding for those poor men ..who dislike women...and with reason

had I been a man ...I would not have liked women myself

there I said it.

women are a pain in the ass and too neurotic.

me I am a woman ...but had
i been a man...
i might have been a homo LOL

do not like women!

well some not all
In all honesty...sometimes I have more understanding for those poor men ..who dislike women...and with reason

had I been a man ...I would not have liked women myself

there I said it.
Such a clear case of reverse bigotry...
all i know LOL is that

had I been a male

I would have been a homo

I do hate women much

but I am a woman so...:p

all is well be gay does not mean always to be an idiot criminal scum....

c'mon here people

I think what they are saying, skye, is that because he IS gay
the media is not jumping on this story if they can't blame it on a
stereotypical "white rightwing extremist"

And given the mention of Flanagan supporting Obama,
there is silence on that note as well.

I am hoping some liberal support will come forward
with Chris Hurst calling for dialogue and asking for
better use of the media than promoting gun violence.

I am thinking to ask friends with KPFT diversity committee
to organize a response to that invitation, since we have
a meeting coming up Monday and a KPFT townhall on Sept 12.

Surely we can respond as public media volunteers
to the issue of racially motivated violence.

SO....when a killer is the holy trifecta of liberalism- a gay minority media member- all of a sudden he doesn't represent any group and only represents himself alone.

You liberals are so hypocritical
I heard he wanted to be a policeman too....but he was overqualified. ;)
More like overweight

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His being gay didn't cause the shootings, but his racism was a huge part of it. That is something the left is going to have to come to grips with and they are struggling to do so
Ah..the Race Card Card again.

Why not? When a white guy shoots a black guy it is all about race. This black guy with a mental problem shot two white people. I consider gay a mental problem in case you are interested.

no, no- dont you see it was the red neck white gun store owners fault that he sold the gun to him....

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