So Vester was gay be gay does not mean always to be an idiot criminal scum....

c'mon here people

I think what they are saying, skye, is that because he IS gay
the media is not jumping on this story if they can't blame it on a
stereotypical "white rightwing extremist"

"Not jumping on the story"?? :disbelief:

Did you not see how many threads (and links) were posted just yesterday? I mean it's on video.
Posting from under a rock, Em?

And given the mention of Flanagan supporting Obama,
there is silence on that note as well.

Dafuck does that have to do with the shooting? Same as being fat, gay, black, aspiring cop, righthanded or having a nose and eyes -- nothing. That's why there's silence -- it's a horseshit Composition Fallacy.

Ya really really gotta wonder about people who hear of a murderer, rapist, terrorist, child molester, animal fucker and the first thing they think is -- "wait-- what's his political party??? Find me something!"

Holy SHIT people get a frickin' grip.
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The fag flag caused him to kill.

Ban the fag flag and give all gay blacks mental tests before they can buy a gun.

Am i doing this right lefties?
The fag flag caused him to kill.

Ban the fag flag and give all gay blacks mental tests before they can buy a gun.

Am i doing this right lefties?

Not quite. You didn't mention O'bama or "socialism". A Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi wouldn't hurt. Plus you have to use the word "leftards".

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