So Vester was gay

His being gay didn't cause the shootings, but his racism was a huge part of it. That is something the left is going to have to come to grips with and they are struggling to do so

SO....when a killer is the holy trifecta of liberalism- a gay minority media member- all of a sudden he doesn't represent any group and only represents himself alone.

You liberals are so hypocritical
His being gay didn't cause the shootings, but his racism was a huge part of it. That is something the left is going to have to come to grips with and they are struggling to do so
Ah..the Race Card Card again.

Are you stupid? His own words prove it. You and others had no problem spouting how racist Roof was but now you want to ignore the obvious. Sad, very sad but party first, right?

SO....when a killer is the holy trifecta of liberalism- a gay minority media member- all of a sudden he doesn't represent any group and only represents himself alone.

You liberals are so hypocritical
I heard he wanted to be a policeman too....but he was overqualified. ;)

Ah. A cop joke. How original.

You wouldn't have passed the polygraph.

SO....when a killer is the holy trifecta of liberalism- a gay minority media member- all of a sudden he doesn't represent any group and only represents himself alone.

This just in --- that's always been true of every sample of everything, everywhere, ever. Who knew.

In a related story --- DUH.
His being gay didn't cause the shootings, but his racism was a huge part of it. That is something the left is going to have to come to grips with and they are struggling to do so

Being gay might have made him feel less secure, contributing to his mental health problems, but it was not the cause of his breaking. He seems to be basing his 'spectacle' on the Charleston church shootings two months ago. He could have been rejected by someone he had a crush on or because someone jumped the line at the grocery store. He could have been lit by almost anything.

He has been dealing with mental and anger issues for years. Seems he was looking for an excuse to act out.

Even if he had been getting help, unless he said something to the effect of killing himself or others, the doctors could not have legally spoke out to warn the community.

Dear tyroneweaver
The real problem was that he didn't love himself. He lived in fear, not love.

After I myself was accused of being a white racist from the way I talked "white,"
when I read how he talked, he could just as well pass as a "white racist" trapped in a black gay body
which he feared and resented being rejected for.

That negative self hatred and self-loathing sounds like the same "dread and aversion"
that "homophobes" are blamed for projecting onto others.

What if he was a "closet homophobe" trapped in a gay body?

Wouldn't that make anyone hateful, resentful and jealous of
anyone else who doesn't have to live that life?

It is a shame that he and Dylann Roof didn't get help for their resentment
that built up and blew up and cost others their lives.

With the gay and race issues, there are groups that help people heal of these hurts
that don't charge money, but the knowledge of the healing process is free for the asking.

Some programs I recommmend:
* Center for the Healing of Racism nonprofit outreach, forums and training
Center For The Healing Of Racism | Internalize Oneness - Home
* Christian Healing Ministries (this SAME healing method based on forgiveness that has helped friends I know come out
more openly as gay or transgender ALSO is the same methods used for people healing and changing their orientation)
Christian Healing Ministries - Christian Healing Ministries
* Alternatives to Violence Project -- free workshops and training in sensitivity for restoring community relations and team building

Instead of using our access to free media to slam other people which doesn't solve the problem,
why not join hands and issue a challenge to each person in each community responding to the shooting.

Why not pick ONE person of ONE group you absolutely CANNOT stand, and you hate and blame the most, and challenge partners to reach out, forgive the very problems you hate and blame, and seek ONE solution ONE step toward solving that problem that both sides AGREE on even though you cannot stand each other.

What do you agree on so much, you'd actually agree to work together on anyway, because you don't want to see any more conflict escalate into violence and death?

What would you do to honor the people who died from an angry outburst because these problems weren't being solved fast enough?

Instead of blaming Flanagan for not being a bigger person and rising above the fray,
what makes you so angry that you just want to blame and flame the other side.
And what will you do to show you can be a bigger person than Flanagan who gave in to violence out of fear and frustration?
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His being gay didn't cause the shootings, but his racism was a huge part of it. That is something the left is going to have to come to grips with and they are struggling to do so
Ah..the Race Card Card again.

Why not? When a white guy shoots a black guy it is all about race. This black guy with a mental problem shot two white people. I consider gay a mental problem in case you are interested.
He was a gay, black racist with a chip on his shoulder and decided to take two people's lives because the little faggot was "upset". Fuck that fat queer, I'm glad he's dead. Too bad he had to take two other DECENT people down with him, the POS. I just wish he would have suffered for several months before he croaked.

Look on the bright side...they were most likely all liberals.
His being gay didn't cause the shootings, but his racism was a huge part of it. That is something the left is going to have to come to grips with and they are struggling to do so
Ah..the Race Card Card again.

Are you stupid? His own words prove it. You and others had no problem spouting how racist Roof was but now you want to ignore the obvious. Sad, very sad but party first, right?
And again...the Race Card Card. Doubling down, little girl?
He did not kill because he was gay, he killed because he had an anger problem and had had difficult in several jobs

He killed because he had mental problems like most homos.
Most of em off themselves which he eventually did. Wish he would have started with himself.

I wish they all would have lived.
Instead it is left to us to pick up the pieces that went into this puzzle,
and work it out ourselves.

* gay issues
* mental health issues
* race and media perception issues
* violence and gun responsibility issues
* healing and community outreach
Instead of the aftermath that has been triggered by Ferguson and Charleston
as more hatred incited, here, we have a chance for HEALING.

The families and media community responded with GRACE and support of one another,
to remember the victims of the shooting in POSITIVE ways.

That is a much better response than exploiting this issue in the media
to bait people on race, gay or hate issues. We need to follow this more
positive lead to look into mental health, early intervention, and successful
healing methods of addressing race and gay issues, not more backbiting and hating.

Real opportunity to grow and do more with our media than just backbite.

Chris Hurst said he always wanted to focus on mental health,
and wants to look at how this could be prevented from that angle.

I am thinking to write a letter to him at the station and suggest
a "build a bridge" program for Alison and Adam. And challenge
each community to meet with their local media and build more bridges of understanding.

That would honor the spirit and open uplifting approach to life
and reporting that both Alison and Adam brought to their station and
to the larger community. So why not expand on that, and ask everyone
to be bigger better people and make this a better brighter world?

We have a big opportunity here to change how we relate to each other.
Starting with small steps in our communities, we can change the world and not have any more senseless suffering, violence and death as we all have seen in the media.

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