So what did the whining about Debates get the GOP?


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Besides a reputation for whining.

Meagan Kelly asked if they also wanted a foot rub.

Karl Rove said they look like crybabies

Fox News said they got nothing and look silly complaining about it.

Chris Christie complained about it then said anyone who complained about it needed to man up.

Trump said "The support for foot rubs are YouG"

And Ben Carson said "Debates? You mean the stuff you use to catch fish?" and promptly when nappy poo
They weren't whining. They were royally pissed off. As they should be.

They earned respect from R voters who are thrilled that FINALLY the GOP bitch slapped the crap out of biased so called moderators who decide to make the show about them and not the candidates.

They weren't whining. They were royally pissed off. As they should be.

They earned respect from R voters who are thrilled that FINALLY the GOP bitch slapped the crap out of biased so called moderators who decide to make the show about them and not the candidates.


Really? The "liberal media" whining is something new you're saying? lol
some candidates just don't get it.....the leftist media is going to sabotage them anyway possible no matter what they get together and demand....
Fox News is in big time damage control within the base for what Obama said about them.

He said if they can't handle CNBC, the Russians and Chinese aren't going to be worried about them.

But they need that victimhood. Because they only have one source for cable news...Fox.

The GOP has such a stranglehold on message purity through Fox, it would make the Pravda of the 70's blush.
The leftist media is too tough for Republicans to handle

oh but they'll be tough on Isis :rofl:
Suggested platform slogan for the GOP Convention: "EVERYBODY'S PICKING ON US!"
They're logic is that of a 5th grader with bad grades. Mom asks why they are performing so bad and they say "All the Teachers hate me!!"
I've got a great idea.... Why don't we CANCEL all these ridiculous Debates and let voters do a,little research themselves to find out what these idiots have actually DONE in their lives rather than listening to them BS for three hours.
why is it that the Democrat candidates won't do a 'debate' on Fox......? are they afraid of hard questions.....?
I'm for a republican moderated debate for the RW candidates ... with so many different candidates each demanding an equal share of time, theres no way in hell they can hold off hammering each other and showcasing their stupidity, and there's no way in hell the mods can stop it regardless of their stripe ...

circle jerk x 10 ... or is it 14?
They weren't whining. They were royally pissed off. As they should be.

They earned respect from R voters who are thrilled that FINALLY the GOP bitch slapped the crap out of biased so called moderators who decide to make the show about them and not the candidates.


Besides a reputation for whining.

Meagan Kelly asked if they also wanted a foot rub.

Karl Rove said they look like crybabies

Fox News said they got nothing and look silly complaining about it.

Chris Christie complained about it then said anyone who complained about it needed to man up.

Trump said "The support for foot rubs are YouG"

And Ben Carson said "Debates? You mean the stuff you use to catch fish?" and promptly when nappy poo
They were correct to be ticked off? On what basis? Because they demonstrated to the world that nary a one of them on their feet is capable of thinking quickly and cogently? Because they failed to look at the questions posed as opportunities rather than as threats? Really? That's the standard to which you hold a presidential hopeful? I required a greater degree of introspective contemplation of my children when they were in high school than was manifest in the answers and subsequent gripes of the GOP candidates and RNC chairman. For each and every one of them, the sole persons with whom they had any right to be angry, the only persons who deserved to have been bitch slapped, was themselves.

They signed up to participate in a debate and they were unprepared for the questions they were given. They were given questions they could have answered and that they could have, as suggested re: Mr. Rubio here. Even though I singled out Mr. Rubio there, the other GOP hopefuls were no better. Mr. Bush actually responded to the “gambling” question by literally discussing fantasy football and his winnings from it. Really? Did he genuinely think that anyone actually cared about his fantasy football performance? Surely he could have found some way to connect the word “gambling” and America’s security, the economic future, or even government regulation of the sporting industry.

Mr. Trump too showed that he has long since forgotten Jesus’ instruction to do unto others as you would have them do to you. Mr. Harwood’s Mr. Trump is running “comic book campaign” question all but beseeched him to say, more or less, that there is no superhero who will save America, and that is why he has proposed “this and that.”

In watching the debate on CNBC, Americans were shown that not one of the leading GOP candidates has the mental adroitness to quickly and deftly respond to the challenges of the job. Presidents handle hard questions daily in a fast paced, highly fluid environment, not just in a debate.

The only folks who made the debates about the news and not the candidates and their positions are the candidates and the RNC chairman. The smart move for each of the debaters would have been to handle the questions as suggested in the post to which I linked above and then let the audience -- pundits, voters, etc. -- comment after the fact at how nimbly they handled tough questions.

For at least a lustrum, the Republicans' approach has been one of "when opposed, make accusations of any sort to shift the focus from one's failure, inaccuracy, incompleteness and duplicitousness." When that doesn't work, follow up with "shoot the messenger" tactics. When will they grow up and take ownership for their successes and failures?

the GOP will handle the debates as usual.

write that down.

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