So, what does this health crisis say about us?

How have Americans reacted to the Coronavirus crisis?

On one hand, there certainly have been MANY "random acts of kindness", with neighbors helping their neighbors and the elderly here and there. We've seen health care workers tirelessly put their lives on the line to help treat and comfort those afflicted with this horrible virus.

On the other hand, we've seen Americans stockpiling toilet paper and paper towels and tissue and Clorox and any number of other household items with zero (0) regard for their fellow man. We've also seen no letup in the tribal finger-pointing and blaming of the "other" party by politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits as people are suffering and dying. Obviously, this crisis isn't enough to stop that, or even slow it down.

Do what do you think? Are you proud of how this country is reacting to this crisis? What does it say about us as a society?

Some Americans use this as an excuse to continue their loud whine about what a bunch of meany-heads we are.

Um, yeah, it's a partisan issue when the people in charge aren't doing their jobs... HELLLLO, Stormy Mac.
What does it say about us as a society?

Are you proud of how this country is reacting to this crisis?

No matter how bad this national emergency may be, two distinct elements remain at play, a media clamoring for our attention , and a governance that wants to control us

I'll be proud of those American that recognize this

How have Americans reacted to the Coronavirus crisis?

On one hand, there certainly have been MANY "random acts of kindness", with neighbors helping their neighbors and the elderly here and there. We've seen health care workers tirelessly put their lives on the line to help treat and comfort those afflicted with this horrible virus.

On the other hand, we've seen Americans stockpiling toilet paper and paper towels and tissue and Clorox and any number of other household items with zero (0) regard for their fellow man. We've also seen no letup in the tribal finger-pointing and blaming of the "other" party by politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits as people are suffering and dying. Obviously, this crisis isn't enough to stop that, or even slow it down.

Do what do you think? Are you proud of how this country is reacting to this crisis? What does it say about us as a society?

It's a crisis. I don't think it is possible to analyze the reaction to this crisis until it is over because the response is evolving. Further, the "clean up" is going to be part and parcel.

The message that has been sent is that it is not about people not getting it. It's about people not getting it at the same time.

The first thing it says about Americans is that we are on the move way more than anyone gives us credit for. Secondly, the "experts" can only go with what they know in the moment as their information is evolving. Thirdly, people need to pay attention to policy. Fourthly, you don't have the health care that you thought you did and if you don't have what you need in this country then you need to change that.
What does it say about us as a society?

Are you proud of how this country is reacting to this crisis?

No matter how bad this national emergency may be, two distinct elements remain at play, a media clamoring for our attention , and a governance that wants to control us

I'll be proud of those American that recognize this

There are a few of us, but I suspect we are a distinct minority.
How have Americans reacted to the Coronavirus crisis?

On one hand, there certainly have been MANY "random acts of kindness", with neighbors helping their neighbors and the elderly here and there. We've seen health care workers tirelessly put their lives on the line to help treat and comfort those afflicted with this horrible virus.

On the other hand, we've seen Americans stockpiling toilet paper and paper towels and tissue and Clorox and any number of other household items with zero (0) regard for their fellow man. We've also seen no letup in the tribal finger-pointing and blaming of the "other" party by politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits as people are suffering and dying. Obviously, this crisis isn't enough to stop that, or even slow it down.

Do what do you think? Are you proud of how this country is reacting to this crisis? What does it say about us as a society?

It's a crisis. I don't think it is possible to analyze the reaction to this crisis until it is over because the response is evolving. Further, the "clean up" is going to be part and parcel.

The message that has been sent is that it is not about people not getting it. It's about people not getting it at the same time.

The first thing it says about Americans is that we are on the move way more than anyone gives us credit for. Secondly, the "experts" can only go with what they know in the moment as their information is evolving. Thirdly, people need to pay attention to policy. Fourthly, you don't have the health care that you thought you did and if you don't have what you need in this country then you need to change that.
One thing is sure, we can predict now who will benefit from this crisis. Big government and big business. The American people will not. They always lose.
How have Americans reacted to the Coronavirus crisis?

On one hand, there certainly have been MANY "random acts of kindness", with neighbors helping their neighbors and the elderly here and there. We've seen health care workers tirelessly put their lives on the line to help treat and comfort those afflicted with this horrible virus.

On the other hand, we've seen Americans stockpiling toilet paper and paper towels and tissue and Clorox and any number of other household items with zero (0) regard for their fellow man. We've also seen no letup in the tribal finger-pointing and blaming of the "other" party by politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits as people are suffering and dying. Obviously, this crisis isn't enough to stop that, or even slow it down.

Do what do you think? Are you proud of how this country is reacting to this crisis? What does it say about us as a society?

It's a crisis. I don't think it is possible to analyze the reaction to this crisis until it is over because the response is evolving. Further, the "clean up" is going to be part and parcel.

The message that has been sent is that it is not about people not getting it. It's about people not getting it at the same time.

The first thing it says about Americans is that we are on the move way more than anyone gives us credit for. Secondly, the "experts" can only go with what they know in the moment as their information is evolving. Thirdly, people need to pay attention to policy. Fourthly, you don't have the health care that you thought you did and if you don't have what you need in this country then you need to change that.
One thing is sure, we can predict now who will benefit from this crisis. Big government and big business. The American people will not. They always lose.

I agree. That's why I said pay attention to policy. The Democratic Party and the Republican Party is going to have to rethink their concept of legal and illegal immigration to get people back to work. Our R & D was outsourced years ago. It's time to rethink that move. People need to pay attention to what is going down in the States.
Thirdly, people need to pay attention to policy. Fourthly, you don't have the health care that you thought you did and if you don't have what you need in this country then you need to change that.
There are a few of us, but I suspect we are a distinct minority.

Oh, we're big mud slingers, We got girlie fingers.
We're indited everywhere we go.
We whine about elites and them running our lives
And then let ‘em go run the show

We wear masks for thrills To give da man chills,
But the thrill we've never known
Is the thrill that'll getcha, when they paint your picture
Like you’re just another zombie clone

Zombie clone
Wanna see my picture on the cover.
Wanna buy five copies for Big Brother.
Wanna see my covid face
Cuz yer just another zombie clone

I got a freaky old neighbor named Mr Al Jones
Who shows up at all our scenes,
He always smiles and waves , from the back of his limousine.
It's all designed by homeland minds,
For that terror spiel to really be sold
And it keeps you sh*tin'
Watchin' who's been bitten
Cuz you’re just another zombie clone

Zombie clone...
Gonna paint bad news on that cover.
Gotta kick up budget for Big Brother.
Wanna see some scapegoat race
Of a nation full of Zombie clones

We gotta lotta little jackboot jihads
Who'll do anything we say.
We got a genuine pandemic guru
Who's teaching us the fascist way.
We got all the spooks tax money can buy
So we never get to be alone.
And they keep getting richer,
But you'll never get the picture

Of a nation full of Zombie clones

~S~ w/apologies to Dr Hook
Thirdly, people need to pay attention to policy. Fourthly, you don't have the health care that you thought you did and if you don't have what you need in this country then you need to change that.
There are a few of us, but I suspect we are a distinct minority.

Oh, we're big mud slingers, We got girlie fingers.
We're indited everywhere we go.
We whine about elites and them running our lives
And then let ‘em go run the show

We wear masks for thrills To give da man chills,
But the thrill we've never known
Is the thrill that'll getcha, when they paint your picture
Like you’re just another zombie clone

Zombie clone
Wanna see my picture on the cover.
Wanna buy five copies for Big Brother.
Wanna see my covid face
Cuz yer just another zombie clone

I got a freaky old neighbor named Mr Al Jones
Who shows up at all our scenes,
He always smiles and waves , from the back of his limousine.
It's all designed by homeland minds,
For that terror spiel to really be sold
And it keeps you sh*tin'
Watchin' who's been bitten
Cuz you’re just another zombie clone

Zombie clone...
Gonna paint bad news on that cover.
Gotta kick up budget for Big Brother.
Wanna see some scapegoat race
Of a nation full of Zombie clones

We gotta lotta little jackboot jihads
Who'll do anything we say.
We got a genuine pandemic guru
Who's teaching us the fascist way.
We got all the spooks tax money can buy
So we never get to be alone.
And they keep getting richer,
But you'll never get the picture

Of a nation full of Zombie clones

~S~ w/apologies to Dr Hook

What Dr Hook song is that?
How have Americans reacted to the Coronavirus crisis?

On one hand, there certainly have been MANY "random acts of kindness", with neighbors helping their neighbors and the elderly here and there. We've seen health care workers tirelessly put their lives on the line to help treat and comfort those afflicted with this horrible virus.

On the other hand, we've seen Americans stockpiling toilet paper and paper towels and tissue and Clorox and any number of other household items with zero (0) regard for their fellow man. We've also seen no letup in the tribal finger-pointing and blaming of the "other" party by politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits as people are suffering and dying. Obviously, this crisis isn't enough to stop that, or even slow it down.

Do what do you think? Are you proud of how this country is reacting to this crisis? What does it say about us as a society?

What does it say?

1. Never let a good disaster go by and not use it to score political points with your mental midget base...

2. Read one again and realize we lack leadership at all levels and we have became the Country of Red and Blue factions and that is sad...

3. Americans need to be trained better because this Pandemic has taught me Millennials and Generation Z are not ready for any harsh times that are coming...
How have Americans reacted to the Coronavirus crisis?

On one hand, there certainly have been MANY "random acts of kindness", with neighbors helping their neighbors and the elderly here and there. We've seen health care workers tirelessly put their lives on the line to help treat and comfort those afflicted with this horrible virus.

On the other hand, we've seen Americans stockpiling toilet paper and paper towels and tissue and Clorox and any number of other household items with zero (0) regard for their fellow man. We've also seen no letup in the tribal finger-pointing and blaming of the "other" party by politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits as people are suffering and dying. Obviously, this crisis isn't enough to stop that, or even slow it down.

Do what do you think? Are you proud of how this country is reacting to this crisis? What does it say about us as a society?
Human behaviour doesn't change so we see the good and bad in equal measure. So on the one hand we see people stealing sanitiser from Hospitals and on the other hand my Mam received an emergency food parcel from a local community group that heard she was isolating.

It had a puzzle book in it which made me feel quite humble.
I think we're a mixed bag at best.

No doubt we can all do better, though.
We could all be a whole lot worse too.

God bless you always!!!

How have Americans reacted to the Coronavirus crisis?

On one hand, there certainly have been MANY "random acts of kindness", with neighbors helping their neighbors and the elderly here and there. We've seen health care workers tirelessly put their lives on the line to help treat and comfort those afflicted with this horrible virus.

On the other hand, we've seen Americans stockpiling toilet paper and paper towels and tissue and Clorox and any number of other household items with zero (0) regard for their fellow man. We've also seen no letup in the tribal finger-pointing and blaming of the "other" party by politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits as people are suffering and dying. Obviously, this crisis isn't enough to stop that, or even slow it down.

Do what do you think? Are you proud of how this country is reacting to this crisis? What does it say about us as a society?

It's a crisis. I don't think it is possible to analyze the reaction to this crisis until it is over because the response is evolving. Further, the "clean up" is going to be part and parcel.

The message that has been sent is that it is not about people not getting it. It's about people not getting it at the same time.

The first thing it says about Americans is that we are on the move way more than anyone gives us credit for. Secondly, the "experts" can only go with what they know in the moment as their information is evolving. Thirdly, people need to pay attention to policy. Fourthly, you don't have the health care that you thought you did and if you don't have what you need in this country then you need to change that.
There will certainly be layers to this, and we may evolve over time. But it has been interesting to see our impulsive reactions to this: Hoarding and finger-pointing. I wonder what our impulsive reactions to this might have been 20, 30, 50 years ago.
How have Americans reacted to the Coronavirus crisis?

On one hand, there certainly have been MANY "random acts of kindness", with neighbors helping their neighbors and the elderly here and there. We've seen health care workers tirelessly put their lives on the line to help treat and comfort those afflicted with this horrible virus.

On the other hand, we've seen Americans stockpiling toilet paper and paper towels and tissue and Clorox and any number of other household items with zero (0) regard for their fellow man. We've also seen no letup in the tribal finger-pointing and blaming of the "other" party by politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits as people are suffering and dying. Obviously, this crisis isn't enough to stop that, or even slow it down.

Do what do you think? Are you proud of how this country is reacting to this crisis? What does it say about us as a society?
It says what I've always said. The majority of americans are mindless drones easily manipulated by the media, and often times incapable of independent thought, or self reliance...

Yep, those that believed Trump & thought is was a hoax vs those that saw what was happening, listened to the experts & bought enough supplies to stay at home for two weeks.
How have Americans reacted to the Coronavirus crisis?

On one hand, there certainly have been MANY "random acts of kindness", with neighbors helping their neighbors and the elderly here and there. We've seen health care workers tirelessly put their lives on the line to help treat and comfort those afflicted with this horrible virus.

On the other hand, we've seen Americans stockpiling toilet paper and paper towels and tissue and Clorox and any number of other household items with zero (0) regard for their fellow man. We've also seen no letup in the tribal finger-pointing and blaming of the "other" party by politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits as people are suffering and dying. Obviously, this crisis isn't enough to stop that, or even slow it down.

Do what do you think? Are you proud of how this country is reacting to this crisis? What does it say about us as a society?
all I can think to say is its better to stockpile TP and other goods during times of abundance so not to be a burden during times like this,,,it also helps you help others
How have Americans reacted to the Coronavirus crisis?

On one hand, there certainly have been MANY "random acts of kindness", with neighbors helping their neighbors and the elderly here and there. We've seen health care workers tirelessly put their lives on the line to help treat and comfort those afflicted with this horrible virus.

On the other hand, we've seen Americans stockpiling toilet paper and paper towels and tissue and Clorox and any number of other household items with zero (0) regard for their fellow man. We've also seen no letup in the tribal finger-pointing and blaming of the "other" party by politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits as people are suffering and dying. Obviously, this crisis isn't enough to stop that, or even slow it down.

Do what do you think? Are you proud of how this country is reacting to this crisis? What does it say about us as a society?
It says what I've always said. The majority of americans are mindless drones easily manipulated by the media, and often times incapable of independent thought, or self reliance...

Yep, those that believed Trump & thought is was a hoax vs those that saw what was happening, listened to the experts & bought enough supplies to stay at home for two weeks.

Read that before spewing the Cortez nonsense and also if the Pandemic lasts longer than two weeks then your two weeks of supplies will not last!

Now when you read that link I bet you will proclaim it is fake news or you will not read it and proclaim it is fake news.

Trump explained what he meant by Hoax but you and those like you ( Cortez and company ) keep on spinning what the DNC tells you to say...

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