So, what does this health crisis say about us?

How have Americans reacted to the Coronavirus crisis?

On one hand, there certainly have been MANY "random acts of kindness", with neighbors helping their neighbors and the elderly here and there. We've seen health care workers tirelessly put their lives on the line to help treat and comfort those afflicted with this horrible virus.

On the other hand, we've seen Americans stockpiling toilet paper and paper towels and tissue and Clorox and any number of other household items with zero (0) regard for their fellow man. We've also seen no letup in the tribal finger-pointing and blaming of the "other" party by politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits as people are suffering and dying. Obviously, this crisis isn't enough to stop that, or even slow it down.

Do what do you think? Are you proud of how this country is reacting to this crisis? What does it say about us as a society?

Americans are stepping up and American businesses are stepping up....nothing to be ashamed of..............
Manmade crisis that showed Deep State how easily manipulated people are.
And then there are assfucks that call this a manmade crisis and a hoax.
Every year a virus goes around. Every year we shrug and go on. Crushing the world economy in a panic is going down as one of mankind’s stupidest blunders.
Here in the midwest, I'm not seeing what you are seeing. Our local walmart was always calm and orderly. On Friday I was in a Wal-Mart in Nebraska that was almost completely restocked. In Sterling Colorado I talked to a fella who said folks were driving 5 hours from Denver to raid their stores. The differences in America aren't right/left...they are urban/rural. And in my experience (and I've been everywhere for 25 years) the disease is centered in the urban camp.
Every year a virus goes around. Every year we shrug and go on. Crushing the world economy in a panic is going down as one of mankind’s stupidest blunders.
I guess I could post any number of articles written by people describing what they, their families and their patients have gone through.

But I have no doubt it would just be dismissed as "fake news" perpetrated by the "deep state".

Meanwhile, I wonder how many of you folks are spreading this virus because you think it's a hoax and you're not taking proper precautions.
Every year a virus goes around. Every year we shrug and go on. Crushing the world economy in a panic is going down as one of mankind’s stupidest blunders.
I guess I could post any number of articles written by people describing what they, their families and their patients have gone through.

But I have no doubt it would just be dismissed as "fake news" perpetrated by the "deep state".

Meanwhile, I wonder how many of you folks are spreading this virus because you think it's a hoax and you're not taking proper precautions.
Are you afraid Tom Hanks and the Senator and Congressmen will soon die?

Nope. They’re all home with just aches and pains.

Like the flu.
Is Congress adding to the national debt to enrich themselves? ... $1.35 trillion in relief to give everyone $1,000 each ... why does it cost $3,000 each to give away $1,000 each? ...

We'll see if this is just a case of mass hysteria or not ... I'd bet money that it's not, but I'm not betting my health ... I'll follow the recommendations given by health officials but that doesn't mean I think this is as big a deal as the lamestream media makes it out to be ... anything less than 100,000 deaths per year is trivial ...

I tried flushing an entire roll of toilet paper in protest, but it got stuck and I had to rent a drain snake to clear it out ... bear that in mind when you consider what my opinion is on this matter ...
How have Americans reacted to the Coronavirus crisis?

On one hand, there certainly have been MANY "random acts of kindness", with neighbors helping their neighbors and the elderly here and there. We've seen health care workers tirelessly put their lives on the line to help treat and comfort those afflicted with this horrible virus.

On the other hand, we've seen Americans stockpiling toilet paper and paper towels and tissue and Clorox and any number of other household items with zero (0) regard for their fellow man. We've also seen no letup in the tribal finger-pointing and blaming of the "other" party by politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits as people are suffering and dying. Obviously, this crisis isn't enough to stop that, or even slow it down.

Do what do you think? Are you proud of how this country is reacting to this crisis? What does it say about us as a society?

People will be people. I'm in a very rural small town, so locals tend to know one other and tend to help each other out already. In that way, it's been pretty much business as usual. However, our few local stores have been stripped clean of the usual stuff (water, sanitizer, paper towels, TP) being reported across the country, and it's mostly because out of towners pillaging our stock because the stores in the bigger towns are already bare. Quite a long drive for toilet paper, but I'm seeing it firsthand. That's annoying. The store owners have had to put purchase limits on certain goods for this reason. Locals here tend to stock up on essentials year round anyway (due to the distance from big box stores), so it's probably not as devastating for us as it might be for more populated places.

I'm disappointed in our leadership all around. We are supposed to have the best health care in the world in this country, but you wouldn't know it from our overall lax response to Covid-19. We are now in permanent reactive mode. Contamination numbers and deaths are doubling by the day, and from our standpoint, everything the Orange Virus is saying about testing supplies and treatments is pure speculation or outright lies. Typical. Test kits are scarce, and ventilators for just about every hospital in the state are weeks away, and that's in the major cities. It will take even longer for rural communities like mine to get these supplies. This delay will cause deaths, guaranteed, and it's a shame because our nation's response could have been so much better. The amount of general misinformation about Covid-19 going around is also troubling.
How have Americans reacted to the Coronavirus crisis?

On one hand, there certainly have been MANY "random acts of kindness", with neighbors helping their neighbors and the elderly here and there. We've seen health care workers tirelessly put their lives on the line to help treat and comfort those afflicted with this horrible virus.

On the other hand, we've seen Americans stockpiling toilet paper and paper towels and tissue and Clorox and any number of other household items with zero (0) regard for their fellow man. We've also seen no letup in the tribal finger-pointing and blaming of the "other" party by politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits as people are suffering and dying. Obviously, this crisis isn't enough to stop that, or even slow it down.

Do what do you think? Are you proud of how this country is reacting to this crisis? What does it say about us as a society?

It's a crisis. I don't think it is possible to analyze the reaction to this crisis until it is over because the response is evolving. Further, the "clean up" is going to be part and parcel.

The message that has been sent is that it is not about people not getting it. It's about people not getting it at the same time.

The first thing it says about Americans is that we are on the move way more than anyone gives us credit for. Secondly, the "experts" can only go with what they know in the moment as their information is evolving. Thirdly, people need to pay attention to policy. Fourthly, you don't have the health care that you thought you did and if you don't have what you need in this country then you need to change that.
There will certainly be layers to this, and we may evolve over time. But it has been interesting to see our impulsive reactions to this: Hoarding and finger-pointing. I wonder what our impulsive reactions to this might have been 20, 30, 50 years ago.

Well, nothing that I have gone out to really hunt down but there is a history of panic buying.
Panic buying - Wikipedia

I think the reaction appears to be more intense due to nonstop media contact. The finger pointing/partisan sniping is driving most of us insane. These and the hoarders are the only two groups that are really getting any attention.

There is a lot that is unknown about COVID-19. At first, it was if someone has it then that person won't get it again because that is what was being seen. Well, that isn't looking to be the case. The other is that some doctors all over the world have been talking about it and have noticed that there is a period where one loses taste and smell and that may indicate they are carriers. We have to evolve.
How have Americans reacted to the Coronavirus crisis?

On one hand, there certainly have been MANY "random acts of kindness", with neighbors helping their neighbors and the elderly here and there. We've seen health care workers tirelessly put their lives on the line to help treat and comfort those afflicted with this horrible virus.

On the other hand, we've seen Americans stockpiling toilet paper and paper towels and tissue and Clorox and any number of other household items with zero (0) regard for their fellow man. We've also seen no letup in the tribal finger-pointing and blaming of the "other" party by politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits as people are suffering and dying. Obviously, this crisis isn't enough to stop that, or even slow it down.

Do what do you think? Are you proud of how this country is reacting to this crisis? What does it say about us as a society?
We have reacted to this the way we seem to react to everything it's either a massive overreaction by some a massive underreaction by others and the percent that always manage to remain calm and use common sense.
Are you proud of how this country is reacting to this crisis? What does it say about us as a society?

No, absolutely not. To say I'm disappointed would be a huge understatement. Disappointed and pissed off at how most people are so quick to believe everything they're told, despite the fact that propaganda is legal now, and despite the numerous indications that there is a lot more going on here than a virus. I've seen some people begging for martial law and internment camps, basically bending over and eagerly taking anything that comes, all due to their fear and naivety. So few are asking questions or looking at the bigger picture.

The good thing is, when I go to other sites on the web, I can see that a lot of people ARE awake and aware (percentage-wise, a lot more than here) so that restores my faith in humanity.
Overall, I don't think we've handled this well.

A chunk of the country is freaking out fighting over toilet paper. Another chunk is convinced that this is all a hoax. Other people just don't care and are unwilling to make any social distancing changes.
Did the people whom the government was to be of, by and for band together to wrest it back from a predatory economic and political system that had concentrated capital to such an extent that they were in essence colonized once again and unable to govern and protect their own families, security, property and livelihoods. Or did they continue to submit, vote and await the aristocracy's benevolence still.

Good Q Bo
yes they are so displaced from the middle class economic reality, it's hard for them to even imagine our existence
no, i doubt any of this will hit home for them....

Some folk would whine if the second coming made them late for a dinner date.

I tried flushing an entire roll of toilet paper in protest
flush twice, it's a long way to DC

Disappointed and pissed off at how most people are so quick to believe everything they're told, despite the fact that propaganda is legal now, and despite the numerous indications that there is a lot more going on here than a virus
a dress rehearsal
Are you proud of how this country is reacting to this crisis? What does it say about us as a society?

No, absolutely not. To say I'm disappointed would be a huge understatement. Disappointed and pissed off at how most people are so quick to believe everything they're told, despite the fact that propaganda is legal now, and despite the numerous indications that there is a lot more going on here than a virus. I've seen some people begging for martial law and internment camps, basically bending over and eagerly taking anything that comes, all due to their fear and naivety. So few are asking questions or looking at the bigger picture.

The good thing is, when I go to other sites on the web, I can see that a lot of people ARE awake and aware (percentage-wise, a lot more than here) so that restores my faith in humanity.
Agreed. My guess is that we wouldn't behaved quite this poorly not 20 years ago. It seems like this is a direct extension of the tribal madness that has consumed this country. In that way, I guess this all could have been predicted.
American sissies (and you know who you are) have acted to limit the Constitutional rights of other Americans. If you can’t see this then you are part of the problem and a hand wringing baby.
How have Americans reacted to the Coronavirus crisis?

On one hand, there certainly have been MANY "random acts of kindness", with neighbors helping their neighbors and the elderly here and there. We've seen health care workers tirelessly put their lives on the line to help treat and comfort those afflicted with this horrible virus.

On the other hand, we've seen Americans stockpiling toilet paper and paper towels and tissue and Clorox and any number of other household items with zero (0) regard for their fellow man. We've also seen no letup in the tribal finger-pointing and blaming of the "other" party by politicians, partisans, politicos and pundits as people are suffering and dying. Obviously, this crisis isn't enough to stop that, or even slow it down.

Do what do you think? Are you proud of how this country is reacting to this crisis? What does it say about us as a society?
As long as you have a middle finger I guess you dont absolutely NEED toilet paper

but I myself still prefer using it
You might be getting more middle fingers on this post,
There will certainly be layers to this, and we may evolve over time. But it has been interesting to see our impulsive reactions to this: Hoarding and finger-pointing. I wonder what our impulsive reactions to this might have been 20, 30, 50 years ago.

Probably the same thing...

I remember there was a lot of hoarding and finger pointing 20 years ago when 9/11 happened.

I remember there was a lot of panic when the first gulf war started 30 years ago. Gas lines and all that shit.

Fifty years ago, we were having riots in the streets, terrorist groups kidnapping heiresses, a President openly breaking the law.

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