So What Happened to the Honest Reagan / Bush Republican voters? The Swamp has taken your Party.

Have you noticed he's kicking Americas asses too ? Never imo since the confederate war, has our country been so divided and repubs are floating to the bottom

He is choosing to hate the democrats and the media over Russia. And the slime in Senate love the distractions. These people will pretend that they didn't support Trump in a few years just like they did Bush.
I was on forums after 9/11 , it is like a repeat of what happened 17 years ago..


It’s you liberals that colluded with the Russians

to try and bring down Trump…

The truth is coming out and your ass will soon

be grass with Trump on a Dixie Chopper…..

You were old enough when Nixon was exposed... Mueller is going full steam into the investigation. Trump has made many enemies who will be the next Deep Throat..


The Facts are obama and hillary colluded with the Russians.

Well if they did, I hope they get busted...

But why would you not want the truth if Russia helped a campaign? Have you heard of the NRA being investigated now.

FBI looking into whether Russian banker gave money to NRA to support Trump: report

FBI looking into whether Russian banker gave money to NRA to support Trump: report

The clintons and obama took money from every tom, dick and harry.

Were you upset about that?
"The Swamp" consist of greedy corrupt assholes sucking the teat of this bloated $4 trillion a year Federal government. A cash cow bigger than the GDP of all but three other countries on earth.

It is mostly made up of Democrat and other welfare queen Progressive turds but there are Republicans also wallowing in the swamp.
Trump is such a christian... lol.. but it is ok to sleep with a porn star while his wife just had a baby..

These fake Morals are embarrassing the United States, this is the Party of the Fake Morals..

The family values party lol lol

They have embarrassed themselves excusing pedifiles , and porn star cheating Pu++y grabing men . What happened to the Conservative Christians ...? They disappeared and went into hibernation...Or just a bunch of Hypocrites..

Where is Pat Robertson, Farewell, stupid Glenn Beck..:laugh2::laugh::laugh::laugh2:


You morons think you can just make shit up and it becomes truth. You have lied so often and for so long, you actually believe it.

Did Trump not support Roy so that they can get the vote? Did Trump not talk of grabbing a woman's vagina on tape ?
Is it not the truth about the porn star being paid off after she had a week long sex affair while Melania had his baby.

Why the silence from the moral police ?

I am a christian who finds the silence unexceptable .


As a Christian you find the liberals more Acceptable?

Nope.... but I have debated the christians who have been brainwashed by Pat Robertson since 1991 claiming that you have to be a republican to be a christian.
They claim to be the moral party yet ignore when the chief is not really that moral.. but since he held the bible up they defend... They are silent now

The Tea Party claims to be the moral party judging the gays, where are they now?

The thing is the Tea Party is just as sinful as any other person in politics..The Tea Party was funded by the Koch brothers who hated Obama.

Have you noticed he's kicking Americas asses too ? Never imo since the confederate war, has our country been so divided and repubs are floating to the bottom

He is choosing to hate the democrats and the media over Russia. And the slime in Senate love the distractions. These people will pretend that they didn't support Trump in a few years just like they did Bush.
I was on forums after 9/11 , it is like a repeat of what happened 17 years ago..


It’s you liberals that colluded with the Russians

to try and bring down Trump…

The truth is coming out and your ass will soon

be grass with Trump on a Dixie Chopper…..

You were old enough when Nixon was exposed... Mueller is going full steam into the investigation. Trump has made many enemies who will be the next Deep Throat..


The Facts are obama and hillary colluded with the Russians.

Well if they did, I hope they get busted...

But why would you not want the truth if Russia helped a campaign? Have you heard of the NRA being investigated now.

FBI looking into whether Russian banker gave money to NRA to support Trump: report

FBI looking into whether Russian banker gave money to NRA to support Trump: report

The NRA supported Trump regardless.
He is choosing to hate the democrats and the media over Russia. And the slime in Senate love the distractions. These people will pretend that they didn't support Trump in a few years just like they did Bush.
I was on forums after 9/11 , it is like a repeat of what happened 17 years ago..


It’s you liberals that colluded with the Russians

to try and bring down Trump…

The truth is coming out and your ass will soon

be grass with Trump on a Dixie Chopper…..

You were old enough when Nixon was exposed... Mueller is going full steam into the investigation. Trump has made many enemies who will be the next Deep Throat..


The Facts are obama and hillary colluded with the Russians.

Well if they did, I hope they get busted...

But why would you not want the truth if Russia helped a campaign? Have you heard of the NRA being investigated now.

FBI looking into whether Russian banker gave money to NRA to support Trump: report

FBI looking into whether Russian banker gave money to NRA to support Trump: report

The clintons and obama took money from every tom, dick and harry.

Were you upset about that?

its upsetting dumbshit RWs cant take a breath without mentioning Clinton/Obama
The family values party lol lol

They have embarrassed themselves excusing pedifiles , and porn star cheating Pu++y grabing men . What happened to the Conservative Christians ...? They disappeared and went into hibernation...Or just a bunch of Hypocrites..

Where is Pat Robertson, Farewell, stupid Glenn Beck..:laugh2::laugh::laugh::laugh2:


You morons think you can just make shit up and it becomes truth. You have lied so often and for so long, you actually believe it.

Did Trump not support Roy so that they can get the vote? Did Trump not talk of grabbing a woman's vagina on tape ?
Is it not the truth about the porn star being paid off after she had a week long sex affair while Melania had his baby.

Why the silence from the moral police ?

I am a christian who finds the silence unexceptable .


As a Christian you find the liberals more Acceptable?

Nope.... but I have debated the christians who have been brainwashed by Pat Robertson since 1991 claiming that you have to be a republican to be a christian.
They claim to be the moral party yet ignore when the chief is not really that moral.. but since he held the bible up they defend... They are silent now

The Tea Party claims to be the moral party judging the gays, where are they now?

The thing is the Tea Party is just as sinful as any other person in politics..The Tea Party was funded by the Koch brothers who hated Obama.


You are full of shit, plain to see...
He is choosing to hate the democrats and the media over Russia. And the slime in Senate love the distractions. These people will pretend that they didn't support Trump in a few years just like they did Bush.
I was on forums after 9/11 , it is like a repeat of what happened 17 years ago..


It’s you liberals that colluded with the Russians

to try and bring down Trump…

The truth is coming out and your ass will soon

be grass with Trump on a Dixie Chopper…..

You were old enough when Nixon was exposed... Mueller is going full steam into the investigation. Trump has made many enemies who will be the next Deep Throat..


The Facts are obama and hillary colluded with the Russians.

Well if they did, I hope they get busted...

But why would you not want the truth if Russia helped a campaign? Have you heard of the NRA being investigated now.

FBI looking into whether Russian banker gave money to NRA to support Trump: report

FBI looking into whether Russian banker gave money to NRA to support Trump: report

The clintons and obama took money from every tom, dick and harry.

Were you upset about that?

If they had help by funneling Russian money through a fake front , yep they should get into trouble too and anyone else for that matter.

A year ago the democrats were slammed for saying that the Russians hacked us, a year later we know this is in fact true.

We are now finding out just how far they infiltrated .. and the people involved are going to go down including some in the Trump family.

He is choosing to hate the democrats and the media over Russia. And the slime in Senate love the distractions. These people will pretend that they didn't support Trump in a few years just like they did Bush.
I was on forums after 9/11 , it is like a repeat of what happened 17 years ago..


It’s you liberals that colluded with the Russians

to try and bring down Trump…

The truth is coming out and your ass will soon

be grass with Trump on a Dixie Chopper…..

You were old enough when Nixon was exposed... Mueller is going full steam into the investigation. Trump has made many enemies who will be the next Deep Throat..


The Facts are obama and hillary colluded with the Russians.

Well if they did, I hope they get busted...

But why would you not want the truth if Russia helped a campaign? Have you heard of the NRA being investigated now.

FBI looking into whether Russian banker gave money to NRA to support Trump: report

FBI looking into whether Russian banker gave money to NRA to support Trump: report

The NRA supported Trump regardless.

Which is just fine... but if they funneled Russian money to Trump Jr. heads need to roll.

just curious sassy ,as a conservative do you really believe trumps hands are clean as far as russia and money laundering go?
There is no Russian connection... actually if there is a Russian connection it’s on the Clinton side…

Did you know that the NRA is being investigated right now .. These are the slimes that I am talking about. Along with the Big Pharma..

The NRA Is Being Investigated For Potentially Accepting Money From A Putin-Connected Banker To Help Trump's Campaign
A nothing burger, You progressives need to find a scarier boogie man... lol

So you are supporting one of the biggest lobbyist who lines the pockets of everyone in both parties.?

They are one of the biggest creatures in the swamp.. Why are you supporting the Swamp Rustic.

Money like this along with Big Pharma should not be allowed in any Campaign but congress voted against it..

The NRA is harmless, although they are not pro-gun enough...
Is it ok for trump to fuck every lady he can and not suffer the same consequences as Clinton did just because he's a republican??

Trump is such a christian... lol.. but it is ok to sleep with a porn star while his wife just had a baby..

These fake Morals are embarrassing the United States, this is the Party of the Fake Morals..

The family values party lol lol

They have embarrassed themselves excusing pedifiles , and porn star cheating Pu++y grabing men . What happened to the Conservative Christians ...? They disappeared and went into hibernation...Or just a bunch of Hypocrites..

Where is Pat Robertson, Farewell, stupid Glenn Beck..:laugh2::laugh::laugh::laugh2:


You morons think you can just make shit up and it becomes truth. You have lied so often and for so long, you actually believe it.

Did Trump not support Roy so that they can get the vote? Did Trump not talk of grabbing a woman's vagina on tape ?
Is it not the truth about the porn star being paid off after she had a week long sex affair while Melania had his baby.

Why the silence from the moral police ?

I am a christian who finds the silence unexceptable .


As a Christian you find the liberals more Acceptable?
It’s you liberals that colluded with the Russians

to try and bring down Trump…

The truth is coming out and your ass will soon

be grass with Trump on a Dixie Chopper…..

You were old enough when Nixon was exposed... Mueller is going full steam into the investigation. Trump has made many enemies who will be the next Deep Throat..


The Facts are obama and hillary colluded with the Russians.

Well if they did, I hope they get busted...

But why would you not want the truth if Russia helped a campaign? Have you heard of the NRA being investigated now.

FBI looking into whether Russian banker gave money to NRA to support Trump: report

FBI looking into whether Russian banker gave money to NRA to support Trump: report

The clintons and obama took money from every tom, dick and harry.

Were you upset about that?

its upsetting dumbshit RWs cant take a breath without mentioning Clinton/Obama

We are going to hang clinton and obama around your neck forever.

I did not have sex with that woman and if you like your doctor

you can keep him and your healthcare cost will go down

2,500.00 per year....

Bite That.......
Reagan/Bush voters were never ‘honest’ to begin with.

Reagan and Bush were just as wrong on the issues as Trump, just as dishonest, just as corrupt, with the same contempt for citizens’ rights and protected liberties.
All career politicians are in the wrong...
They have embarrassed themselves excusing pedifiles , and porn star cheating Pu++y grabing men . What happened to the Conservative Christians ...? They disappeared and went into hibernation...Or just a bunch of Hypocrites..

Where is Pat Robertson, Farewell, stupid Glenn Beck..:laugh2::laugh::laugh::laugh2:


You morons think you can just make shit up and it becomes truth. You have lied so often and for so long, you actually believe it.

Did Trump not support Roy so that they can get the vote? Did Trump not talk of grabbing a woman's vagina on tape ?
Is it not the truth about the porn star being paid off after she had a week long sex affair while Melania had his baby.

Why the silence from the moral police ?

I am a christian who finds the silence unexceptable .


As a Christian you find the liberals more Acceptable?

Nope.... but I have debated the christians who have been brainwashed by Pat Robertson since 1991 claiming that you have to be a republican to be a christian.
They claim to be the moral party yet ignore when the chief is not really that moral.. but since he held the bible up they defend... They are silent now

The Tea Party claims to be the moral party judging the gays, where are they now?

The thing is the Tea Party is just as sinful as any other person in politics..The Tea Party was funded by the Koch brothers who hated Obama.


You are full of shit, plain to see...

Ok, so where are they now.. the ones who could not forgive Clinton's sex scandal.. Who hate the gays?

It’s you liberals that colluded with the Russians

to try and bring down Trump…

The truth is coming out and your ass will soon

be grass with Trump on a Dixie Chopper…..

You were old enough when Nixon was exposed... Mueller is going full steam into the investigation. Trump has made many enemies who will be the next Deep Throat..


The Facts are obama and hillary colluded with the Russians.

Well if they did, I hope they get busted...

But why would you not want the truth if Russia helped a campaign? Have you heard of the NRA being investigated now.

FBI looking into whether Russian banker gave money to NRA to support Trump: report

FBI looking into whether Russian banker gave money to NRA to support Trump: report

The NRA supported Trump regardless.

Which is just fine... but if they funneled Russian money to Trump Jr. heads need to roll.


Lot of "ifs", "allegedly", "reported", unnamed sources" going on, eh?
The Republicans of honesty lowering the DEBT and less Government seem to have disappeared.. Instead they seem to support a big fat lie from the Swamp Head Ringer Trump and flip flops so these corrupt GOP can pass bills for their super rich pocket liners.
And I see Excuse after Excuse flip flopping for them, while they are stealing right under your noses.. They have you so brainwashed and distracted, you actually think that they care about you..

Wake - Up fight for your party

Republicans are joining a festival of corruption

enabled by the collapse of all the guardrails around political money) from wealthy individuals and regiments of interest groups. They will have a merry holiday season if the bill passes as expected.

This legislation proves that Washington is, indeed, the “swamp” that President Trump described during the ca
mpaign. But instead of draining it, he and his partisan allies have jumped right in. Actually, they have polluted it further.

Sean Hannity Tells Steve Bannon GOP Is ‘Dead, Morally Corrupt’

Sean Hannity Tells Steve Bannon GOP Is 'Dead, Morally Corrupt' | HuffPost

Opinion | Republicans are joining a festival of corruption

So using your "logic" for the sake of their "integrity" they should have stayed home and let Hillary win.

Oh a newbee putting words in my mouth, I never said that.
The true Republicans need to stand against the shit heads using their name.

Sort of like what Cheney did to Bush

Neither of the Bush’s were conservative, Bush Junior spent money like a drunken sailor on foolish things like Foreign aid, and bush sr was a one world government asshat...

I almost wonder if Bush was drinking.. He was certainly distracted while Cheney used him to make zillions. and then Bush got thrown under the bus..
I see this happening again Rustic, mark my word.

All career politicians are corrupt
Reagan/Bush voters were never ‘honest’ to begin with.

Reagan and Bush were just as wrong on the issues as Trump, just as dishonest, just as corrupt, with the same contempt for citizens’ rights and protected liberties.
All career politicians are in the wrong...

Well, why did the senate vote down term limits? They vote to save themselves , to line their own pockets, to help their buddies.
What have they done this year except for that?

Bull shit. Love how left wing nut jobs try to tell us how to be good republicans.

Hello, the Real Republicans are coming together to fight against what is in there right now and will in the next race ( who ever is in congress are just using the name while they steal right under your nose Predfan , wake


Go away lefty.

It is my thread... Bye Bye you know that I am right.. You are old enough to see that this is not the republican party.. but they are using your name..


Stop with the distractions.. I already have said many times that the DNC let the people down with their corruption.. I did not like Clinton either. Now let's get back to who is in power right now.

Thank God these deplorables don't bring up Nixon or Ike Wonder if any of them believe the orange moron puts the country ,the presidency above himself

What Nixon did was small potatoes compared to what's going on today.

Oh so you are admitting the

What are you doing about it, except ignoring it? The GOP has Hy-Jacked your name..


Are you smoking dope? YOUR party is just as fucking bad. Fuck off with your partisan bullshit
Is it ok for trump to fuck every lady he can and not suffer the same consequences as Clinton did just because he's a republican??
Trump is anAmateur compared to Clinton when it comes to assaulting women. Fact
You were old enough when Nixon was exposed... Mueller is going full steam into the investigation. Trump has made many enemies who will be the next Deep Throat..


The Facts are obama and hillary colluded with the Russians.

Well if they did, I hope they get busted...

But why would you not want the truth if Russia helped a campaign? Have you heard of the NRA being investigated now.

FBI looking into whether Russian banker gave money to NRA to support Trump: report

FBI looking into whether Russian banker gave money to NRA to support Trump: report

The NRA supported Trump regardless.

Which is just fine... but if they funneled Russian money to Trump Jr. heads need to roll.


Lot of "ifs", "allegedly", "reported", unnamed sources" going on, eh?

LOL.. We all know Trump would be all over twitter if it were not true.. this porn star has him by the balls.

Trump is the first president who actually has actively repealed regulations.

For myself as a small government advocate, the words "stable genius" describe him.

LOL.. All he has done is un-do anything Obama put in place... He lays in bed eating while the Rats are busy screwing the republicans and the American people.

So? What’s wrong with doing that?
The Facts are obama and hillary colluded with the Russians.

Well if they did, I hope they get busted...

But why would you not want the truth if Russia helped a campaign? Have you heard of the NRA being investigated now.

FBI looking into whether Russian banker gave money to NRA to support Trump: report

FBI looking into whether Russian banker gave money to NRA to support Trump: report

The NRA supported Trump regardless.

Which is just fine... but if they funneled Russian money to Trump Jr. heads need to roll.


Lot of "ifs", "allegedly", "reported", unnamed sources" going on, eh?

LOL.. We all know Trump would be all over twitter if it were not true.. this porn star has him by the balls.


It's a everything else. You poor loons are just making yourselves tired and Trump isn't going anywhere

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