So What Happened to the Honest Reagan / Bush Republican voters? The Swamp has taken your Party.

As a Christian you find the liberals more Acceptable?

Nope.... but I have debated the christians who have been brainwashed by Pat Robertson since 1991 claiming that you have to be a republican to be a christian.
They claim to be the moral party yet ignore when the chief is not really that moral.. but since he held the bible up they defend... They are silent now

The Tea Party claims to be the moral party judging the gays, where are they now?

The thing is the Tea Party is just as sinful as any other person in politics..The Tea Party was funded by the Koch brothers who hated Obama.

You’re a fool if you think there’s anything good about Obama… LOL

I liked him, but he pissed me off by signing the GMO and siding with them..I know you know about GMO's

He pissed me off by flaming the BLM issue

I did not like Clinton at all..

No president has ever been more hostile to Christian values than Obama was, he was/is truly an evil man....

Wrong... Trump couldn't even quote the bible right.what a lying loser

The fact remains Trump is undoing all of the hostel things that Obama did to Christian values. No doubt Trump has his share of flaws, but at least he is not hostile at all towards Christian values. Obama was incredibly hostile towards any Christian values.
He loves going to Jeffrey Epsteins sex islands all the time... There is no law there.
The Clintons are the most repugnant people on the planet probably

Well he is not in office making laws today.. we need to be concerned with what these paid off people are doing to our generations to come.

The last eight years have to be undone do even start making this country better, like I said there would be no trump if there was no Obama. Karma is a bitch
Obama Mocked Trump’s Political Ambitions. Trump Spent His First Year Dismantling Obama’s Legacy

Why not Clintons and the Bush's too..? The Tea Party likes white

Like I said all career politicians are corrupt, the Clintons are in a different league though. The tea party are harmless…

The Tea Party is just a party who squeals out whatever the Koch brothers agenda is..

The Koch brothers are harmless...
They have embarrassed themselves excusing pedifiles , and porn star cheating Pu++y grabing men . What happened to the Conservative Christians ...? They disappeared and went into hibernation...Or just a bunch of Hypocrites..

Where is Pat Robertson, Farewell, stupid Glenn Beck..:laugh2::laugh::laugh::laugh2:

You need to quit putting your hope in the career politicians, they been 100% corrupt for over 100 years.

Rustic, I used to drink the kool-aide until I got sick and have studied the truth about the Big Pharma, and the medical corruption. Now I see the corruption everywhere you look in politics..The Big money has taken over

Especially with the fake GOP in the Senate .. pay attention to what they are doing..

Obama care has a love affair with big Pharma, Obama care is 100% corrupt....

We have been through all of that so many times, I am not going to go there today.. But I will say that most of us do not get old and die before seeing what is really going on behind the Chemo, Heart Attack, Stroke doors.

Fact remains Obama care was all about control and nothing to do with anyone’s health. Fact

FACT... Obamacare helped the pre-existing sick people not get kicked off their health insurance... Fact!!!!

The Republicans of honesty lowering the DEBT and less Government seem to have disappeared.. Instead they seem to support a big fat lie from the Swamp Head Ringer Trump and flip flops so these corrupt GOP can pass bills for their super rich pocket liners.
And I see Excuse after Excuse flip flopping for them, while they are stealing right under your noses.. They have you so brainwashed and distracted, you actually think that they care about you..

Wake - Up fight for your party

Republicans are joining a festival of corruption

enabled by the collapse of all the guardrails around political money) from wealthy individuals and regiments of interest groups. They will have a merry holiday season if the bill passes as expected.

This legislation proves that Washington is, indeed, the “swamp” that President Trump described during the ca
mpaign. But instead of draining it, he and his partisan allies have jumped right in. Actually, they have polluted it further.

Sean Hannity Tells Steve Bannon GOP Is ‘Dead, Morally Corrupt’

Sean Hannity Tells Steve Bannon GOP Is 'Dead, Morally Corrupt' | HuffPost

Opinion | Republicans are joining a festival of corruption

I'll deal with the swamp over the illegals that steal Americans jobs & depress wages in the industries they infest.

Well you know that I supported Trump with the wall and illegals.. but not the dreamers who were born here who are contributing.
Build the wall , kick out the law breakers and move on..
I can almost guarantee you this issue will still be happening during the next few elections..


Lol Dreamers were not born here. Good gawd
The Republicans of honesty lowering the DEBT and less Government seem to have disappeared.. Instead they seem to support a big fat lie from the Swamp Head Ringer Trump and flip flops so these corrupt GOP can pass bills for their super rich pocket liners.
And I see Excuse after Excuse flip flopping for them, while they are stealing right under your noses.. They have you so brainwashed and distracted, you actually think that they care about you..

Wake - Up fight for your party

Republicans are joining a festival of corruption

enabled by the collapse of all the guardrails around political money) from wealthy individuals and regiments of interest groups. They will have a merry holiday season if the bill passes as expected.

This legislation proves that Washington is, indeed, the “swamp” that President Trump described during the ca
mpaign. But instead of draining it, he and his partisan allies have jumped right in. Actually, they have polluted it further.

Sean Hannity Tells Steve Bannon GOP Is ‘Dead, Morally Corrupt’

Sean Hannity Tells Steve Bannon GOP Is 'Dead, Morally Corrupt' | HuffPost

Opinion | Republicans are joining a festival of corruption

I'll deal with the swamp over the illegals that steal Americans jobs & depress wages in the industries they infest.

Well you know that I supported Trump with the wall and illegals.. but not the dreamers who were born here who are contributing.
Build the wall , kick out the law breakers and move on..
I can almost guarantee you this issue will still be happening during the next few elections..

Illegal is illegal, you can’t play favorites and have any respect...

So then the thousand Russian women and their babies should be kicked out too... Or the Chinese doing the same thing..Coming here to have babies on purpose..

It’s a privilege to live here not a right, stand in line. That’s the approach that should be taken. When it comes to immigrants and refugees
Well he is not in office making laws today.. we need to be concerned with what these paid off people are doing to our generations to come.

The last eight years have to be undone do even start making this country better, like I said there would be no trump if there was no Obama. Karma is a bitch
Obama Mocked Trump’s Political Ambitions. Trump Spent His First Year Dismantling Obama’s Legacy

Why not Clintons and the Bush's too..? The Tea Party likes white

Like I said all career politicians are corrupt, the Clintons are in a different league though. The tea party are harmless…

The Tea Party is just a party who squeals out whatever the Koch brothers agenda is..

The Koch brothers are harmless...

Well hopefully the 2 corrupt Koch brothers will just die off soon... but their money is very very dangerous. so is any Big Lobby Rustic. This is what the problem is.

You need to quit putting your hope in the career politicians, they been 100% corrupt for over 100 years.

Rustic, I used to drink the kool-aide until I got sick and have studied the truth about the Big Pharma, and the medical corruption. Now I see the corruption everywhere you look in politics..The Big money has taken over

Especially with the fake GOP in the Senate .. pay attention to what they are doing..

Obama care has a love affair with big Pharma, Obama care is 100% corrupt....

We have been through all of that so many times, I am not going to go there today.. But I will say that most of us do not get old and die before seeing what is really going on behind the Chemo, Heart Attack, Stroke doors.

Fact remains Obama care was all about control and nothing to do with anyone’s health. Fact

FACT... Obamacare helped the pre-existing sick people not get kicked off their health insurance... Fact!!!!

The problem is it made other people that cannot afford it pay for other peoples shit. There is nothing charitable or right about that.
Insurance is not healthcare, Obama care was all about control and not about anyone’s health. It’s intention was evil to say the least
Last edited:
The last eight years have to be undone do even start making this country better, like I said there would be no trump if there was no Obama. Karma is a bitch
Obama Mocked Trump’s Political Ambitions. Trump Spent His First Year Dismantling Obama’s Legacy

Why not Clintons and the Bush's too..? The Tea Party likes white

Like I said all career politicians are corrupt, the Clintons are in a different league though. The tea party are harmless…

The Tea Party is just a party who squeals out whatever the Koch brothers agenda is..

The Koch brothers are harmless...

Well hopefully the 2 corrupt Koch brothers will just die off soon... but their money is very very dangerous. so is any Big Lobby Rustic. This is what the problem is.

You do realize the biggest lobby on the planet is the US federal government, and the most corrupt.
The Republicans of honesty lowering the DEBT and less Government seem to have disappeared.. Instead they seem to support a big fat lie from the Swamp Head Ringer Trump and flip flops so these corrupt GOP can pass bills for their super rich pocket liners.
And I see Excuse after Excuse flip flopping for them, while they are stealing right under your noses.. They have you so brainwashed and distracted, you actually think that they care about you..

Wake - Up fight for your party

Republicans are joining a festival of corruption

enabled by the collapse of all the guardrails around political money) from wealthy individuals and regiments of interest groups. They will have a merry holiday season if the bill passes as expected.

This legislation proves that Washington is, indeed, the “swamp” that President Trump described during the ca
mpaign. But instead of draining it, he and his partisan allies have jumped right in. Actually, they have polluted it further.

Sean Hannity Tells Steve Bannon GOP Is ‘Dead, Morally Corrupt’

Sean Hannity Tells Steve Bannon GOP Is 'Dead, Morally Corrupt' | HuffPost

Opinion | Republicans are joining a festival of corruption

I'll deal with the swamp over the illegals that steal Americans jobs & depress wages in the industries they infest.

Well you know that I supported Trump with the wall and illegals.. but not the dreamers who were born here who are contributing.
Build the wall , kick out the law breakers and move on..
I can almost guarantee you this issue will still be happening during the next few elections..


Lol Dreamers were not born here. Good gawd

Young people.?.. but their parents can be kicked out right? I live in illegal central, and it is bullshit what the far left is doing here..
Try going to any ER and it is full of illegals who can not pay the extreme high bills ..

They need to become legal, do not break the law and build a wall.

I know many democrats who disagree with me.. but I also know many who do agree..

They were never honest.

I have seen honest people in every party... But they seem to have gone into hiding while the Swamp has taken over..

The Swamp is their party now... .


You can always spot honest democrats; they are the one riding unicorns.

Why not Clintons and the Bush's too..? The Tea Party likes white

Like I said all career politicians are corrupt, the Clintons are in a different league though. The tea party are harmless…

The Tea Party is just a party who squeals out whatever the Koch brothers agenda is..

The Koch brothers are harmless...

Well hopefully the 2 corrupt Koch brothers will just die off soon... but their money is very very dangerous. so is any Big Lobby Rustic. This is what the problem is.

You do realize the biggest lobby on the planet is the US federal government, and the most corrupt.

Show me how he wanted to expand that the GOP illuminated.. ( a Nothing Burger)

The Republicans of honesty lowering the DEBT and less Government seem to have disappeared.. Instead they seem to support a big fat lie from the Swamp Head Ringer Trump and flip flops so these corrupt GOP can pass bills for their super rich pocket liners.
And I see Excuse after Excuse flip flopping for them, while they are stealing right under your noses.. They have you so brainwashed and distracted, you actually think that they care about you..

Wake - Up fight for your party

Republicans are joining a festival of corruption

enabled by the collapse of all the guardrails around political money) from wealthy individuals and regiments of interest groups. They will have a merry holiday season if the bill passes as expected.

This legislation proves that Washington is, indeed, the “swamp” that President Trump described during the ca
mpaign. But instead of draining it, he and his partisan allies have jumped right in. Actually, they have polluted it further.

Sean Hannity Tells Steve Bannon GOP Is ‘Dead, Morally Corrupt’

Sean Hannity Tells Steve Bannon GOP Is 'Dead, Morally Corrupt' | HuffPost

Opinion | Republicans are joining a festival of corruption

I'll deal with the swamp over the illegals that steal Americans jobs & depress wages in the industries they infest.

Well you know that I supported Trump with the wall and illegals.. but not the dreamers who were born here who are contributing.
Build the wall , kick out the law breakers and move on..
I can almost guarantee you this issue will still be happening during the next few elections..


Lol Dreamers were not born here. Good gawd

Young people.?.. but their parents can be kicked out right? I live in illegal central, and it is bullshit what the far left is doing here..
Try going to any ER and it is full of illegals who can not pay the extreme high bills ..

They need to become legal, do not break the law and build a wall.

I know many democrats who disagree with me.. but I also know many who do agree..

Making them legal does not mean that they will suddenly be able to pay their bills.

They are A drain on social services either way so why are we subjecting ourselves to this willingly.
The Republicans of honesty lowering the DEBT and less Government seem to have disappeared.. Instead they seem to support a big fat lie from the Swamp Head Ringer Trump and flip flops so these corrupt GOP can pass bills for their super rich pocket liners.
And I see Excuse after Excuse flip flopping for them, while they are stealing right under your noses.. They have you so brainwashed and distracted, you actually think that they care about you..

Wake - Up fight for your party

Republicans are joining a festival of corruption

enabled by the collapse of all the guardrails around political money) from wealthy individuals and regiments of interest groups. They will have a merry holiday season if the bill passes as expected.

This legislation proves that Washington is, indeed, the “swamp” that President Trump described during the ca
mpaign. But instead of draining it, he and his partisan allies have jumped right in. Actually, they have polluted it further.

Sean Hannity Tells Steve Bannon GOP Is ‘Dead, Morally Corrupt’

Sean Hannity Tells Steve Bannon GOP Is 'Dead, Morally Corrupt' | HuffPost

Opinion | Republicans are joining a festival of corruption

I'll deal with the swamp over the illegals that steal Americans jobs & depress wages in the industries they infest.

Well you know that I supported Trump with the wall and illegals.. but not the dreamers who were born here who are contributing.
Build the wall , kick out the law breakers and move on..
I can almost guarantee you this issue will still be happening during the next few elections..


Lol Dreamers were not born here. Good gawd

Young people.?.. but their parents can be kicked out right? I live in illegal central, and it is bullshit what the far left is doing here..
Try going to any ER and it is full of illegals who can not pay the extreme high bills ..

They need to become legal, do not break the law and build a wall.

I know many democrats who disagree with me.. but I also know many who do agree..

The line has to be drawn, no exceptions. If illegals aliens are found they need to be deported. And the ones that are already here they need go back of the line “dreamers” or not.
Political correctness is a shitty ass judge of anything…
The family values party lol lol

They have embarrassed themselves excusing pedifiles , and porn star cheating Pu++y grabing men . What happened to the Conservative Christians ...? They disappeared and went into hibernation...Or just a bunch of Hypocrites..

Where is Pat Robertson, Farewell, stupid Glenn Beck..:laugh2::laugh::laugh::laugh2:

You need to quit putting your hope in the career politicians, they been 100% corrupt for over 100 years.

Rustic, I used to drink the kool-aide until I got sick and have studied the truth about the Big Pharma, and the medical corruption. Now I see the corruption everywhere you look in politics..The Big money has taken over

Especially with the fake GOP in the Senate .. pay attention to what they are doing..

Obama care has a love affair with big Pharma, Obama care is 100% corrupt....

We have been through all of that so many times, I am not going to go there today.. But I will say that most of us do not get old and die before seeing what is really going on behind the Chemo, Heart Attack, Stroke doors.

The moron couldn't take YES for an answer Trump gave a number for the wall Schumer agreed Drumpf changed his mind Repubs passed a bill so our troops WOULDN"T get paid ......Repubs are nuken futz
They were never honest.

I have seen honest people in every party... But they seem to have gone into hiding while the Swamp has taken over..

The Swamp is their party now... .


You can always spot honest democrats; they are the one riding unicorns.

Like I said all career politicians are corrupt, the Clintons are in a different league though. The tea party are harmless…

The Tea Party is just a party who squeals out whatever the Koch brothers agenda is..

The Koch brothers are harmless...

Well hopefully the 2 corrupt Koch brothers will just die off soon... but their money is very very dangerous. so is any Big Lobby Rustic. This is what the problem is.

You do realize the biggest lobby on the planet is the US federal government, and the most corrupt.

Show me how he wanted to expand that the GOP illuminated.. ( a Nothing Burger)

Socialism fails 100% of the time, The collective will always be evil.
The Republicans of honesty lowering the DEBT and less Government seem to have disappeared.. Instead they seem to support a big fat lie from the Swamp Head Ringer Trump and flip flops so these corrupt GOP can pass bills for their super rich pocket liners.
And I see Excuse after Excuse flip flopping for them, while they are stealing right under your noses.. They have you so brainwashed and distracted, you actually think that they care about you..

Wake - Up fight for your party

Republicans are joining a festival of corruption

enabled by the collapse of all the guardrails around political money) from wealthy individuals and regiments of interest groups. They will have a merry holiday season if the bill passes as expected.

This legislation proves that Washington is, indeed, the “swamp” that President Trump described during the ca
mpaign. But instead of draining it, he and his partisan allies have jumped right in. Actually, they have polluted it further.

Sean Hannity Tells Steve Bannon GOP Is ‘Dead, Morally Corrupt’

Sean Hannity Tells Steve Bannon GOP Is 'Dead, Morally Corrupt' | HuffPost

Opinion | Republicans are joining a festival of corruption

I'll deal with the swamp over the illegals that steal Americans jobs & depress wages in the industries they infest.

Well you know that I supported Trump with the wall and illegals.. but not the dreamers who were born here who are contributing.
Build the wall , kick out the law breakers and move on..
I can almost guarantee you this issue will still be happening during the next few elections..

Illegal is illegal, you can’t play favorites and have any respect...

So then the thousand Russian women and their babies should be kicked out too... Or the Chinese doing the same thing..Coming here to have babies on purpose..

It’s a privilege to live here not a right, stand in line. That’s the approach that should be taken. When it comes to immigrants and refugees

My great grandparents migrated from Sweden to Minnesota 150 years ago, and never expected anything... they had to learn our language ..

It is how it should be today.. but the political Hy-jacking coming from both sides is bullshit..

The Republicans of honesty lowering the DEBT and less Government seem to have disappeared.. Instead they seem to support a big fat lie from the Swamp Head Ringer Trump and flip flops so these corrupt GOP can pass bills for their super rich pocket liners.
And I see Excuse after Excuse flip flopping for them, while they are stealing right under your noses.. They have you so brainwashed and distracted, you actually think that they care about you..

Wake - Up fight for your party

Republicans are joining a festival of corruption

enabled by the collapse of all the guardrails around political money) from wealthy individuals and regiments of interest groups. They will have a merry holiday season if the bill passes as expected.

This legislation proves that Washington is, indeed, the “swamp” that President Trump described during the ca
mpaign. But instead of draining it, he and his partisan allies have jumped right in. Actually, they have polluted it further.

Sean Hannity Tells Steve Bannon GOP Is ‘Dead, Morally Corrupt’

Sean Hannity Tells Steve Bannon GOP Is 'Dead, Morally Corrupt' | HuffPost

Opinion | Republicans are joining a festival of corruption

I'll deal with the swamp over the illegals that steal Americans jobs & depress wages in the industries they infest.

Well you know that I supported Trump with the wall and illegals.. but not the dreamers who were born here who are contributing.
Build the wall , kick out the law breakers and move on..
I can almost guarantee you this issue will still be happening during the next few elections..


Lol Dreamers were not born here. Good gawd

Young people.?.. but their parents can be kicked out right? I live in illegal central, and it is bullshit what the far left is doing here..
Try going to any ER and it is full of illegals who can not pay the extreme high bills ..

They need to become legal, do not break the law and build a wall.

I know many democrats who disagree with me.. but I also know many who do agree..

The line has to be drawn, no exceptions. If illegals aliens are found they need to be deported. And the ones that are already here they need go back of the line “dreamers” or not.
Political correctness is a shitty ass judge of anything…
If we actually BUILT A FUCKING WALL, a real one. I would be open to ideas for some of the ones here already.
But no physical wall, no negotiations. Period
They have embarrassed themselves excusing pedifiles , and porn star cheating Pu++y grabing men . What happened to the Conservative Christians ...? They disappeared and went into hibernation...Or just a bunch of Hypocrites..

Where is Pat Robertson, Farewell, stupid Glenn Beck..:laugh2::laugh::laugh::laugh2:

You need to quit putting your hope in the career politicians, they been 100% corrupt for over 100 years.

Rustic, I used to drink the kool-aide until I got sick and have studied the truth about the Big Pharma, and the medical corruption. Now I see the corruption everywhere you look in politics..The Big money has taken over

Especially with the fake GOP in the Senate .. pay attention to what they are doing..

Obama care has a love affair with big Pharma, Obama care is 100% corrupt....

We have been through all of that so many times, I am not going to go there today.. But I will say that most of us do not get old and die before seeing what is really going on behind the Chemo, Heart Attack, Stroke doors.

The moron couldn't take YES for an answer Trump gave a number for the wall Schumer agreed Drumpf changed his mind Repubs passed a bill so our troops WOULDN"T get paid ......Repubs are nuken futz

Actually drooling eddie, the Republicans passed a bill so the troops WOULD get paid.

You Maoists blocked it with the now infamous #schumershutdown
They have embarrassed themselves excusing pedifiles , and porn star cheating Pu++y grabing men . What happened to the Conservative Christians ...? They disappeared and went into hibernation...Or just a bunch of Hypocrites..

Where is Pat Robertson, Farewell, stupid Glenn Beck..:laugh2::laugh::laugh::laugh2:

You need to quit putting your hope in the career politicians, they been 100% corrupt for over 100 years.

Rustic, I used to drink the kool-aide until I got sick and have studied the truth about the Big Pharma, and the medical corruption. Now I see the corruption everywhere you look in politics..The Big money has taken over

Especially with the fake GOP in the Senate .. pay attention to what they are doing..

Obama care has a love affair with big Pharma, Obama care is 100% corrupt....

We have been through all of that so many times, I am not going to go there today.. But I will say that most of us do not get old and die before seeing what is really going on behind the Chemo, Heart Attack, Stroke doors.

The moron couldn't take YES for an answer Trump gave a number for the wall Schumer agreed Drumpf changed his mind Repubs passed a bill so our troops WOULDN"T get paid ......Repubs are nuken futz
A federal government shutdown does not affect 99+ percent of the American public…
They were never honest.

I have seen honest people in every party... But they seem to have gone into hiding while the Swamp has taken over..

The Swamp is their party now... .


You can always spot honest democrats; they are the one riding unicorns.

The Tea Party is just a party who squeals out whatever the Koch brothers agenda is..

The Koch brothers are harmless...

Well hopefully the 2 corrupt Koch brothers will just die off soon... but their money is very very dangerous. so is any Big Lobby Rustic. This is what the problem is.

You do realize the biggest lobby on the planet is the US federal government, and the most corrupt.

Show me how he wanted to expand that the GOP illuminated.. ( a Nothing Burger)

Socialism fails 100% of the time, The collective will always be evil.
The Nazis lost too Republicans are getting more and more like them every day

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