So what happens when Trump talks welfare reform?

I'm for these reforms

1) erson can receive govt assistance if they are working a job that pays below 25 grand per year and tthey are full time. One can't survive on that.

2). If you have kids you get more assistance as long as you arare working full timeand earning less ththan 25 grand.

That's a start. Maybe adding free job training that mandatory as well.

Except many places will work you about 35 hours a week so they can get around the full time status.

Job training for what?

1. Any able body receiving public assistance must work performing community services, attending job training and parenting courses for 25 hours (or more) per week, the more hours logged the more they're paid. They must have to report somewhere every morning at 7:30am

2. Anyone receiving any level of public assistance who becomes pregnant has committed a punishable crime. A timeline is then established, if the recipient can't become 100% self supportive within X period of time the child is lost to 'the system'.

3. Anyone who becomes pregnant as a minor has committed a punishable crime.

4. Minors must complete high school and obtain a diploma. If they drop out of school the parents must be held accountable and charged with a crime.

5. Put the shame back in being a welfare recipient. Special welfare only lines at grocery stores and etc.

You want to pay in some cases $120,000 a year for the "system" to raise a kid. .......

You might want to rethink this.
I'm for these reforms

1) erson can receive govt assistance if they are working a job that pays below 25 grand per year and tthey are full time. One can't survive on that.

2). If you have kids you get more assistance as long as you arare working full timeand earning less ththan 25 grand.

That's a start. Maybe adding free job training that mandatory as well.

Except many places will work you about 35 hours a week so they can get around the full time status.

Job training for what?

1. Any able body receiving public assistance must work performing community services, attending job training and parenting courses for 25 hours (or more) per week, the more hours logged the more they're paid. They must have to report somewhere every morning at 7:30am

2. Anyone receiving any level of public assistance who becomes pregnant has committed a punishable crime. A timeline is then established, if the recipient can't become 100% self supportive within X period of time the child is lost to 'the system'.

3. Anyone who becomes pregnant as a minor has committed a punishable crime.

4. Minors must complete high school and obtain a diploma. If they drop out of school the parents must be held accountable and charged with a crime.

5. Put the shame back in being a welfare recipient. Special welfare only lines at grocery stores and etc.

You want to pay in some cases $120,000 a year for the "system" to raise a kid. .......

You might want to rethink this.

This is simple.
The kid wouldn't stay in the "system"....people wouldn't have to wait one year to adopt or be chased to Africa for the opportunity to raise a child...TA-DA!
This stuff is so easy when you think away from the status-quo.
Think we've seen hostility from protesting Liberals? We haven't seen anything yet!
I'm gonna bet the Trump admin has some pretty 'aggressive' ideas in mind and I'll bet Trump will be very direct in how he delivers said ideas to the people.
Brace yourselves, have your AR15's and 308's locked and loaded...hahaha
Similar to Clinton. Good. Maybe the libs have some reasonable explanations, or God forbid, reasonable ideas.
I'm for these reforms

1) erson can receive govt assistance if they are working a job that pays below 25 grand per year and tthey are full time. One can't survive on that.

2). If you have kids you get more assistance as long as you arare working full timeand earning less ththan 25 grand.

That's a start. Maybe adding free job training that mandatory as well.

Except many places will work you about 35 hours a week so they can get around the full time status.

Job training for what?

1. Any able body receiving public assistance must work performing community services, attending job training and parenting courses for 25 hours (or more) per week, the more hours logged the more they're paid. They must have to report somewhere every morning at 7:30am

2. Anyone receiving any level of public assistance who becomes pregnant has committed a punishable crime. A timeline is then established, if the recipient can't become 100% self supportive within X period of time the child is lost to 'the system'.

3. Anyone who becomes pregnant as a minor has committed a punishable crime.

4. Minors must complete high school and obtain a diploma. If they drop out of school the parents must be held accountable and charged with a crime.

5. Put the shame back in being a welfare recipient. Special welfare only lines at grocery stores and etc.

You want to pay in some cases $120,000 a year for the "system" to raise a kid. .......

You might want to rethink this.
You should cite numbers like that, or at least give some detail concerning the components.
Trump: We want to get people off welfare and back to work

Watch that. He spends about one point five seconds on welfare, and then says people deserve good infrastructure.

Trump has no welfare reform plan. He has no plans for anything at all. No plans for ISIS. No plans for Iran. No plans for lowering the debt. No plans for lowering the cost of healthcare.

He's a huckster.

If you want to see what kind of welfare reform is coming down the pike, look to Paul Ryan.
You sure about that kido?
hate to burst your bubble el tardo, welfare are state programs

Do Presidents ever talk about welfare reform and or state programs? Are federal funds used for state programs? Do the Feds not have a stake in welfare programs? Well, we know your sorry ass will obviously be protesting to keep your EBT bennies maxed...thanks for the proof...hahaha

They will stay just as violent as they are now. Like these assholes:

I'm for these reforms

1) erson can receive govt assistance if they are working a job that pays below 25 grand per year and tthey are full time. One can't survive on that.

2). If you have kids you get more assistance as long as you arare working full timeand earning less ththan 25 grand.

That's a start. Maybe adding free job training that mandatory as well.

Except many places will work you about 35 hours a week so they can get around the full time status.

Job training for what?

1. Any able body receiving public assistance must work performing community services, attending job training and parenting courses for 25 hours (or more) per week, the more hours logged the more they're paid. They must have to report somewhere every morning at 7:30am

2. Anyone receiving any level of public assistance who becomes pregnant has committed a punishable crime. A timeline is then established, if the recipient can't become 100% self supportive within X period of time the child is lost to 'the system'.

3. Anyone who becomes pregnant as a minor has committed a punishable crime.

4. Minors must complete high school and obtain a diploma. If they drop out of school the parents must be held accountable and charged with a crime.

5. Put the shame back in being a welfare recipient. Special welfare only lines at grocery stores and etc.

You want to pay in some cases $120,000 a year for the "system" to raise a kid. .......

You might want to rethink this.

we need public policy reform; not just "welfare" reform.
we simply need better socialism for the poor, not just the rich.
Housing, education, medical care, utilities, food, and transportation are not enough? What else would you like for us to do for you?
too much socialism for me. i prefer unemployment compensation at one dollar an hour less than our current minimum wage, simply for being unemployed in our at-will employment States.

being legal to the law; what liberal socialist concept. something the national socialist right wing, would never think of.

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