So what happens when Trump talks welfare reform?

I'm for these reforms

1) erson can receive govt assistance if they are working a job that pays below 25 grand per year and tthey are full time. One can't survive on that.

2). If you have kids you get more assistance as long as you arare working full timeand earning less ththan 25 grand.

That's a start. Maybe adding free job training that mandatory as well.

Except many places will work you about 35 hours a week so they can get around the full time status.

Job training for what?

1. Any able body receiving public assistance must work performing community services, attending job training and parenting courses for 25 hours (or more) per week, the more hours logged the more they're paid. They must have to report somewhere every morning at 7:30am

2. Anyone receiving any level of public assistance who becomes pregnant has committed a punishable crime. A timeline is then established, if the recipient can't become 100% self supportive within X period of time the child is lost to 'the system'.

3. Anyone who becomes pregnant as a minor has committed a punishable crime.

4. Minors must complete high school and obtain a diploma. If they drop out of school the parents must be held accountable and charged with a crime.

5. Put the shame back in being a welfare recipient. Special welfare only lines at grocery stores and etc.
Number 1 is the only possible solution.

I wouldn't be so sure of that.
It's been a long, long time since we've had people in government with enough nut-sack to do the right thing.
It should be criminal to defraud American tax payers. No one can argue that and it happens everyday.

View attachment 110268 there any level Liberals won't stoop too?
They should make this guy their Welfare Poster Child...hahaha
It kills me when pseudocons whine about how much we spend on food stamps while we have $1.2 TRILLION a year spent on tax expenditures which transfer wealth UP the food chain.

That is the REAL driver of our debt and our high tax rates.
It kills me when pseudocons whine about how much we spend on food stamps while we have $1.2 TRILLION a year spent on tax expenditures which transfer wealth UP the food chain.

That is the REAL driver of our debt and our high tax rates.

Most taxpayers don't mind spending tax dollars on certain things such as military, infrastructure and etc...but no real taxpayer wants to pay for Guadalupe and ShaQuita to sit at home on their fat asses running that baby making machine at full steam ahead turning more of their same out. It's all a problem...let's fix them at the doesn't matter in what order they're fixed...but let's get to fixing them...right?
Think we've seen hostility from protesting Liberals? We haven't seen anything yet!
I'm gonna bet the Trump admin has some pretty 'aggressive' ideas in mind and I'll bet Trump will be very direct in how he delivers said ideas to the people.
Brace yourselves, have your AR15's and 308's locked and loaded...hahaha
Trump has never offered up any welfare reform.

In fact, when Trump talks about welfare, he says poor people deserve good infrastructure. Good airports which Trump travels through. [emoji38]

Trump: We want to get people off welfare and back to work

Watch that. He spends about one point five seconds on welfare, and then says people deserve good infrastructure.

Trump has no welfare reform plan. He has no plans for anything at all. No plans for ISIS. No plans for Iran. No plans for lowering the debt. No plans for lowering the cost of healthcare.

He's a huckster.

If you want to see what kind of welfare reform is coming down the pike, look to Paul Ryan.

I think you're sadly mistaken and I think he'll rock the boat on this issue soon enough...but like I said, get ready to witness unprecedented rioting and protests.
Point me to where Trump has ever said anything about welfare reform.

I can show you plenty of times Ryan has put up a plan.

Then we'll see which plan is the one that comes out of Trump's mouth, or the mouth of one of his proxies. I guarantee it will be Ryan's plan. Because Trump does not have one.
You sound pretty matter of fact...are you an insider? Part of the Trump admin? The title of the thread is: "So what happens WHEN Trump talks about welfare reform?" Hopefully you under stand what that means without further explanation.
If you've somehow sold yourself that he'll take a passive approach to this you're only fooling yourself and you better pull your head from the sand now to start prepping yourself for it.
In case you haven't been following along, this President acts with a ball-bag and doesn't know "passive" at all.

Think we've seen hostility from protesting Liberals? We haven't seen anything yet!
I'm gonna bet the Trump admin has some pretty 'aggressive' ideas in mind and I'll bet Trump will be very direct in how he delivers said ideas to the people.
Brace yourselves, have your AR15's and 308's locked and loaded...hahaha
Trump has never offered up any welfare reform.

In fact, when Trump talks about welfare, he says poor people deserve good infrastructure. Good airports which Trump travels through. [emoji38]

Trump: We want to get people off welfare and back to work

Watch that. He spends about one point five seconds on welfare, and then says people deserve good infrastructure.

Trump has no welfare reform plan. He has no plans for anything at all. No plans for ISIS. No plans for Iran. No plans for lowering the debt. No plans for lowering the cost of healthcare.

He's a huckster.

If you want to see what kind of welfare reform is coming down the pike, look to Paul Ryan.

I think you're sadly mistaken and I think he'll rock the boat on this issue soon enough...but like I said, get ready to witness unprecedented rioting and protests.
When has the President ever talked about cutting welfare in any fashion???? Was it when he is talking about a trillion dollar spending bill or when he talked about We the tax payers paying for longer Maternity care????? Dont project your wants on the president. So far he is only doing mostly what he said he would except a few things like reverting executive amnesty and he has NEVER talked about cutting welfare in any reasonable fashion.

Oh boy, you're in for a big surprise I'm sure...I can see you have yourself 100% manipulated. Just because he hasn't talked much about it in the few days he's been Prez doesn't mean he doesn't have something in mind. I'm sure he wants to ease in on some of the Democratic supporters. Start saving your EBT cards now!
You have no proof just blind faith... well trump isn't God and I only put faith in God

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hate to burst your bubble el tardo, welfare are state programs

You are, shall we say...misinformed?

The Federal Welfare Reform Act of 1996 was an overwhelming success. Try looking it up el tardo.

That was pushed through congress by Newt Gingrich. President Bill Clinton vetoed it twice but signed it the third time because Congress had the votes to over-ride his veto. The result was millions of people came OFF the welfare rolls and onto PAYROLLS. It was a success until petulant former President Obama made it a casualty of his failed Stimulus legislation.

The result of President Obama's massive failure is that we now have millions more on welfare, food stamps and every other form of government support.

This administration would be well served to put back in place the identical or very similar program.

Many of those rules from 96 still apply. Like the 5 year lifetime maximum and requirement to look for work while on assistance. If they don't, they are then sanctioned (loss of benefits) for a time or until they comply.
Obama's actions were to lower the income level requirement so that more people would be eligible for some benefits.

Do a bit more research. Petulant former President Obama's changes also removed the requirement to work. It also required that school districts, receiving money from the Federal Government, had to stop all vouchers which were extremely successful. It is a lot more than you post.

Stimulus Bill Abolishes Welfare Reform and Adds New Welfare Spending
By Robert Rector and Katherine Bradley
The House and Senate stimulus bills will overturn the fiscal foundation of welfare reform and restore an AFDC-style funding system. For the first time since 1996, the federal government would begin paying states bonuses to increase their welfare caseloads. Indeed, the new welfare system created by the stimulus bills is actually worse than the old AFDC program because it rewards the states more heavily to increase their caseloads. Under the stimulus bills, the federal government will pay 80 percent of cost for each new family that a state enrolls in welfare; this matching rate is far higher than it was under AFDC.

It is clear that--in both the House and Senate stimulus bills--the original goal of helping families move to employment and self-sufficiency and off long-term dependence on government assistance has instead been replaced with the perverse incentive of adding more families to the welfare rolls. The House bill provides $4 billion per year to reward states to increase their TANF caseloads; the Senate bill follows the same policy but allocates less money.


Stimulus Bill Abolishes Welfare Reform and Adds New Welfare Spending

hmmm...ok, then someone forgot to tell the State of Washington because they still require it
All I know is to date we've mostly seen nutless weirdos and a few low-life thugs in on the protests and rioting....When welfare reform starts being discussed publically all hell is gonna break loose and all the low-life's and thugs will be in on the rioting and chaos.
Remember, nearly 40% of blacks and nearly 35% of hispanics ride on the back of taxpayers...there's gonna be a destruction party in the ghettos and barrios.
Considering everything Trump has talked about doing, I can see the need for welfare dropping 40%.
Think we've seen hostility from protesting Liberals? We haven't seen anything yet!
I'm gonna bet the Trump admin has some pretty 'aggressive' ideas in mind and I'll bet Trump will be very direct in how he delivers said ideas to the people.
Brace yourselves, have your AR15's and 308's locked and loaded...hahaha
Milk trucks will burn in the early morn,,,,,,,,,,,eh?
We'll always have people like this....

Think we've seen hostility from protesting Liberals? We haven't seen anything yet!
I'm gonna bet the Trump admin has some pretty 'aggressive' ideas in mind and I'll bet Trump will be very direct in how he delivers said ideas to the people.
Brace yourselves, have your AR15's and 308's locked and loaded...hahaha
some on the left are going to, "make fun of him" for not having any more standing than the poor due his avoiding, personal federal income taxes, just like the poor, but while being rich.
Think we've seen hostility from protesting Liberals? We haven't seen anything yet!
I'm gonna bet the Trump admin has some pretty 'aggressive' ideas in mind and I'll bet Trump will be very direct in how he delivers said ideas to the people.
Brace yourselves, have your AR15's and 308's locked and loaded...hahaha
some on the left are going to, "make fun of him" for not having any more standing than the poor due his avoiding, personal federal income taxes, just like the poor, but while being rich.

I'll bet he paid more in property tax, sales tax and luxury tax last year than any poor person in California will pay over their lifetime.
Think we've seen hostility from protesting Liberals? We haven't seen anything yet!
I'm gonna bet the Trump admin has some pretty 'aggressive' ideas in mind and I'll bet Trump will be very direct in how he delivers said ideas to the people.
Brace yourselves, have your AR15's and 308's locked and loaded...hahaha
some on the left are going to, "make fun of him" for not having any more standing than the poor due his avoiding, personal federal income taxes, just like the poor, but while being rich.

I'll bet he paid more in property tax, sales tax and luxury tax last year than any poor person in California will pay over their lifetime.
Property taxes fund local infrastructure and schools. How much did Mr. Trump pay in personal income taxes that go to fund welfare?
Why am I responsible for problems of people I never met, who could be on the other side of the country?

Why am I responsible for problems of people I never met, who could be on the other side of the country?

That's not an argument for reform. That's an argument for repeal.

And, NO industrialized nation in the world agrees with you on that.

If you can't figure out why, either look it up or just accept it based on the fact that NO nation, including ours, comes anywhere CLOSE to agreeing with you.

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