So What If. No Matter Who Biden Chooses. He Tanks In The Polls, To About 40%, And Trump Goes To 50. Maybe Change The VP?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
This is a strong possibility. We all know who is at the top of the list. Americans in general hate both of them with a passion. Biden is really backed into a corner now, making this decision. But I'm sure than any of us conservatives see this scenario. No matter who he picks, at least 60% of voters will be extremely turned off at this ticket, most saying,,"NO NO !!! not her! not her !, F-----this----chit ! that could be the next President? No Way Jose! Im voting for Trump !!!
This is a strong possibility. We all know who is at the top of the list. Americans in general hate both of them with a passion. Biden is really backed into a corner now, making this decision. But I'm sure than any of us conservatives see this scenario. No matter who he picks, at least 60% of voters will be extremely turned off at this ticket, most saying,,"NO NO !!! not her! not her !, F-----this----chit ! that could be the next President? No Way Jose! Im voting for Trump !!!

Unlikely that happens. Someone switches their vote from Biden to Trump based on the VP pick.

Less likely is switching the VP once the Party nominates her.
There is NO ONE... I repeat... NO ONE... groper joe can pick for VP that is going to carry his senile old ass over the finish line to the white house. The democrats are in some weird fantasy land thinking that there's a majority of Americans that actually want their commie, violent, riotous, race pimping, destruction and white hate that they represent.

But... one way or another... I think America is headed towards a civil war. If Trump wins, the dems will be pissed off that all their cheating wasn't enough, and if china joe wins, the repubs will know damn well it's because of massive cheating, so, we're in for another civil war no matter. Yes, we're at that point. There doesn't seem to be any way to avoid it.

Have you been preparing for it?

I have. I've already been in a combat zone, like so many of my conservative veteran brothers have. Only 1% of us ever enlisted. That's a pretty elite bunch of people. You fuck with us, we'll show you what we learned about how to fight a war, and if you have no military training, against us, you're fucked.
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There is NO ONE... I repeat... NO ONE... groper joe can pick for VP that is going to carry his senile old ass over the finish line to the white house. The democrats are in some weird fantasy land thinking that there's a majority of Americans that actually want their commie, violent, riotous, race pimping, destruction and white hate that they represent.

But... one way or another... I think America is headed towards a civil war. If Trump wins, the dems will be pissed off that all their cheating wasn't enough, and if china joe wins, the repubs will know damn well it's because of massive cheating, so, we're in for another civil war no matter. Yes, we're at that point. There doesn't seem to be any way to avoid.

Have you been preparing for it?

I have.
I agree 100% and i'm going to start getting ready also :smoke:
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Trump is wisely making this about America First vs China First. I listen to him in interviews, in speeches, when talking off the cuff. He's constantly raising the issue of China and telling everyone "China would love to see Biden win". He's reminding people about keeping jobs from being outsourced.

I am surprised he hasn't gone after Bidens comment about getting rid of shareholder capitalism. To me this is a major error on Joes part, I just don't see, up to this point, Trump going at him for this comment.

No V.P choice can undo this.
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People who feel strongly enough about Biden's VP pick that they won't vote them him aren't going to vote for President Trump.

They will just stay home.

why wont bin biden pick that hot white lady from Hawaii? she has real nice hair!
I’ve said all along Biden will pick Harris. He might get a bump if he does it. If he pick Warren she might sink his campaign
I think it will be Civil War no matter who wins.

I hope to survive this war, but if not, I'm ready to meet Jesus.
I agree! I'm loaded to the gills with military weapons my father passed on to me when he got out of the service from fighting the Japs and North Koreans. The negroes where I live pretty much know where there place is. I don't expect to see much retaliation with them or these Antifa bastards. Nevertheless, they'll be met with natural pain from aquatic reptiles.
I’ve said all along Biden will pick Harris. He might get a bump if he does it. If he pick Warren she might sink his campaign
I'm thinking Susan Rice. She will be immune from prosecution from her involvement in the Trump coup. That's why Biden's running. Think about it.
I’ve said all along Biden will pick Harris. He might get a bump if he does it. If he pick Warren she might sink his campaign
I'm thinking Susan Rice. She will be immune from prosecution from her involvement in the coup. That's why Biden's running.

I could be wrong, but I don’t think Rice will be the pick. She is known for one thing and that is lying about Benghazi. I do think that if it’s not Harris it will be Rice though, so we’ll see.
I’ve said all along Biden will pick Harris. He might get a bump if he does it. If he pick Warren she might sink his campaign
I'm thinking Susan Rice. She will be immune from prosecution from her involvement in the coup. That's why Biden's running.

I could be wrong, but I don’t think Rice will be the pick. She is known for one thing and that is lying about Benghazi. I do think that if it’s not Harris it will be Rice though, so we’ll see.
I think Senile Joe's VP pick will be Atlanta Mayor Keisha Bottoms :smoke:

I think it will be Civil War no matter who wins.

I hope to survive this war, but if not, I'm ready to meet Jesus.
If there's states with all mail in voting, I guarantee, the shit will hit the fan. There's just no way around it. The dems with cheat, they'll get caught, they'll deny it, they'll want to claim the white house, Americans won't have any of it, and all hell will break lose. I think it's just a given. The democrats are doing their absolute best RIGHT NOW to create as much havoc, and MILK this covid crap and do as much DAMAGE as possible to our economy with lock downs, THINKING, that the American people will blame our president, BUT, I don't know how the democrats can be that STUPID because we SEE who is doing all the SHUTTING DOWN, and it's not our president, but the democrats are in FULL, THROW THE BABY OUT WITH THE BATH WATER, RIP UP THE GARDEN, TAKE THE TIRES OFF GRANDMA'S CAR, SHOOT THE NEIGHBOR and HOWL AT THE MOON mode. They have gone... INSANE, and they will stop at NOTHING to attempt to win the white house. Look at what they've done ALREADY with the FARCE RUSSIAGATE and BUFFOON impeachment. Can't wait until the Barr/Durham indictments start coming down. One of them just might be for the kenyan muslim dog turd... Barry.
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