So what if Trump concedes...and agrees to "fix" DACA? What will the "base" think?

Slippery slope for the Trump
I'm pretty sure the quality folks that elected him want nothing to do with nutless bipartisanship. I'm thinking he'll phuck himself hard if he pulls some Reagan shit right now.
Your thoughts?
He gave Congress 6 months to shit or get off the pot, dufus.

So stop blathering and tell Pelosi to get off her fat ass and get legislation passed.
The above two posts are an example of what Trump is doing to the Republican party. Two people who would otherwise be on the same page have arbitrary walls between them now because Trump fooled so many in the primaries.
Who is talking about a "quick pathway to citizenship"?? The Dream Act is calling for resident and legal status for DACA recipients.
Border security funding, something that has been voted on in a bipartisan manner for years, shouldn't be a problem to include with the dream act. The Wall... not so much. Trump said today that he isn't going after Wall funding with this deal.

We've done nothing but incentivize illegal wetbacks to come to the U.S. and fuck over REAL Americans. This is just another sackless move to encourage filthy thirdworlders to sneak their children in here and drop them in the laps of American taxpayers. FUCK THAT!

  1. 1.
    an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.
    "there are substantial precedents for using interactive media in training"
    synonyms: model, exemplar, example, pattern, previous case, prior instance/example; More
  1. 1.
    preceding in time, order, or importance.
    "a precedent case"
What I love about this move is it filters out all the bigot deplorables from the Trump camp and creates some separation. It will be easier to ignore y'all now as the grown ups unify around solutions that actually make sense. I'll give Trump major kudos if he gets the Dream Act passed
So you consider anyone who is against illegal immigration a bigot? WTF
Not at all. I'm against illegal immigration. I'm calling a guy that just called Mexicans "wetbacks" and "filthy third-worlders" in a public forum a bigot. That's pretty obvious, don't you think?

We've done nothing but incentivize illegal wetbacks to come to the U.S. and fuck over REAL Americans. This is just another sackless move to encourage filthy thirdworlders to sneak their children in here and drop them in the laps of American taxpayers. FUCK THAT!

  1. 1.
    an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.
    "there are substantial precedents for using interactive media in training"
    synonyms: model, exemplar, example, pattern, previous case, prior instance/example; More
  1. 1.
    preceding in time, order, or importance.
    "a precedent case"
What I love about this move is it filters out all the bigot deplorables from the Trump camp and creates some separation. It will be easier to ignore y'all now as the grown ups unify around solutions that actually make sense. I'll give Trump major kudos if he gets the Dream Act passed
So you consider anyone who is against illegal immigration a bigot? WTF
Not at all. I'm against illegal immigration. I'm calling a guy that just called Mexicans "wetbacks" and "filthy third-worlders" in a public forum a bigot. That's pretty obvious, don't you think?
I got ya. That word was the only reason I didn't thank his post earlier. I agreed with the point but those names are unnecessary and only serve to strengthen those who disagree with him.

For the record wetbacks was a name for illegal Cubans not Mexicans anyhow lol

Sorry fellas...I'm not here to make friends or make people feel warm and fuzzy with my choice of words. I'm here to be clear and make my point...if that causes pussies to want to roll up in the fetal position...OH WELL!
You've been more than clear. No fetal position here, I see people like you as super insecure and when you talk like that it oozes weakness. No need to try so hard
If Trump gets the Dreamer's Act passed, with funding for more security and a border wall, it will be a big win.

The base will never go for a quick pathway to citizenship without including a secured border that controld the flow of immigrants entering this country from Mexico. If he does what President Reagan did, his chances of Republicans supporting his reelection are over.

Truth is any quick pathway to citizenship will only JUSTIFY sneaking across the border, and is a spit in the face to any immigrant who follows the rule of law from overseas to become a citizen.
Who is talking about a "quick pathway to citizenship"?? The Dream Act is calling for resident and legal status for DACA recipients.
Border security funding, something that has been voted on in a bipartisan manner for years, shouldn't be a problem to include with the dream act. The Wall... not so much. Trump said today that he isn't going after Wall funding with this deal.

We've done nothing but incentivize illegal wetbacks to come to the U.S. and fuck over REAL Americans. This is just another sackless move to encourage filthy thirdworlders to sneak their children in here and drop them in the laps of American taxpayers. FUCK THAT!

  1. 1.
    an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.
    "there are substantial precedents for using interactive media in training"
    synonyms: model, exemplar, example, pattern, previous case, prior instance/example; More
  1. 1.
    preceding in time, order, or importance.
    "a precedent case"

No one has stolen US jobs. Employers invited migrant farm workers and Americans buy drugs from the cartels. Undocumented did not "fuck over real Americans".

The US created this mess.

We need the farm workers but few know or admit that.
Create migrant worker visas. Problem solved. You dont have to let them come in illegally and cause all the problems they do.
We've done nothing but incentivize illegal wetbacks to come to the U.S. and fuck over REAL Americans. This is just another sackless move to encourage filthy thirdworlders to sneak their children in here and drop them in the laps of American taxpayers. FUCK THAT!

  1. 1.
    an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.
    "there are substantial precedents for using interactive media in training"
    synonyms: model, exemplar, example, pattern, previous case, prior instance/example; More
  1. 1.
    preceding in time, order, or importance.
    "a precedent case"
What I love about this move is it filters out all the bigot deplorables from the Trump camp and creates some separation. It will be easier to ignore y'all now as the grown ups unify around solutions that actually make sense. I'll give Trump major kudos if he gets the Dream Act passed
So you consider anyone who is against illegal immigration a bigot? WTF
Not at all. I'm against illegal immigration. I'm calling a guy that just called Mexicans "wetbacks" and "filthy third-worlders" in a public forum a bigot. That's pretty obvious, don't you think?

What I love about this move is it filters out all the bigot deplorables from the Trump camp and creates some separation. It will be easier to ignore y'all now as the grown ups unify around solutions that actually make sense. I'll give Trump major kudos if he gets the Dream Act passed
So you consider anyone who is against illegal immigration a bigot? WTF
Not at all. I'm against illegal immigration. I'm calling a guy that just called Mexicans "wetbacks" and "filthy third-worlders" in a public forum a bigot. That's pretty obvious, don't you think?
I got ya. That word was the only reason I didn't thank his post earlier. I agreed with the point but those names are unnecessary and only serve to strengthen those who disagree with him.

For the record wetbacks was a name for illegal Cubans not Mexicans anyhow lol

Sorry fellas...I'm not here to make friends or make people feel warm and fuzzy with my choice of words. I'm here to be clear and make my point...if that causes pussies to want to roll up in the fetal position...OH WELL!
Your words don't bother me but I'm not a vote that needs to be won over. THAT is why I object to the derogatory words.
They are GUARANTEED to push people away.
I get that you're frustrated as I am too but that serves no one but your own emotions

I hear ya....I've tried to play nice and calculate the rhetoric I doesn't help. I'm done trying to sell anyone my belief system...I'm here to vent frustrations and for the entertainment value...that's it.
Each time I hear a Loon refer to illegals as "Dreamers" or the like I feel compelled to use derogatory branding. Yep, I'm retaliatory...that's where I'm's not personal.
Who is talking about a "quick pathway to citizenship"?? The Dream Act is calling for resident and legal status for DACA recipients.
Border security funding, something that has been voted on in a bipartisan manner for years, shouldn't be a problem to include with the dream act. The Wall... not so much. Trump said today that he isn't going after Wall funding with this deal.

We've done nothing but incentivize illegal wetbacks to come to the U.S. and fuck over REAL Americans. This is just another sackless move to encourage filthy thirdworlders to sneak their children in here and drop them in the laps of American taxpayers. FUCK THAT!

  1. 1.
    an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.
    "there are substantial precedents for using interactive media in training"
    synonyms: model, exemplar, example, pattern, previous case, prior instance/example; More
  1. 1.
    preceding in time, order, or importance.
    "a precedent case"
What I love about this move is it filters out all the bigot deplorables from the Trump camp and creates some separation. It will be easier to ignore y'all now as the grown ups unify around solutions that actually make sense. I'll give Trump major kudos if he gets the Dream Act passed

What I to listen to you folks talk about how cool it is to shit on our Constitution and fuck over REAL Americans over and over fucking cool!
Why is the "solution" never clear to you people? Isn't the "solution" simple? How bout this; ADHERE TO THE U.S. CONSTITUTION....TA-DA!
How is advocating for common sense policy to address our immigration problems going against the constitution?

I can't make you understand...and frankly, I'm not motivated enough to spend too much time trying.
A "common sense policy" for anyone with common sense would include unwinding and trashing an unconstitutional program.

How is it unconstitutional?

I'm not a constitutional scholar but, to my knowledge, no one has made a case for DACA being unconstitutional.

OTOH, much of what pino trump says he wants is unconstitutional and/or illegal.
If Trump gets the Dreamer's Act passed, with funding for more security and a border wall, it will be a big win.

The base will never go for a quick pathway to citizenship without including a secured border that controld the flow of immigrants entering this country from Mexico. If he does what President Reagan did, his chances of Republicans supporting his reelection are over.

Truth is any quick pathway to citizenship will only JUSTIFY sneaking across the border, and is a spit in the face to any immigrant who follows the rule of law from overseas to become a citizen.
Who is talking about a "quick pathway to citizenship"?? The Dream Act is calling for resident and legal status for DACA recipients.
Border security funding, something that has been voted on in a bipartisan manner for years, shouldn't be a problem to include with the dream act. The Wall... not so much. Trump said today that he isn't going after Wall funding with this deal.

We've done nothing but incentivize illegal wetbacks to come to the U.S. and fuck over REAL Americans. This is just another sackless move to encourage filthy thirdworlders to sneak their children in here and drop them in the laps of American taxpayers. FUCK THAT!

  1. 1.
    an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.
    "there are substantial precedents for using interactive media in training"
    synonyms: model, exemplar, example, pattern, previous case, prior instance/example; More
  1. 1.
    preceding in time, order, or importance.
    "a precedent case"

No one has stolen US jobs. Employers invited migrant farm workers and Americans buy drugs from the cartels. Undocumented did not "fuck over real Americans".

The US created this mess.

We need the farm workers but few know or admit that.
Create migrant worker visas. Problem solved. You dont have to let them come in illegally and cause all the problems they do.

I could not agree more. I have never said I want anyone here "illegally".

We have always had Mexican (and other nationalities) workers in many areas in the US and we always will.

We have always treated them like slaves and we always will.
Slippery slope for the Trump
I'm pretty sure the quality folks that elected him want nothing to do with nutless bipartisanship. I'm thinking he'll phuck himself hard if he pulls some Reagan shit right now.
Your thoughts?
He gave Congress 6 months to shit or get off the pot, dufus.

So stop blathering and tell Pelosi to get off her fat ass and get legislation passed.

Easy now buddy...pump the brakes.
I'm the wrong guy to engage...I'll make you look like the fool you are in a real hurry...I promise.
Pull your head from your ass and your lips from the Trump forseskin for just a second and listen to what's being said...okay, now consider the potential meaning. TA-DA!
Slippery slope for the Trump
I'm pretty sure the quality folks that elected him want nothing to do with nutless bipartisanship. I'm thinking he'll phuck himself hard if he pulls some Reagan shit right now.
Your thoughts?
He gave Congress 6 months to shit or get off the pot, dufus.

So stop blathering and tell Pelosi to get off her fat ass and get legislation passed.

You're a hoot.

The Repubs have been in power for for 2 1/2 years and have done nothing. Not even Pelosi can change that.
Who is talking about a "quick pathway to citizenship"?? The Dream Act is calling for resident and legal status for DACA recipients.
Border security funding, something that has been voted on in a bipartisan manner for years, shouldn't be a problem to include with the dream act. The Wall... not so much. Trump said today that he isn't going after Wall funding with this deal.

We've done nothing but incentivize illegal wetbacks to come to the U.S. and fuck over REAL Americans. This is just another sackless move to encourage filthy thirdworlders to sneak their children in here and drop them in the laps of American taxpayers. FUCK THAT!

  1. 1.
    an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.
    "there are substantial precedents for using interactive media in training"
    synonyms: model, exemplar, example, pattern, previous case, prior instance/example; More
  1. 1.
    preceding in time, order, or importance.
    "a precedent case"
What I love about this move is it filters out all the bigot deplorables from the Trump camp and creates some separation. It will be easier to ignore y'all now as the grown ups unify around solutions that actually make sense. I'll give Trump major kudos if he gets the Dream Act passed

What I to listen to you folks talk about how cool it is to shit on our Constitution and fuck over REAL Americans over and over fucking cool!
Why is the "solution" never clear to you people? Isn't the "solution" simple? How bout this; ADHERE TO THE U.S. CONSTITUTION....TA-DA!
How is advocating for common sense policy to address our immigration problems going against the constitution?

I can't make you understand...and frankly, I'm not motivated enough to spend too much time trying.
A "common sense policy" for anyone with common sense would include unwinding and trashing an unconstitutional program.
You mean DACA? What about DACA do you find unconstitutional?
What I love about this move is it filters out all the bigot deplorables from the Trump camp and creates some separation. It will be easier to ignore y'all now as the grown ups unify around solutions that actually make sense. I'll give Trump major kudos if he gets the Dream Act passed
So you consider anyone who is against illegal immigration a bigot? WTF
Not at all. I'm against illegal immigration. I'm calling a guy that just called Mexicans "wetbacks" and "filthy third-worlders" in a public forum a bigot. That's pretty obvious, don't you think?

So you consider anyone who is against illegal immigration a bigot? WTF
Not at all. I'm against illegal immigration. I'm calling a guy that just called Mexicans "wetbacks" and "filthy third-worlders" in a public forum a bigot. That's pretty obvious, don't you think?
I got ya. That word was the only reason I didn't thank his post earlier. I agreed with the point but those names are unnecessary and only serve to strengthen those who disagree with him.

For the record wetbacks was a name for illegal Cubans not Mexicans anyhow lol

Sorry fellas...I'm not here to make friends or make people feel warm and fuzzy with my choice of words. I'm here to be clear and make my point...if that causes pussies to want to roll up in the fetal position...OH WELL!
Your words don't bother me but I'm not a vote that needs to be won over. THAT is why I object to the derogatory words.
They are GUARANTEED to push people away.
I get that you're frustrated as I am too but that serves no one but your own emotions

I hear ya....I've tried to play nice and calculate the rhetoric I doesn't help. I'm done trying to sell anyone my belief system...I'm here to vent frustrations and for the entertainment value...that's it.
Each time I hear a Loon refer to illegals as "Dreamers" or the like I feel compelled to use derogatory branding. Yep, I'm retaliatory...that's where I'm's not personal.
You say it isn't personal yet you take it to a personal level by using hateful language that only diminishes any sense of respect or appearance an intellectual argument. Great logic

"Dreamers" isn't some made up snowflake PC term with no meaning, it is used to classify a group of near 800K undocumented people who fit specific criteria that are living in the USA.
We've done nothing but incentivize illegal wetbacks to come to the U.S. and fuck over REAL Americans. This is just another sackless move to encourage filthy thirdworlders to sneak their children in here and drop them in the laps of American taxpayers. FUCK THAT!

  1. 1.
    an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.
    "there are substantial precedents for using interactive media in training"
    synonyms: model, exemplar, example, pattern, previous case, prior instance/example; More
  1. 1.
    preceding in time, order, or importance.
    "a precedent case"
What I love about this move is it filters out all the bigot deplorables from the Trump camp and creates some separation. It will be easier to ignore y'all now as the grown ups unify around solutions that actually make sense. I'll give Trump major kudos if he gets the Dream Act passed

What I to listen to you folks talk about how cool it is to shit on our Constitution and fuck over REAL Americans over and over fucking cool!
Why is the "solution" never clear to you people? Isn't the "solution" simple? How bout this; ADHERE TO THE U.S. CONSTITUTION....TA-DA!
How is advocating for common sense policy to address our immigration problems going against the constitution?

I can't make you understand...and frankly, I'm not motivated enough to spend too much time trying.
A "common sense policy" for anyone with common sense would include unwinding and trashing an unconstitutional program.

How is it unconstitutional?

I'm not a constitutional scholar but, to my knowledge, no one has made a case for DACA being unconstitutional.

OTOH, much of what pino trump says he wants is unconstitutional and/or illegal.

DACA Is Unconstitutional, as Obama Admitted
Slippery slope for the Trump
I'm pretty sure the quality folks that elected him want nothing to do with nutless bipartisanship. I'm thinking he'll phuck himself hard if he pulls some Reagan shit right now.
Your thoughts?

It could be worse than DACA. Most of us can live with DACA as long as Trump keeps to his promise on the wall and to go after illegals they have overstayed their VISAs

Sent from my iPhone using
What I love about this move is it filters out all the bigot deplorables from the Trump camp and creates some separation. It will be easier to ignore y'all now as the grown ups unify around solutions that actually make sense. I'll give Trump major kudos if he gets the Dream Act passed

What I to listen to you folks talk about how cool it is to shit on our Constitution and fuck over REAL Americans over and over fucking cool!
Why is the "solution" never clear to you people? Isn't the "solution" simple? How bout this; ADHERE TO THE U.S. CONSTITUTION....TA-DA!
How is advocating for common sense policy to address our immigration problems going against the constitution?

I can't make you understand...and frankly, I'm not motivated enough to spend too much time trying.
A "common sense policy" for anyone with common sense would include unwinding and trashing an unconstitutional program.

How is it unconstitutional?

I'm not a constitutional scholar but, to my knowledge, no one has made a case for DACA being unconstitutional.

OTOH, much of what pino trump says he wants is unconstitutional and/or illegal.

DACA Is Unconstitutional, as Obama Admitted
I'll ask again, what about DACA is unconstitutional. Your link did not specify.
What I to listen to you folks talk about how cool it is to shit on our Constitution and fuck over REAL Americans over and over fucking cool!
Why is the "solution" never clear to you people? Isn't the "solution" simple? How bout this; ADHERE TO THE U.S. CONSTITUTION....TA-DA!
How is advocating for common sense policy to address our immigration problems going against the constitution?

I can't make you understand...and frankly, I'm not motivated enough to spend too much time trying.
A "common sense policy" for anyone with common sense would include unwinding and trashing an unconstitutional program.

How is it unconstitutional?

I'm not a constitutional scholar but, to my knowledge, no one has made a case for DACA being unconstitutional.

OTOH, much of what pino trump says he wants is unconstitutional and/or illegal.

DACA Is Unconstitutional, as Obama Admitted
I'll ask again, what about DACA is unconstitutional. Your link did not specify.

Note the source and the stellar qualifications of the author.

There's no there there.
Slippery slope for the Trump
I'm pretty sure the quality folks that elected him want nothing to do with nutless bipartisanship. I'm thinking he'll phuck himself hard if he pulls some Reagan shit right now.
Your thoughts?

It could be worse than DACA. Most of us can live with DACA as long as Trump keeps to his promise on the wall and to go after illegals they have overstayed their VISAs

Sent from my iPhone using
I think its pretty obvious right now that the Dreamers are here to stay. Trump will for sure beef up the border. He isn't building a coast to coast wall but he will make improvements to the barrier we currently have and will surely make a spectacle over a section that he may label with a golden TRUMP sign and call it the WALL. I think he will get tough with visa enforcement and tracking and also support ICE efforts.

If you are expecting him to deport 10, 20, 30 million people, you are crazy. The only viable solution to the millions of undocumented in this country is to create a pathway to legal status. The pathway will involve some kind of fees, community service, and reduction of rights so that the legal immigration route is much more attractive. But lets just cut through all the political bullshit and face reality. Step 1 is tighten up the boarder (mostly through visa tracking); step 2 is a pathway for the undocumented in this country. Thats where this thing is going. Question is, how long until we get there.
What I love about this move is it filters out all the bigot deplorables from the Trump camp and creates some separation. It will be easier to ignore y'all now as the grown ups unify around solutions that actually make sense. I'll give Trump major kudos if he gets the Dream Act passed

What I to listen to you folks talk about how cool it is to shit on our Constitution and fuck over REAL Americans over and over fucking cool!
Why is the "solution" never clear to you people? Isn't the "solution" simple? How bout this; ADHERE TO THE U.S. CONSTITUTION....TA-DA!
How is advocating for common sense policy to address our immigration problems going against the constitution?

I can't make you understand...and frankly, I'm not motivated enough to spend too much time trying.
A "common sense policy" for anyone with common sense would include unwinding and trashing an unconstitutional program.

How is it unconstitutional?

I'm not a constitutional scholar but, to my knowledge, no one has made a case for DACA being unconstitutional.

OTOH, much of what pino trump says he wants is unconstitutional and/or illegal.

DACA Is Unconstitutional, as Obama Admitted

BrokeLoser seems to have gotten real busy elsewhere but if anyone else believes DACA is unconstitutional, please explain cuz I'm not seeing it. Thanks.
Slippery slope for the Trump
I'm pretty sure the quality folks that elected him want nothing to do with nutless bipartisanship. I'm thinking he'll phuck himself hard if he pulls some Reagan shit right now.
Your thoughts?

It could be worse than DACA. Most of us can live with DACA as long as Trump keeps to his promise on the wall and to go after illegals they have overstayed their VISAs

Sent from my iPhone using
I think its pretty obvious right now that the Dreamers are here to stay. Trump will for sure beef up the border. He isn't building a coast to coast wall but he will make improvements to the barrier we currently have and will surely make a spectacle over a section that he may label with a golden TRUMP sign and call it the WALL. I think he will get tough with visa enforcement and tracking and also support ICE efforts.

If you are expecting him to deport 10, 20, 30 million people, you are crazy. The only viable solution to the millions of undocumented in this country is to create a pathway to legal status. The pathway will involve some kind of fees, community service, and reduction of rights so that the legal immigration route is much more attractive. But lets just cut through all the political bullshit and face reality. Step 1 is tighten up the boarder (mostly through visa tracking); step 2 is a pathway for the undocumented in this country. Thats where this thing is going. Question is, how long until we get there.

Agree. And look at what the DACA people have already done.

These are people we want to keep in the US.
But Trump did this, and I am proud of him:

US slaps sanctions on four nations for refusing to take deported nationals
"The U.S. government has imposed sanctions on four countries that it says have refused to accept their deported citizens as part of the Trump administration's immigration crackdown.

According to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the four countries – Cambodia, Eritrea, Guinea, and Sierra Leone – are facing the sanctions for “lack of cooperation” in accepting the deported citizens. Cambodia is in Southeast Asia while the three other countries are in Africa."

Do you know what happened to these refusal under obummer, they were released back into the general population to commit crimes. Ya fking Hoooooo!!!!! no more illegals that commit crime in my fking country. BTW, there are eight more countries ready to receive the same sanctions if they don't comply now.
If Trump gets the Dreamer's Act passed, with funding for more security and a border wall, it will be a big win.

The base will never go for a quick pathway to citizenship without including a secured border that controld the flow of immigrants entering this country from Mexico. If he does what President Reagan did, his chances of Republicans supporting his reelection are over.

Truth is any quick pathway to citizenship will only JUSTIFY sneaking across the border, and is a spit in the face to any immigrant who follows the rule of law from overseas to become a citizen.
Who is talking about a "quick pathway to citizenship"?? The Dream Act is calling for resident and legal status for DACA recipients.
Border security funding, something that has been voted on in a bipartisan manner for years, shouldn't be a problem to include with the dream act. The Wall... not so much. Trump said today that he isn't going after Wall funding with this deal.

First Pesident Obama can not change immigration policy by creating DACA, only the legislative branch has the authority under the Constitution to enact changes in our immigration laws. DACA is a program whereby children were brought here through their parents actions in entering this country illegally. These children are not legal citizens who qualify for benefits, and "proper" legislation that allows them to attain citizenship should not "justify" their parents actions nor keep their parents from deportation. They broke the law, and liberal democrats in particular have shown no respect for following our current Federal immigration laws by defending sanctuary cities. There is only one branch of government granted by our Constitution to allow a change of Federal immigration policy, no other branch other than the legislative has been given the authority to change it. Our nation's immigration system needs to be equal to ALL foreign immigrants, without a quick path to citizenship favoring one group of illegals.

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