So what IS the best way to reduce or prevent mass shootings?

Again, trying to treat the symptom and ignore the disease. A blind philosophy of "overpower it, and when it grows, overpower some more" --- never asking the question "why is it happening in the first place?".

Some arsonist keeps setting forest fires. Do you just sit back and react every time he starts one --- or do you actually break a sweat to go out and stop the arsonist?

Intellectual cowardice.
You stop the arsonist by locking him up.
Then you figure out why he does it, if you can.

Guess I have to actually spell out the analogy then.

The point is not "figuring out why he does it". The issue here is you have (a) a string of forest fires, and (b) a cause. The fires (a) represent our "mass shootings", the arsonist (b) represents "why they're happening".

Now you can either sit back and put the fires out as they happen, which is what all this babble about gun control and locking up psychos and arming more people does --- or you can go a step further and find out where the fires are coming from. Finding the arsonist, you stop him doing it, and thus cut off the fuel of the problem. You literally starve it to death. No fuel, problem dies.

Which approach is more effective? Sit back passively and play whack-a-mole? Or finding out why you have moles in the first place?
Why don't you do that? In the meantime, let's put armed guards at schools so we can stop the psychos when they snap.

Actually I've been doing that since the day I joined this site, on this very issue, and before.

And in response I get what you just did --- :lalala:

Once again, the title of this thread asks for ways to "reduce or prevent". I'm addressing exactly that. You aren't.

Passive slugs....
And how many lives have you saved?

No idea. I have no way to know how many crania my profound wisdom hath penetrated, inspiring them to rethink their values. There's no way to determine that.

But more to the point, how many of my posts have addressed the topic here, and how many have yours?

I make it a shutout.
You know what? If all the multiple gun owners in the country were checked 80% of them would thump their bibles, own a pickup truck, scratch their ass in public and drink a six pack of beer every day. I won't mention chewing tobacco and trailer parks because the picture is already gloomy enough.
As usual, when a sullen, disgruntled liberal can't refute the OP, he start making up lies about his opponents and bashes them for that instead.
Folks who have to carry firearms and compare them with the ones their friends have should form a small penis club. That way they can compare their guns and their pistols at the same time.
And, inevitably, they then fall to discussing people's penises.

Some things - especially liberals - never change. :rolleyes-41:
What it said was:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State", the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
OK... and where does it say "gun ownership to be limited to Militia members"?
Not only that Thomas Jefferson wrote the declaration of independence and he said the constitution should be reviewed and rewritten every 20 years or so.
Article V, U.S. Constitution
Don't like the 2nd Amendment? Get off your ass and repeal it. Really. | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
There you go. Bring it on.
You know what? If all the multiple gun owners in the country were checked 80% of them would thump their bibles, own a pickup truck, scratch their ass in public and drink a six pack of beer every day. I won't mention chewing tobacco and trailer parks because the picture is already gloomy enough.
I accept your admission that you have no sound response to what I posted.
I've been around here 80 years. I've heard all that same bullshit a thousand times
Nothing here changes the fact that you know you do not have a sound response to what I posted.
If you did, you;d not have to resort to the old,. tired, unimaginative ad homs that all anti-gun loons revert to when they know they have no useful response.
So, again, I accept your admission that you have no sound response to what I posted

I don't have anything else to say......80% of all citizens who own more than one gun have some kind of personality hangup. It's not always a small penis but they are usually at least self conscious about that. This last crazy son-of-a-bitch owned 13 guns and had 6 of them with him when he carried out the murders. This was up close and personal....he shot up his home room class at school.

I have a question....why, after being discharged from the military for not being able to meet minimum standards was this nut bag able to own 13 guns?
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OK... and where does it say "gun ownership to be limited to Militia members"?
Article V, U.S. Constitution
Don't like the 2nd Amendment? Get off your ass and repeal it. Really. | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
There you go. Bring it on.
You know what? If all the multiple gun owners in the country were checked 80% of them would thump their bibles, own a pickup truck, scratch their ass in public and drink a six pack of beer every day. I won't mention chewing tobacco and trailer parks because the picture is already gloomy enough.
I accept your admission that you have no sound response to what I posted.
I've been around here 80 years. I've heard all that same bullshit a thousand times
Nothing here changes the fact that you know you do not have a sound response to what I posted.
If you did, you;d not have to resort to the old,. tired, unimaginative ad homs that all anti-gun loons revert to when they know they have no useful response.
So, again, I accept your admission that you have no sound response to what I posted
I don't have anything else to say.....
I know. I accepted your concession to that end. Twice.
Time for you to run along.
You know what? If all the multiple gun owners in the country were checked 80% of them would thump their bibles, own a pickup truck, scratch their ass in public and drink a six pack of beer every day. I won't mention chewing tobacco and trailer parks because the picture is already gloomy enough.
I accept your admission that you have no sound response to what I posted.
I've been around here 80 years. I've heard all that same bullshit a thousand times
Nothing here changes the fact that you know you do not have a sound response to what I posted.
If you did, you;d not have to resort to the old,. tired, unimaginative ad homs that all anti-gun loons revert to when they know they have no useful response.
So, again, I accept your admission that you have no sound response to what I posted
I don't have anything else to say.....
I know. I accepted your concession to that end. Twice.
Time for you to run along.


Now who doesn't have a sound response? I suspect another small dick
I accept your admission that you have no sound response to what I posted.
I've been around here 80 years. I've heard all that same bullshit a thousand times
Nothing here changes the fact that you know you do not have a sound response to what I posted.
If you did, you;d not have to resort to the old,. tired, unimaginative ad homs that all anti-gun loons revert to when they know they have no useful response.
So, again, I accept your admission that you have no sound response to what I posted
I don't have anything else to say.....
I know. I accepted your concession to that end. Twice.
Time for you to run along.
Now who doesn't have a sound response?
I now accept your concession, for the 4th time.
I've been around here 80 years. I've heard all that same bullshit a thousand times
Nothing here changes the fact that you know you do not have a sound response to what I posted.
If you did, you;d not have to resort to the old,. tired, unimaginative ad homs that all anti-gun loons revert to when they know they have no useful response.
So, again, I accept your admission that you have no sound response to what I posted
I don't have anything else to say.....
I know. I accepted your concession to that end. Twice.
Time for you to run along.
Now who doesn't have a sound response?
I now accept your concession, for the 4th time.

And I yours.....for the third!

Does your conscience ever bother you after some ex marine like Lee Harvey Oswald murders one of the smartest, most perceptive presidents in our country's history? A president who was just getting started and was ultimately responsible for putting us ahead of the old Soviet Union in the space race which generated all kinds of modern electronics development to carry us into the 21st century??

After all his failures and obvious personality problems plus a dishonorable discharge from the marine corps Oswald was able to order an old model, discontinued sniper's rifle from the back of a cheap magazine....mail order.

The time is NOW!!! This country's least responsibility should be to enact definite and descriptive civilian arms regulations which preclude a numb nuts dumbass from getting his/her hands on a firearm. Wanna know why women don't use guns to get their revenge on society? They don't have to be concerned about their penis size.
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solution- 2 heterosexual loving parents at home; upbringing with some discipline and some rules; do well in school, get a job. God doesn't hurt either.

Dylan Roof had all those things, he still shot 9 people.

James Holmes had all those things, he still shot 12 people.

Jared Loughner had all those things, he still shot 6 people.

Seung-Hui Cho had all those things, he still shot 32 people.

No, the real problem is all these guys had mental problems, and they were still allowed to get guns.

And why not? If you think that owning a gun is a basic God-Given Human Right the same as freedom of speech or freedom of religion, why shouldn't they be allowed to own a gun?

Just own up to the consequences when they do.

no they didnt and they didn't have God in their lives.
Europe and Australia have it right. The answer is painfully obvious. Getting there is problematic.
You obviously have no idea what would entail.

You have any idea how many people would die, with the government trying an all gun confiscation.

Hashtag socialist bubble

So you're saying law abiding folks will murder persons who are trying to enforce the law? Am I right?
You have a serious comprehension issue. I would get it evaluated if I were you.

It exactly what rusty said.
no it isn't. Yes, It is one way one can interpret it. But to interpret it that way would require one to either intentionally spin the meaning of the statement or one to be completely oblivious to the true meaning of the comment.

Now, if one interpreted it that way by spinning the meaning of the statement, then one is showing that they can not refute the point being it shows a weakness in your position.

If one were completely oblivious to the true meaning of the comment, then they have a comprehension issue.

Which one is it with you?

So your interpretation is not spin but mine is? Hilarious.
I'll disagree with you here. The US has 330,000,000 people. In terms of the earth's population, that is about 1/15 or whatever. So 14/15's do not live under the 2nd Amendment's allowance for you to get a gun relatively easily.
Lets chop that number in half to 7/15's or 2.8 Billion folks that live in nations that are somewhat advanced and modernized. Undoubtedly there are males who have "crises of masculinity" as you so deftly put it in China, Japan, India, etc... Moreover, as women begin to ascend to higher social levels in these nations, you'll have scores more of these men who are being emasculated figuratively. While you could argue about the cultural value system, Hollywood would be the first to the tell you that it values much more what movies a Chinese teen is attending in Hong Kong more than what an American in Houston is attending. They launch the same movies worldwide and the teens are seeing the same scenes of James Bond, Tony Stark, Star Trek, Star Wars, Hunger Games, etc... Harry Potter was set in London!!! Books? They read the same books. Television shows are pretty much the same. Wars? Europe has seen combat hundreds of more times than the US. Australia was once a penal colony if you want to talk about deviant behavior.

Anyway,you have males who are frustrated simply by the law of big numbers. And you have the same influences by and large.

The only major difference is the 2nd Amendment and a Wal*Mart willing to sell you as many weapons as you can afford.
Utter nonsense.

There are a million differences that are completely unrelated to the existence of Wal-Mart weapons or the second amendment. This is why comparing homicide rates between nations is asinine - you cant control the thousands of variables from diversity and population density to cultural values.

The only difference between a jaded youth in Lisbon and the jaded youth in Littleton is the ability to acquire an Arsenal.
Why don't you do that? In the meantime, let's put armed guards at schools so we can stop the psychos when they snap.
Or, just let any law-abiding adult at the school, carry if he wants to? The way the 2nd amendment says we must. (Maybe the Framers had something there, do you think?)
They did. They intended gun ownership to be limited to Militia members..
This is a lie, as you know you cannot post the text from the constitution that says this.
The word Militia is in the Anendment for a reason.
You know you cannot post the text from the constitution that says "gun ownership to be limited to Militia members".
Thus, you are lying.

It's a new record....I have you repeating yourself after one post!

The word Militia is there for a reason. Obviously.

Prolly want a cracker?
It's a new record....I have you repeating yourself after one post!
Nothing new about that.

When liberals ignore what normal people say, the normal people frequently do repeat it again.

Not because they want the liberal to engage in honest debate (an impossible dream), but to make sure that anybody listening in, gets the message despite the liberals' attempts at deflection or lying.
Or, just let any law-abiding adult at the school, carry if he wants to? The way the 2nd amendment says we must. (Maybe the Framers had something there, do you think?)
They did. They intended gun ownership to be limited to Militia members..
This is a lie, as you know you cannot post the text from the constitution that says this.
The word Militia is in the Anendment for a reason.
You know you cannot post the text from the constitution that says "gun ownership to be limited to Militia members".
Thus, you are lying.
The word Militia is there for a reason. Obviously.
You know you cannot post the text from the constitution that says "gun ownership to be limited to Militia members".
Thus, you are lying.
Look what Australia did in the late 90's

Banned all semi-automatics. Zero mass shootings since then.
It's a new record....I have you repeating yourself after one post!
Nothing new about that.

When liberals ignore what normal people say, the normal people frequently do repeat it again.

Not because they want the liberal to engage in honest debate (an impossible dream), but to make sure that anybody listening in, gets the message despite the liberals' attempts at deflection or lying.

I'll give you one thing. You have one helluva set of balls. George W. Bush and his cabinet told 935 documented lies to get enough agreement to invade a sovereign nation which had never done any harm to the United States. Eight years, 4500 dead young Americans and a trillion dollars later Obama finally got all of them out of there. What a bunch of losers!!
Look what Australia did in the late 90's

Banned all semi-automatics. Zero mass shootings since then.
Hey, dumb a$$.
If they tried that here millions would die on both sides of the issue...

Now go hide...
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I think we should go back to the days of the old west. The fastest gun survived. Folks had a beef with each other, they settled it. It's almost that way in the Middle East. Kids six years old are packing over there.
I think we should go back to the days of the old west. The fastest gun survived. Folks had a beef with each other, they settled it. It's almost that way in the Middle East. Kids six years old are packing over there.

Screw the middle east. We've been there since the 1930's. How would you feel if every time you went to the market there were foreign troops armed to the teeth and a phone call or radio transmission away from backup? It's big oil...the only reason we've ever been there!

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