So what IS the best way to reduce or prevent mass shootings?

How about Prozac in the water system ? OH. That's right. You already have that.
Shorten the death sentence time frame for murder from 20 years to 12 months. We have murders dying of old age in prison WAITING to be executed.
True. Standardize and shorten the appeals process so that everybody gets the same and adequate opportunities to appeal and review, and then set a date, and pull the trigger.
I don't see how it pertains to this thread though.

The DP is irrelevant to mass shootings.
So, what are you, the On-Topic Police, or something?

It is, indeed, related, and I was engaged for all of 5 seconds in responding to a related sidebar that had opened-up as a natural consequence of the dialogue.

Now, shall we waste more time away from the main theme, or do you want to let this go, now?
No, I was a poster that was interested in how you thought that would tie in. Then you threw a fit.
No fit. Just irritation, and a statement.
I think we should go back to the days of the old west. The fastest gun survived. Folks had a beef with each other, they settled it. It's almost that way in the Middle East. Kids six years old are packing over there.

Screw the middle east. We've been there since the 1930's. How would you feel if every time you went to the market there were foreign troops armed to the teeth and a phone call or radio transmission away from backup? It's big oil...the only reason we've ever been there!

I don't think we need worry about the oil. I think Putin will control the oil over there shortly.
Still no solutions from progressives...

Just one law that will stop these shootings???
19 Years Ago, Australia Passed Strict Gun Control Laws — Here Are the Shocking Results

In the 18 years before the Port Arthur attack and passage of the NFA, Australians endured 13 mass shootings,claiming 112 lives. In the years following the bans and buybacks, firearm-related deaths plummeted, and mass shootings became largely a thing of the past.

In 2012, the Guardian published new statistics drawnfrom the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime andSmall Arms Survey showing only "30 homicides by firearm" annually in Australia, or "0.14 per 100,000 population."

The U.S. statistics are bloated by comparison. Over the same period, Americans suffered "9,146 homicides by firearm," at a rate of 2.97 for every 100,000 people. Sixty percent of murders in the U.S. are committed with a gun, according to the Guardian, compared to 11.5% in Australia.

Could the U.S. do the same? Due in part to the country's mostly decentralized government and more malleable legal code, pro-reform officials in Australia were able to act with unusual speed following their seminal national tragedy. As Howard noted in his New York Times piece, there is no constitutionally enshrined right to bear arms in Australia and the courts are a lighter check on legislative action. The influence of the Australian gun lobby, he wrote, is tiny compared to the loud and powerful National Rifle Association in the U.S.

Results count. This is what is going to happen here if we continue to have these senseless shootings. Either engage in constructive efforts to put an end to those, or see these kinds of laws enacted here.
19 Years Ago, Australia Passed Strict Gun Control Laws — Here Are the Shocking Results

In the 18 years before the Port Arthur attack and passage of the NFA, Australians endured 13 mass shootings,claiming 112 lives. In the years following the bans and buybacks, firearm-related deaths plummeted, and mass shootings became largely a thing of the past.

In 2012, the Guardian published new statistics drawnfrom the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime andSmall Arms Survey showing only "30 homicides by firearm" annually in Australia, or "0.14 per 100,000 population."

The U.S. statistics are bloated by comparison. Over the same period, Americans suffered "9,146 homicides by firearm," at a rate of 2.97 for every 100,000 people. Sixty percent of murders in the U.S. are committed with a gun, according to the Guardian, compared to 11.5% in Australia.

Could the U.S. do the same? Due in part to the country's mostly decentralized government and more malleable legal code, pro-reform officials in Australia were able to act with unusual speed following their seminal national tragedy. As Howard noted in his New York Times piece, there is no constitutionally enshrined right to bear arms in Australia and the courts are a lighter check on legislative action. The influence of the Australian gun lobby, he wrote, is tiny compared to the loud and powerful National Rifle Association in the U.S.

Results count. This is what is going to happen here if we continue to have these senseless shootings. Either engage in constructive efforts to put an end to those, or see these kinds of laws enacted here.
You do know if they tried to do that here millions on both sides of the issue would die!
Asking teachers and staff to carry arms would be unrealistic in an educational environment.

no need to ask, i would bet many would volunteer..., providing they all are not wimpy libertards. :up:
that is a stupid reply, if you can, please elucidate. <--------<<<< with your intelligence level you will have to look it up :lmao:
It's a new record....I have you repeating yourself after one post!
Nothing new about that.

When liberals ignore what normal people say, the normal people frequently do repeat it again.

Not because they want the liberal to engage in honest debate (an impossible dream), but to make sure that anybody listening in, gets the message despite the liberals' attempts at deflection or lying.

I'll give you one thing. You have one helluva set of balls. George W. Bush and his cabinet told 935 documented lies to get enough agreement to invade a sovereign nation which had never done any harm to the United States. Eight years, 4500 dead young Americans and a trillion dollars later Obama finally got all of them out of there. What a bunch of losers!!

still on that false narrative? GWB got the SAME intel as all other interested parties/countries dingbat. EVEN your libs knew this and most voted TO GO to war.
Europe and Australia have it right. The answer is painfully obvious. Getting there is problematic.
Europe and Australia don't have dick right. But if you feel safer there, you should move.

Interestingly put, but I'd say if Europe and Australia don't have the same degree of the same issue, then they must have their collective dick righter than we do.

You can't separate mass shootings from masculinity issues. Can't do it. Time to wake up to that.

they didn't have the same level of gun violence before the confiscation but their gun crime rates are now going up....

fatherless boys are the main problem.....
Europe and Australia have it right. The answer is painfully obvious. Getting there is problematic.
Europe and Australia don't have dick right. But if you feel safer there, you should move.

Interestingly put, but I'd say if Europe and Australia don't have the same degree of the same issue, then they must have their collective dick righter than we do.

You can't separate mass shootings from masculinity issues. Can't do it. Time to wake up to that.

they didn't have the same level of gun violence before the confiscation but their gun crime rates are now going up....

fatherless boys are the main problem.....
Europe and Australia have it right. The answer is painfully obvious. Getting there is problematic.

Biggest mass shooting in history occurred in Norway, so no, they haven't "got it right".

What's the aggregate number of people killed in mass shootings in Europe vs. the United States?

How about just the people that have been shot by a gun in general?

If the aim was to limit gun violence? They got it right.

actually...the number of victims is about the same.....when they have mass shootings it kills a lot of people because their police often don't have guns to stop the shooters.....they have to wait for special police.....Some of the wrost school shootings happened in Scotland and Germany........and with the level of gun violence now.......the only reason they don't have more mass shootings in europe and Australia is that their nuts just haven't decided to do it....they have access to guns

a 15 year old just shot a police employee in Australia...amd they had several mass shootings in Australia...and more shootings that could have been mass shootings.....

Ritain just caught a 19 year old who got a glock 19 and ammo on the dark web...with pipe bombs........he was going to do a mass shooting at the school that kicked him out..

What are you guys going to do when the gun violence in.europe gets that they have done everything you guys want for gun control?
1. Ban all automatic and semi-automatic long rifles and pistols.
2. Limit the number of rounds to six.
3. Make gun manufacturers liable for misuse of their products.
4. Tag and track all guns and bullets sold.
5. Perform extensive background checks on buyers. No felons, people with histories of abusing drugs and alcohol, people with mental problems can own guns.
6. Mandatory licensing after passing a test demonstrating that the potential buyer knows best practices.
7. Gun sales restricted to licensed dealers.
8. Restrict Concealed Carry permits to folks that can prove a need (Carrying lots of valuable items).
9. Complete ban on guns where large groups of people congregate.

Wow...and not ine of those things would stop criminals or mass shooters from getting guns.....

considering in Europe...who already have all of those things...their criminals and terrorists easily get fully automatic rifles, grenades and you think or research what you post?
Europe and Australia have it right. The answer is painfully obvious. Getting there is problematic.

Biggest mass shooting in history occurred in Norway, so no, they haven't "got it right".

and Australia has hsd at least three mass shootings, and many more shootings that could have been mass shootings...but you guys keep telling yourselves that gun laws work.....
Whenever these mass shooters are finally confronted by someone else with a gun they kill themselves. Seems to me if someone had a gun from the get go the mass shooter would go elsewhere.

Well, that's not true. For instance, the Guy who dressed up like the Joker who shot two cops was confronted by a gun-owner.

And then his girlfriend who liked to dress up like Harley Quinn shot him in the back.

What are you talking about.....they suicide or surrender, they mostly suicide...the theater shooter gave up when he encountered the first person with a gun....a cop....

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