So What Kind of Wall Are You Willing to Agree To?

What kind of wall would you agree to seeing built al;ong the US Mexico bordeer?

  • 0. No Wall; Open Borders only

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1. Virtual wall monitored but only enforced by dynamic procedures

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2. repair the fencing to its previous condition at installation

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The wall issue is not so simple as a 2000 mile long concrete wall vrs a 700 mile 'fence', etc. Pelosi and Schumer have voted for wall funding in the past but wouldnt call it that at times and would at others.

Most of the border that is not Rio Grande, a huge moat if you will, is either covered by vehicle barriers or pedestrian fencing which we have seen plenty of pictures of. The Wall – Interactive map exploring U.S.-Mexico border

So I thought maybe a poll with some variations allowed would fine tune our discussion some.

The 2007 Secure Fence Act authorized construction of 700 miles of double fenced border, that was never completed. Where is the rest of that funding? Where is the funding to repair or replace it?

Suppose we also severely penalize businesses that hire illegals, enforce laws for visa over-stays and whatever else you want too, the question remains.....

Multiple choices allowed

What kind of wall are you willing to agree to?
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Something that matches our decor...

... it will improve the resale value.
Double concrete wall, with equally spaced sharpshooters.

Maybe stock the Rio Grande with piranha.

how about we start with enforcing the current laws and follow it up with removing the reason they are coming which is the welfare and freebies

there may be a few specific places a wall is needed but in general its a waste of money and would be just ugly

the democrat and republican partys created this problem so they would have a reason to fix it ,,,

fight the man
The engineer in me says the most effective wall is a "drone zone" patrolled by drones equipped with thermal imaging cameras. If you demonstrate that any immigrant entering the drone zone will be captured, there won't be many who will try. It will also reduce those horrible deaths in the desert. I live here and I've seen the pictures. No one deserves to die like that.
I don't know about a double concrete wall...…….but I do think both borders (North & South) need a wall
The wall issue is not so simple as a 2000 mile long concrete wall vrs a 700 mile 'fence', etc. Pelosi and Schumer have voted for wall funding in the past but wouldnt call it that at times and would at others.

Most of the border that is not Rio Grande, a huge moat if you will, is either covered by vehicle barriers or pedestrian fencing which we have seen plenty of pictures of. The Wall – Interactive map exploring U.S.-Mexico border

So I thought maybe a poll with some variations allowed would fine tune our discussion some.

The 2007 Secure Fence Act authorized construction of 700 miles of double fenced border, that was never completed. Where is the rest of that funding? Where is the funding to repair or replace it?

Suppose we also severely penalize businesses that hire illegals, enforce laws for visa over-stays and whatever else you want too, the question remains.....

Multiple choices allowed

What kind of wall are you willing to agree to?

Too many choices to care about.

What Trump said was


So it's a wall.

And by now, if your believe the blob, it should be about the height of a skyscraper.
But I'm generous, I'd say a wall, 30 feet high. Anything less and he didn't fulfill his campaign promise.


Oh, and Mexico has to pay for he said they would.

Trump wasn't lying...was he?
Put a bunch of Trump sheep on the border and tell everybody that’s what everyone in the U.S. is like. Asylum seekers will flee in droves.
The wall issue is not so simple as a 2000 mile long concrete wall vrs a 700 mile 'fence', etc. Pelosi and Schumer have voted for wall funding in the past but wouldnt call it that at times and would at others.

Most of the border that is not Rio Grande, a huge moat if you will, is either covered by vehicle barriers or pedestrian fencing which we have seen plenty of pictures of. The Wall – Interactive map exploring U.S.-Mexico border

So I thought maybe a poll with some variations allowed would fine tune our discussion some.

The 2007 Secure Fence Act authorized construction of 700 miles of double fenced border, that was never completed. Where is the rest of that funding? Where is the funding to repair or replace it?

Suppose we also severely penalize businesses that hire illegals, enforce laws for visa over-stays and whatever else you want too, the question remains.....

Multiple choices allowed

What kind of wall are you willing to agree to?

Too many choices to care about.

What Trump said was

View attachment 235878

So it's a wall.

And by now, if your believe the blob, it should be about the height of a skyscraper.
But I'm generous, I'd say a wall, 30 feet high. Anything less and he didn't fulfill his campaign promise.


Oh, and Mexico has to pay for he said they would.

Trump wasn't lying...was he?

The engineer in me says the most effective wall is a "drone zone" patrolled by drones equipped with thermal imaging cameras. If you demonstrate that any immigrant entering the drone zone will be captured, there won't be many who will try. It will also reduce those horrible deaths in the desert. I live here and I've seen the pictures. No one deserves to die like that.

The manpower that requires is more expensive than a wall.

The wall is a huge force multiplier that gives more time for fewer personnel to get to the criminals and put them in confinement.
The wall issue is not so simple as a 2000 mile long concrete wall vrs a 700 mile 'fence', etc. Pelosi and Schumer have voted for wall funding in the past but wouldnt call it that at times and would at others.

Most of the border that is not Rio Grande, a huge moat if you will, is either covered by vehicle barriers or pedestrian fencing which we have seen plenty of pictures of. The Wall – Interactive map exploring U.S.-Mexico border

So I thought maybe a poll with some variations allowed would fine tune our discussion some.

The 2007 Secure Fence Act authorized construction of 700 miles of double fenced border, that was never completed. Where is the rest of that funding? Where is the funding to repair or replace it?

Suppose we also severely penalize businesses that hire illegals, enforce laws for visa over-stays and whatever else you want too, the question remains.....

Multiple choices allowed

What kind of wall are you willing to agree to?

The problem is your first choice is "No wall - open borders". NO ONE is in favour of open borders, that's just one of Trump's assorted immigration lies. People who oppose the wall are not in favour of open borders, and you have one and only one alternative to the wall.

The border fence authorized by the Secure Fence Act has never been completed because the eminent domain cases are still unresolved and the property owners along the border refuse to turn over land their family has owned for centuries. In other areas, it's physically impossible to build the fence. All of this information was available before anybody started talking about the Wall, but nobody looked at the unresolved issues outstanding from the 2007 attempt to construct the fence..
The engineer in me says the most effective wall is a "drone zone" patrolled by drones equipped with thermal imaging cameras. If you demonstrate that any immigrant entering the drone zone will be captured, there won't be many who will try. It will also reduce those horrible deaths in the desert. I live here and I've seen the pictures. No one deserves to die like that.

The manpower that requires is more expensive than a wall.

The wall is a huge force multiplier that gives more time for fewer personnel to get to the criminals and put them in confinement.
Not really, a drone can signal border patrol when it gets a detection and send gps coordinates autonomously. You have multiple drones patrolling multiple grids, it would be largely an unmanned operation.
10. No wall. Round 'em all up and ship 'em home. Rig our laws so that future Intruders cannot "make it" (earn a living) here.
I like ending the welfare magnet which draws them here. Which means we have to end the charade of birthright citizenship, it's nowhere in the Constitution whatsoever. It's never even been adjudicated. They'll stop coming when the welfare magnet is removed. And that's how you remove it.

That wall is just gonna keep you in, btw.

The only people who ever got shot by border guards where there was a wall were people tring to escape from the inside of the tyrannical government's wall. With the Berlin Wall, for example, 718 people died either at the wall or at the inner German border, trying to escape to the West. And that's ot even counting those who were just injured and lived (back inside the wall, of course)

Nobody got shot by border guards trying to get in. Nope. Nobody. Only those who tried to escape.

Be careful what you ask for.

Edited to add, btw. If you think for one second that it can't and won't happen here, think again. The tyrants who run this country already have a good head start on us. Surprisingly, the electorate actually seems to love them for it. What the actual heck, I ask. Crazy.


They're not gonna put up a wall anyway. They want the immigration problem. They're just using the immigration problem to scare people just enough to get them to want a National ID, the very same way they put fear into the electorate enough that now they voluntarily drop their pants and show the government's standing army their privates in order to move point A to point B. And once that happens with the National ID, what little bit of fIndividual liberty in America we have left will be officially dead. All you have to do is read the past legislation. It says it all. The last bill was purposely left open ended in its language so that the intelligence agencies could require any information they wanted to be added to the national ID database any time they wanted. Anything. The last bill actually said precisely that.
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Not really, a drone can signal border patrol when it gets a detection and send gps coordinates autonomously. You have multiple drones patrolling multiple grids, it would be largely an unmanned operation.
So the drones arrest the perps as well?
The engineer in me says the most effective wall is a "drone zone" patrolled by drones equipped with thermal imaging cameras. If you demonstrate that any immigrant entering the drone zone will be captured, there won't be many who will try. It will also reduce those horrible deaths in the desert. I live here and I've seen the pictures. No one deserves to die like that.

The manpower that requires is more expensive than a wall.

The wall is a huge force multiplier that gives more time for fewer personnel to get to the criminals and put them in confinement.
Not really, a drone can signal border patrol when it gets a detection and send gps coordinates autonomously. You have multiple drones patrolling multiple grids, it would be largely an unmanned operation.

I agree...the trajectory of Drone technology is off the charts...there are drones that are commanded and operated by algorithms and ‘base systems’...these are 100% autonomous and require zero manual operation on both the front and back end.
Drone capability and functionality is quickly approaching the limitless phase.
Going with the annexation of Mexico at this point.
Instant citizenship with no need to move and the new legal Americans can start helping service that 21 trillion in taxes.
After all as new Americans it is now their responsibility also to shoulder burdens of the third world nations.

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