So What Kind of Wall Are You Willing to Agree To?

What kind of wall would you agree to seeing built al;ong the US Mexico bordeer?

  • 0. No Wall; Open Borders only

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1. Virtual wall monitored but only enforced by dynamic procedures

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2. repair the fencing to its previous condition at installation

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
The border fence authorized by the Secure Fence Act has never been completed because the eminent domain cases are still unresolved and the property owners along the border refuse to turn over land their family has owned for centuries. In other areas, it's physically impossible to build the fence. All of this information was available before anybody started talking about the Wall, but nobody looked at the unresolved issues outstanding from the 2007 attempt to construct the fence..

That's not true. First off, the United States owns a 30' wide strip of land along the entire border. Landowners on the states side of the strip have come to believe it belongs to them but it doesn't. So the Wall can be built on that land with enough room for a one lane road like you see in almost any border wall picture. The reason Chertoff's fence wasn't completed is that Janet Napolitano cut off the funding. She was chased out of Arizona after running up billions in debt despite being governor of the fastest growing state and economy in the country. Barry tapped the cow to run DHS and she stopped the fence construction.
This works for me!

The wall issue is not so simple as a 2000 mile long concrete wall vrs a 700 mile 'fence', etc. Pelosi and Schumer have voted for wall funding in the past but wouldnt call it that at times and would at others.

Most of the border that is not Rio Grande, a huge moat if you will, is either covered by vehicle barriers or pedestrian fencing which we have seen plenty of pictures of. The Wall – Interactive map exploring U.S.-Mexico border

So I thought maybe a poll with some variations allowed would fine tune our discussion some.

The 2007 Secure Fence Act authorized construction of 700 miles of double fenced border, that was never completed. Where is the rest of that funding? Where is the funding to repair or replace it?

Suppose we also severely penalize businesses that hire illegals, enforce laws for visa over-stays and whatever else you want too, the question remains.....

Multiple choices allowed

What kind of wall are you willing to agree to?
I agree to upgrading Ellis Island as the most ethical solution. All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. States have no basis to care if someone is from out of State or from out of state since 1808.

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