So what should Obama have done?

And again, the wingnuts prove that they only care about photo ops. That's why the conjob obsesses over how quickly bush got his picture taken.

I dunno, Obama sure presented a nice photo op on the beach, bending down to touch the sand... or maybe he was just seeing whether or not he could perform a 'lay on hands' miracle. He certainly has enough worshippers to qualify as a deity. ;)

That was only AFTER the right wingnuts leaders (Limbaugh, Beck, Coulter) had whipped their minions into a frenzy. So he went down there to placate the mentally bankrupt. And it appears to have worked. Thinking Americans knew that his going there wouldn't help the situation any. Actually, he probably was just in the way.
It looks like "I'm rubber, you're glue" is all you got.

As opposed to you parroting the absurd rhetoric of the far Leftizts?

That's the problem with people like you - you cannot have rational dialogue with Leftizts.

Apparently, the neo-"liberals" believe that simply calling themself liberal automatically makes them open-minded, tolerant and educated - in fact, it's usually the exact opposite.

It's been my experience that you can't have a 'rational dialogue' with either leftist or rightists. Both are extremes. Rationality lies in the middle and though both wings think they are the middle, they are not.
That always makes me giggle to. I especially like their tactic of name calling then recoiling in horror if someone calls them a name.

I know - it is pathetic. I mean, i consider myself a true liberal, but when I examine the other 99% of those who call themselves the same I simply shake my head and smile. :)

That was only AFTER the right wingnuts leaders (Limbaugh, Beck, Coulter) had whipped their minions into a frenzy. So he went down there to placate the mentally bankrupt. And it appears to have worked. Thinking Americans knew that his going there wouldn't help the situation any. Actually, he probably was just in the way.

You mean right wingers like James Carville? How about all those other LEFT WING politicians and columnists that echo the very same thing?

You need to look beyond your bias lenses.


I'm also a liberal who voted for Obama (albeit I'm now having buyer's remorse)... and though I'm not that hard on him over the spill, I see a LOT of hypocrisy coming from the "Bush causes hurricanes" Left-wing crowd.
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That always makes me giggle to. I especially like their tactic of name calling then recoiling in horror if someone calls them a name.

I know - it is pathetic. I mean, i consider myself a true liberal, but when I examine the other 99% of those who call themselves the same I simply shake my head and smile. :)

That was only AFTER the right wingnuts leaders (Limbaugh, Beck, Coulter) had whipped their minions into a frenzy. So he went down there to placate the mentally bankrupt. And it appears to have worked. Thinking Americans knew that his going there wouldn't help the situation any. Actually, he probably was just in the way.

You mean right wingers like James Carville? How about all those other LEFT WING politicians and columnists that echo the very same thing?

You need to look beyond your bias lenses.

I don't guess I have a classification. I believe in following the CON and am generally conservative, but on the other hand I recognize that not everything is black and white and just being a hard ass stingy conservative is to harm the greater good.

I am often lambasted by conservatives on such issues as gays in the military, welfare, and other similar issues. Damn being conservative doesn't have to mean not having any compassion no more than being liberal has to mean not having any common sense.
You can't be serious?
Yes, I am serious.

Then you're wrong. Simple googling will show plenty of riots, looters, gun shots, etc etc in the days following Katrina, not exactly a situation the Secret Service is anxious to allow a President into.
That must mean Geraldo Rivera and all the other press there were in danger...they were not.

Or that Bush is a coward. :lol:
And again, the wingnuts prove that they only care about photo ops. That's why the conjob obsesses over how quickly bush got his picture taken.

I dunno, Obama sure presented a nice photo op on the beach, bending down to touch the sand... or maybe he was just seeing whether or not he could perform a 'lay on hands' miracle. He certainly has enough worshippers to qualify as a deity. ;)

So now he's wrong to go to LA!!

You are doing a poor job of keeping your lies straight
Actually, if you google 'Katrina Riots', you don't get any of that. You get a story about looters (which isn't a riot), and you get a story about prisoners abandoned by guards rioting inside the prison. If you google 'Katrina shooting' you find the story of the Gretna police shooting people fleeing from NO.

Even if there were actual riots, only an idiotic conjob would think the SS would land POTUS in the middle of a riot. And only a moron would think the SS can't handle a looter and can't secure an area

You're right, they didn't land him in the middle of a riot, that's why they waited 7 days to make sure it was safe

There were no riots, idiot!:lol::lol:
Yes, I am serious.

Then you're wrong. Simple googling will show plenty of riots, looters, gun shots, etc etc in the days following Katrina, not exactly a situation the Secret Service is anxious to allow a President into.
That must mean Geraldo Rivera and all the other press there were in danger...they were not.

Or that Bush is a coward. :lol:

Or that the Secret Service takes the President's safety a little more seriously than FoxNews takes Rivera's. Hint, they do...
I don't guess I have a classification. I believe in following the CON and am generally conservative, but on the other hand I recognize that not everything is black and white and just being a hard ass stingy conservative is to harm the greater good.

I am often lambasted by conservatives on such issues as gays in the military, welfare, and other similar issues. Damn being conservative doesn't have to mean not having any compassion no more than being liberal has to mean not having any common sense.

Emphasis mine.

You hit the nail on the head, mate. :clap2: That is exactly it - though I will tell you, being a liberal, there are for less sympathetic, open-minded and tolerant people on the left than on the right - that comes from personal experience. Heck, take a look at any of these threads around here... I bet the first name-calling or flaming came from someone on the Left. Sad, but true.
That always makes me giggle to. I especially like their tactic of name calling then recoiling in horror if someone calls them a name.

I know - it is pathetic. I mean, i consider myself a true liberal, but when I examine the other 99% of those who call themselves the same I simply shake my head and smile. :)

That was only AFTER the right wingnuts leaders (Limbaugh, Beck, Coulter) had whipped their minions into a frenzy. So he went down there to placate the mentally bankrupt. And it appears to have worked. Thinking Americans knew that his going there wouldn't help the situation any. Actually, he probably was just in the way.

You mean right wingers like James Carville? How about all those other LEFT WING politicians and columnists that echo the very same thing?

You need to look beyond your bias lenses.


I'm also a liberal who voted for Obama (albeit I'm now having buyer's remorse)... and though I'm not that hard on him over the spill, I see a LOT of hypocrisy coming from the "Bush causes hurricanes" Left-wing crowd.

Yeah, right. I believe you.

I beleive you said that Obama should take more photo ops, and then you criticized him for going to a photo ops.:cuckoo:

You're obviously sincere:lol:
I don't guess I have a classification. I believe in following the CON and am generally conservative, but on the other hand I recognize that not everything is black and white and just being a hard ass stingy conservative is to harm the greater good.

I am often lambasted by conservatives on such issues as gays in the military, welfare, and other similar issues. Damn being conservative doesn't have to mean not having any compassion no more than being liberal has to mean not having any common sense.

Emphasis mine.

You hit the nail on the head, mate. :clap2: That is exactly it - though I will tell you, being a liberal, there are for less sympathetic, open-minded and tolerant people on the left than on the right - that comes from personal experience. Heck, take a look at any of these threads around here... I bet the first name-calling or flaming came from someone on the Left. Sad, but true.

it is true, and sadly they want to then act like the right started it all. I mean look at the absolute hate that was thrown Dubya's way, now some of that may have been deserved some not, but what's the first thing you hear if you say ANYTHING about Obama ? Racist................... Of course it doesn't help that some supposed conservatives are running around questioning his citizenship and calling him a ****** and such............

Just goes to show stupidity and ignorance don't know left from right.
Yeah, right. I believe you.

I beleive you said that Obama should take more photo ops, and then you criticized him for going to a photo ops.:cuckoo:

You're obviously sincere:lol:

Uh, huh?

First, I never said Obama should take more photo ops - where the heck did you imagine that at?

Second, I didn't criticize Obama - I was pointing out the hypocrisy of your bashing Republican/conservative photo ops.


Still waiting on proof of where I "lied". :eusa_angel:
Actually, if you google 'Katrina Riots', you don't get any of that. You get a story about looters (which isn't a riot), and you get a story about prisoners abandoned by guards rioting inside the prison. If you google 'Katrina shooting' you find the story of the Gretna police shooting people fleeing from NO.

Even if there were actual riots, only an idiotic conjob would think the SS would land POTUS in the middle of a riot. And only a moron would think the SS can't handle a looter and can't secure an area

You're right, they didn't land him in the middle of a riot, that's why they waited 7 days to make sure it was safe. Seven days by the way is pretty damned fast considering how much prep time the Secret Service normally gives to anywhere the President is going to be.

Such bullshit.

It doesn't even matter if he went there. FEMA wasn't doing their job and helping the people that needed know, the ones LIVING in that, what you pretend to be, very dangerous place.

Conhog is an excellent name for you, it's almost like call yourself fathead.

it is true, and sadly they want to then act like the right started it all.

Yep. This has also led me to a personal theory that a lot of people swing to the Left simply because they're full of angst, anger, self-loathing and what-not and the "activism" of the Left provides an outlet for their obnoxious behavior. It's not even so much about the cause as it is acting like a brat.

I should have prefaced this with the disclaimer that it doesn't universally apply to all, left or right, as you said. But I've personally grown weary of the "Leftizts" and have declared "war" on them. ;)
Even if there were actual riots, only an idiotic conjob would think the SS would land POTUS in the middle of a riot. And only a moron would think the SS can't handle a looter and can't secure an area

You're right, they didn't land him in the middle of a riot, that's why they waited 7 days to make sure it was safe. Seven days by the way is pretty damned fast considering how much prep time the Secret Service normally gives to anywhere the President is going to be.

Such bullshit.

It doesn't even matter if he went there. FEMA wasn't doing their job and helping the people that needed know, the ones LIVING in that, what you pretend to be, very dangerous place.

Conhog is an excellent name for you, it's almost like call yourself fathead.


Didn't Bush I don't know FIRE the head of FEMA? Do you suppose Obama will fire anyone over t his debacle we have going on now?
Conhog is an excellent name for you, it's almost like call yourself fathead.


Ahhhh....and right on cue, a PERFECT example of what I was talking about when it comes to Leftizt ugliness. :)

It cracks me up that someone who I can disappear from my life with a simple click of the X thinks they can have any effect on me with their simplistic name calling :lol:
Why was BP drilling so far out and so far down when other companies are drilling closer to shore in shallower waters?

Why didn't BP drill relief wells along side the oil wells as a safety precaution from the get go? Yeah I know they said that the odds of this happening were 'one in a million' but the risk is always there. So why didn't they have relief wells in place all along?

Since the explosion at least 19 controversial environmental waivers for gulf drilling projects have been issued. BP was also issued such waivers.

At least six of the drilling projects that have been given waivers in the past four weeks are for waters that are deeper — and therefore more difficult and dangerous — than where Deepwater Horizon was operating. While that rig, which was drilling at a depth just shy of 5,000 feet, was classified as a deep-water operation, many of the wells in the six projects are classified as “ultra” deep water, including four new wells at over 9,100 feet.”

Despite Moratorium, Drilling Projects Move Ahead -

Are these ultra deep water rigs going to have relief wells dug alongside the oil well in case an accident happens? Will the relief wells they are digging at the BP site work? Will they work in water twice as deep?

As to the OP, I don't believe Obama has 'done nothing' but he certainly gives the appearance of being aloof and uncaring. 2 visits in 40 days? He is trying to fix that now . . . 45 days in? :rolleyes: He should have gone down to the gulf more than once or twice and shown the people his support. Photo op? Give me a break, he should have been down there face to face with those folks whose livelihood is being destroyed hour by hour. He may not be able to stop or fix this problem himself but showing his support for those whose lives have been destroyed matters.

As for fixing the leak . . . what difference does it make if the fix comes from private or public sector? Stopping the leak is what matters, not who stops it. Anyone who can come up with a viable fix should. From what I can tell BP is doing - er, trying - everything it can to stop it.
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