So what should Obama have done?

It cracks me up that someone who I can disappear from my life with a simple click of the X thinks they can have any effect on me with their simplistic name calling :lol:

Hey now, they call that "constructive criticism" on the Left. ;) I'm sure Noam Comsky would even call that "tolerance". ;)
That always makes me giggle to. I especially like their tactic of name calling then recoiling in horror if someone calls them a name.

I know - it is pathetic. I mean, i consider myself a true liberal, but when I examine the other 99% of those who call themselves the same I simply shake my head and smile. :)

That was only AFTER the right wingnuts leaders (Limbaugh, Beck, Coulter) had whipped their minions into a frenzy. So he went down there to placate the mentally bankrupt. And it appears to have worked. Thinking Americans knew that his going there wouldn't help the situation any. Actually, he probably was just in the way.

You mean right wingers like James Carville? How about all those other LEFT WING politicians and columnists that echo the very same thing?

You need to look beyond your bias lenses.


I'm also a liberal who voted for Obama (albeit I'm now having buyer's remorse)... and though I'm not that hard on him over the spill, I see a LOT of hypocrisy coming from the "Bush causes hurricanes" Left-wing crowd.

Yeah, right. I believe you.

I beleive you said that Obama should take more photo ops, and then you criticized him for going to a photo ops.:cuckoo:

You're obviously sincere:lol:

Carville wasn't crying about the president not visiting the gulf coast. Carville was blasting what he felt would have been a more robust effort if the spill had been off Cape Cod. He didn't want the POTUS to come to the gulf, he wanted BP to do more and faster. Afterall, it's his home the oil is heading for, so that is understandable.
I don't guess I have a classification. I believe in following the CON and am generally conservative, but on the other hand I recognize that not everything is black and white and just being a hard ass stingy conservative is to harm the greater good.

I am often lambasted by conservatives on such issues as gays in the military, welfare, and other similar issues. Damn being conservative doesn't have to mean not having any compassion no more than being liberal has to mean not having any common sense.

Emphasis mine.

You hit the nail on the head, mate. :clap2: That is exactly it - though I will tell you, being a liberal, there are for less sympathetic, open-minded and tolerant people on the left than on the right - that comes from personal experience. Heck, take a look at any of these threads around here... I bet the first name-calling or flaming came from someone on the Left. Sad, but true.

it is true, and sadly they want to then act like the right started it all. I mean look at the absolute hate that was thrown Dubya's way, now some of that may have been deserved some not, but what's the first thing you hear if you say ANYTHING about Obama ? Racist................... Of course it doesn't help that some supposed conservatives are running around questioning his citizenship and calling him a ****** and such............

Just goes to show stupidity and ignorance don't know left from right.

Actually, the right did start it all.......and it began well before W. Try 1964.
Carville wasn't crying about the president not visiting the gulf coast.

He didn't want the POTUS to come to the gulf, he wanted BP to do more and faster.

Not exactly true.

To quote Carville, "And it just looks like he's not involved in this! Man, you have got to get down here and take control of this!"

In any case, that's not the argument being made from what I've read.
Emphasis mine.

You hit the nail on the head, mate. :clap2: That is exactly it - though I will tell you, being a liberal, there are for less sympathetic, open-minded and tolerant people on the left than on the right - that comes from personal experience. Heck, take a look at any of these threads around here... I bet the first name-calling or flaming came from someone on the Left. Sad, but true.

it is true, and sadly they want to then act like the right started it all. I mean look at the absolute hate that was thrown Dubya's way, now some of that may have been deserved some not, but what's the first thing you hear if you say ANYTHING about Obama ? Racist................... Of course it doesn't help that some supposed conservatives are running around questioning his citizenship and calling him a ****** and such............

Just goes to show stupidity and ignorance don't know left from right.

Actually, the right did start it all.......and it began well before W. Try 1964.

yep,all the rights fault. By the way I'll see your 1964 and raise you an 1865
I don't know. Maybe he should have done something, You know, made an effort that showed he gave a darn.
I know - it is pathetic. I mean, i consider myself a true liberal, but when I examine the other 99% of those who call themselves the same I simply shake my head and smile. :)

You mean right wingers like James Carville? How about all those other LEFT WING politicians and columnists that echo the very same thing?

You need to look beyond your bias lenses.


I'm also a liberal who voted for Obama (albeit I'm now having buyer's remorse)... and though I'm not that hard on him over the spill, I see a LOT of hypocrisy coming from the "Bush causes hurricanes" Left-wing crowd.

Yeah, right. I believe you.

I beleive you said that Obama should take more photo ops, and then you criticized him for going to a photo ops.:cuckoo:

You're obviously sincere:lol:

Carville wasn't crying about the president not visiting the gulf coast. Carville was blasting what he felt would have been a more robust effort if the spill had been off Cape Cod. He didn't want the POTUS to come to the gulf, he wanted BP to do more and faster. Afterall, it's his home the oil is heading for, so that is understandable.

[ame=]YouTube - James Carville Slams Obama on Oil Spill: 'We're About to Die Down Here!' Stephanopoulos spins[/ame]
Yeah, right. I believe you.

I beleive you said that Obama should take more photo ops, and then you criticized him for going to a photo ops.:cuckoo:

You're obviously sincere:lol:

Carville wasn't crying about the president not visiting the gulf coast. Carville was blasting what he felt would have been a more robust effort if the spill had been off Cape Cod. He didn't want the POTUS to come to the gulf, he wanted BP to do more and faster. Afterall, it's his home the oil is heading for, so that is understandable.

[ame=]YouTube - James Carville Slams Obama on Oil Spill: 'We're About to Die Down Here!' Stephanopoulos spins[/ame]

Good Lord the poor flat headed liberals are getting destroyed in here!!!!

Texas - you are truly kicking ass on this day. :clap2::clap2::clap2:
Carville wasn't crying about the president not visiting the gulf coast. Carville was blasting what he felt would have been a more robust effort if the spill had been off Cape Cod. He didn't want the POTUS to come to the gulf, he wanted BP to do more and faster. Afterall, it's his home the oil is heading for, so that is understandable.

[ame=]YouTube - James Carville Slams Obama on Oil Spill: 'We're About to Die Down Here!' Stephanopoulos spins[/ame]

Good Lord the poor flat headed liberals are getting destroyed in here!!!!

Texas - you are truly kicking ass on this day. :clap2::clap2::clap2:

thanks...but it's not hard to do
I didn't criticize Obama - I was pointing out the hypocrisy of your bashing Republican/conservative photo ops.

If conservatives didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say

Of course you criticized Obama. Do you really think anyone is going to believe that you haven't.

And I haven't bashed photo ops from any party. I have pointed out the hypocrisy of those who criticize Obama for not doing more to fix the problem when they only thing they can think of to do is to have a photo op, which does nothing to cleanup the oil.

After all, there's nothing wrong with a president being concerned about image. In times of catastrophe, the american people want to see a leader. However, if that's what one is concerned about, then one should be honest about it. and not pretend that their concern is with cleaning up the oil.

But as this thread makes very clear, there are many wingnuts who are happy to deceive, and act as if they care about the people whose lives depend on cleaning up the oil, when all they are concerned with is perception.

Still waiting on proof of where I "lied". :eusa_angel:

I already told you. You were OK with photo ops, until you weren't. And now, you seem to be OK with them again.

So stop trying to play words games and come up with (what you think are) witty quips and just honestly say what you mean. Are photo ops the only thing you can come up with, or do you have nothing at all? Did you come onto this thread, not because you have something to contribute to the topic being discussed? Or did your rabid partisan compel you to post attacks on the left while claiming it's the "neo-liberals" (btw, if you had a brain, you'd that neo-liberals are rightwingers) who are partisan

You're so warped, you can't even address the topic. You're so rabid, you cant offer anything but rightwing hate
I don't know. Maybe he should have done something, You know, made an effort that showed he gave a darn.

And that makes another conservative without a clue about what hasnt been done, but who is certain something was not done
I don't know. Maybe he should have done something, You know, made an effort that showed he gave a darn.

And that makes another conservative without a clue about what hasnt been done, but who is certain something was not done

Obama could have Okay'd the berms to be made to protect the shoreline without an environmental impact study. La. asked for 24 to be made, and 17 days later the feds said 6 and they will pay for one. Obama could have honored the requests made by La. for the boats, booms.....vacuums to help suck up the oil before it reached land. Obama could have Okayed the chemicals to help break up the oil. In other words, Obama could have streamlined a lot to reduce the environmental impact.

I'm not saying this spill is Obama's fault, it is on his watch though. There is plenty of blame to be spread around and starting with BP.
Sangha, conservatives aren't as stupid as you would think, but you seem to really be out of touch with your IQ potential
I don't know. Maybe he should have done something, You know, made an effort that showed he gave a darn.

And that makes another conservative without a clue about what hasnt been done, but who is certain something was not done

Obama could have Okay'd the berms to be made to protect the shoreline without an environmental impact study. La. asked for 24 to be made, and 17 days later the feds said 6 and they will pay for one. Obama could have honored the requests made by La. for the boats, booms.....vacuums to help suck up the oil before it reached land. Obama could have Okayed the chemicals to help break up the oil. In other words, Obama could have streamlined a lot to reduce the environmental impact.

Thank you for offering a serious suggestion. This ability seems rare amongst the right.

wrt the berms, they don't clean up any oil, nor do they prevent oil from reaching the shore. They merely shift the oil to a different beach. And then, if there's a storm, it not only can destroy the berm (waste of money), but they often make the problems worse.

I understand the impulse some have to "do something, ANYTHING!" in such a dire situation. However, the intent here is to reduce an environmental disaster; not create an entirely new one.

As far as requests for booms, etc.. Obama has the federal govt sending those to LA as soon as the explosion occured, so I have no knowledge of any delays in sending equipment to LA.

WRT dispersants, I don't see putting more toxic substances in the water helps. Again, we're trying to reduce a disaster, not create a new one.

I'm not saying this spill is Obama's fault, it is on his watch though. There is plenty of blame to be spread around and starting with BP.
Sangha, conservatives aren't as stupid as you would think, but you seem to really be out of touch with your IQ potential

If conservatives are smarter than I think, then how come the only realistic suggestion they can come up with is "more photo ops"?
I don't know. Maybe he should have done something, You know, made an effort that showed he gave a darn.

And that makes another conservative without a clue about what hasnt been done, but who is certain something was not done

Obama could have Okay'd the berms to be made to protect the shoreline without an environmental impact study. La. asked for 24 to be made, and 17 days later the feds said 6 and they will pay for one. Obama could have honored the requests made by La. for the boats, booms.....vacuums to help suck up the oil before it reached land. Obama could have Okayed the chemicals to help break up the oil. In other words, Obama could have streamlined a lot to reduce the environmental impact.

I'm not saying this spill is Obama's fault, it is on his watch though. There is plenty of blame to be spread around and starting with BP.
Sangha, conservatives aren't as stupid as you would think, but you seem to really be out of touch with your IQ potential

But then he wouldn't be Obama.

He can't have Gov "Gin Doll" be the effective and competent person on the scene.
Some are criticizing Obama for not doing enough in response to the oil leak that BP created. (Of course, some of those same people are criticizing Obama for doing too much).
However, when I've asked many of these people what Obama should have done, they suddenly stop posting. So far, only one whiner has offered a suggestion, and it was.....get this... Obama should have put his boots on, and gone to LA to have his picture taken on a oil-stained beach wearing his boots.:cuckoo:

So let's hear it you oil cleanup Einsteins? Are you going to wimp out like you usually do and not post in order to avoid having your ignorance and hateful hypocrisy revealed, or will display some strength of character and meet the challenge?

He should have immediately recruited industry experts to sit in with BP and work on creating solutions. Not government regulators but real subject matter experts. There is a lot of talent in the world and he should have done everything possible to bring them in to focus on this problem.
He should have immediately recruited industry experts to sit in with BP and work on creating solutions. Not government regulators but real subject matter experts. There is a lot of talent in the world and he should have done everything possible to bring them in to focus on this problem.

I would like to thank you for a serious suggestion. However, what you mention was done by Obama. Also, saying "he should have done everything possible" without saying what possible thing he did not do, puts you in the same position as those who complain "Obama's doing nothing" while having no clue what else could be done.
Obama should avail himself of the current technology for oil cleanup, that is:
vacuum up the floating oil into tankers/supertankers. offload the oil/water mixture,
separate it, dump the water, load up again. This should be down NOW. Each day that
goes by, the harder it will be to gather up the oil before it hits land. This technology
was used in the Persian Gulf, with 85% success. The longer Obama waits to make a
decision on what to do, the harder it will be to remove the oil before it has already impacted on land.
Obama should avail himself of the current technology for oil cleanup, that is:
vacuum up the floating oil into tankers/supertankers. offload the oil/water mixture,
separate it, dump the water, load up again. This should be down NOW.

This *is* being done now.

But thanks for making a serious suggestion

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