So what will be the economic affect when the "Self Quarantine" is Over?

If this continues for another 3-4 months, this country will go into the ice age. The shutdown should never have occurred.
You must be a pro lifer.

Yep, sure am.
Only when it benefits you politically clearly...

Nope, all the time.
Yet you care more about the economy than lives, funny stuff.

Whatever. I didn't think you would comprehend.
But I did. You are only pro life when it benefits your team politically. You are exposed. Good job.

No, you dont have the eyes to see or ears to hear. Its very sad. And yes, Im pro life 100 percent of the time.
Ha. Yet you’d bring death to help the economy. You are a fraud like so many others.

Bring death, nope. I don't have the power to do that. Whenever the lib mainstream starts running a daily death ticker for killing 3500+ babies a day, we'll talk. Otherwise, spare us your fake righteous indignation. We can see right through that.
Your fraud is exposed. Flail away all you wish.

Again, you're wrong. You'll keep trying to assuage your conscience though. I have no doubt.
Your post is here for all to see.
My point is, there is a pent up amount of money that will be going out once this self-quarantine, "social distancing" actions are reduced.
How can there be 'pent up' money if people are not working?
You do realize there were 6.6 MILLION unemployment claims filed in ONE WEEK?

Your head is shoved so far up your ass its amazing you can breath.
Right... that left 155 million people working. Next dumb ASS!
155,772 Thousand in March of 2020
GEEZ... don't you ever use the Internet????
16 million more have filed since then.

You just don't get it do you shit for brains?

There are knock on effects that reverberate through the economy. Companies go bankrupt, people go bankrupt.

This was BEFORE the virus. yourself a favor...remove your head from your, ass and take a deep breath...your brain is starved for O2.
My point is, there is a pent up amount of money that will be going out once this self-quarantine, "social distancing" actions are reduced.
Consequently the businesses that were hurt the most in the last month...look out! They won't be able to handle the people going to movies, sports,

Wow, you're delusional. Here's why you won't see a big surge of spending when Self-quarantining is over.

First, we'll probably have about 25 million unemployed people. Maybe more. A lot more. They are going to be pinching every penny and the first place to do that is eating out or going to movies.

Second- and get this- is that with all these people losing their shirts in their 401K's and retirement funds, they are going to be cutting back on their spending as well. That nest egg that was supposed to take you until you are 80 won't last until you are 70 now.

Third, even if those companies start hiring again, they aren't going to hire the same people at the same wages. Nope. Don't work like that. They'll try to hire some of the newly unemployed at lower wages. Especially for the "McJobs", which were the hardest hit.

So we will STILL be in the Trump Recession come November, and Trump will be done.

Disagree sort of.

If people voted for rational reasons, Trump wouldn't have been elected in the first place.

I do agree about your predictions on the spending but what you're also forgetting is that there are the unemployed we know...then there are the unemployed we don't know--people who are not counted because they are not filing for unemployment for whatever reason. Both are affected equally. Lastly the "under employed" are not doing great right now either. Hours being cut back, living on credit, or both.
The US economy largely depends on the American consumer.
This is what average American household consisted of 2.52 people in 2019 spends a month.
Now the below link shows other expenditures but the below expenses are what have been most affected.
For example $227/month for entertainment. With stadiums, movie theaters,etc. closed...where has this money gone?
Now with 128 million households and assuming at least half fit the above expenditures... we are talking about $14 billion a month that at least 64 million households may not have spent...but will be!

My point is, there is a pent up amount of money that will be going out once this self-quarantine, "social distancing" actions are reduced.
Consequently the businesses that were hurt the most in the last month...look out! They won't be able to handle the people going to movies, sports,
and other activities that Americans have been use to doing. And it will probably be even more than 64 million households, but just not as much.
Assuming that group will be half what the first 64 million households monthly of $227... so we'll be seeing close to $22 billion a month sometime in
parts of June and rest of the year.

Those of you skeptics... remind me ok?

View attachment 322641
We lost 4-5 years of economic gains. Trillions have evaporated, no way that is going to just bounce back.
One estimate puts it at 34 trillion......ya alll stay home now til you're told and let's make it 100 trillion......won't hurt at all or cost any lives
It's another one who thinks the stock market is worth any number of ordinary American lives. The "let them die" crowd will receive their just reward.

People die daily and yes I could die from covid-19, but my one life or a half million people lives is not worth more that the three hundred plus million people that live in this country...

Destroying an entire world economy to pretend we saved someone for another day of life is not worth it unless you can show me the Pandemic would have killed almost everyone...
If this continues for another 3-4 months, this country will go into the ice age. The shutdown should never have occurred.

Translation- The right is terrified the shutdown that had to happen because Trump didn't do his job back in January is going to cost him the election in November.

So how many people are you willing to kill to get Trump Re-elected?
Disagree sort of.

If people voted for rational reasons, Trump wouldn't have been elected in the first place.

He lost by 3 million votes. Now, I know, we don't elect people by popular vote, but the voters were VERY rational about this. They soundly rejected this guy when given a choice that was almost as bad. The difference is this time, people will realize that their state votes count more than the national count,and you can't just stay home because polls show Biden has this in the bag.

I do agree about your predictions on the spending but what you're also forgetting is that there are the unemployed we know...then there are the unemployed we don't know--people who are not counted because they are not filing for unemployment for whatever reason. Both are affected equally. Lastly the "under employed" are not doing great right now either. Hours being cut back, living on credit, or both.

I agree. A lot of people probably haven't filed because the state agencies are overwhelmed with 6 million a week couldn't get through, others didn't file because they deluded themselves this would only last a week or two, and their bosses would call them back. I suspect that this is going to be bad for a while.
People die daily and yes I could die from covid-19, but my one life or a half million people lives is not worth more that the three hundred plus million people that live in this country...

Destroying an entire world economy to pretend we saved someone for another day of life is not worth it unless you can show me the Pandemic would have killed almost everyone...

So essentially, you are terrified that people will vote out Trump because the economy went south. We get it.

Four years of saying, "Well, I know he's corrupt, colluding with our enemies, and being a buffoon, but LOOK AT THE ECONOMY... oh wait, the Economy is tanking? Don't look at the economy!!!!"
If this continues for another 3-4 months, this country will go into the ice age. The shutdown should never have occurred.

Translation- The right is terrified the shutdown that had to happen because Trump didn't do his job back in January is going to cost him the election in November.

So how many people are you willing to kill to get Trump Re-elected?

We'll take you serious when you start running a death ticker on msnbc for aborted babies. Those fake croc tears are all dried up.
People die daily and yes I could die from covid-19, but my one life or a half million people lives is not worth more that the three hundred plus million people that live in this country...

Destroying an entire world economy to pretend we saved someone for another day of life is not worth it unless you can show me the Pandemic would have killed almost everyone...

So essentially, you are terrified that people will vote out Trump because the economy went south. We get it.

Four years of saying, "Well, I know he's corrupt, colluding with our enemies, and being a buffoon, but LOOK AT THE ECONOMY... oh wait, the Economy is tanking? Don't look at the economy!!!!"
The economy didn't go south, it's being murdered by the shutdown.
The US economy largely depends on the American consumer.
This is what average American household consisted of 2.52 people in 2019 spends a month.
Now the below link shows other expenditures but the below expenses are what have been most affected.
For example $227/month for entertainment. With stadiums, movie theaters,etc. closed...where has this money gone?
Now with 128 million households and assuming at least half fit the above expenditures... we are talking about $14 billion a month that at least 64 million households may not have spent...but will be!

My point is, there is a pent up amount of money that will be going out once this self-quarantine, "social distancing" actions are reduced.
Consequently the businesses that were hurt the most in the last month...look out! They won't be able to handle the people going to movies, sports,
and other activities that Americans have been use to doing. And it will probably be even more than 64 million households, but just not as much.
Assuming that group will be half what the first 64 million households monthly of $227... so we'll be seeing close to $22 billion a month sometime in
parts of June and rest of the year.

Those of you skeptics... remind me ok?

View attachment 322641
It's not looking good if they open up slow ....which they're going to watch out for food shortages the country is in trouble
People die daily and yes I could die from covid-19, but my one life or a half million people lives is not worth more that the three hundred plus million people that live in this country...

Destroying an entire world economy to pretend we saved someone for another day of life is not worth it unless you can show me the Pandemic would have killed almost everyone...

So essentially, you are terrified that people will vote out Trump because the economy went south. We get it.

Four years of saying, "Well, I know he's corrupt, colluding with our enemies, and being a buffoon, but LOOK AT THE ECONOMY... oh wait, the Economy is tanking? Don't look at the economy!!!!"

So essentially you are saying that China failure to contain a virus and crashing the World economy is your ticket to win in November with Biden?

Isn't funny how you can sit there and blame Trump for China failure and damage while thinking you have November locked up tight.

So if Biden loses will you admit you were wong ( I know it is wrong but I felt writing in a way a Chinese bot like yourself will understand ) or will you melt and proclaim Trump stole the election and America is stupid?

I already have a bet with a fringer on the right about Biden winning, so if Trump win will you write you are a numbnuts that live in a alternate reality?
Disagree sort of.

If people voted for rational reasons, Trump wouldn't have been elected in the first place.

He lost by 3 million votes. Now, I know, we don't elect people by popular vote, but the voters were VERY rational about this. They soundly rejected this guy when given a choice that was almost as bad. The difference is this time, people will realize that their state votes count more than the national count,and you can't just stay home because polls show Biden has this in the bag.

I do agree about your predictions on the spending but what you're also forgetting is that there are the unemployed we know...then there are the unemployed we don't know--people who are not counted because they are not filing for unemployment for whatever reason. Both are affected equally. Lastly the "under employed" are not doing great right now either. Hours being cut back, living on credit, or both.

I agree. A lot of people probably haven't filed because the state agencies are overwhelmed with 6 million a week couldn't get through, others didn't file because they deluded themselves this would only last a week or two, and their bosses would call them back. I suspect that this is going to be bad for a while.

So the ONLY rational voters were in Ca/NY as you said "He lost by 3 million votes".

Now, I know, we don't elect people by popular vote, but the voters were VERY rational about this."

And therefore the REST of us that voted for Trump are irrational?

You really think that Trump is that dumb?
Remember this is a guy who has had considerably more market analysis in his one year versus YOUR lifetime!
Do you really think Trump is that dumb about how the president is elected..i.e. the electoral college.

"But then, it's also true that Trump worked to get as much free media as he could, as one insider told Politico earlier this year:
"He said, 'I'm going to walk away with it and win it outright,'" a long-time New York political consultant recalled.
"Trump told us, 'I'm going to get in and all the polls are going to go crazy. I'm going to suck all the oxygen out of the room. I know how to work the media in a way that they will never take the lights off of me.'"
Indeed, by one estimate, he had received $2 billion in free media coverage as of March.
As a result this "DUMB Trump" spent nearly nothing in CA and NY!

So Hillary won CA and NY... but big f...king deal... Trump being smarter evidently KNEW there was NO need to win CA/NY electoral votes...
spent little. He being more market/advertising savvy than most people... spent where the electoral college votes were.
Now do you still think he is a "dummy"??? Remember Trump had been seen by 2 billion people BEFORE he ran for president.
Screen Shot 2020-04-14 at 10.07.00 AM.png

Screen Shot 2020-04-14 at 10.07.00 AM.png

And therefore the REST of us that voted for Trump are irrational?

You really think that Trump is that dumb?
Remember this is a guy who has had considerably more market analysis in his one year versus YOUR lifetime!
Do you really think Trump is that dumb about how the president is elected..i.e. the electoral college.

Okay, let's get real. Trump never intended to get elected. This was always a branding exercise that went horribly wrong. He probably never thought that the Russians would rig the election in his favor so effectively, and it shows by his lack of organization and planning.

What he didn't count on was a lack of enthusiasm for Hillary combined with the dumb racists being so irrational.

Trump got less of a percentage of the vote than Romney got. What lost it for Hillary was too many people voted for third parties because they were told that "Hillary had this in the bag".
We already said April's a fuckin wash

May 1 open or die !

Ha may day workers of the world shut up and git back to woik
And therefore the REST of us that voted for Trump are irrational?

You really think that Trump is that dumb?
Remember this is a guy who has had considerably more market analysis in his one year versus YOUR lifetime!
Do you really think Trump is that dumb about how the president is elected..i.e. the electoral college.

Okay, let's get real. Trump never intended to get elected. This was always a branding exercise that went horribly wrong. He probably never thought that the Russians would rig the election in his favor so effectively, and it shows by his lack of organization and planning.

What he didn't count on was a lack of enthusiasm for Hillary combined with the dumb racists being so irrational.

Trump got less of a percentage of the vote than Romney got. What lost it for Hillary was too many people voted for third parties because they were told that "Hillary had this in the bag".
So why did Figures show Trump spent $66 million of his own cash on election campaign ?

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