So what will be the economic affect when the "Self Quarantine" is Over?

We lost 4-5 years of economic gains. Trillions have evaporated, no way that is going to just bounce back.
One estimate puts it at 34 trillion......ya alll stay home now til you're told and let's make it 100 trillion......won't hurt at all or cost any lives
It's another one who thinks the stock market is worth any number of ordinary American lives. The "let them die" crowd will receive their just reward.

Its not just the fucking stock market, occ.

If America goes through 18-24 months of lockdown, it will just be the first part of 10 years or longer of 30% + unemployment. That much idleness isn't good for the health of anyone. Starving in the streets may be hazardous to your health.
I know it sucks but the alternative is to just let this thing go wild, that would probably be bad for the economy as well. Not sure how you think we would be better off with ten times the cases and deaths.

It's not an either-or choice. Those of you screeching at all of us just a couple of weeks ago that EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE had to be locked down? History is not going to look favorably on that. Because where entire states had like a dozen cases--those states did not need to be locked down. The economic cost in those cases, I promise you, will be much too high.

You know it. So don't even bother to name-call and screech at me.
We lost 4-5 years of economic gains. Trillions have evaporated, no way that is going to just bounce back.
One estimate puts it at 34 trillion......ya alll stay home now til you're told and let's make it 100 trillion......won't hurt at all or cost any lives
It's another one who thinks the stock market is worth any number of ordinary American lives. The "let them die" crowd will receive their just reward.

Its not just the fucking stock market, occ.

If America goes through 18-24 months of lockdown, it will just be the first part of 10 years or longer of 30% + unemployment. That much idleness isn't good for the health of anyone. Starving in the streets may be hazardous to your health.
I know it sucks but the alternative is to just let this thing go wild, that would probably be bad for the economy as well. Not sure how you think we would be better off with ten times the cases and deaths.

Any link for the "10 times" prediction? Sounds like you pulled it out of your rectum.

And how many deaths is the current Lockdown causing- in suicides, as well as because of delayed medical treatment for non-covid related diseases as hospitals and doctors cancel colonoscopies, mammograms and dental cleanings. How many deaths will be caused by people permanently unemployed, many of whom will starve or die from exposure in the street?

Liberals should be upset as America will never be able to afford "medicare for all" or the "new green deal" with the amount this will be costing and the reduction in tax collections.

The solution, in my view, is to get behind the President, and his efforts to both defeat this disease with his patented Hydroxycholoroquine remedy and his efforts to restart the economy. Trump re-started the economy after the failed Obama years, he can do it again.
We all know there are going to be a lot of politicians who are going to reopen stuff too early leading to a resurgence of the disease. If the doctors are still saying no,no,no I'll not get behind anyone who wants to jump the gun.

The economists want to open everything yesterday.

The doctors want to keep everything shut down tight for another 18 mos.

When you're a hammer, everything is a nail. If you listen to ONLY ONE SIDE, you're too simple by half.
Unemployment is very high right now, and by the time the shutdown is ended, it may be even higher. Because of that, the average amount spent by a family on eating out, going to the movies, etc will be lower. Too many families won't have any money available for those things for some amount of time. Some families who do have the money will probably be wary and slow to return to being around other people in numbers. Due to those and other factors I think the recovery will be a gradual and fairly slow process.
Most of the wealthy couples in my community are currently on the verge of divorce as their marriages are based upon money, not each other.

I remember hearing a conversation a few months ago, a wife was complaining that she took a few days off, but she didn't time it right: her husband would be home.

And this would bug her. She would hate this.

Man. There's all kinds of irritation to say the least going on in some of these quarantined homes I guess.
My point is, there is a pent up amount of money that will be going out once this self-quarantine, "social distancing" actions are reduced.
Consequently the businesses that were hurt the most in the last month...look out! They won't be able to handle the people going to movies, sports,

Wow, you're delusional. Here's why you won't see a big surge of spending when Self-quarantining is over.

First, we'll probably have about 25 million unemployed people. Maybe more. A lot more. They are going to be pinching every penny and the first place to do that is eating out or going to movies.

Second- and get this- is that with all these people losing their shirts in their 401K's and retirement funds, they are going to be cutting back on their spending as well. That nest egg that was supposed to take you until you are 80 won't last until you are 70 now.

Third, even if those companies start hiring again, they aren't going to hire the same people at the same wages. Nope. Don't work like that. They'll try to hire some of the newly unemployed at lower wages. Especially for the "McJobs", which were the hardest hit.

So we will STILL be in the Trump Recession come November, and Trump will be done.
It's not an either-or choice. Those of you screeching at all of us just a couple of weeks ago that EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE had to be locked down? History is not going to look favorably on that. Because where entire states had like a dozen cases--those states did not need to be locked down. The economic cost in those cases, I promise you, will be much too high.

You know it. So don't even bother to name-call and screech at me.

Islamophobic Twat, because we took the action when it was only a few cases is why we don't have 100K Dead right now instead of the 22K dead we have.

Would have been nice had Trump taken action 2 months ago when they first warned him this was a problem.
Few are watching what the Fed is up to, which i'm starting to believe may be our biggest economical problem

Unemployment is very high right now, and by the time the shutdown is ended, it may be even higher. Because of that, the average amount spent by a family on eating out, going to the movies, etc will be lower. Too many families won't have any money available for those things for some amount of time. Some families who do have the money will probably be wary and slow to return to being around other people in numbers. Due to those and other factors I think the recovery will be a gradual and fairly slow process.
Too many? How many is Too many? Right now 10% or 16 million. Do you think there will be more? How many more?
You GUESS too many ... Why? Why not do some analysis. For example... 16 million if out of work get unemployment for 4 months now.
That's not peanuts. They will be spending the unemployment for food, etc.
So again give me specifics...not wild guesses like "too many"!

I think the current unemployment rate is a lot more than 10%. The restaurant , airlines and hotel business are wiped out. Malls are closed. Rails, buses, ubers, are all kaput. Nail salons, barber shops, beauticians are all out of work. Medical specialists, dentists through. Casinos, Pimps and Hoes are idle.
WOW... ALL EVERYTHING NO MORE according to you.
So are you now off the grid?
What will you do for health care? For the Internet?
All of that gone right?
If this continues for another 3-4 months, this country will go into the ice age. The shutdown should never have occurred.
It's not an either-or choice. Those of you screeching at all of us just a couple of weeks ago that EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE had to be locked down? History is not going to look favorably on that. Because where entire states had like a dozen cases--those states did not need to be locked down. The economic cost in those cases, I promise you, will be much too high.

You know it. So don't even bother to name-call and screech at me.

Islamophobic Twat, because we took the action when it was only a few cases is why we don't have 100K Dead right now instead of the 22K dead we have.

Would have been nice had Trump taken action 2 months ago when they first warned him this was a problem.
2 months ago would have been March 13...
Trump's actions that YOU believe as the MSM presented to you.....
  • March 5, 2020: CBS News posted a story falsely claiming President Trump told sick people to go to work. If you read the actual quote, he is talking about healthy people going about their business not knowing that they have the virus: “So if, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better.”
  • March 12, 2020: NBC , NPR , Newsweek , Joe Biden, CNN, and Esquire falsely claimed that President Trump blocked coronavirus testing and rejected WHO coronavirus test kits because lower numbers are good for his re-election.
  • March 13, 2020: The Washington Post published an opinion piece that falsely claimed that President Trump closed the White House Pandemic Office. The Washington Post later released an article that fact checked the initial claims from the opinion piece.
  • March 15, 2020. The Atlantic published a piece, "The Coronavirus Called America's Bluff," that attempted to assert the Trump administration is just as bad as China's Communist Party in its handling of the coronavirus. Keep in mind that China silenced doctors and journalists and lied to the WHO to keep the pandemic under wraps.
  • March 16, 2020: The Daily Beast took a cheap shot at the president, but worse, it misled Americans when it headlined a story, President Trump told several governors that they are largely on their own in stocking up on gear such as respirators and ventilators to fight the novel coronavirus.Other outlets then echoed the phony report. The president actually said, “We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself.”
  • March 16, 2020: CNN falsely claimed that the Trump administration is considering imposing a national curfew.
  • March 16, 2020: Reuters, The Guardian, Business Insider, and staffers at the New York Times and MSNBC falsely claim that Trump wants to monopolize a coronavirus vaccine.
  • March 17, 2020: In a tweet, MSNBC analyst Glenn Kirschner suggests Donald Trump is guilty of negligent homicide “for the way he’s mishandled the Coronavirus crisis.”
  • March 17, 2020: A doctored tweet suggesting that President Trump would withhold federal aid from his critics circulates on Twitter and Instagram, which debunked.
  • March 18, 2020: A Washington Post columnist falsely accused Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of delaying the House’s vote on the coronavirus bill. (To its credit, the paper later ran a correction at the top of the column.)
  • March 18, 2020: Rick Wilson tweets “#BeInfected” in response to a story about First Lady Melania Trump appearing in public health PSA’s on the coronavirus, which he later said was a joke, deriding the First Lady’s #BeBest campaign.
  • March 19, 2020: NBC News published a story entitled, “Italy has a world class health system. The coronavirus has pushed it to the breaking point.” Despite NBC’s best efforts to fear monger, a quick Google search tells us that Johns Hopkins ranks Italy’s system, in relation to treating the sick and protecting health care workers, as number 54 in the world.
  • March 20, 2020: The Daily Mail criticized Trump for calling the coronavirus the Chinese virus, dubbing it racist when the outlet itself used the term just two short months ago because the virus did, indeed, originate in China.
  • March 20, 2020: CNN published a story entitled, “Yes, Of Course Donald Trump Is Calling Coronavirus The 'China Virus' For Political Reasons”.
  • March 20, 2020: The Atlantic published a piece blaming President Trump’s personality for the coronavirus outbreak.
  • March 22, 2020: The New York Times changed a headline from, “Democrats Block Action on $1.8 Trillion Stimulus” to one that blames “partisan divide.”
  • March 23, 2020: Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough tweeted: “There is no public benefit to this briefing. The networks should all cut away.” This tweet came despite recent polling that shows the majority of Americans approve of President Trump’s response to the coronavirus and disapprove of the media’s coverage.
  • March 23, 2020: A tabloid run by the Communist Party of China posted a video that contained footage of American media outlets and politicians repeating China’s talking points to portray China’s response to the coronavirus as favorable.
  • March 23, 2020: An NBC Reporter insinuated that President Trump is responsible for the death of a man who consumed fish tank cleaner. You must read further into her thread to get the crucial fact — that what the man consumed was a parasite treatment for fish, not the medical form of Chloroquine that President Trump has discussed. It’s worth noting the salacious tweet alleging President Trump’s responsibility in this received over 34k retweets, while the final tweet in the thread specifying that the toxic ingredient consumed by the man was not actually the medical form of the drug in question got fewer than 3k retweets.
  • March 24, 2020: MSNBC host Rachel Maddow tweeted that cable news networks should stop covering the President’s coronavirus briefings, propagating that the President is amplifying misinformation. Seattle NPR announced they will stop airing the President’s coronavirus briefings. Coincidentally, networks are wanting to cut coverage of these briefings as President Trump’s approval rating hits its highest level since 2017.
  • March 26, 2020: Vox published a story “Trump’s reckless promotion of hydroxychloroquine to fight coronavirus, explained”. Vox failed to mention that when Anthony Fauci was asked if he would prescribe hydroxychloroquine he said "Yeah, of course, particularly if people have no other option. These drugs are approved drugs for other reasons."

So all those above criticisms that obviously you believe are not true right? You believe the MSM right?
The US economy largely depends on the American consumer.
This is what average American household consisted of 2.52 people in 2019 spends a month.
Now the below link shows other expenditures but the below expenses are what have been most affected.
For example $227/month for entertainment. With stadiums, movie theaters,etc. closed...where has this money gone?
Now with 128 million households and assuming at least half fit the above expenditures... we are talking about $14 billion a month that at least 64 million households may not have spent...but will be!

My point is, there is a pent up amount of money that will be going out once this self-quarantine, "social distancing" actions are reduced.
Consequently the businesses that were hurt the most in the last month...look out! They won't be able to handle the people going to movies, sports,
and other activities that Americans have been use to doing. And it will probably be even more than 64 million households, but just not as much.
Assuming that group will be half what the first 64 million households monthly of $227... so we'll be seeing close to $22 billion a month sometime in
parts of June and rest of the year.

Those of you skeptics... remind me ok?

View attachment 322641

People will slowly get back to life. They won't go to sporting events or concerts because they'll be worried about large gatherings for a long time to come. There will be no international tourism. No one will go to the United States because YOUR NATION IS NOT SAFE, and you won't be allowed to travel because all nations have closed their borders to Americans, and we won't open them any time soon.

Things won't happen the way you think at all. There won't be any pent up demand at all because working people won't have any money. The stimulus monies won't be enough for people with no paycheck. Steven Mnuchin said the $1200 stimulus checks should last families 3 months. Fortunately I wasn't drinking anything when I read that, or I'd need a new computer.

After SARS, Toronto really did not come back. We didn't lose our jobs, there were no shut downs, closings or lay-offs. There were no "self-quarantine" orders. People just did not go out - at all. Theatres closed because no one was going. SARS was very scary because it seemed to go right through the PPE's and a lot of the cases and deaths were medical staff.

SARS had no economic consequences for the majority of Torontonians but it changed everything for us. Tourism dropped like a stone. The WHO had issued a travel advisory for Toronto, and it was like the city ceased to exist internationally. No busloads of tourists anywhere. It was easy to get tickets for the theatre, and no summer outdoor concerts were booked The city didn't really start coming back until SARStock - the big Rolling Stones concert in Toronto. I will be forever grateful to Mick Jagger and the Stones for doing that for us, which was more than 6 months after the last case was resolved.
It's not an either-or choice. Those of you screeching at all of us just a couple of weeks ago that EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE had to be locked down? History is not going to look favorably on that. Because where entire states had like a dozen cases--those states did not need to be locked down. The economic cost in those cases, I promise you, will be much too high.

You know it. So don't even bother to name-call and screech at me.

Islamophobic Twat, because we took the action when it was only a few cases is why we don't have 100K Dead right now instead of the 22K dead we have.

Would have been nice had Trump taken action 2 months ago when they first warned him this was a problem.
2 months ago would have been March 13...
Trump's actions that YOU believe as the MSM presented to you.....
  • March 5, 2020: CBS News posted a story falsely claiming President Trump told sick people to go to work. If you read the actual quote, he is talking about healthy people going about their business not knowing that they have the virus: “So if, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better.”
  • March 12, 2020: NBC , NPR , Newsweek , Joe Biden, CNN, and Esquire falsely claimed that President Trump blocked coronavirus testing and rejected WHO coronavirus test kits because lower numbers are good for his re-election.
  • March 13, 2020: The Washington Post published an opinion piece that falsely claimed that President Trump closed the White House Pandemic Office. The Washington Post later released an article that fact checked the initial claims from the opinion piece.
  • March 15, 2020. The Atlantic published a piece, "The Coronavirus Called America's Bluff," that attempted to assert the Trump administration is just as bad as China's Communist Party in its handling of the coronavirus. Keep in mind that China silenced doctors and journalists and lied to the WHO to keep the pandemic under wraps.
  • March 16, 2020: The Daily Beast took a cheap shot at the president, but worse, it misled Americans when it headlined a story, President Trump told several governors that they are largely on their own in stocking up on gear such as respirators and ventilators to fight the novel coronavirus.Other outlets then echoed the phony report. The president actually said, “We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself.”
  • March 16, 2020: CNN falsely claimed that the Trump administration is considering imposing a national curfew.
  • March 16, 2020: Reuters, The Guardian, Business Insider, and staffers at the New York Times and MSNBC falsely claim that Trump wants to monopolize a coronavirus vaccine.
  • March 17, 2020: In a tweet, MSNBC analyst Glenn Kirschner suggests Donald Trump is guilty of negligent homicide “for the way he’s mishandled the Coronavirus crisis.”
  • March 17, 2020: A doctored tweet suggesting that President Trump would withhold federal aid from his critics circulates on Twitter and Instagram, which debunked.
  • March 18, 2020: A Washington Post columnist falsely accused Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of delaying the House’s vote on the coronavirus bill. (To its credit, the paper later ran a correction at the top of the column.)
  • March 18, 2020: Rick Wilson tweets “#BeInfected” in response to a story about First Lady Melania Trump appearing in public health PSA’s on the coronavirus, which he later said was a joke, deriding the First Lady’s #BeBest campaign.
  • March 19, 2020: NBC News published a story entitled, “Italy has a world class health system. The coronavirus has pushed it to the breaking point.” Despite NBC’s best efforts to fear monger, a quick Google search tells us that Johns Hopkins ranks Italy’s system, in relation to treating the sick and protecting health care workers, as number 54 in the world.
  • March 20, 2020: The Daily Mail criticized Trump for calling the coronavirus the Chinese virus, dubbing it racist when the outlet itself used the term just two short months ago because the virus did, indeed, originate in China.
  • March 20, 2020: CNN published a story entitled, “Yes, Of Course Donald Trump Is Calling Coronavirus The 'China Virus' For Political Reasons”.
  • March 20, 2020: The Atlantic published a piece blaming President Trump’s personality for the coronavirus outbreak.
  • March 22, 2020: The New York Times changed a headline from, “Democrats Block Action on $1.8 Trillion Stimulus” to one that blames “partisan divide.”
  • March 23, 2020: Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough tweeted: “There is no public benefit to this briefing. The networks should all cut away.” This tweet came despite recent polling that shows the majority of Americans approve of President Trump’s response to the coronavirus and disapprove of the media’s coverage.
  • March 23, 2020: A tabloid run by the Communist Party of China posted a video that contained footage of American media outlets and politicians repeating China’s talking points to portray China’s response to the coronavirus as favorable.
  • March 23, 2020: An NBC Reporter insinuated that President Trump is responsible for the death of a man who consumed fish tank cleaner. You must read further into her thread to get the crucial fact — that what the man consumed was a parasite treatment for fish, not the medical form of Chloroquine that President Trump has discussed. It’s worth noting the salacious tweet alleging President Trump’s responsibility in this received over 34k retweets, while the final tweet in the thread specifying that the toxic ingredient consumed by the man was not actually the medical form of the drug in question got fewer than 3k retweets.
  • March 24, 2020: MSNBC host Rachel Maddow tweeted that cable news networks should stop covering the President’s coronavirus briefings, propagating that the President is amplifying misinformation. Seattle NPR announced they will stop airing the President’s coronavirus briefings. Coincidentally, networks are wanting to cut coverage of these briefings as President Trump’s approval rating hits its highest level since 2017.
  • March 26, 2020: Vox published a story “Trump’s reckless promotion of hydroxychloroquine to fight coronavirus, explained”. Vox failed to mention that when Anthony Fauci was asked if he would prescribe hydroxychloroquine he said "Yeah, of course, particularly if people have no other option. These drugs are approved drugs for other reasons."

So all those above criticisms that obviously you believe are not true right? You believe the MSM right?


People will slowly get back to life. They won't go to sporting events or concerts because they'll be worried about large gatherings for a long time to come. There will be no international tourism. No one will go to the United States because YOUR NATION IS NOT SAFE, and you won't be allowed to travel because all nations have closed their borders to Americans, and we won't open them any time soon.

This is a World Wide Pandemic, not just America. I supposed that people will be looking to "Spread out" and not concentrate in the large groups as much since their germaphobia has been provoked, and that's going to be good for America as crowded places like New York start to return to nature
It's not an either-or choice. Those of you screeching at all of us just a couple of weeks ago that EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE had to be locked down? History is not going to look favorably on that. Because where entire states had like a dozen cases--those states did not need to be locked down. The economic cost in those cases, I promise you, will be much too high.

You know it. So don't even bother to name-call and screech at me.

Islamophobic Twat, because we took the action when it was only a few cases is why we don't have 100K Dead right now instead of the 22K dead we have.

Would have been nice had Trump taken action 2 months ago when they first warned him this was a problem.
2 months ago would have been March 13...
Trump's actions that YOU believe as the MSM presented to you.....
  • March 5, 2020: CBS News posted a story falsely claiming President Trump told sick people to go to work. If you read the actual quote, he is talking about healthy people going about their business not knowing that they have the virus: “So if, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better.”
  • March 12, 2020: NBC , NPR , Newsweek , Joe Biden, CNN, and Esquire falsely claimed that President Trump blocked coronavirus testing and rejected WHO coronavirus test kits because lower numbers are good for his re-election.
  • March 13, 2020: The Washington Post published an opinion piece that falsely claimed that President Trump closed the White House Pandemic Office. The Washington Post later released an article that fact checked the initial claims from the opinion piece.
  • March 15, 2020. The Atlantic published a piece, "The Coronavirus Called America's Bluff," that attempted to assert the Trump administration is just as bad as China's Communist Party in its handling of the coronavirus. Keep in mind that China silenced doctors and journalists and lied to the WHO to keep the pandemic under wraps.
  • March 16, 2020: The Daily Beast took a cheap shot at the president, but worse, it misled Americans when it headlined a story, President Trump told several governors that they are largely on their own in stocking up on gear such as respirators and ventilators to fight the novel coronavirus.Other outlets then echoed the phony report. The president actually said, “We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself.”
  • March 16, 2020: CNN falsely claimed that the Trump administration is considering imposing a national curfew.
  • March 16, 2020: Reuters, The Guardian, Business Insider, and staffers at the New York Times and MSNBC falsely claim that Trump wants to monopolize a coronavirus vaccine.
  • March 17, 2020: In a tweet, MSNBC analyst Glenn Kirschner suggests Donald Trump is guilty of negligent homicide “for the way he’s mishandled the Coronavirus crisis.”
  • March 17, 2020: A doctored tweet suggesting that President Trump would withhold federal aid from his critics circulates on Twitter and Instagram, which debunked.
  • March 18, 2020: A Washington Post columnist falsely accused Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of delaying the House’s vote on the coronavirus bill. (To its credit, the paper later ran a correction at the top of the column.)
  • March 18, 2020: Rick Wilson tweets “#BeInfected” in response to a story about First Lady Melania Trump appearing in public health PSA’s on the coronavirus, which he later said was a joke, deriding the First Lady’s #BeBest campaign.
  • March 19, 2020: NBC News published a story entitled, “Italy has a world class health system. The coronavirus has pushed it to the breaking point.” Despite NBC’s best efforts to fear monger, a quick Google search tells us that Johns Hopkins ranks Italy’s system, in relation to treating the sick and protecting health care workers, as number 54 in the world.
  • March 20, 2020: The Daily Mail criticized Trump for calling the coronavirus the Chinese virus, dubbing it racist when the outlet itself used the term just two short months ago because the virus did, indeed, originate in China.
  • March 20, 2020: CNN published a story entitled, “Yes, Of Course Donald Trump Is Calling Coronavirus The 'China Virus' For Political Reasons”.
  • March 20, 2020: The Atlantic published a piece blaming President Trump’s personality for the coronavirus outbreak.
  • March 22, 2020: The New York Times changed a headline from, “Democrats Block Action on $1.8 Trillion Stimulus” to one that blames “partisan divide.”
  • March 23, 2020: Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough tweeted: “There is no public benefit to this briefing. The networks should all cut away.” This tweet came despite recent polling that shows the majority of Americans approve of President Trump’s response to the coronavirus and disapprove of the media’s coverage.
  • March 23, 2020: A tabloid run by the Communist Party of China posted a video that contained footage of American media outlets and politicians repeating China’s talking points to portray China’s response to the coronavirus as favorable.
  • March 23, 2020: An NBC Reporter insinuated that President Trump is responsible for the death of a man who consumed fish tank cleaner. You must read further into her thread to get the crucial fact — that what the man consumed was a parasite treatment for fish, not the medical form of Chloroquine that President Trump has discussed. It’s worth noting the salacious tweet alleging President Trump’s responsibility in this received over 34k retweets, while the final tweet in the thread specifying that the toxic ingredient consumed by the man was not actually the medical form of the drug in question got fewer than 3k retweets.
  • March 24, 2020: MSNBC host Rachel Maddow tweeted that cable news networks should stop covering the President’s coronavirus briefings, propagating that the President is amplifying misinformation. Seattle NPR announced they will stop airing the President’s coronavirus briefings. Coincidentally, networks are wanting to cut coverage of these briefings as President Trump’s approval rating hits its highest level since 2017.
  • March 26, 2020: Vox published a story “Trump’s reckless promotion of hydroxychloroquine to fight coronavirus, explained”. Vox failed to mention that when Anthony Fauci was asked if he would prescribe hydroxychloroquine he said "Yeah, of course, particularly if people have no other option. These drugs are approved drugs for other reasons."

So all those above criticisms that obviously you believe are not true right? You believe the MSM right?



22000 isn't shit compared to the up to 2.4 million the alarmists were promising.

BTW, a lot more than1/2 million Americans have had the Chinese Kung Flu, the 500,000 are just "confirmed" cases. Most people who have come down with it, have never been tested
We lost 4-5 years of economic gains. Trillions have evaporated, no way that is going to just bounce back.
One estimate puts it at 34 trillion......ya alll stay home now til you're told and let's make it 100 trillion......won't hurt at all or cost any lives
It's another one who thinks the stock market is worth any number of ordinary American lives. The "let them die" crowd will receive their just reward.

Its not just the fucking stock market, occ.

If America goes through 18-24 months of lockdown, it will just be the first part of 10 years or longer of 30% + unemployment. That much idleness isn't good for the health of anyone. Starving in the streets may be hazardous to your health.
I know it sucks but the alternative is to just let this thing go wild, that would probably be bad for the economy as well. Not sure how you think we would be better off with ten times the cases and deaths.

Yep, it's only Schiff, Schumer and Pelosi that want it to go wild.
Trump will not escape from the guilt of his denial and inaction. He was literally the last major politician to realize how much danger we faced in the run up to this thing. All anyone will ever have to do is run the tape of his denials split screen with the graph of the progression of the pandemic to show just how bad he blew this.
And exactly how are you not blaming China and the WHO?
If I came down with CV symptoms, I would make an appointment with my physician. I'd expect him to level with me, tell me I have the Chinese Kung Flu, and be handed an Rx for Hydroxychloroquine aka Trumpicillin as well as codeine cough syrup for symptoms and told to go home.

I wouldn't expect any "tests" at all. No need for it. If President Trump's cure doesn't work, I would know I have something else and would go back.
We lost 4-5 years of economic gains. Trillions have evaporated, no way that is going to just bounce back.
So your prediction is that the masses drop internet, telehealth, buying food and they die right?
It's not an either-or choice. Those of you screeching at all of us just a couple of weeks ago that EVERYTHING, EVERYWHERE had to be locked down? History is not going to look favorably on that. Because where entire states had like a dozen cases--those states did not need to be locked down. The economic cost in those cases, I promise you, will be much too high.

You know it. So don't even bother to name-call and screech at me.

Islamophobic Twat, because we took the action when it was only a few cases is why we don't have 100K Dead right now instead of the 22K dead we have.

Would have been nice had Trump taken action 2 months ago when they first warned him this was a problem.
2 months ago would have been March 13...
Trump's actions that YOU believe as the MSM presented to you.....
  • March 5, 2020: CBS News posted a story falsely claiming President Trump told sick people to go to work. If you read the actual quote, he is talking about healthy people going about their business not knowing that they have the virus: “So if, you know, we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better, just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work, some of them go to work, but they get better.”
  • March 12, 2020: NBC , NPR , Newsweek , Joe Biden, CNN, and Esquire falsely claimed that President Trump blocked coronavirus testing and rejected WHO coronavirus test kits because lower numbers are good for his re-election.
  • March 13, 2020: The Washington Post published an opinion piece that falsely claimed that President Trump closed the White House Pandemic Office. The Washington Post later released an article that fact checked the initial claims from the opinion piece.
  • March 15, 2020. The Atlantic published a piece, "The Coronavirus Called America's Bluff," that attempted to assert the Trump administration is just as bad as China's Communist Party in its handling of the coronavirus. Keep in mind that China silenced doctors and journalists and lied to the WHO to keep the pandemic under wraps.
  • March 16, 2020: The Daily Beast took a cheap shot at the president, but worse, it misled Americans when it headlined a story, President Trump told several governors that they are largely on their own in stocking up on gear such as respirators and ventilators to fight the novel coronavirus.Other outlets then echoed the phony report. The president actually said, “We will be backing you, but try getting it yourselves. Point of sales, much better, much more direct if you can get it yourself.”
  • March 16, 2020: CNN falsely claimed that the Trump administration is considering imposing a national curfew.
  • March 16, 2020: Reuters, The Guardian, Business Insider, and staffers at the New York Times and MSNBC falsely claim that Trump wants to monopolize a coronavirus vaccine.
  • March 17, 2020: In a tweet, MSNBC analyst Glenn Kirschner suggests Donald Trump is guilty of negligent homicide “for the way he’s mishandled the Coronavirus crisis.”
  • March 17, 2020: A doctored tweet suggesting that President Trump would withhold federal aid from his critics circulates on Twitter and Instagram, which debunked.
  • March 18, 2020: A Washington Post columnist falsely accused Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of delaying the House’s vote on the coronavirus bill. (To its credit, the paper later ran a correction at the top of the column.)
  • March 18, 2020: Rick Wilson tweets “#BeInfected” in response to a story about First Lady Melania Trump appearing in public health PSA’s on the coronavirus, which he later said was a joke, deriding the First Lady’s #BeBest campaign.
  • March 19, 2020: NBC News published a story entitled, “Italy has a world class health system. The coronavirus has pushed it to the breaking point.” Despite NBC’s best efforts to fear monger, a quick Google search tells us that Johns Hopkins ranks Italy’s system, in relation to treating the sick and protecting health care workers, as number 54 in the world.
  • March 20, 2020: The Daily Mail criticized Trump for calling the coronavirus the Chinese virus, dubbing it racist when the outlet itself used the term just two short months ago because the virus did, indeed, originate in China.
  • March 20, 2020: CNN published a story entitled, “Yes, Of Course Donald Trump Is Calling Coronavirus The 'China Virus' For Political Reasons”.
  • March 20, 2020: The Atlantic published a piece blaming President Trump’s personality for the coronavirus outbreak.
  • March 22, 2020: The New York Times changed a headline from, “Democrats Block Action on $1.8 Trillion Stimulus” to one that blames “partisan divide.”
  • March 23, 2020: Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough tweeted: “There is no public benefit to this briefing. The networks should all cut away.” This tweet came despite recent polling that shows the majority of Americans approve of President Trump’s response to the coronavirus and disapprove of the media’s coverage.
  • March 23, 2020: A tabloid run by the Communist Party of China posted a video that contained footage of American media outlets and politicians repeating China’s talking points to portray China’s response to the coronavirus as favorable.
  • March 23, 2020: An NBC Reporter insinuated that President Trump is responsible for the death of a man who consumed fish tank cleaner. You must read further into her thread to get the crucial fact — that what the man consumed was a parasite treatment for fish, not the medical form of Chloroquine that President Trump has discussed. It’s worth noting the salacious tweet alleging President Trump’s responsibility in this received over 34k retweets, while the final tweet in the thread specifying that the toxic ingredient consumed by the man was not actually the medical form of the drug in question got fewer than 3k retweets.
  • March 24, 2020: MSNBC host Rachel Maddow tweeted that cable news networks should stop covering the President’s coronavirus briefings, propagating that the President is amplifying misinformation. Seattle NPR announced they will stop airing the President’s coronavirus briefings. Coincidentally, networks are wanting to cut coverage of these briefings as President Trump’s approval rating hits its highest level since 2017.
  • March 26, 2020: Vox published a story “Trump’s reckless promotion of hydroxychloroquine to fight coronavirus, explained”. Vox failed to mention that when Anthony Fauci was asked if he would prescribe hydroxychloroquine he said "Yeah, of course, particularly if people have no other option. These drugs are approved drugs for other reasons."

So all those above criticisms that obviously you believe are not true right? You believe the MSM right?



22000 isn't shit compared to the up to 2.4 million the alarmists were promising.

BTW, a lot more than1/2 million Americans have had the Chinese Kung Flu, the 500,000 are just "confirmed" cases. Most people who have come down with it, have never been tested
You are right about testing. We have no idea of other countries testing while USA did 2,816,674 tests.
Considering that one of 5 people tested have Covid and 1 of 127 die.
The USA still has one of the lowest rates of testing in the world, on a per capita basis, and you still don't have quick and accurate tests available nationwide. 2.8 million tests in a population of 325 million people, 0.8% of the population. No nation in the first world has tested less of its population, and that's because for months you didn't have a test, and the rest of the world did.

The Abbott Lab's much touted 5 minute test is only 80% accurate, which means that 20 people out of every hundred tested are getting false results. This truly is a situation where "one is too many".

I truly do not see talking about re-opening the economy on May 1st when you haven't even stopped the exponential growth of the rate of infection, widespread testing is still not available throughout the country, and the deaths are really only beginning.

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