So What Will Be The First Question Asked Of Christine Ford. Any Predictions If There Is A Hearing?

Get ready for women tears....and overly emotional bullshit that liberals always fall for.

Unless she has proof, like spooge on a blue dress or something.

Like proof like that. Or actual proof of hands on a breast in a photo or a dead girls body at the bottom of a creek.

Proof like that won't be there. It will be overly emotional and tears. That, is proof to a fucking liberal.
Get ready for women tears....and overly emotional bullshit that liberals always fall for.

Unless she has proof, like spooge on a blue dress or something.

Like proof like that. Or actual proof of hands on a breast in a photo or a dead girls body at the bottom of a creek.

Proof like that won't be there. It will be overly emotional and tears. That, is proof to a fucking liberal.

Water Works......that is the strategy....... she has been practicing all week.
Here is a wager....

How long into her testimony will she start to cry?
Get ready for women tears....and overly emotional bullshit that liberals always fall for.

Unless she has proof, like spooge on a blue dress or something.

Like proof like that. Or actual proof of hands on a breast in a photo or a dead girls body at the bottom of a creek.

Proof like that won't be there. It will be overly emotional and tears. That, is proof to a fucking liberal.
and no one can ask her any questions? that sounds like she made up the story
:eek-52: :lalala: :th_panties: Most of us will probably guess that which ever republican senator goes first, that he will ask Christine for the date of the alleged rape, right?
But what if a Democrat Senator goes first, god, anyone wanna guess what their first question will be?
If you guys reply, lets do this.
What will be the first question asked by the Democrat
and...What will be the first question asked by the Republican.
Serious and Comical answers please !
:spank: :aargh: :hyper: :laugh2:
The Democratic Senator will ask, "How many corroborating witnesses are willing to testify about this incident, that Senate republicans are unwilling to hear from?"

And the Republican Senator will ask, "Are you in to anal?"
This is my story! This all happened! I am going to tell it, and no one will be allowed to question it !!!
If they ask her ANY questions about facts to substantiate her story, the left will accuse the Pubs of “bullying” her.


Dems will accuse Republicans of raping her all over again or some happy horseshit like that.
If they ask her ANY questions about facts to substantiate her story, the left will accuse the Pubs of “bullying” her.


Dems will accuse Republicans of raping her all over again or some happy horseshit like that.
No matter what they say or do, they have their narratives set. Whichever the theme, it will all be about OLD WHITE MEN questioning a poor sweet innocent woman.

Their sheep are that stupid and that simple minded. As we have already seen.

That human rhinoceros just plays to it, the moronic white left wing American women clap away. The biggest morons on earth.

So, their narrative, same as the old one. Mean white American Christian RACIST men.

Here is the smartest person on TV explaining all of this.

And the left wing sheep fall for this pure shit every time.

Another example of what happens how the left wing media.

Please watch those.
I hope republicans don't screw this up by not asking Ford challenging questions, because we know democrats are going to be out for blood in questioning Kavanaugh. I do wonder if we will see a repeat of democrats stall tactic before the first question is asked calling for an FBI investigation before proceeding and whatever other stalling nonsense they can come up with.
This is a stall tactic, as proven by Diane Feinstein sitting on it for 7 fucking weeks.

It’s insulting that people are pretend to take this seriously.

How would the FBI investigation go, exactly?

She doesn’t know where or when, but 36 years ago, Kavanaugh forced himself on her at a party.

We need Jean Claude Van Dame to TIMECOP this shit.

All three people cited as witnesses say she is lying.....even her best friend, a democrat.
Not just a democrat but Bob Beckles ex wife.

I don’t think she will testify at all.

I still think she will testify....she has nothing to lose and everything to gain......the last 2 weeks they have been coaching her on how to cry on demand..... if she can get the water works going under questioning, she will get the democrat sheep all excited.....
If she does testify we won’t learn anything about the claim. Just hysterical bullshit.
Here is a wager....

How long into her testimony will she start to cry?

In her opening statement she'll play up that she never wanted all of this :crybaby: and she wanted to remain anonymous but she felt she had to stand up for all women :blahblah:, she'll tell her :eusa_liar: story of what happened and how it has effected her every day :206: she'll then go into how hard it has been for her to come forward and the death threats :boo_hoo14:and how she will never have a normal life :eusa_boohoo:...
I hope republicans don't screw this up by not asking Ford challenging questions, because we know democrats are going to be out for blood in questioning Kavanaugh. I do wonder if we will see a repeat of democrats stall tactic before the first question is asked calling for an FBI investigation before proceeding and whatever other stalling nonsense they can come up with.
I don't think you get it. It won't matter what they ask.

The republicans from the beginning have opened their arms to her. Saying they will even come there to listen.

Very engaging and even when they did that, the fat pathetic left wing American women told them to shut up.

They even played it as though the republicans did not offer everything and their sheep still bought it, even though the exact opposite was true.

Ford's new demand was so outrageous, even Mika Brzezinski defended Republicans. (Which means hell basically froze over.) NTK Network:

"I guess some could argue, and some Republicans could argue, this is moving the goal post and it’s moving the goal post in an impossible direction," Brzezinski said. "There are statutes of limitations for a reason. So we need to hear from her. That’s why everybody is open to hearing from a woman."

"But if she doesn’t want to speak, if she doesn’t want to testify, you have to wonder what the Republicans are supposed to do except demand a vote," Brzezinski added. "This is something that happened in high school. This is going to need her voice. There’s no other way around it. No one can do it for her."

Watch the video that for some strange reason is not on YouTube and I had a hard time finding that on Google.

The Morning Briefing: Claire McCaskill, Kavanaugh, and Much More More
I hope republicans don't screw this up by not asking Ford challenging questions, because we know democrats are going to be out for blood in questioning Kavanaugh. I do wonder if we will see a repeat of democrats stall tactic before the first question is asked calling for an FBI investigation before proceeding and whatever other stalling nonsense they can come up with.
I don't think you get it. It won't matter what they ask.

The republicans from the beginning have opened their arms to her. Saying they will even come there to listen.

Very engaging and even when they did that, the fat pathetic left wing American women told them to shut up.

They even played it as though the republicans did not offer everything and their sheep still bought it, even though the exact opposite was true.

Ford's new demand was so outrageous, even Mika Brzezinski defended Republicans. (Which means hell basically froze over.) NTK Network:

"I guess some could argue, and some Republicans could argue, this is moving the goal post and it’s moving the goal post in an impossible direction," Brzezinski said. "There are statutes of limitations for a reason. So we need to hear from her. That’s why everybody is open to hearing from a woman."

"But if she doesn’t want to speak, if she doesn’t want to testify, you have to wonder what the Republicans are supposed to do except demand a vote," Brzezinski added. "This is something that happened in high school. This is going to need her voice. There’s no other way around it. No one can do it for her."

Watch the video that for some strange reason is not on YouTube and I had a hard time finding that on Google.

The Morning Briefing: Claire McCaskill, Kavanaugh, and Much More More

Oh I get it and I agree with you on the republicans are making a mistake by continuing to give into her demands.
Grassley should have stop making accommodation as soon as they asked for BK to testify first. Pretty much everyone agreed that was not a good faith demand. Grassley should have said he was scheduling the time for Monday at 10 am if Ford shows up we will proceed if she doesn't show up by 10:30 the meeting will be called and we will proceed to vote.

We know this is all being done by Grassley because he needs to accommodate a few votes. If she is not asked challenging questions for fear of optics it will make it harder to get those votes.

Personally I think democrats are making a mistake with this stunt Kavanaugh is not Roy Moore. This is not going to win over women who are undecided.
:eek-52: :lalala: :th_panties: Most of us will probably guess that which ever republican senator goes first, that he will ask Christine for the date of the alleged rape, right?
But what if a Democrat Senator goes first, god, anyone wanna guess what their first question will be?
If you guys reply, lets do this.
What will be the first question asked by the Democrat
and...What will be the first question asked by the Republican.
Serious and Comical answers please !
:spank: :aargh: :hyper: :laugh2:

The first question that a Republican needs to ask is about Ms. Ford's connection with Di Fi, Chuck U. Schumer and other Democrat Party activists. Get a timeline on this, find out how she really knows them.

I wouldn't ask anything about the phony allegations at all.
This is a stall tactic, as proven by Diane Feinstein sitting on it for 7 fucking weeks.

It’s insulting that people are pretend to take this seriously.

How would the FBI investigation go, exactly?

She doesn’t know where or when, but 36 years ago, Kavanaugh forced himself on her at a party.

We need Jean Claude Van Dame to TIMECOP this shit.

All three people cited as witnesses say she is lying.....even her best friend, a democrat.
Not just a democrat but Bob Beckles ex wife.

I don’t think she will testify at all.

I still think she will testify....she has nothing to lose and everything to gain......the last 2 weeks they have been coaching her on how to cry on demand..... if she can get the water works going under questioning, she will get the democrat sheep all excited.....
If she does testify we won’t learn anything about the claim. Just
The Republicans should remove Kavanaugh's nomination as payback for Merrick Garland.
Fuck Garland.
I hope republicans don't screw this up by not asking Ford challenging questions, because we know democrats are going to be out for blood in questioning Kavanaugh. I do wonder if we will see a repeat of democrats stall tactic before the first question is asked calling for an FBI investigation before proceeding and whatever other stalling nonsense they can come up with.
I don't think you get it. It won't matter what they ask.

The republicans from the beginning have opened their arms to her. Saying they will even come there to listen.

Very engaging and even when they did that, the fat pathetic left wing American women told them to shut up.

They even played it as though the republicans did not offer everything and their sheep still bought it, even though the exact opposite was true.

Ford's new demand was so outrageous, even Mika Brzezinski defended Republicans. (Which means hell basically froze over.) NTK Network:

"I guess some could argue, and some Republicans could argue, this is moving the goal post and it’s moving the goal post in an impossible direction," Brzezinski said. "There are statutes of limitations for a reason. So we need to hear from her. That’s why everybody is open to hearing from a woman."

"But if she doesn’t want to speak, if she doesn’t want to testify, you have to wonder what the Republicans are supposed to do except demand a vote," Brzezinski added. "This is something that happened in high school. This is going to need her voice. There’s no other way around it. No one can do it for her."

Watch the video that for some strange reason is not on YouTube and I had a hard time finding that on Google.

The Morning Briefing: Claire McCaskill, Kavanaugh, and Much More More

Oh I get it and I agree with you on the republicans are making a mistake by continuing to give into her demands.
Grassley should have stop making accommodation as soon as they asked for BK to testify first. Pretty much everyone agreed that was not a good faith demand. Grassley should have said he was scheduling the time for Monday at 10 am if Ford shows up we will proceed if she doesn't show up by 10:30 the meeting will be called and we will proceed to vote.

We know this is all being done by Grassley because he needs to accommodate a few votes. If she is not asked challenging questions for fear of optics it will make it harder to get those votes.

Personally I think democrats are making a mistake with this stunt Kavanaugh is not Roy Moore. This is not going to win over women who are undecided.
Playing victim is all they do. I would not say it is a mistake. It is deliberate lying, which is different than a mistake. It is using emotional appeal to gain public support.

What we are seeing is exactly why we were never supposed to be a democracy. Democracy is another word for mob rule. It is why you see the left yell for POPULAR VOTE POPULAR VOTE. Democracy does not appear in the Constitution or Declaration of Independence. That is for a reason and the reason was precisely for these devilish tactics. Also,.voting was never supposed to be a right. That, is also for a reason and it is precisely to guard against the tactics.

We are conditioned and brainwashed.
:eek-52: :lalala: :th_panties: Most of us will probably guess that which ever republican senator goes first, that he will ask Christine for the date of the alleged rape, right?
But what if a Democrat Senator goes first, god, anyone wanna guess what their first question will be?
If you guys reply, lets do this.
What will be the first question asked by the Democrat
and...What will be the first question asked by the Republican.
Serious and Comical answers please !
:spank: :aargh: :hyper: :laugh2:
The first question what is your name. If she remembers

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