So What Will Be The First Question Asked Of Christine Ford. Any Predictions If There Is A Hearing?

:eek-52: :lalala: :th_panties: Most of us will probably guess that which ever republican senator goes first, that he will ask Christine for the date of the alleged rape, right?
But what if a Democrat Senator goes first, god, anyone wanna guess what their first question will be?
If you guys reply, lets do this.
What will be the first question asked by the Democrat
and...What will be the first question asked by the Republican.
Serious and Comical answers please !
:spank: :aargh: :hyper: :laugh2:

The first thing they will do is speechify.......and make statements against the process and how unfair it is....that will be the first thing they will do....she will wait for her opportunity to start the water works for the cameras...she has been practicing that since the process began....
This is a stall tactic, as proven by Diane Feinstein sitting on it for 7 fucking weeks.

It’s insulting that people are pretend to take this seriously.

How would the FBI investigation go, exactly?

She doesn’t know where or when, but 36 years ago, Kavanaugh forced himself on her at a party.

We need Jean Claude Van Dame to TIMECOP this shit.

All three people cited as witnesses say she is lying.....even her best friend, a democrat.
"Ms Ford -- how does your present bank account compare to the one you had before deciding to come forward with your accounts of an event so utterly traumatizing to you that you cannot recall a single thing about it?"

Yes...she is about to become the first #metoo millionaire.
I would like to know about her allegation that "they' turned the music up in the bedroom to drown out her cries. If neither boy lived in the home it doesn't make sense that they would turn on music in someone else's bedroom if they were trying not to be noticed. Particularly if there were so few people at the party.

That is an important point.......... what radio was in the bedroom? If I remember correctly, there was no Itunes, or Alexa.......... it would have had to be an actual, old school radio of some sort........
Mrs. Ford ...........why did you go into a bedroom with 2 boys in the first place at a drunken party?

Did you drink and how much?

Where you known as an easy score in High School?

Do you donate to the DNC and it's cause?

Did you state that someone should accuse the last Supreme court nominee of Rape?

How did you get locked into a bed room when all locks back then and even now are locked from the inside of the room????

Have you ever been stuck in a car because someone locked you in it?

Are you Polish?
He’s already had his reputation tarnished by the accusation...

I respectfully disagree. This actually exposed the insanity and anti-White hatred of all democrats and most TDS victims and the anti-White MSM once again. It is reminder to law abiding American citizens of what we are up against and to vote to get bizarre weirdos (democrats) the hell out of office.

Yep....anyone who thought they would sit out because they don't like Trump better think twice. If they win the House, they will impeach Trump, and now they will impeach Kavanaugh, and they don't care if they don't have enough votes in the Senate, and they don't care what the polls will say about it...

If they impeach Trump, then the Senate democrats will pressure Never Trump/scumbag Republicans and weak, coward republicans, like collins and murkasky, to not confirm anymore appointees from Trump......including when ginsburg finally assumes room temperature......

If you want an actual Supreme Court, and actual judges on lower better go out and vote, and vote out every democrat you can vote against. The absolute, only way to even try to stop this democrat party insanity is to make them lose so many seats in congress that their cowards will not even think about doing this again......
:eek-52: :lalala: :th_panties: Most of us will probably guess that which ever republican senator goes first, that he will ask Christine for the date of the alleged rape, right?
But what if a Democrat Senator goes first, god, anyone wanna guess what their first question will be?
If you guys reply, lets do this.
What will be the first question asked by the Democrat
and...What will be the first question asked by the Republican.
Serious and Comical answers please !
:spank: :aargh: :hyper: :laugh2:

And here we have the big issue.....

And Then There Was One . . . | National Review

Well, we seem to have hit a brick wall. All four of the people named by Kavanaugh’s accuser have now given their accounts to the Senate. And all four of them have said either that Kavanaugh is innocent of all charges, or that they have no recollection of his doing anything — anything — wrong. Put as simply as can be, there is nothing in the testimony of any of the named witnesses that corroborates, supports, or even implies Dr. Ford’s allegations. Of the five people who were supposedly at the party, only the accuser has suggested misconduct.

Stranger still, Dr. Ford remains the only person within the saga who has not subjected herself to an oath. In various forms, everyone else has given written information that, if false, can lead to serious punishment. Dr. Ford has not — and, as of this writing, she is still doing everything she can to avoid changing that.
:eek-52: :lalala: :th_panties: Most of us will probably guess that which ever republican senator goes first, that he will ask Christine for the date of the alleged rape, right?
But what if a Democrat Senator goes first, god, anyone wanna guess what their first question will be?
If you guys reply, lets do this.
What will be the first question asked by the Democrat
and...What will be the first question asked by the Republican.
Serious and Comical answers please !
:spank: :aargh: :hyper: :laugh2:
There will be no hearing. Ford is a loose cannon. She will make a terrible witness and end up making the dems look foolish.

The point was only to delay. She will try to make excuses and demand more time.

They should move forward with a vote and ignore this crazy bitch.
Miss Ford, would you say that during the 80's that when teen girls go to these "House Partys" they generally expect to be drinking alcoholic beverages right through 1 or 2 oclock in the morning?
Miss Ford, are you a scorned woman because this one guy did not have sex with you, like the other 50+ guys did?
:eek-52: :lalala: :th_panties: Most of us will probably guess that which ever republican senator goes first, that he will ask Christine for the date of the alleged rape, right?
But what if a Democrat Senator goes first, god, anyone wanna guess what their first question will be?
If you guys reply, lets do this.
What will be the first question asked by the Democrat
and...What will be the first question asked by the Republican.
Serious and Comical answers please !
:spank: :aargh: :hyper: :laugh2:
"Why should we trust a liberal slut like you?"
This is a stall tactic, as proven by Diane Feinstein sitting on it for 7 fucking weeks.

It’s insulting that people are pretend to take this seriously.

How would the FBI investigation go, exactly?

She doesn’t know where or when, but 36 years ago, Kavanaugh forced himself on her at a party.

We need Jean Claude Van Dame to TIMECOP this shit.

All three people cited as witnesses say she is lying.....even her best friend, a democrat.
Not just a democrat but Bob Beckles ex wife.

I don’t think she will testify at all.
This is a stall tactic, as proven by Diane Feinstein sitting on it for 7 fucking weeks.

It’s insulting that people are pretend to take this seriously.

How would the FBI investigation go, exactly?

She doesn’t know where or when, but 36 years ago, Kavanaugh forced himself on her at a party.

We need Jean Claude Van Dame to TIMECOP this shit.

All three people cited as witnesses say she is lying.....even her best friend, a democrat.
Not just a democrat but Bob Beckles ex wife.

I don’t think she will testify at all.

I still think she will testify....she has nothing to lose and everything to gain......the last 2 weeks they have been coaching her on how to cry on demand..... if she can get the water works going under questioning, she will get the democrat sheep all excited.....
I can’t believe we are doing this because the Pubs are scared of the far left.

What a joke.

It’s like I am watching House of Cards. This entire thing is pathetic.

Again, Harry Reid would NOT stand for this shit, he would put the vote through. That motherscratcher lied about Romney’s tax returns on the senate floor just to make sure Obama got re-elected, THEN FUCKING ADMITTED HE LIED AND SAID “Romney didn’t win, did he?”

It’s time for Pubs to take off the gloves and play the same games by the same rules.
I can’t believe we are doing this because the Pubs are scared of the far left.

What a joke.

It’s like I am watching House of Cards. This entire thing is pathetic.

Again, Harry Reid would NOT stand for this shit, he would put the vote through. That motherscratcher lied about Romney’s tax returns on the senate floor just to make sure Obama got re-elected, THEN FUCKING ADMITTED HE LIED AND SAID “Romney didn’t win, did he?”

It’s time for Pubs to take off the gloves and play the same games by the same rules.

Trump is teaching the next generation of Republicans that they don't have to be afraid of the press...sadly, too many Republicans on the committee are old republicans, who are afraid of their own shadow and cling to "tradition" in order to mollify their own feelings of weakness.....

Sadly, while Trump is in office we have to give him as many republicans in the house and senate as possible, if only to keep the democrats from impeaching him and Kavanaugh, and with the way the democrats are acting, maybe even protecting Thomas...... then, if there are enough republicans, they can continue to confirm his Supreme Court appointees....especially after ginsburg ends her reign......if you think Kavanaugh's process was bad...wait till ginsburg leaves....
This is a stall tactic, as proven by Diane Feinstein sitting on it for 7 fucking weeks.

It’s insulting that people are pretend to take this seriously.

How would the FBI investigation go, exactly?

She doesn’t know where or when, but 36 years ago, Kavanaugh forced himself on her at a party.

We need Jean Claude Van Dame to TIMECOP this shit.

All three people cited as witnesses say she is lying.....even her best friend, a democrat.
Not just a democrat but Bob Beckles ex wife.

I don’t think she will testify at all.
Miss Ford, why do your eyes twitch and knees shake every time you attempt to answer a simple question regarding this case?
:eek-52: :lalala: :th_panties: Most of us will probably guess that which ever republican senator goes first, that he will ask Christine for the date of the alleged rape, right?
But what if a Democrat Senator goes first, god, anyone wanna guess what their first question will be?
If you guys reply, lets do this.
What will be the first question asked by the Democrat
and...What will be the first question asked by the Republican.
Serious and Comical answers please !
:spank: :aargh: :hyper: :laugh2:
The first question...? It'll be ," If this was so important; why didn't you show up"?

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