So What Will Be The First Question Asked Of Christine Ford. Any Predictions If There Is A Hearing?

You mean someone who follows the Constitution? No one is surprised you object to that.
Know he doesn't follow the Constitution. He rules in favor of corporate America every time out. He is never for average Americans. He's a corporate piece of shit and his logic in his rulings are irrational. Like saying the ruling on Nixon was wrong.
Where oh where is Ford? Is her motorhome about halfway across America by now?
Ford's lawyers asked for the delay so Ford could drive instead of flying.
Wait until Grassley finds out Ford took a Soros paid for Gulfstream to Washington.
Anyway it's a moot point now.
As I have predicted Ford will NEVER show up on Thursday for the hearing.
Her bull dyke lawyer and Andy McCabe's lawyer are already making more demands from Grassley.
Grassley: "I see Dr. Ford is not in attendance this morning. This hearing is now closed".
Mz Ford, would you say that Joe Biden is a perfectly normal person who has never felt up anyone?
:eek-52: :lalala: :th_panties: Most of us will probably guess that which ever republican senator goes first, that he will ask Christine for the date of the alleged rape, right?
But what if a Democrat Senator goes first, god, anyone wanna guess what their first question will be?
If you guys reply, lets do this.
What will be the first question asked by the Democrat
and...What will be the first question asked by the Republican.
Serious and Comical answers please !
:spank: :aargh: :hyper: :laugh2:

The Republicans are very aware of the optics. They will likely be respectful and polite.
i still havent come up with a question I would like to ask her first.
You mean after the Democratic members spend a couple hours telling the world that she's braver than Joan of Arc and a true American hero who must be believed no matter how absurd her explanations are?
i still havent come up with a question I would like to ask her first.
You mean after the Democratic members spend a couple hours telling the world that she's braver than Joan of Arc and a true American hero who must be believed no matter how absurd her explanations are?

The last thing republicans want to do is provide ammo of old white guys attacking Chrstine Ford. The optics would horrid.

They will be respectful and polite.

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