So what will be the legacy of Joe Biden?

Sadly, he will be remembered first for his infirmity, with his years long accomplishments second.
First off, he didn't "defeat" Covid. The once in a hundred year pandemic ran it's course.

Second, his legacy will include, the man who invited the third-world to flood America.

"I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border."
Built a global coalition to support Ukraine
Defeated COVID
Passed a historic infrastructure bill
Brought back a depressed economy with US strongest in the world
16 million jobs, Strong GDP
Passed environmental legislation and green energy
He will be recognized as one of the most incompetent, corrupt, vain, and illegally installed "presidents" in the history of the Republic.
Built a global coalition to support Ukraine
Defeated COVID
Passed a historic infrastructure bill
Brought back a depressed economy with US strongest in the world
16 million jobs, Strong GDP
Passed environmental legislation and green energy
Defeated a treasonous insurrectionist President easily by 7 million votes.
Built a global coalition to support Ukraine
Defeated COVID
Passed a historic infrastructure bill
Brought back a depressed economy with US strongest in the world
16 million jobs, Strong GDP
Passed environmental legislation and green energy

Gotta stop you at the first line. Had Biden been a world leader , the invasion of Ikraine never would have happened.

Putin massed troops for Months all while gaging our reaction. Yeah sure, give credit to Biden for Reacting after the fact. There was no choice.

He did t have what it took to make Putin back down
Built a global coalition to support Ukraine
Defeated COVID
Passed a historic infrastructure bill
Brought back a depressed economy with US strongest in the world
16 million jobs, Strong GDP
Passed environmental legislation and green energy
Lamest president since FDR
The beauty in all this is all these unhinged Trump haters say they would vote a dog just to sabotage MAGA. Now we see a president who truly ruined things being given the door LOL it's clear the OP cannot understand they would have taken another 4 years of crooked joe stumbling around some more. But they know his regime is truly not favored. Time to get desperate LOLOLOL that debate put him to bed.
Built a global coalition to support Ukraine
Defeated COVID
Passed a historic infrastructure bill
Brought back a depressed economy with US strongest in the world
16 million jobs, Strong GDP
Passed environmental legislation and green energy
All of those are amazing achievements, and compare them to the lack of achievements of 4 years of Donald Trump, the difference is staggering.
Built a global coalition to support Ukraine
Defeated COVID
Passed a historic infrastructure bill
Brought back a depressed economy with US strongest in the world
16 million jobs, Strong GDP
Passed environmental legislation and green energy
HAHAHAHA. No Bidens legacy will be:

Pathological Liar
Girl Sniffer
Fossil Fuel ender
Green Energy Pusher
Xi Jinping puppet
Border destructor
Sellout to hostile Foreign Countries
Afghanistan disaster
Built a global coalition to support Ukraine
Defeated COVID
Passed a historic infrastructure bill
Brought back a depressed economy with US strongest in the world
16 million jobs, Strong GDP
Passed environmental legislation and green energy
1. Tons of policy that caused massive Inflation that is crushing the middle class
2. The Afghanistan debacle pullout where he gave money and weapons to terrorists
3. The Border crisis that is getting children trafficked, people murdered, and taking resources from tax payers
4. Inner city crime spikes and murder rates because of his Nominating of radical Soros judges and prosecutors
5. Collaborating with tech giants to censor conservative speech
6. Picking a VP and SCOTUS judge based on their race and sex, not on their merit. Promoting DEI, and being a soft bigot and racist/sexist to black peoples and women
7. The Hunter Biden laptop that exposed his family corruption, and his deep state which suppressed it to get him elected in 2020
8. Being wrong on nearly everything to do with COVID: masks, schools, etc. also, trying to get medical professionals fired if they didn’t get vaccinated
9. Demonizing half the country most of the time, and constantly making radical exaggerated claims that contributed to the hot temperature which produced the attempted assassination of Trump.
10. Being cognitively delayed, and having his party and the media lie to the American public for years about his condition.
11. Having a tragic immoral son who escaped accountability by using his fathers power
12. Being exploited by foreign powers because of his weakness and tolerance/support
for immoral regimes… such as Russia, China, and Iran
13. His incitement of the Ukraine war, and printing billions to fund it, causing massive inflation
14. His participation in uncountable lies like Russian collusion, “very fine people”, etc.
15. His odd sniffing and grabbing of women and children
16. His sexual assault accusations that the media suppressed.
17. His stuttering, nonsensical gaffes that would be comedic if they weren’t so tragic
18. Supporting children being mutilated and confused; victims as lab rats of LGBTQ indoctrination which cause spikes in depression and suicide
19. Installing DOJ operatives into courts to attempt to jail his political opponent
20. Weaponizing the DOJ to attack his opponents and let him and his party off the hook for clear crimes
21. Participating in trashing the SCOTUS because it didn’t agree with his ideology

He was divisive, dishonest, abused power, harmed everyone..

He won’t be remembered well

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