So, what will the left do when Romney wins?


VIP Member
Jul 1, 2012
If Obama wins re-election, the right will just say damn and go to work the next day. The right will try and figure out how they can survive the next four years and put away their money for the coming crisis that will be Obama and the left trying to take it.

If Romney wins, Democrats will go to work the next day and hope that they can beat President Romney in 2016.

The others, being Liberals, Progressives, Socialists and Communists will sit at home wondering why they have to go to work. They will make phone calls about organizing riots and how they can stop the United States from working. Then after about an hour, they will get bored, fire up the bong and pray mom and dad don't kick them out of the basement.
Personally I will just except him as my president. I'm an American and I did not vote for Romney but if he should win, I would just hope he does the right thing for the country. I wish him all the luck in the world. After all if he does well then we all do well. I don't like Romney, but if he is my president then so be it. I will give him the respect the office of president deserves. To wish him bad means to wish the country bad. I love my country more than I dislike Romney. Oh and I hope the democrats will not put making him a 1 term president above the well being of the American people and work with him to get things done. Hopefully I won't have to worry about any of this.
If Obammy wins I'm going to vote with my wallet till the next election.
And I encourage all Republicans to do the same.
I wont spend money unless I absolutely have to. I would encourage business owners to cease all hiring.(which will happen anyway with Obammy's policies)
If the Dems can use Union thugs to thwart business I dont have a problem with Conservatives fighting back in kind.
I'm sick and tired of the class warfare the dems use. I say it's time to fight back with dirty tricks just like the dems.

If Romney wins? I go buy that new truck I've been eyeing. Replace my three A/C and heating units, go ahead and get the house re roofed,do a re model in the kitchen.
That would have a huge impact on the economy if all Conservatives did the same.
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Progressives are going to have to figure out how to pay for their own cellphone because the economy will be so robust that even they will be employed...scary, I know
Personally I will just except him as my president. I'm an American and I did not vote for Romney but if he should win, I would just hope he does the right thing for the country. I wish him all the luck in the world. After all if he does well then we all do well. I don't like Romney, but if he is my president then so be it. I will give him the respect the office of president deserves. To wish him bad means to wish the country bad. I love my country more than I dislike Romney. Oh and I hope the democrats will not put making him a 1 term president above the well being of the American people and work with him to get things done. Hopefully I won't have to worry about any of this.

First off....your absofuckinglutely ridiculous comments aside...I will do exactly what I have done for the last 33 years of my life.....Go to work, do my job, love my family and friends....and play in my blues trio as much as family commitments and gig availability will allow.
When Romney wins, there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth among the libtards in here. There will be accusations that the GOP cheated... threats of lawsuits... threats of non-cooperation by the Democrats (Reid's already started that).
If Obammy wins I'm going to vote with my wallet till the next election.
And I encourage all Republicans to do the same.
I wont spend money unless I absolutely have to. I would encourage business owners to cease all hiring.(which will happen anyway with Obammy's policies)
If the Dems can use Union thugs to thwart business I dont have a problem with Conservatives fighting back in kind.
I'm sick and tired of the class warfare the dems use. I say it's time to fight back with dirty tricks just like the dems.

That's the spirit....fuck the country because you don't like the president.....then blame him....great plan....if you hate your country.
It will be funny as hell, all the protest groups will come back, like code Pink, NOW, NAACP, PETA, ACTUP, QUEER NATION, Earth First, exct......and they'll blame everything on Romney, every hurricane, tornado, and they will protest, protest, protest.....and they will say some crazy ass's like clockwork
If Obammy wins I'm going to vote with my wallet till the next election.
And I encourage all Republicans to do the same.
I wont spend money unless I absolutely have to. I would encourage business owners to cease all hiring.(which will happen anyway with Obammy's policies)
If the Dems can use Union thugs to thwart business I dont have a problem with Conservatives fighting back in kind.
I'm sick and tired of the class warfare the dems use. I say it's time to fight back with dirty tricks just like the dems.

That's the spirit....fuck the country because you don't like the president.....then blame him....great plan....if you hate your country.

we wont have any money to you can blame Obama....he likes high gas prices and wants everyone to take public transportation (except the rich liberals of course...they can have huge carbon footprints, but not the little guy!)
If Obammy wins I'm going to vote with my wallet till the next election.
And I encourage all Republicans to do the same.
I wont spend money unless I absolutely have to. I would encourage business owners to cease all hiring.(which will happen anyway with Obammy's policies)
If the Dems can use Union thugs to thwart business I dont have a problem with Conservatives fighting back in kind.
I'm sick and tired of the class warfare the dems use. I say it's time to fight back with dirty tricks just like the dems.

If Romney wins? I go buy that new truck I've been eyeing. Replace my three A/C and heating units, go ahead and get the house re roofed,do a re model in the kitchen.
That would have a huge impact on the economy if all Conservatives did the same.

It's a rare lemon that doesn't make someone's lemonade. As far as I can tell with my exploratory inquiries, business owners aren't as interested in simply not hiring as they are interested in taking that business to more business friendly climate. If obama wins, you will see an exodus of business and investment that you have never seen before.
No matter who wins, this country has HARD choices coming and we HAVE to work together to get them resolved or we all LOSE.
If Obammy wins I'm going to vote with my wallet till the next election.
And I encourage all Republicans to do the same.
I wont spend money unless I absolutely have to. I would encourage business owners to cease all hiring.(which will happen anyway with Obammy's policies)
If the Dems can use Union thugs to thwart business I dont have a problem with Conservatives fighting back in kind.
I'm sick and tired of the class warfare the dems use. I say it's time to fight back with dirty tricks just like the dems.

That's the spirit....fuck the country because you don't like the president.....then blame him....great plan....if you hate your country.

Tell that to Harry Reid, who has already promised not to cooperate with a Romney White House.
If Obammy wins I'm going to vote with my wallet till the next election.
And I encourage all Republicans to do the same.
I wont spend money unless I absolutely have to. I would encourage business owners to cease all hiring.(which will happen anyway with Obammy's policies)
If the Dems can use Union thugs to thwart business I dont have a problem with Conservatives fighting back in kind.
I'm sick and tired of the class warfare the dems use. I say it's time to fight back with dirty tricks just like the dems.

That's the spirit....fuck the country because you don't like the president.....then blame him....great plan....if you hate your country.

Like Obammy hasn't been fucking this country for the last four years?
Dems use Unions and welfare votes to buy elections on a regular basis. Why cant I do the same?
And sometimes you have to suffer a little to get your country back on the right track.
And the way I see it....dems dont give a fuck about small business owners and the people who make this country grow. Why should I give a fuck about some dumb ass lib who votes for more welfare?
If Obammy wins I'm going to vote with my wallet till the next election.
And I encourage all Republicans to do the same.
I wont spend money unless I absolutely have to. I would encourage business owners to cease all hiring.(which will happen anyway with Obammy's policies)
If the Dems can use Union thugs to thwart business I dont have a problem with Conservatives fighting back in kind.
I'm sick and tired of the class warfare the dems use. I say it's time to fight back with dirty tricks just like the dems.

That's the spirit....fuck the country because you don't like the president.....then blame him....great plan....if you hate your country.

we wont have any money to you can blame Obama....he likes high gas prices and wants everyone to take public transportation (except the rich liberals of course...they can have huge carbon footprints, but not the little guy!)

If you guys get your way, people will be living in company housing, working for company scrip, only to be used in company stores for all their a huge markup, ensuring that when the working member dies, that the rest of the family will be indebted to the company and their kids will have to slave away for the rest of their lives too. If there's no one left to work....they kick the family out of the company town with nothing.

This was what Pennsylvania Coal Mining was back in the day.

If you want to go to will I.
If Obama wins re-election, the right will just say damn and go to work the next day. The right will try and figure out how they can survive the next four years and put away their money for the coming crisis that will be Obama and the left trying to take it.

My money has been in the recovering market, making big returns.

You dopes can stuff your weekly paychecks in your mattresses and buy more ammo.

Meanwhile the rest of us are getting rich of the recovering economy.
If Obammy wins I'm going to vote with my wallet till the next election.
And I encourage all Republicans to do the same.
I wont spend money unless I absolutely have to. I would encourage business owners to cease all hiring.(which will happen anyway with Obammy's policies)
If the Dems can use Union thugs to thwart business I dont have a problem with Conservatives fighting back in kind.
I'm sick and tired of the class warfare the dems use. I say it's time to fight back with dirty tricks just like the dems.

That's the spirit....fuck the country because you don't like the president.....then blame him....great plan....if you hate your country.

Like Obammy hasn't been fucking this country for the last four years?
Dems use Unions and welfare votes to buy elections on a regular basis. Why cant I do the same?
And sometimes you have to suffer a little to get your country back on the right track.
And the way I see it....dems dont give a fuck about small business owners and the people who make this country grow. Why should I give a fuck about some dumb ass lib who votes for more welfare?

Bullshit....unions are all but dead in the private sector, your own policies screwed the workforce and put working people in the position to have to accept food stamps to survive, and have fucked small business in favor of huge multinationals who have the power and money to influence policy.

You're brainwashed.
If Obammy wins I'm going to vote with my wallet till the next election.
And I encourage all Republicans to do the same.
I wont spend money unless I absolutely have to. I would encourage business owners to cease all hiring.(which will happen anyway with Obammy's policies)
If the Dems can use Union thugs to thwart business I dont have a problem with Conservatives fighting back in kind.
I'm sick and tired of the class warfare the dems use. I say it's time to fight back with dirty tricks just like the dems.

That's the spirit....fuck the country because you don't like the president.....then blame him....great plan....if you hate your country.

Like Obammy hasn't been fucking this country for the last four years?
Dems use Unions and welfare votes to buy elections on a regular basis. Why cant I do the same?
And sometimes you have to suffer a little to get your country back on the right track.
And the way I see it....dems dont give a fuck about small business owners and the people who make this country grow. Why should I give a fuck about some dumb ass lib who votes for more welfare?

Let's see in 2008
The country was hemorrhaging to the tune of 800,000 a month
The housing market crashed
Stock market crashed
The banks were crashing
The deficit was almost $2 trillion
We were in 2 wars

In 2012
The country had the largest unemployment 6 month decline since 1984
We have 32 consecutive months of job growth
Kept the country out of a depression
GM post record profits
The housing market is coming back
The stock market is back
The deficit is $1 trillion (CUT IN HALF!!!)
The troops are home from 1 war and on their way home from the other.
Banks are lending money again
All while having an obstructionist republican party that promised not to vote for any bill this president sends through.

And the president fucked the country HOW?
That's the spirit....fuck the country because you don't like the president.....then blame him....great plan....if you hate your country.

we wont have any money to you can blame Obama....he likes high gas prices and wants everyone to take public transportation (except the rich liberals of course...they can have huge carbon footprints, but not the little guy!)

If you guys get your way, people will be living in company housing, working for company scrip, only to be used in company stores for all their a huge markup, ensuring that when the working member dies, that the rest of the family will be indebted to the company and their kids will have to slave away for the rest of their lives too. If there's no one left to work....they kick the family out of the company town with nothing.

This was what Pennsylvania Coal Mining was back in the day.

If you want to go to will I.

LOL I love how you just make shit up!

And what exactly can you do? Go to extremes? What are you going to do riot?
I see it this way. Libs are destroying America. And since you libs have no qualms about using dirty tricks why shouldnt I use my wallet to fight back?
I find it difficult to give a shit about some moron starving or living under a bridge that votes for obammy since he's the cause of the problem in the first place.

And I'll promise you this. If this country keeps going the way it is I'll be out of here and take my money with me.
Just like anyone with half a brain and a decent bank account will.
Look at Cali and NY. Business's are leaving in droves. The rest of the country will follow if we continue on this path.
You are your own worst enemy and you're to stupid to see it.
So just keep on pushing....but I'll tell you this. You aren't going to like it if the money makers and job creators get pissed. Because they hold all the cards.
we wont have any money to you can blame Obama....he likes high gas prices and wants everyone to take public transportation (except the rich liberals of course...they can have huge carbon footprints, but not the little guy!)

If you guys get your way, people will be living in company housing, working for company scrip, only to be used in company stores for all their a huge markup, ensuring that when the working member dies, that the rest of the family will be indebted to the company and their kids will have to slave away for the rest of their lives too. If there's no one left to work....they kick the family out of the company town with nothing.

This was what Pennsylvania Coal Mining was back in the day.

If you want to go to will I.

LOL I love how you just make shit up!

And what exactly can you do? Go to extremes? What are you going to do riot?
I see it this way. Libs are destroying America. And since you libs have no qualms about using dirty tricks why shouldnt I use my wallet to fight back?
I find it difficult to give a shit about some moron starving or living under a bridge that votes for obammy since he's the cause of the problem in the first place.

And I'll promise you this. If this country keeps going the way it is I'll be out of here and take my money with me.
Just like anyone with half a brain and a decent bank account will.
Look at Cali and NY. Business's are leaving in droves. The rest of the country will follow if we continue on this path.
You are your own worst enemy and you're to stupid to see it.
So just keep on pushing....but I'll tell you this. You aren't going to like it if the money makers and job creators get pissed. Because they hold all the cards.

Great....get the fuck don't care about this country or it's people anyway. That'll leave room for real Americans who aren't afraid of competition and have to resort to buying politicians to vote on policies that only serves to squash true competition, screw the workforce and wreck the economy. Good riddence.

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