So what's next week's smear against Romney Obama will pull out of his ass ?

Romney want's to take the high road, which I think is a mistake, given that Obama is in the sewer, flinging shit with both hands.

Oh, bullshit. Romney was happy to dump truckloads of shit on his fellow Republicans, and you all went back to him like battered wives...

He just knows if he tries to pull this shit on Obama, they'll call him on it. Like most bullies, you hit back and they whimper...

Yes, your little boy king in the white house is the biggest sissy ass in politics......he sees racists everywhere, fuck him.

I seen all sorts of terrible things about said about Obama... he's a muslim, he wasn't born here, he's a marxist, he's a communist. Even bad stuff said about his wife.

Someone points out Romney's business practices had horrible effects on people who worked for the companies he bought, and the guy acts like he's the one who was wrong.

I think the guy with the dead wife has a better claim.
Ryan will bitchslap you.

The worst thing for the media to do is bring Ryan on TV for debates....he is going to kick your ass like it is going out of style.

They've probably got smears on Romney to last through election day. I want them to work on Ryan now. He's thinking he is here to save the Republican party so let's see him squirm.. Maybe cry a little..
Oh, bullshit. Romney was happy to dump truckloads of shit on his fellow Republicans, and you all went back to him like battered wives...

He just knows if he tries to pull this shit on Obama, they'll call him on it. Like most bullies, you hit back and they whimper...

Yes, your little boy king in the white house is the biggest sissy ass in politics......he sees racists everywhere, fuck him.

I seen all sorts of terrible things about said about Obama... he's a muslim, he wasn't born here, he's a marxist, he's a communist. Even bad stuff said about his wife.

Someone points out Romney's business practices had horrible effects on people who worked for the companies he bought, and the guy acts like he's the one who was wrong.

I think the guy with the dead wife has a better claim.

The Bamlet is the president of the united states and he worries about somebody saying has big ears.

He is a joke and he is finished.
The Bamlet is the president of the united states and he worries about somebody saying has big ears.

He is a joke and he is finished.

I know you really need to believe that...

But he's not the one acting desperate.... that would be your boy who now doesn't want to talk about his business record or religion or much of anything else.
The Bamlet is the president of the united states and he worries about somebody saying has big ears.

He is a joke and he is finished.

I know you really need to believe that...

But he's not the one acting desperate.... that would be your boy who now doesn't want to talk about his business record or religion or much of anything else.

He was never up for the job, he is at best a academic hack.

I know you need to believe otherwise.....but it is true.

He is the one flailing about with this smear and that....and none of it is sticking,none.

The Bamlet is the president of the united states and he worries about somebody saying has big ears.

He is a joke and he is finished.

I know you really need to believe that...

But he's not the one acting desperate.... that would be your boy who now doesn't want to talk about his business record or religion or much of anything else.

He was never up for the job, he is at best a academic hack.

I know you need to believe otherwise.....but it is true.

He is the one flailing about with this smear and that....and none of it is sticking,none.


He's ahead of Romney by four points or a hundred electoral votes...

The attacks are working. People are finding out that they really don't like Romney.

And Americans don't vote for people they don't like.
I know you really need to believe that...

But he's not the one acting desperate.... that would be your boy who now doesn't want to talk about his business record or religion or much of anything else.

He was never up for the job, he is at best a academic hack.

I know you need to believe otherwise.....but it is true.

He is the one flailing about with this smear and that....and none of it is sticking,none.


He's ahead of Romney by four points or a hundred electoral votes...

The attacks are working. People are finding out that they really don't like Romney.

And Americans don't vote for people they don't like.

Obama's approval rating is still under 50%, so they don't exactly love him either.
He was never up for the job, he is at best a academic hack.

I know you need to believe otherwise.....but it is true.

He is the one flailing about with this smear and that....and none of it is sticking,none.


He's ahead of Romney by four points or a hundred electoral votes...

The attacks are working. People are finding out that they really don't like Romney.

And Americans don't vote for people they don't like.

Obama's approval rating is still under 50%, so they don't exactly love him either.

There's a difference between an approval rating and a likablility rating.

Obama's got an approval rating below 50% in SOME polls, but people like him as a person.

They don't like Romney. And the more they find out about people like Joe Soptic, they are going to like him even less.
Guy, the whole "I was too high up to know what was going on..." didn't save the Nazi at Nuremburg... not sure why it would save Romney.

"Save" him from what? You filthy, lying scumbags?

LOL, you demagogues just need to be exposed as the vermin that you are.

No, top dogs don't call the shots, but they set the tone. And no, he doesn't sweat the details, but by 2001, GS Steel had 500 MILLION in debts and liabilities. You really think Romney, who was still on paper a manager, was leaving that much money on the table to manage a tobaggan course?

He had turned the directorship over in 1999.

BTW scumbag, what does happen to companies that have 500 million in debt and no way to repay it? I mean, unless Obama takes it from the owners and uses taxpayer money to give it to his union goon buddies, that is?

They go bankrupt, idiot.

Um, yeah. I would. And they offer less good benefits than unions do. That's the point. Higher deductables, uncovered procedures, higher co-pays. All of this reduces the quality of care.


What a lying turd you are. Government workers get benefits that peasants can't even dream of.

Banks were willing to loan GS Steel 125 million initially and eventually 500 Million on the basis of the value of its assets. All on a Bain investment of 8 million. Fact is, if Bane hadn't gotten involved, these folks might have had their jobs and insurance.

So Bain could have lost a billion dollars rather than $500 million?

Damn, you demagogue scum have a plan.

Or maybe not. But Romney isn't running on other people's management skills, he's running on his own...

Which are damned good, unlike your Messiah®.

Yo fucktard, when Obama took General Motors form the owners, the stock holders, without compensation, so that he could give it to his union supporters, many of the stock holders lost their life savings. If any of those stock holders die - even 6 years down the road, then Obama is guilty of MURDER, right Herr Goebbels?
If Bain had not taken over GST Steel when would it have gone bankrupt and out of business? Since it was facing failure when Bain took it over, then Bain kept it going for years beyond its natural demise.
No, top dogs don't call the shots, but they set the tone. And no, he doesn't sweat the details, but by 2001, GS Steel had 500 MILLION in debts and liabilities. You really think Romney, who was still on paper a manager, was leaving that much money on the table to manage a tobaggan course?

He had turned the directorship over in 1999.

BTW scumbag, what does happen to companies that have 500 million in debt and no way to repay it? I mean, unless Obama takes it from the owners and uses taxpayer money to give it to his union goon buddies, that is?

They go bankrupt, idiot.


Exactly my point. Who borrowed that 500 Million with no plan to pay it back. It wasn't Joe Soptic, and it wasn't the Union. It was Bain and Mitt Romney. But instead of borrowing money to improve the equipment in the plant, they borrowed it to buy other plants in an attempt to leverage the market.

That's what made Obama's takeover of GM so sweet. The bloodsuckers had to wait in line until after they took car of the folks actually doing the work.
Exactly my point. Who borrowed that 500 Million with no plan to pay it back.

No one, you simpering retard.

The $500 million was in general obligations. This includes Accounts Payable, Bonds, Wages, Commissions, bonuses, and any other accrued liabilities.

It wasn't Joe Soptic, and it wasn't the Union. It was Bain and Mitt Romney.

Utter falsehood, hack.

But instead of borrowing money to improve the equipment in the plant, they borrowed it to buy other plants in an attempt to leverage the market.


A complete lie on your part.

That's what made Obama's takeover of GM so sweet.

That he essentially stole the assets of the stockholders using the implied force of the federal government and gave those assets to his union supporters?

Yeah, kleptocracy is real cool.

The bloodsuckers had to wait in line until after they took car of the folks actually doing the work.

So, if a painter comes and paints your house, then you should have the deed signed over to him, because he's a "worker?"

You fucking communists have a bizarre sense of reality.
OK.. What's the big Romney news for today? Romney once put his trash can out a day early, he must be destroyed.
Guy, you should really read up on GS Steel before exposing your profound ignorance.
So, you're a communist now. (post 255) . . . . . I am shocked, truly shocked :)

Doug Reese

Nope, just a guy with common sense who realizes if you send all the industry in this country to places like China, you are going to be totally boned when you need them and don't have them.

Now get back in the drawer, Sock Puppet.
Nope, just a guy with common sense who realizes if you send all the industry in this country to places like China, you are going to be totally boned when you need them and don't have them.

Now get back in the drawer, Sock Puppet.

How much industry has Obama brought back from China, Comrade Joe?


Oh, but his JOBS CZAR, Jeffery Immelt, sent a whole division of General Electric to China - part of the Obama jobs program.

You Bolsheviks sure are a stupid lot.

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