So what's next week's smear against Romney Obama will pull out of his ass ?

run, Forest, Run....
Sorry, pal, not running.

My $10,000 against your $10. What say you, keyboard commando?

Doug Reese

I'm saying it's kind of odd that you have been here all this time, and you only magically pop up when someone starts talking about Kerry being a liar....

That's just a bit too much of a co-incidence. It screams "Sock Puppet".

Let's review your stats, shall we?

Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Saigon
Posts: 18
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Rep Power: 3

Well, I'll help you with that Rep power thing in a moment, but I think every thing else here screams...

Last edited:
run, Forest, Run....
Sorry, pal, not running.

My $10,000 against your $10. What say you, keyboard commando?

Doug Reese

I'm saying it's kind of odd that you have been here all this time, and you only magically pop up when someone starts talking about Kerry being a liar....

That's just a bit too much of a co-incidence. It screams "Sock Puppet".

Let's review your stats, shall we?

Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Saigon
Posts: 18
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Rep Power: 3

Well, I'll help you with that Rep power thing in a moment, but I think every thing else here screams...

Nice try.

My name is Doug Reese. And yes, I do show up when people like you, who have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about, start running your mouth.

Now, how about that bet? Seems like a good deal to me.

Doug Reese
Sorry, pal, not running.

My $10,000 against your $10. What say you, keyboard commando?

Doug Reese

I'm saying it's kind of odd that you have been here all this time, and you only magically pop up when someone starts talking about Kerry being a liar....

That's just a bit too much of a co-incidence. It screams "Sock Puppet".

Let's review your stats, shall we?

Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Saigon
Posts: 18
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Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts
Rep Power: 3

Well, I'll help you with that Rep power thing in a moment, but I think every thing else here screams...

Nice try.

My name is Doug Reese. And yes, I do show up when people like you, who have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about, start running your mouth.

Now, how about that bet? Seems like a good deal to me.

Doug Reese

Then, seriously, you must be absolutely psychic to know which threads are going to segue on to the subject of John Kerry and his medal inflation...

Again, this thread was about Mitt Romney. So for someone who only has made all of 19 posts now, you just happen to have shown up on two threads that kerry was discussed on...
I'm saying it's kind of odd that you have been here all this time, and you only magically pop up when someone starts talking about Kerry being a liar....

That's just a bit too much of a co-incidence. It screams "Sock Puppet".

Let's review your stats, shall we?

Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Saigon
Posts: 18
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Thanked 0 Times in 0 Posts
Rep Power: 3

Well, I'll help you with that Rep power thing in a moment, but I think every thing else here screams...

Nice try.

My name is Doug Reese. And yes, I do show up when people like you, who have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about, start running your mouth.

Now, how about that bet? Seems like a good deal to me.

Doug Reese

Then, seriously, you must be absolutely psychic to know which threads are going to segue on to the subject of John Kerry and his medal inflation...

Again, this thread was about Mitt Romney. So for someone who only has made all of 19 posts now, you just happen to have shown up on two threads that kerry was discussed on...
Interesting that you don't even try to refute any of the nonsense I have called you on.

But yes, since you mentioned it, I am psychic :)

Doug Reese
Nice try.

My name is Doug Reese. And yes, I do show up when people like you, who have no idea whatsoever what you are talking about, start running your mouth.

Now, how about that bet? Seems like a good deal to me.

Doug Reese

Then, seriously, you must be absolutely psychic to know which threads are going to segue on to the subject of John Kerry and his medal inflation...

Again, this thread was about Mitt Romney. So for someone who only has made all of 19 posts now, you just happen to have shown up on two threads that kerry was discussed on...
Interesting that you don't even try to refute any of the nonsense I have called you on.

But yes, since you mentioned it, I am psychic :)

Doug Reese

Sure you are...

I'll take the testimony of men who were documented to be there in Corsi book over some clown on the internet who claims he's in "Saigon".
Then, seriously, you must be absolutely psychic to know which threads are going to segue on to the subject of John Kerry and his medal inflation...

Again, this thread was about Mitt Romney. So for someone who only has made all of 19 posts now, you just happen to have shown up on two threads that kerry was discussed on...
Interesting that you don't even try to refute any of the nonsense I have called you on.

But yes, since you mentioned it, I am psychic :)

Doug Reese

Sure you are...

I'll take the testimony of men who were documented to be there in Corsi book over some clown on the internet who claims he's in "Saigon".
Just moved back to the US last November. Before that I was indeed living in Saigon.

Out of the 25 guys who were present at the Silver Star incident, the Swift Boat Veterans for "truth" had just one guy, and he (Larry Lee) supported Kerry getting the Silver Star.

So you have no "testimony" of anyone who was there but me.

Oh, and I'm in that book too pages 82-85.

Nice try.

Doug Reese
Well, um, no, someone with that name was there, but I doubt it was you...
Well, um, no, someone with that name was there, but I doubt it was you...
Sorry to burst your bubble (again), but it was me. And I can prove it.

But then what would you do about the nonsense you've posted here -- needing guys to push the boat back into the canal, the twin-50 not being able to be used/facing away from the battle, etc?

Doug Reese
According to a speech by Romney given just now, democrats are already in Ryan's neighborhood asking his neighbors to dig up some dirt.
Well, um, no, someone with that name was there, but I doubt it was you...
Sorry to burst your bubble (again), but it was me. And I can prove it.

But then what would you do about the nonsense you've posted here -- needing guys to push the boat back into the canal, the twin-50 not being able to be used/facing away from the battle, etc?

Doug Reese

Whatever, guy. I'll take the word of people who were there...

And frankly- if you think that they were really upset Kerry got a medal, you are delusional.


I would like to talk, representing all those veterans, and say that several months ago in Detroit, we had an investigation at which over 150 honorably discharged and many very highly decorated veterans testified to war crimes committed in Southeast Asia, not isolated incidents but crimes committed on a day-to-day basis with the full awareness of officers at all levels of command....

They told the stories at times they had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam in addition to the normal ravage of war, and the normal and very particular ravaging which is done by the applied bombing power of this country.

This is what these vets were pissed off about, and rightfully so.
According to a speech by Romney given just now, democrats are already in Ryan's neighborhood asking his neighbors to dig up some dirt.

Frankly, the whole tone of Romney's campaign has gotten a bit whiny, don't you think?

Did someone not explain to him that Politics is a contact sport?
This sounds like a made to Order job for Harry Reid. I bet he has plenty of anonymous sources that can come up with something. It probably won't take longer than Monday.
"Whatever, guy. I'll take the word of people who were there... "

And who exactly is that? You don't know of anyone, except me, who was present for that incident.

And there is no one who was present who has a problem with what Kerry/the Navy has said about that incident.

Doug Reese
"Whatever, guy. I'll take the word of people who were there... "

And who exactly is that? You don't know of anyone, except me, who was present for that incident.

And there is no one who was present who has a problem with what Kerry/the Navy has said about that incident.

Doug Reese

again, you keep dodging the issue.

It wasn't the taking a medal for shooting a guy in the back...

It was the saying everyone else was a baby-raper over there... and throwing those medals away..
"Whatever, guy. I'll take the word of people who were there... "

And who exactly is that? You don't know of anyone, except me, who was present for that incident.

And there is no one who was present who has a problem with what Kerry/the Navy has said about that incident.

Doug Reese

again, you keep dodging the issue.

It wasn't the taking a medal for shooting a guy in the back...

It was the saying everyone else was a baby-raper over there... and throwing those medals away..
Dodging the issue? I think not.

The only issue I am concerned with is your falsehoods about the Silver Star incident.

I could care less about what Kerry said in 1971.

Oh, and another falsehood on your part . . . . . he didn't shoot anyone in the back that day.

Doug Reese
According to a speech by Romney given just now, democrats are already in Ryan's neighborhood asking his neighbors to dig up some dirt.

Wouldn't surprise me, the "hope and change" has turned into "rape and pillage"
"Whatever, guy. I'll take the word of people who were there... "

And who exactly is that? You don't know of anyone, except me, who was present for that incident.

And there is no one who was present who has a problem with what Kerry/the Navy has said about that incident.

Doug Reese

again, you keep dodging the issue.

It wasn't the taking a medal for shooting a guy in the back...

It was the saying everyone else was a baby-raper over there... and throwing those medals away..
Dodging the issue? I think not.

The only issue I am concerned with is your falsehoods about the Silver Star incident.

I could care less about what Kerry said in 1971.

Oh, and another falsehood on your part . . . . . he didn't shoot anyone in the back that day.

Doug Reese

Whatever, guy... so quit dancing around the issue, then.

Kerry wasn't slandered, just got his bullshit exposed.

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