So, what's the problem with Sarah Palin?

Still waiting to hear from daveman why, in a supposedly conservative country, you have to go with a non-conservative candidate to lead a conservative party.

Why don't conservatives have enough influence in your party to go with the candidate you want?
Because conservatives don't walk in lock-step.

I know you can't understand the concept that some people can think for themselves.

That is true. I personally think it is a healthy thing that we are sorting out the candidates and looking for the right fit for the office of President at this particular time in history. Not a single candidate has declared as a GOP candidate who would not make a better President than what we have and that includes Ron Paul.

If Sarah Palin had chosen to run, I would have put her near the bottom of the list of preferred candidates only because I don't think she is tough enough to stand up against the media onslaught against her family that would have been inevitable. Also the completely cruel, sexist and hateful things the leftists continually say about any conservative woman would have been unnecessary cruel for her family to bear.

But had Sarah somehow been the nominee, I would have absolutely no qualms about voting for her over Obama in the general election or anywhere, any time.
Most anyone running against the O is infinitely more qualified than he was, or ever will be. (OJT has even failed...he isn't listening, but rather campaigning on and hasn't stopped). He has shown a distaste for the office (except the perks), and an utter distain for the people and the nation as a whole as he wages war against the people for his idealism alone without regard to traditions past.
Because conservatives don't walk in lock-step.

I know you can't understand the concept that some people can think for themselves.

That is true. I personally think it is a healthy thing that we are sorting out the candidates and looking for the right fit for the office of President at this particular time in history. Not a single candidate has declared as a GOP candidate who would not make a better President than what we have and that includes Ron Paul.

If Sarah Palin had chosen to run, I would have put her near the bottom of the list of preferred candidates only because I don't think she is tough enough to stand up against the media onslaught against her family that would have been inevitable. Also the completely cruel, sexist and hateful things the leftists continually say about any conservative woman would have been unnecessary cruel for her family to bear.

But had Sarah somehow been the nominee, I would have absolutely no qualms about voting for her over Obama in the general election or anywhere, any time.
Most anyone running against the O is infinitely more qualified than he was, or ever will be. (OJT has even failed...he isn't listening, but rather campaigning on and hasn't stopped). He has shown a distaste for the office (except the perks), and an utter distain for the people and the nation as a whole as he wages war against the people for his idealism alone without regard to traditions past.

Yup. By election time, they'll argue that Obama has four years of on-the-job-training under his belt which qualifies him more than anybody running against him.

But I bet the intellectually honest will admit that they have worked with at least one employee or employer or coworker who has a lot of on-the-job-training and is still piss poor at their job. Conversely, most of us have worked with at least one person who catches on quickly, becomes productive immediately, and out shines almost everybody else.

I evaluate people by the character that they demonstrate, by what they do as opposed to what they say, and by the results they achieve. Our Fearless Leader falls short in all categories.
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That is true. I personally think it is a healthy thing that we are sorting out the candidates and looking for the right fit for the office of President at this particular time in history. Not a single candidate has declared as a GOP candidate who would not make a better President than what we have and that includes Ron Paul.

If Sarah Palin had chosen to run, I would have put her near the bottom of the list of preferred candidates only because I don't think she is tough enough to stand up against the media onslaught against her family that would have been inevitable. Also the completely cruel, sexist and hateful things the leftists continually say about any conservative woman would have been unnecessary cruel for her family to bear.

But had Sarah somehow been the nominee, I would have absolutely no qualms about voting for her over Obama in the general election or anywhere, any time.
Most anyone running against the O is infinitely more qualified than he was, or ever will be. (OJT has even failed...he isn't listening, but rather campaigning on and hasn't stopped). He has shown a distaste for the office (except the perks), and an utter distain for the people and the nation as a whole as he wages war against the people for his idealism alone without regard to traditions past.

Yup. By election time, they'll argue that Obama has four years of on-the-job-training under his belt which qualifies him more than anybody running against him.

But I bet the intellectually honest will admit that they have worked with at least one employer or employer or coworker who has a lot of on-the-job-training and is still piss poor at their job. Conversely, most of us have worked with at least one person who catches on quickly, becomes productive immediately, and out shines almost everybody else.

I evaluate people by the character that they demonstrate, by what they do as opposed to what they say, and by the results they achieve. Our Fearless Leader falls short in all categories.
I've been reassured that means you're racist.
Most anyone running against the O is infinitely more qualified than he was, or ever will be. (OJT has even failed...he isn't listening, but rather campaigning on and hasn't stopped). He has shown a distaste for the office (except the perks), and an utter distain for the people and the nation as a whole as he wages war against the people for his idealism alone without regard to traditions past.

Yup. By election time, they'll argue that Obama has four years of on-the-job-training under his belt which qualifies him more than anybody running against him.

But I bet the intellectually honest will admit that they have worked with at least one employer or employer or coworker who has a lot of on-the-job-training and is still piss poor at their job. Conversely, most of us have worked with at least one person who catches on quickly, becomes productive immediately, and out shines almost everybody else.

I evaluate people by the character that they demonstrate, by what they do as opposed to what they say, and by the results they achieve. Our Fearless Leader falls short in all categories.
I've been reassured that means you're racist.

Yup. I have also been so advised. :)
That is true. I personally think it is a healthy thing that we are sorting out the candidates and looking for the right fit for the office of President at this particular time in history. Not a single candidate has declared as a GOP candidate who would not make a better President than what we have and that includes Ron Paul.

If Sarah Palin had chosen to run, I would have put her near the bottom of the list of preferred candidates only because I don't think she is tough enough to stand up against the media onslaught against her family that would have been inevitable. Also the completely cruel, sexist and hateful things the leftists continually say about any conservative woman would have been unnecessary cruel for her family to bear.

But had Sarah somehow been the nominee, I would have absolutely no qualms about voting for her over Obama in the general election or anywhere, any time.
Most anyone running against the O is infinitely more qualified than he was, or ever will be. (OJT has even failed...he isn't listening, but rather campaigning on and hasn't stopped). He has shown a distaste for the office (except the perks), and an utter distain for the people and the nation as a whole as he wages war against the people for his idealism alone without regard to traditions past.

Yup. By election time, they'll argue that Obama has four years of on-the-job-training under his belt which qualifies him more than anybody running against him.

But I bet the intellectually honest will admit that they have worked with at least one employer or employer or coworker who has a lot of on-the-job-training and is still piss poor at their job. Conversely, most of us have worked with at least one person who catches on quickly, becomes productive immediately, and out shines almost everybody else.

I evaluate people by the character that they demonstrate, by what they do as opposed to what they say, and by the results they achieve. Our Fearless Leader falls short in all categories.

Precisely the point.

And nor does he care to learn the traditions even as he pays weak homage to past traditions. Window dressing as he plods on with his refusal to learn.

He is stuck with his imposing his ideology as the first four wsn't enough, and the people aren't yet pliable enough.

Four more to put the exclamation point upon it as he drives the final spike.

This is what he will be asking for in his re-election bid. Hasn't been able to finish what he started.
Because conservatives don't walk in lock-step.

I know you can't understand the concept that some people can think for themselves.

That is true. I personally think it is a healthy thing that we are sorting out the candidates and looking for the right fit for the office of President at this particular time in history. Not a single candidate has declared as a GOP candidate who would not make a better President than what we have and that includes Ron Paul.

If Sarah Palin had chosen to run, I would have put her near the bottom of the list of preferred candidates only because I don't think she is tough enough to stand up against the media onslaught against her family that would have been inevitable. Also the completely cruel, sexist and hateful things the leftists continually say about any conservative woman would have been unnecessary cruel for her family to bear.

But had Sarah somehow been the nominee, I would have absolutely no qualms about voting for her over Obama in the general election or anywhere, any time.
Synthia's not used to people deciding who their favored candidate is, and compromising as a whole who will best represent the entire party.

He's told who to support, and that's it. No questions asked.
The mere notion of independent thought scares the shit out of him...

Of mice and men...:eusa_whistle:
That is true. I personally think it is a healthy thing that we are sorting out the candidates and looking for the right fit for the office of President at this particular time in history. Not a single candidate has declared as a GOP candidate who would not make a better President than what we have and that includes Ron Paul.

If Sarah Palin had chosen to run, I would have put her near the bottom of the list of preferred candidates only because I don't think she is tough enough to stand up against the media onslaught against her family that would have been inevitable. Also the completely cruel, sexist and hateful things the leftists continually say about any conservative woman would have been unnecessary cruel for her family to bear.

But had Sarah somehow been the nominee, I would have absolutely no qualms about voting for her over Obama in the general election or anywhere, any time.
Synthia's not used to people deciding who their favored candidate is, and compromising as a whole who will best represent the entire party.

He's told who to support, and that's it. No questions asked.
The mere notion of independent thought scares the shit out of him...

Of mice and men...:eusa_whistle:
People fear what they can't understand.
Synthia's not used to people deciding who their favored candidate is, and compromising as a whole who will best represent the entire party.

He's told who to support, and that's it. No questions asked.
The mere notion of independent thought scares the shit out of him...

Of mice and men...:eusa_whistle:
People fear what they can't understand.
You could repeat that 1M times, and it wouldn't sink in to some, and nor would they take to time to investigate.
Still waiting to hear from daveman why, in a supposedly conservative country, you have to go with a non-conservative candidate to lead a conservative party.

Why don't conservatives have enough influence in your party to go with the candidate you want?
Because conservatives don't walk in lock-step.

I know you can't understand the concept that some people can think for themselves.

That is true.

Really? Then please come up with a response to the post right before yours.
The most liberal GOP candidate is more conservative than the leftist Obama.

I believe Obama's plans and policies are damaging to America. Why, then, wouldn't I support anyone more conservative than him?

You really are a stupid, stupid little boy.
Conservative progress by inches, then? :lol:

You were a Bushbot, because he was inches to the Right of Gore and Kerry.
Unsurprisingly, you willfully ignore all the times I criticized Bush. But leftists have a desperate need to attempt to define reality according to their fantasies.

Like a drooling idiot leftist would ever admit anything good about conservatism anyway. :lol:

Again, you're failing to take into account that conservatives can think for themselves.

That's because you can't do that for yourself.

You didn't answer the bolded question, like I predicted. :lol:

dumbass daveman said:
Don't worry - I'm not counting on an honest answer...
And of course, your definition of "honest" is "anything that agrees with me".

Sorry to disappoint you with both your desperate leftist definition AND the real one.

...and I didn't get one. Shocking! :lol:

dumbass daveman said: just take the easy way out and insult me again, earning yourself another blowjob from The T.
Oooh, leftist homophobia. THAT'S new. :cool:

Homophobia? Not at all - I wish you two lots of love and happiness! Just don't forget to give him a reach-around.

So whats wrong w/ Sara P?


.Though she's sitting out the primaries, the Alaskan warns that "all bets are off" if no candidate has enough delegates to be nominated at August's GOP convention
Here we go again: Former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin is getting supporters and detractors all riled up, telling Fox News that if the GOP goes into its August convention without a clear nominee, we "could be looking at a brokered convention" and that "all bets are off." The Alaskan polarizer referred to other dark-horse candidates "willing to offer themselves service to their country," adding ambiguously, "I would do whatever I could to help." Does that mean Palin wants the primaries to end in deadlock, with none of the four remaining candidates equipped with enough delegates to win? Here, three theories on why that may be exactly what Palin's hoping for:

1. A brokered convention would make Palin relevant again
In the "very unlikely" event of a brokered convention — in which a nominee is selected through political horse-trading and backroom deals — the GOP would be engulfed in "total chaos," says Rachel Weiner at The Washington Post. That, in theory, could be good for Palin. She has faded from view and her clout has diminished, but she likely figures that a scenario in which her name is bandied about as a potential nominee would offer her a "return to relevance." She thrives on primary voters' dissatisfaction with their current options, and the longer GOP voters fail to rally behind one candidate, "the more attention she will get as a standard-bearer for unhappy conservatives."

SEE MORE: Is Sarah Palin still a threat to Obama?

2. She still thinks she can be the nominee
"Oh man, do we feel like idiots!" says Jim Newell at Wonkette. Now we see that "lazy ol'" Palin has always wanted a brokered convention so party officials would "ask her to jump in the race" after she got to sit out the actual campaign. Yeah, "this way she didn't have to do the hard stuff like campaignin' and debatin'," says TBogg at Firedoglake. Joke if you must, says Jules Witcover at the Baltimore Sun, but "in this crazy Republican year, it seems anything is possible."

3. She legitimately wants to help her party
Palin really has something to offer if she wants to be useful, says Brandon Kiser at The Right Sphere. It pains some Republicans to say it, but she has undeniable "pull" with conservatives, and she could use it to get supporters of Newt Gingrich, say, or Rick Santorum to "coalesce" behind one candidate, even if it's an establishment candidate like Jeb Bush or Mitch Daniels. "'They may be establishment,' she'll say, 'but they're conservative — and that’s what we need to defeat Barack Obama.'" I, for one, would "like to see that speech."

Why Sarah Palin wants a brokered convention: 3 theories - Yahoo! News

She wants to tear the GOP apart in pursuit of another 15 min. of fame.
Because conservatives don't walk in lock-step.

I know you can't understand the concept that some people can think for themselves.
Who is asking them to walk in lockstep?

Let's take that: if they aren't walking in lockstep, that would mean that you have a bunch of different conservative candidates running against each other, right? because all the non-lockstep-walking conservatives are going with their own guy...right?

But that's not happening. You have no conservatives left, vying for the GOP nomination.
According to who? You?

What did I tell you about drooling idiot leftists dictating who and who isn't conservative? :lol:

No, according to you:
My definition of a conservative: Someone who supports the maximum amount of personal liberty conducive to civilized society, as free as possible from government regulation.
dumbass daveman said:
Can you explain, or are you going to pull another "synthia is demanding an answer' response to get out of actual debate? It IS your M.O.
You mean debate like "...earning yourself another blowjob from The T"?

Nah, that was just a throwaway line to get you to respond. There's plenty of substance in that post - yet you chose to ignore it, as usual.

Here it is again:

if they aren't walking in lockstep, that would mean that you have a bunch of different conservative candidates running against each other, right? because all the non-lockstep-walking conservatives are going with their own guy...right?

So - easy answer - which of the remaining four candidates is a conservative?

Can you answer that, please?

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