So when are Democrats / Liberals / Snowflakes going to .... for the resignations of D-John Conyers & D-Al Franken?

Sen. Warren Doesn't Call for Sen. Franken's Resignation

..and if Moor apologizes sincerely, like Franken did :p, does he get to stay and all if forgiven, too?


That's the thing. Moore won't even own up to knowing these 9 women. Franken owned up to something that wasn't equal to Moore's predatory activities.

This Tweeden gal ain't so innocent herself. Here she is grinding her ass into the guitarist on the same trip with Franken.

Could it be, possibly, in the regressive mind, that not owning up to knowing those women may actually mean he doesn't know them? for the resignations of D-John Conyers & D-Al Franken?

Sen. Warren Doesn't Call for Sen. Franken's Resignation

..and if Moore apologizes sincerely, like Franken did :p, does he get to stay and all if forgiven, too?

You assume Liberals care about sexual harassment and women's issues. They don't.

So all these people who showed up in DC the day after Trump's sorry-assed inauguration are Republicans?


170121142545-16-womens-march-dc-restricted-super-169.jpg for the resignations of D-John Conyers & D-Al Franken?

Sen. Warren Doesn't Call for Sen. Franken's Resignation

..and if Moore apologizes sincerely, like Franken did :p, does he get to stay and all if forgiven, too?

Is LeeAnn Tweedan a 14 year old girl? No. Did Al Franken sexually assault her? No.

Next Moron!
We don't need to hear from any moron, you suffice. You people believe everything you hear and then work like it's from Gods mouth to your ear. What a sick bunch of loser you are indeed. There is no proof Moore has done anything.
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Roy Moore has run for public office 5 times and not one word concerning his conduct. Why now?
This is "why now":

Alabama state rep: 'Someone should prosecute and go after' Roy Moore's accusers
Once that first brave woman came forward others were empowered to also tell of their sexual assault by Roy Moore, a 32 year old man. They never would have in past elections that were just Alabama stories. This is a national story and the Washington Post did exceptional work, as did for the resignations of D-John Conyers & D-Al Franken?

Sen. Warren Doesn't Call for Sen. Franken's Resignation

..and if Moore apologizes sincerely, like Franken did :p, does he get to stay and all if forgiven, too?

You assume Liberals care about sexual harassment and women's issues. They don't.

So all these people who showed up in DC the day after Trump's sorry-assed inauguration are Republicans?



LOL at the pussy hat brigade.
unwanted sexual aggression may be your thing, normal people dont like it to much.

You're right, just look at what Leena Tweeden did to poor Robin Williams here. No wonder the guy hung himself.

How Liberals are rabidly eager to demonize the GOP but rabidly defend and justify those accused within their own ranks....Moore has to go NOW, but Franken is ok to stay because he 'apologized' ... and Conyers - who used tax dollars to pay off his victim - gets to stay because....Democrats are just ignoring his scandal for now...

well, Conyors paid the woman a whopping $27K to go away. that's hardly incriminating.

Moore has to go now because he diddled kids. Franken played grabass on a USO tour where they were all playing grabass.
Latest of MANY Democrats going down due to sexual harassment, John Conyers, made this conment: "It is important to recognize that the mere allegation of sexual misconduct does not mean it is true". Funny, I never heard Democrats saying that about Roy Moore!! Karma baby... for the resignations of D-John Conyers & D-Al Franken?

Sen. Warren Doesn't Call for Sen. Franken's Resignation

..and if Moor apologizes sincerely, like Franken did :p, does he get to stay and all if forgiven, too?


That's the thing. Moore won't even own up to knowing these 9 women. Franken owned up to something that wasn't equal to Moore's predatory activities.

This Tweeden gal ain't so innocent herself. Here she is grinding her ass into the guitarist on the same trip with Franken.

Franken had no choice there was a picture, but I'm sure he would've lied about it if there wasn't proof. The way Clinton did, till the dress popped up. for the resignations of D-John Conyers & D-Al Franken?

Sen. Warren Doesn't Call for Sen. Franken's Resignation

..and if Moore apologizes sincerely, like Franken did :p, does he get to stay and all if forgiven, too?

You assume Liberals care about sexual harassment and women's issues. They don't.

So all these people who showed up in DC the day after Trump's sorry-assed inauguration are Republicans?


I figured any sane person would want to forget that nonsense. I mean pussy hats? Lol, I see you're not sane.
Roy Moore has run for public office 5 times and not one word concerning his conduct. Why now?
This is "why now":

Alabama state rep: 'Someone should prosecute and go after' Roy Moore's accusers
Once that first brave woman came forward others were empowered to also tell of their sexual assault by Roy Moore, a 32 year old man. They never would have in past elections that were just Alabama stories. This is a national story and the Washington Post did exceptional work, as did
No, they come out in almost every election. Then disappear afterwards. Liberal play book
unwanted sexual aggression may be your thing, normal people dont like it to much.

You're right, just look at what Leena Tweeden did to poor Robin Williams here. No wonder the guy hung himself.


Robin Williams had I going on, she likely wanted ass. Weird all is a good Asher up Z list actors with a rape fetish. Don’t matter, weird al got to accusation.
Robin Williams had I going on, she likely wanted ass. Weird all is a good Asher up Z list actors with a rape fetish. Don’t matter, weird al got to accusation.

Wow, that was gibberish. I know when I've nailed you to a wall when you sputter into gibberish.

Point was made, that whole USO tour was a big grab-ass party, with Ms. Tweeden being more of a grabber than a grabbee... but now she's all offended that after grabbing every ass on the tour, Franken made fun of her on the ride back.
The difference is Democrats acknowledge the act and apologize

Republicans deny, deny, deny regardless of the evidence against them
I look back at yesterday's posts by Liberals and have to laugh. Many posted how it is the GOP rallies around accused 'pervs' like Moore instead of holding them accountable....despite the fact that almost every GOP member has abandoned Moore.

I especially have to laugh when I read today's headline:

The wagons are starting to circle around Al Franken

Funny...according to snowflakes it is the GOP who protects their own...not the Liberals. Gee, another liberal lie. As I always say, if you want to know what Democrats are up to just listen to what they are accusing others of...


"Isn’t it interesting that last week, when there was one accuser, the calls for Franken to quit were loudest. Now that there’s a second accuser, they’ve begun to quiet down. You would think it’d be the opposite.

It’s almost as if the initial “Franken must go” stuff was disingenuous, a cry that was safe to make when it was most likely to go unheeded."

Now that the call for Franken to go is actually picking up traction and might actually be an option, Democrats are digging in their heels, 'circling the wagons', protecting Franken rather than sticking to their initial cry of how 'Franken must go'.

Pervs, liars, and hypocrites....

The wagons are starting to circle around Al Franken - Hot Air

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