So when Is Sexist D-Richmond Going To Apologize To Conway For His Despicable Sexist Joke?

She did look comfortable Leave it to a repub to make something innocent seem nasty
Eddie, you're so stupid you don't realize you are the only one buying your own bullshit.
Oh look, an apology...

"After a discussion with people I know and trust, I understand the way my remarks have been received by many," the Louisiana Democrat said in a statement. "I have consistently been a champion for women and women's issues, and because of that the last thing I would want to ever do is utter words that would hurt or demean them. I apologize to Kellyanne Conway and everyone who has found my comments to be offensive."

Rep. Richmond apologizes for Conway remarks -

I'd rather see & hear him say it directly instead of having a reporter say so.

Do you also wish that the Gropenfuherer apologized directly to this woman...or even issued a statement?

Why would he have to apologize when he said it to her face & she responded. Subject dropped. Trump made a statement.

The Congressman was speaking to a group at a dinner without Conway present to respond or defend herself. He was asking those present to explain that picture on the sofa & just what was going on there then said I won't tell anybody but I just want to know. VS Trump stating 'It must be a nice picture of you on your knees' Granted it was a bit sleazy, but the look she gave him shut him right up about it. He said it to her face, the Congress spoke to others behind Conways back.......YUGE difference, bigly even
Usually, when someone says, "everyone knows", they don't.
Ya, guess it's kind of like when trump says "people are saying".
Of course. It's a weasel term that means nothing and is supposed to support an unsupportable position. Accusing Kellyanne of prostitution, for example, is an unsupportable (and monumentally stupid) position.
I did not accuse her of prostitution, I said she "looked like" a street walking crack whore. One can only speculate about how she got so raggedy and worn out looking.
"Giving sexual favors to someone" in exchange for what?

I have to wonder about a mindset that thinks it's acceptable to trash a woman simply because she's associated with a politician. It's as low as those who call Michelle Obama an ape.
I don't like her because she is a traitor and a prolific liar. Plus I think she looks like a crack whore.
Misogyny is so unattractive.
So when Is Sexist D-Richmond Going To Apologize To Conway For His Despicable Sexist Joke?

People like you have made it acceptable for politicians to talk that way in public about women, because you were perfectly OK with voting for Trump after his despicable remarks. Congratulations
Pretending misogyny began with Trump after living through Bubba Clinton is a joke.
I never said it began with Trump but there's actual audio of him talking about grabbing women by the pussy and you self-righteous holier than thou conservatives had no fucking problem voting for him so excuse me while I roll my eyes and tell you to sit down and shut the fuck up
How's that working out for you? Does anyone actually shut up?
How's it working out for you to criticize a Democrat for a sexist remark after voting for and supporting a president who had said more and worse? Asshole?
I can see that no one shuts up when you throw a tantrum. Hey, try flinging some more names around. Maybe that will work.
Why would he have to apologize when he said it to her face & she responded. Subject dropped.
He DID NOT say it to her face. he made the comment in a speech he was giving...she responded to it later.

Was this a deliberate lie, or did you just get your facts wrong?
I thought being politically incorrect was all the rage these days? I guess that only applies when it's politically expedient, though.
I thought being politically incorrect was all the rage these days? I guess that only applies when it's politically expedient, though.
It still is for libs / snowflakes...
The data indicates afro americans, and therefore democrats, have troubling rapist tendencies. Most are not reported to the White Cops, since that is considered being a rat. Bringing rapists to being a "rat" to the democrat community.
I remember the so-called good old days when conservatives took a dim view of white girls who couldn't keep their legs together in a room full of black guys.

Have y'all evolved?

I remember the so-called good old days when conservatives took a dim view of white girls who couldn't keep their legs together in a room full of black guys.
I remember the good ol' days when Democrats were exposed as racist, sexist, homophobic, and anti-Semitic and continued to prove it afterwards... Oh wait - that has only been on the last 6 months or so!

It still just amazes me how a Democratic party Black caucus member can make such a sexist, crude sexual joke about a woman in such high power and yet the Democrats, women's rights groups, and media hardly bat an eye ... until the guy are finally called on the carpet for it...and even then the fact that he had to apologize was barely covered in the news. Had the offender been a Republican this would have been front page news for days, he would have been publicly shamed, and he probably would have been driven from office.
Why would he have to apologize when he said it to her face & she responded. Subject dropped.
He DID NOT say it to her face. he made the comment in a speech he was giving...she responded to it later.

Was this a deliberate lie, or did you just get your facts wrong?

No, not at all.......I was referring to the video of Trump while on the Apprentice, told a woman (don't know who she was), that 'it must have been a pretty picture of you being on your knees' (or something like that).

The argument had been the difference between the Congressman's comments ABOUT Conway, at a dinner, in front of & too who knows how many....without Conway present.


Trumps comments to a guest on his show, that was to her face & she gave him THAT look to shut him up & move on.

no need to pick a fight with me, just scroll back up ^^^ to follow the argument(s) that lead up to that & you'll see what I mean.....

(I think you misunderstood but :itsok:)
You still must be doing the sucking, on the member of "the peemeister".

You quote your way!!!!!!!! I will quote my way, pisses you off you cannot tell someone what too do , doesn't it, little member boy!

1. Learn how to use the 'Quote' Feature

2. Nice Mis-Direction / Justification for why it is OK for Democrats / Richmond to tell sexually degrading / insulting jokes about women and not have to apologize AND for the FAKE NEWS media to tell such hilarious lies in an attempt to cover Democrats' backsides when they F* up this bad.

BTW: He is your president.

Unless you plan on doing us all a favor and moving to Cuba.

You lost.

Suck on it.

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